N-Heterocyclic Carbenes

N - 杂环卡宾
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The bis(azolium) salt [L1-H2 ]Br2 was found to serve as a suitable platform for accessing the heterobimetallic IrIII -M (M=PdII /AuI ) and PdII -IrIII complexes. Initially, selective mono-metalation of [L1-H2 ]Br2 yielded an orthometalated IrIII - or non-orthometalated PdII -complex. Sequential metalation of the mono-IrIII complex resulted in the formation of heterobimetallic IrIII -PdII /AuI complexes. Similarly, a distinct heterobimetallic PdII -IrIII complex was synthesized starting from the mono-PdII complex. Further, the corresponding homobimetallic IrIII -IrIII and PdII -PdII complexes were directly obtained from [L1-H2 ]Br2 . Additionally, monometallic PdII and IrIII analogues were synthesized from [L2-H]Br and [L3-H]Br, respectively. The heterobimetallic IrIII -PdII and PdII -IrIII complexes were then evaluated as catalysts in various one-pot tandem catalytic reactions in which they demonstrated superior activity than the mixtures of both their corresponding homobimetallic IrIII -IrIII /PdII -PdII and monometallic IrIII /PdII counterparts, under the constant concentrations of metal centers. Moreover, while comparing complexes IrIII -PdII and PdII -IrIII , the former exhibits higher activity in all the studied reactions. All these findings suggest the presence of some form of cooperativity between the two metal centers (Ir and Pd) connected by a single ligand framework in IrIII -PdII and PdII -IrIII complex, with IrIII -PdII displaying better cooperativity that has been validated by electrochemical, NMR, and DFT studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We report the first examples of metal-promoted double geminal activation of C(sp3 )-H bonds of the N-CH2 -N moiety in an imidazole-type heterocycle, leading to nickel and palladium N-heterocyclic carbene complexes under mild conditions. Reaction of the new electron-rich diphosphine 1,3-bis((di-tert-butylphosphaneyl)methyl)-2,3-dihydro-1H-benzo[d]imidazole (1) with [PdCl2 (cod)] occurred in a stepwise fashion, first by single C-H bond activation yielding the alkyl pincer complex [PdCl(PC sp 3 H P)] (3) with two trans phosphane donors and a covalent Pd-C sp 3 bond. Activation of the C-H bond of the resulting α-methine C sp 3 H-M group occurred subsequently when 3 was treated with HCl to yield the NHC pincer complex [PdCl(PCNHC P)]Cl (2). Treatment of 1 with [NiBr2 (dme)] also afforded a NHC pincer complex, [NiBr(PCNHC P)]Br (6), but the reactions leading to the double geminal C-H bond activation of the N-CH2 -N group were too fast to allow identification or isolation of an intermediate analogous to 3. The determination of six crystal structures, the isolation of reaction intermediates and DFT calculations provided the basis for suggesting the mechanism of the stepwise transformation of a N-CH2 -N moiety in the N-CNHC -N unit of NHC pincer complexes and explain the key differences observed between the Pd and Ni chemistries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A case study on the effect of the employment of two different NHC ligands in complexes [Ni(NHC)2 ] (NHC=i Pr2 ImMe 1Me , Mes2 Im 2) and their behavior towards alkynes is reported. The reaction of a mixture of [Ni2 (i Pr2 ImMe )4 (μ-(η2  : η2 )-COD)] B/ [Ni(i Pr2 ImMe )2 (η4 -COD)] B\' or [Ni(Mes2 Im)2 ] 2, respectively, with alkynes afforded complexes [Ni(NHC)2 (η2 -alkyne)] (NHC=i Pr2 ImMe : alkyne=MeC≡CMe 3, H7 C3 C≡CC3 H7 4, PhC≡CPh 5, MeOOCC≡CCOOMe 6, Me3 SiC≡CSiMe3 7, PhC≡CMe 8, HC≡CC3 H7 9, HC≡CPh 10, HC≡C(p-Tol) 11, HC≡C(4-t Bu-C6 H4 ) 12, HC≡CCOOMe 13; NHC=Mes2 Im: alkyne=MeC≡CMe 14, MeOOCC≡CCOOMe 15, PhC≡CMe 16, HC≡C(4-t Bu-C6 H4 ) 17, HC≡CCOOMe 18). Unusual rearrangement products 11 a and 12 a were identified for the complexes of the terminal alkynes HC≡C(p-Tol) and HC≡C(4-t Bu-C6 H4 ), 11 and 12, which were formed by addition of a C-H bond of one of the NHC N-i Pr methyl groups to the C≡C triple bond of the coordinated alkyne. Complex 2 catalyzes the cyclotrimerization of 2-butyne, 4-octyne, diphenylacetylene, dimethyl acetylendicarboxylate, 1-pentyne, phenylacetylene and methyl propiolate at ambient conditions, whereas 1Me is not a good catalyst. The reaction of 2 with 2-butyne was monitored in some detail, which led to a mechanistic proposal for the cyclotrimerization at [Ni(NHC)2 ]. DFT calculations reveal that the differences between 1M e and 2 for alkyne cyclotrimerization lie in the energy profile of the initiation steps, which is very shallow for 2, and each step is associated with only a moderate energy change. The higher stability of 3 compared to 14 is attributed to a better electron transfer from the NHC to the metal to the alkyne ligand for the N-alkyl substituted NHC, to enhanced Ni-alkyne backbonding due to a smaller CNHC -Ni-CNHC bite angle, and to less steric repulsion of the smaller NHC i Pr2 ImMe .