Movement Disorders

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Infection-related movement disorders (IRMD) present a complex diagnostic challenge due to the broad phenotypic spectrum, the variety of possible infectious aetiologies, and the complicated underlying mechanisms. Yet, a comprehensive framework for classifying IRMD is lacking.
    METHODS: An international consensus panel under the directives of the Movement Disorders Society Infection-Related Movement Disorders Study Group developed a comprehensive definition and a consensus classification system. Case scenarios were used for validation.
    RESULTS: A definition for IRMD and a two-axis-based classification system consisting of six descriptors are proposed, intended as tools for researchers and clinicians. Collected information on clinical characteristics, investigational findings, the infectious organism and presumed pathogenesis facilitate the evaluation of diagnostic certainty.
    CONCLUSIONS: The proposed framework will serve for optimised diagnostic algorithms, systematic aggregation of informative datasets across studies, and ultimately improved care and outcome of patients with IRMDs.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    BACKGROUND: Motor/nonmotor symptomatology and antiparkinsonian drugs deteriorate the driving ability of Parkinson\'s disease (PD) patients.
    OBJECTIVE: Treating neurologists are frequently asked to evaluate driving fitness of their patients and provide evidence-based consultation. Although several guidelines have been published, the exact procedure along with the neurologist\'s role in this procedure remains obscure.
    METHODS: We systematically reviewed the existing guidelines, regarding driving fitness evaluation of PD patients. We searched MEDLINE and Google Scholar and identified 109 articles. After specified inclusion criteria were applied, 15 articles were included (nine national guidelines, five recommendation papers, and one consensus statement).
    RESULTS: The treating physician is proposed as the initial evaluator in 8 of 15 articles (neurologist in 2 articles) and may refer patients for a second-line evaluation. The evaluation should include motor, cognitive, and visual assessment (proposed in 15, 13, and 8 articles, respectively). Specific motor tests are proposed in eight articles (cutoff values in four), whereas specific neuropsychological and visual tests are proposed in seven articles each (cutoff values in four and three articles, respectively). Conditional licenses are proposed in 11 of 15 articles, to facilitate driving for PD patients. We summarized our findings on a graphic of the procedure for driving fitness evaluation of PD patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: Neurological aspects of driving fitness evaluation of PD patients are recognized in most of the guidelines. Motor, neuropsychological, visual, and sleep assessment and medication review are key components. Clear-cut instructions regarding motor, neuropsychological, and visual tests and relative cutoff values are lacking. Conditional licenses and periodical reevaluation of driving fitness are important safety measures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Idiopathic toe walking (ITW) is an exclusionary diagnosis given when children toe walk without a medical reason. Treatment effectiveness studies rarely collect data other than ankle range of motion or presence of toe walking.
    To develop a set of outcome measures identified by health professionals for use when providing treatment with children who have ITW, to understand if parents agreed with this set, and if parents believed they could perform these measures in clinician absence.
    Study 1 developed consensus and agreement on outcome measures for children receiving treatment for ITW through the modified Delphi technique with 10 expert health professionals. Parents of children who toe walked were invited to participate in an online survey for the second study, in which they were asked to rate the importance of these measures and if they believed they may be able to collect the data about their child without the health professional being present.
    Ten health professionals developed nine questions and assessments through consensus and agreement over the three rounds. There were 34 parents providing information about satisfaction with toe walking assessments and treatments. Of these, 27 provide detailed responses about the outcome questions and assessments. The majority (91 % of 24 parents) in support of the outcome measures identified by experts. Parents expressed a willingness to self-complete questions or be taught assessments to monitor their child\'s progress.
