Monitoring, Immunologic

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this case study, phage therapy was applied to treat a multidrug-resistant case of septicemic cutaneous ulcerative disease (SCUD) caused by Citrobacter freundii in a loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta. Phages were applied topically, intravenously, into the carapace, and into the exhibit water using various phage cocktails specific to the causative agent over an 8-month period. This was performed in conjunction with antimicrobial therapy. The animal was monitored through weekly cultures, photographs, and complete blood cell counts, as well as immune assays (phagocytosis, plasma lysozyme and superoxide dismutase activity, and plasma electrophoresis profiles). The animal, in comparison to an untreated, unaffected control, had elevated antibody titers to the administered phages, which persisted for at least 35 weeks. Although cultures were clear of C. freundii after phage treatment, the infection did return over time and immune assays confirmed deficiencies when compared to a healthy loggerhead sea turtle. Immune parameters with statistically significant changes over the study period included the following: decreased phagocytosis, increased alpha- and gamma-globulin protein components, and an increased albumin : globulin ratio. When C. freundii appeared again, the multidrug-resistant status had reverted back to normal susceptibility patterns. Although not completely known whether it was another subspecies of bacteria, the therapy did resolve the multidrug-resistant challenge. Phage therapy in combination with antimicrobial agents may be an effective treatment for sea turtles with normally functioning immune systems or less-severe infections. Additional research is needed to better understand and quantify sea turtle immunology.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Differential diagnosis between Polyoma virus associated-nephropathy (PVAN) and T-cell mediated rejection (TCMR) might be challenging, as respective treatment approaches are totally opposite. Here we report the illustrative case of a kidney transplant recipient with PVAN who developed a persistent acute TCMR after full abrogation of viral infection through immunosuppression modulation. By simultaneous functional immune monitoring of BKV and donor-specific T-cell responses using IFN-γELISPOT assay, we retrospectively demonstrated the predominant effector mechanisms responsible of allograft injury and thus, potential guidance for treatment decision-making. Furthermore, the evidence of an efficient T-cell alloimmunity abrogation accompanied by a sustained anti-viral response after sirolimus addition, promotes the potential benefit of converting patients to an mTOR-based immunosuppression in case of PVAN.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Successful pregnancy outcomes after in vitro fertilization in kidney transplant recipients have been reported, but few cases of successful pregnancy after ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation have been described. Herein, we report on a successful pregnancy after in vitro fertilization in an ABO-incompatible kidney transplant recipient with rituximab, focusing on the changes in immunity.
    A 35-year-old woman with end-stage kidney disease caused by IgA nephropathy was referred for kidney transplantation and successfully underwent an ABO-incompatible living-donor kidney transplant using rituximab from her 66-year-old father at the age of 36. Because she and her husband desired childbearing, they received fertility treatments, and embryo cryopreservation was performed before transplantation. Two years after the transplant, she desired pregnancy. Although immunoglobulin levels such as IgG, IgA and IgM had recovered to almost normal range, the peripheral CD19+ cells and CD20+ cells remained depleted. At 6 months after conversion from mycophenolate mofetil to azathioprine, frozen embryo transfer was performed during the hormone replacement cycle. At 37 weeks and 4 days gestation, a healthy baby girl weighing 2220 g was delivered by cesarean section for arrest of labor. There were no complications in both the recipient and her baby during the perinatal period. At 5 years after the transplant, the recipient has had no major complications including rejection or infection.
    It is possible for women receiving ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation with rituximab to successfully become pregnant and deliver a heathy baby after in vitro fertilization, if IgG levels recover to normal range despite depleted peripheral blood B cells.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The search continues for pathogenetically effective measures in autoimmune processes for a number of complications of type 1 diabetes mellitus, in particular, diabetic retinopathy. However, there are few studies of the prognostic and therapeutic values of the systemic autoimmune response in this pathology after transplant of autologous mesenchymal stem cells. Here, we present a 40-year-old patient with complications of type 1 diabetes mellitus (diabetic retinopathy) after mesenchymal stem cell transplant. Based on peripheral blood results, we were able to calculate integral hematologic parameters, allowing us to indirectly assess the patient\'s immune system after autologous mesenchymal stem cell transplant. One month after autologous mesenchymal stem cell transplant, we observed a positive immune response, with a 40% decrease in leukocyte intoxication index and a 22% increase from the initial lymphocyte and eosinophil ratio index values, which indicated the formation of a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction. Two months after transplant, stem cell leukocyte intoxication index, in contrast, increased by 10%, indicating a possible metabolic shift. At the same time, changes were observed in the lymphocyte stimulation index value, which increased by 11%. This observation indicated negative immunologic reactivity, namely, poor function of factors of nonspecific resistance due to autointoxication of the organism. However, 3 months after transplant, the hematologic parameters of this patient returned to levels before treatment. The use of integral hematologic parameters can indirectly interpret parallels between immunologic reactivity and metabolic disorders in type 1 diabetes mellitus complications (diabetic retinopathy) after autologous mesenchymal stem cell transplant. These parameters could become a diagnostic indicator in the correction of pathogenetic therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer vaccines can effectively establish clinically relevant tumor immunity. Novel sequencing approaches rapidly identify the mutational fingerprint of tumors, thus allowing to generate personalized tumor vaccines within a few weeks from diagnosis. Here, we report the case of a 62-year-old patient receiving a four-peptide-vaccine targeting the two sole mutations of his pancreatic tumor, identified via exome sequencing.