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neutral N⁻heterocyclic carbene gold(I) compounds such as IMeAuCl are widely used both in homogeneous catalysis and, more recently, in medicinal chemistry as promising antitumor agents. In order to shed light on their reactivity with protein side chains, we have carried out density functional theory (DFT) calculations on the thermodynamics and kinetics of their reactions with water and various nucleophiles as a model of plausible protein binding sites such as arginine, aspartic acid, asparagine, cysteine, glutamic acid, glutamine, histidine, lysine, methionine, selenocysteine, and the N-terminal group. In agreement with recent experimental data, our results suggest that IMeAuCl easily interacts with all considered biological targets before being hydrated-unless sterically prevented-and allows the establishment of an order of thermodynamic stability and of kinetic reactivity for its binding to protein residues.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new mechanism is proposed for the Ni-catalyzed carboxylation of organoboronates with CO2 . DFT investigations at the PBE0-D3 level have shown that direct CO2 addition to the catalysts [Ni(NHC)(Allyl)Cl] (1NHC , NHC=IMe, IPr, SIPr and IPr*) is kinetically disfavored and formation of the Aresta-type intermediate is unlikely to occur. According to the mechanism proposed here, the carboxylation process starts with addition of the borate species to 1NHC , followed by transmetalation, CO2 cycloaddition and carboxylation. The rate-determining step was identified as being the transmetalation process, with computed relative free energy barriers of 34.8, 36.8, and 33.5 kcal mol-1 for 1IPr , 1SIPr and 1IPr* , respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We aim to understand the electronic factors determining the stability and coordination number of d10 transition-metal complexes bearing N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligands, with a particular emphasis on higher coordinated species. In this DFT study on the formation and bonding of Group 9-12 d10 [M(NHC)n ] (n=1-4) complexes, we found that all metals form very stable [M(NHC)2 ] complexes, but further coordination depends on the specific interplay of 1) the interaction energy (ΔEint ) between the [M(NHC)n-1 ] (n=2-4) fragment and the incoming NHC ligand, and 2) the strain energy (ΔEstrain ) associated with bending of the linear NHC-M-NHC arrangement. The key observation is that ΔEstrain , which is an antagonist for higher coordination numbers, can significantly be lowered by M→NHC π*-back-donation. This leads to favorable thermodynamics for n=3-4 for highly electrophilic metals in our study, and thus presents a general design motif to achieve coordination numbers beyond two. The scope of our findings extends beyond the NHC model systems and has wider implications for the synthesis of d10 [MLn ] complexes and their catalytic activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One-electron oxidation of the disilicon(0) compound Si2(Idipp)2 (1, Idipp = 1,3-bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)imidazolin-2-ylidene) with [Fe(C5Me5)2][B(Ar(F))4] (Ar(F) = C6H3-3,5-(CF3)2) affords selectively the green radical salt [Si2(Idipp)2][B(Ar(F))4] (1-[B(Ar(F))4). Oxidation of the centrosymmetric 1 occurs reversibly at a low redox potential (E1/2 = -1.250 V vs. Fc(+)/Fc), and is accompanied by considerable structural changes as shown by single-crystal X-ray structural analysis of 1-B(Ar(F))4. These include a shortening of the Si-Si bond, a widening of the Si-Si-CNHC angles, and a lowering of the symmetry, leading to a quite different conformation of the NHC substituents at the two inequivalent Si sites in 1(+). Comparative quantum chemical calculations of 1 and 1(+) indicate that electron ejection occurs from the symmetric (n+) combination of the Si lone pairs (HOMO). EPR studies of 1-B(Ar(F))4 in frozen solution verified the inequivalency of the two Si sites observed in the solid-state, and point in agreement with the theoretical results to an almost equal distribution of the spin density over the two Si atoms, leading to quite similar (29)Si hyperfine coupling tensors in 1(+). EPR studies of 1-B(Ar(F))4 in liquid solution unraveled a topomerization with a low activation barrier that interconverts the two Si sites in 1(+).