    Use of these clinically based measures may enable consistent data collection regardless of the setting and provide the foundation for large data pooling in future treatment research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Abnormal movements are intrinsic to some forms of endogenous psychoses. Spontaneous dyskinesias are observed in drug-naïve first-episode patients and at-risk subjects. However, recent descriptions of spontaneous dyskinesias may actually represent the rediscovery of a more complex phenomenon, \'parakinesia\' which was described and documented in extensive cinematographic recordings and long-term observations by German and French neuropsychiatrists decades before the introduction of antipsychotics. With the emergence of drug induced movement disorders, the description of parakinesia has been refined to emphasize the features enabling differential diagnosis with tardive dyskinesia. Unfortunately, parakinesia was largely neglected by mainstream psychiatry to the point of being almost absent from the English-language literature. With the renewed interest in motor phenomena intrinsic to SSD, it was timely not only to raise awareness of parakinesia, but also to propose a scientifically usable definition for this phenomenon. Therefore, we conducted a Delphi consensus exercise with clinicians familiar with the concept of parakinesia. The original concept was separated into hyperkinetic parakinesia (HPk) as dyskinetic-like expressive movements and parakinetic psychomotricity (PPM), i.e., patient\'s departing from the patient\'s normal motion style. HPk prevails on the upper part of the face and body, resembling expressive and reactive gestures that not only occur inappropriately but also appear distorted. Abnormal movements vary in intensity depending on the level of psychomotor arousal and are thus abated by antipsychotics. HPk frequently co-occurs with PPM, in which gestures and mimics lose their naturalness and become awkward, disharmonious, stiff, mannered, and bizarre. Patients are never spontaneously aware of HPk or PPM, and the movements are never experienced as self-dystonic or self-alien. HPk and PPM are highly specific to endogenous psychoses, in which they are acquired and progressive, giving them prognostic value. Their differential diagnoses and correspondences with current international concepts are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present procedural guidelines summarize the current views of the EANM Neuro-Imaging Committee (NIC). The purpose of these guidelines is to assist nuclear medicine practitioners in making recommendations, performing, interpreting, and reporting results of [18F]FDG-PET imaging of the brain. The aim is to help achieve a high-quality standard of [18F]FDG brain imaging and to further increase the diagnostic impact of this technique in neurological, neurosurgical, and psychiatric practice. The present document replaces a former version of the guidelines that have been published in 2009. These new guidelines include an update in the light of advances in PET technology such as the introduction of digital PET and hybrid PET/MR systems, advances in individual PET semiquantitative analysis, and current broadening clinical indications (e.g., for encephalitis and brain lymphoma). Further insight has also become available about hyperglycemia effects in patients who undergo brain [18F]FDG-PET. Accordingly, the patient preparation procedure has been updated. Finally, most typical brain patterns of metabolic changes are summarized for neurodegenerative diseases. The present guidelines are specifically intended to present information related to the European practice. The information provided should be taken in the context of local conditions and regulations.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Background: Magnetic resonance-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound (MRgHiFUS) has evolved into a viable ablative treatment option for functional neurosurgery. However, it is not clear yet, how this new technology should be integrated into current and established clinical practice and a consensus should be found about recommended indications, stereotactic targets, patient selection, and outcome measurements. Objective: To sum up and unify current knowledge and clinical experience of Swiss neurological and neurosurgical communities regarding MRgHiFUS interventions for brain disorders to be published as a national consensus paper. Methods: Eighteen experienced neurosurgeons and neurologists practicing in Switzerland in the field of movement disorders and one health physicist representing 15 departments of 12 Swiss clinical centers and 5 medical societies participated in the workshop and contributed to the consensus paper. All experts have experience with current treatment modalities or with MRgHiFUS. They were invited to participate in two workshops and consensus meetings and one online meeting. As part of workshop preparations, a thorough literature review was undertaken and distributed among participants together with a list of relevant discussion topics. Special emphasis was put on current experience and practice, and areas of controversy regarding clinical application of MRgHiFUS for functional neurosurgery. Results: The recommendations addressed lesioning for treatment of brain disorders in general, and with respect to MRgHiFUS indications, stereotactic targets, treatment alternatives, patient selection and management, standardization of reporting and follow-up, and initialization of a national registry for interventional therapies of movement disorders. Good clinical evidence is presently only available for unilateral thalamic lesioning in treating essential tremor or tremor-dominant Parkinson\'s disease and, to a minor extent, for unilateral subthalamotomy for Parkinson\'s disease motor features. However, the workgroup unequivocally recommends further exploration and adaptation of MRgHiFUS-based functional lesioning interventions and confirms the need for outcome-based evaluation of these approaches based on a unified registry. MRgHiFUS and DBS should be evaluated by experts familiar with both methods, as they are mutually complementing therapy options to be appreciated for their distinct advantages and potential. Conclusion: This multidisciplinary consensus paper is a representative current recommendation for safe implementation and standardized practice of MRgHiFUS treatments for functional neurosurgery in Switzerland.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an effective treatment for motor disturbance in people with primary dystonia (PWD). Numerous factors are considered by an interdisciplinary consensus conference before deciding candidacy for DBS surgery (e.g., demographic, medical, cognitive, and behavioral factors). However, little is known about which of these factors are associated with PWD DBS surgery consensus conference decisions.