    Vaccination started during chemotherapy in second complete remission and continued monthly thereafter. We tracked IFN-γ+ T cell responses against vaccine peptides in peripheral blood after 12, 17 and 34 vaccinations by analyzing T-cell receptor (TCR) repertoire diversity and epitope-binding regions of peptide-reactive T-cell lines and clones. By restricting analysis to sorted IFN-γ-producing T cells we could assure epitope-specificity, functionality, and TH1 polarization.
    A peptide-specific T-cell response against three of the four vaccine peptides could be detected sequentially. Molecular TCR analysis revealed a broad vaccine-reactive TCR repertoire with clones of discernible specificity. Four identical or convergent TCR sequences could be identified at more than one time-point, indicating timely persistence of vaccine-reactive T cells. One dominant TCR expressing a dual TCRVα chain could be found in three T-cell clones. The observed T-cell responses possibly contributed to clinical outcome: The patient is alive 6 years after initial diagnosis and in complete remission for 4 years now.
    Therapeutic vaccination with a neoantigen-derived four-peptide vaccine resulted in a diverse and long-lasting immune response against these targets which was associated with prolonged clinical remission. These data warrant confirmation in a larger proof-of concept clinical trial.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The effects of two protocols (density gradient versus hypotonic lysis) used for leukocyte isolation from three major lymphoid tissue of fish (head-kidney, spleen and blood) were examined on some cell functional activities (tissue leucocytes distributions, phagocytosis, basal and burst oxidative activities) classically used to estimate the fish immune status. Experiments were conducted on roach (Rutilus rutilus), a cyprinid fish model often studied in different eco-physiological contexts (aquaculture, ecotoxicology …). All of immune endpoints were assessed either immediately after cell isolation or after a 12 h of incubation in order to observe if a post-isolation incubation may influence the leukocytes activities. Compared to the density gradient, hypotonic lysis is associated with granulocytes enrichments of cell suspensions. This is particularly true for leukocyte suspensions isolated from head kidney where granulocytes are naturally abundant. However, important variabilities in leukocyte distributions were observed in head kidney and spleen cells samples obtained by the use of hypotonic lysis for two incubation conditions used (no incubation or 12 h of incubation at 4 °C). The density gradient protocol leads to a transitory increase in basal ROS production in spleen lymphocytes and macrophages The blood leukocytes isolated by this same method exhibit high basal oxidative activities after 12 h of incubation at 4 °C and for the three leukocyte types (lymphocytes, monocytes and granulocytes). The hypotonic lysis is associated with an increase in PMA-induced ROS production especially in head kidney leukocytes. The increases in cell oxidative activities are consistent with increases in granulocyte proportions observed in leukocyte suspensions obtained by hypotonic lysis. Finally, the two protocols have no effect on leukocyte mortality and phagocytic activity. Within limits of our experimental conditions, the spleen is the organ whose leukocyte oxidative activities (stimulated or not) are only slightly influenced by the methods used for leukocyte isolation. This is also the case for the anterior kidney, but for this tissue, it is necessary to incubate the isolated cells for 12 h at 4 °C before functional analyses. Each of the two methodologies used has advantages and disadvantages. The hypotonic lysis allows to isolate a greater variety of leukocytes types whereas the density gradient used ensures a better stability of cells distributions over time. However, for the same fish species and for the same tissue, the method used to isolate leukocytes influences results and must be taken into consideration during acquired data analysis for evaluation of fish immune status.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: We report a case of acute rejection of a liver graft, together with the occurrence of de novo donor-specific antibodies (DSAs), in a 53-year-old Japanese man who had undergone deceased-donor liver transplantation.
    METHODS: The graft rejection was triggered by low cyclosporine levels and pegylated interferon treatment for the recurrence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection 18 months after transplantation. Although the graft was ABO-compatible, pre-formed DSA B51 was detected; therefore, total plasma exchange was performed and intravenous rituximab (500 mg/body) was administered before transplantation.