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A series of neutral and cationic Rh(III) -hydride and Rh(III) -ethyl complexes bearing a NHC ligand has been synthesized and evaluated as catalyst precursors for H/D exchange of styrene using CD(3)OD as a deuterium source. Various ligands have been examined in order to understand how the stereoelectronic properties can modulate the catalytic activity. Most of these complexes proved to be very active and selective in the vinylic H/D exchange, without deuteration at the aromatic positions, displaying very high selectivity toward the β-positions. In particular, the cationic complex [RhClH(CH(3)CN)(3)(IPr)]CF(3)SO(3) showed excellent catalytic activity, reaching the maximum attainable degree of β-vinylic deuteration in only 20 min. By modulation of the catalyst structure, we obtained improved α/β selectivity. Thus, the catalyst [RhClH(κ(2)-O,N-C(9)H(6)NO)(SIPr)], bearing an 8-quinolinolate ligand and a bulky and strongly electron-donating SIPr as the NHC, showed total selectivity for the β-vinylic positions. This systematic study has shown that increased electron density and steric demand at the metal center can improve both the catalytic activity and selectivity. Complexes bearing ligands with very high steric hindrance, however, proved to be inactive.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The activation behavior of two N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs), namely, 1,3-bis(isopropyl)imidazol-2-ylidene(NHCiPr) and 1,3-bis(tert-butyl) imidazol-2-ylidene (NHCtBu), as organic nucleophiles in the reaction with methyl methacrylate (MMA) is described. NHCtBu allows the polymerization of MMA in DMF at room temperature and in toluene at 50 °C, whereas NHCiPr reacts with two molecules of MMA, forming an unprecedented imidazolium-enolate cyclodimer (NHCiPr/MMA=1:2). It is proposed that the reaction mechanism occurs by initial 1,4-nucleophilic addition of NHCiPr to MMA, generating a zwitterionic enolate 2, followed by addition of 2 to a second MMA molecule, forming a linear imidazolium-enolate 3 (NHCiPr/MMA=1:2). Proton transfer, generating intermediate 5, followed by cyclization and release of methanol yielded the aforementioned zwitterionic cyclodimer 1:2 adduct 7, the molecular structure of which has been established by NMR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and mass spectrometry. This unexpected difference between NHCtBu and NHCiPr in the reaction with MMA (polymerization and cyclodimerization, respectively) can be rationalized by using DFT calculations. In particular, the nature of the NHC strongly influences the cyclodimerization pathway, the cyclization of 5 and the release of methanol are the discriminating step and limiting step, respectively. In the case of NHCtBu, both steps are strongly disfavoured compared with that of NHCiPr (energetic difference of around 14 and 9 kcal mol(-1), respectively), preventing the cyclization mechanism from a kinetic viewpoint. Moreover, addition of a third molecule of MMA in the polymerization pathway results in a lower activation barrier than that of the limiting step in the cyclodimerization pathway (difference of around 14 kcal mol(-1)), in agreement with the formation of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) by using NHCtBu as nucleophile.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Growing attention in developing new N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC)-mediated reactions involving homoenolate intermediates has prompted our interest in exploring the mechanistic details of the related reactions. In this work, we carried out a detailed theoretical study for the NHC-catalyzed annulation reaction of cinnamaldehyde (A) and benzodi(enone) (B) in the presence of 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene (DBU). By performing density functional theory calculations, we show clearly the detailed reaction mechanism and rationalize the experimental observation. The reaction of A and B falls into two stages: the formation of homoenolate intermediate and the annulation of homoenolate with B. In the homoenolate formation stage, three possible paths are characterized. The pathway involving the DBU-assisted 1,2-proton transfer with a stepwise mechanism is kinetically more favorable, and the DBU-assisted C1 proton departure is the rate-determining step of the total reaction. The annulation of homoenolate with B involves four elementary steps. The conformational difference of homoenolate (cis and trans) leads to two slightly different reaction processes. In the total reaction, the process involving cis-conformation of A is kinetically more feasible. This can be clearly understood through the frontier molecular orbital analysis and the electronic inductive effect. The calculated results are expected to offer valuable information for further design and development of NHC-mediated reactions.