    Our goal was to examine whether pre-operative demographic, medical, and cognitive/behavioral variables are associated DBS consensus conference decisions in patients with dystonia.
    Thirty-two PWD completed comprehensive presurgery workup included neurological and neuropsychological exams, and neuroimaging in consideration for DBS surgery. An interdisciplinary conference committee either recommended or did not recommend DBS surgery based upon these data. Demographic and medical data (e.g., dystonia disease characteristics, medical comorbidities, medications) were also collected. We also examined impact from cardiovascular disease factors, using a Revised Cardiac Risk Index. PWD were grouped based on DBS conference decision (eligible: n = 21, ineligible: n = 11) and compared across demographic, medical, and cognitive/behavioral variables.
    Across clinical variables, PWD who were deemed ineligible for DBS surgery had a higher Revised Cardiac Risk Index. PWD who were classified as ineligible displayed lower global cognitive functioning, working memory, phonemic fluency, memory retrieval, and cognitive flexibility.
    Consensus decision making regarding DBS surgery eligibility involves a multifactorial process. We found that deficits in executive functioning were associated with the DBS consensus committee decision. We also observed elevated cardiac risk among these individuals, likely reflecting the relation between vascular health and cognition. Implications, and clinical and scientific applications of these findings are discussed.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over the last three decades, movement disorder as well as sensorimotor and psychomotor functioning in schizophrenia (SZ) and other psychoses has gained greater scientific and clinical relevance as an intrinsic component of the disease process of psychotic illness; this extends to early psychosis prediction, early detection of motor side effects of antipsychotic medication, clinical outcome monitoring, treatment of psychomotor syndromes (e.g. catatonia), and identification of new targets for non-invasive brain stimulation. In 2017, a systematic cooperation between working groups interested in movement disorder and sensorimotor/psychomotor functioning in psychoses was initiated across European universities. As a first step, the members of this group would like to introduce and define the theoretical aspects of the sensorimotor domain in SZ and other psychoses. This consensus paper is based on a synthesis of scientific evidence, good clinical practice and expert opinions that were discussed during recent conferences hosted by national and international psychiatric associations. While reviewing and discussing the recent theoretical and experimental work on neural mechanisms and clinical implications of sensorimotor behavior, we here seek to define the key principles and elements of research on movement disorder and sensorimotor/psychomotor functioning in psychotic illness. Finally, the members of this European group anticipate that this consensus paper will stimulate further multimodal and prospective studies on hypo- and hyperkinetic movement disorders and sensorimotor/psychomotor functioning in SZ and other psychotic disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the regional needs and available healthcare resources to treat Parkinson\'s disease (PD) is essential to plan appropriate future priorities. The International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (MDS) Task Force for the Middle East was established to raise awareness and promote education across the region on PD and other movement disorders. Broadly, the task force encompasses the countries of the Middle East but has included North Africa and South Asia as well (MENASA).
    To create a list of needs and priorities in the advancement of PD in MENASA countries based on consensuses generated by the MDS task force for the Middle East.
    A Strengths Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) analysis was conducted by the task force members to generate consensus about PD care this region.
    Eight overarching principles emerged for the consensus statement on current needs: more movement disorders specialists, multidisciplinary care, accurate epidemiologic data, educational programs, availability of drugs, and availability of more advanced therapy, enhanced health care resources and infrastructure, and greater levels of awareness within the general population and among health care professionals.
    This pilot study sheds light on unmet needs for providing care to people with PD in the MENASA region. These data offer directions on priorities to increase awareness of PD, to develop better infrastructure for research and management of PD, to foster healthcare policy discussions for PD and to provide educational opportunities within these countries.







  • 文章类型: Letter