    RESULTS: DSA was absent 6 months after transplantation. HCV recurrence was treated with pegylated interferon-α-2a. Renal function deteriorated with this anti-HCV therapy, with serum cyclosporine levels decreasing to 50 ng/mL. A rapid virologic response was achieved, but liver function deteriorated after 3 months of anti-HCV therapy, with histologic evidence of acute cellular rejection and formation of de novo DSAs. Anti-thymocyte globulin was administered for 5 days, which led to immediate improvement in liver function. However, renal function declined, warranting hemodialysis. The patient recovered 2 months after acute rejection, although de novo DSAs persisted.
    CONCLUSIONS: Careful immunologic monitoring may be required for patients receiving interferon therapy for HCV infection to maintain sufficient blood levels of immunosuppressive agents and to prevent acute liver graft rejection.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    With the enormous and growing interest in the clinical application of immunotherapy, we are currently facing the need to accurately monitor the immune function of cancer patients. Here, we describe changes in the immune status of a patient with metastatic type-2-papillary renal cell carcinoma, before and after surgery and subsequent immunotherapy with a dendritic cell-tumor cell hybrid vaccine. Through the accurate assessment of monocyte-derived dendritic cells (Mo-DCs) function, we show that Mo-DCs were freed from tumor-induced maturation blockage by tumor resection surgery, while Mo-DCs-tumor induced suppression and anergy were only interrupted by the vaccination treatment. Our data suggest that the evaluation of Mo-DCs\' function may provide a powerful and precise tool to monitor immune restoration in cancer patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of the study was to investigate the clinical features of systemic lupus erythematous (SLE) complicated with Evans syndrome (ES). We conducted a retrospective case-control study to compare the clinical and laboratory features of age- and gender-matched lupus patients with and without ES in 1:3 ratios. In 5724 hospitalized SLE patients, we identified 27 (0.47%, 22 women and 5 men, average age 34.2 years) SLE patients complicated with ES. Fifteen patients (55.6%) presented with hematologic abnormalities initially, including 6 (22.2%) cases of isolated ITP, 4 (14.8%) cases of isolated AIHA, and 5 (18.5%) cases of classical ES. The median intervals between hematological presentations the diagnosis of SLE was 36 months (range 0-252). ES developed after the SLE diagnosis in 4 patients (14.8%), and concomitantly with SLE diagnosis in 8 patients (29.6%). Systemic involvements are frequently observed in SLE patients with ES, including fever (55.6%), serositis (51.9%), hair loss (40.7%), lupus nephritis (37%), Raynaud phenomenon (33.3%), neuropsychiatric (33.3%) and pulmonary involvement (25.9%), and photosensitivity (25.9%). The incidence of photosensitivity, hypocomplementemia, elevated serum IgG level, and lupus nephritis in patients with ES or without ES was 25.9% vs 6.2% (P = 0.007), 88.9% vs 67.1% (P = 0.029), 48.1% vs 24.4% (P = 0.021), and 37% vs 64.2% (P = 0.013), respectively. Twenty-five (92.6%) patients achieved improvement following treatment of glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants as well as splenectomy, whereas 6 patients experienced the relapse and 1 patient died from renal failure during the follow-up. ES is a relatively rare complication of SLE. Photosensitivity, hypocomplementemia, and elevated serum IgG level were frequently observed in ES patients, but lupus nephritis was less observed. More than half of patients presented with hematological manifestation at onset, and progress to typical lupus over months to years. Therefore, monitoring with antoantibodies profile as well as nonhematological presentations are necessary for patients with ITP and (or) AIHA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Advanced human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, despite sustained viral suppression by highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), is a risk factor for poor immunologic recovery. However, some patients with advanced infection do show immunologic recovery. In this study, predictive factors of immunologic recovery were analyzed in advanced HIV patients showing sustained viral suppression.
    METHODS: A case-control study was conducted in HIV-infected adult patients with HIV-1 RNA < 50 copies/mL maintained for 4 years or longer and who were receiving HAART. Advanced HIV infection was defined as a baseline CD4 T cell count < 200/mm(3). Immunologic responders were defined as patients showing immunologic recovery (CD4 T cell counts ≥ 500/mm(3) at 4 years with HAART). To analyze the CD4 T cell kinetics, the CD4 slope (monthly changes in the CD4 T cell count) was estimated for each patient using a linear regression between the CD4 T cell count and the time since HAART initiation.
    RESULTS: Of 102 eligible patients, 73 had advanced HIV, and 33 (45.2%) showed immunologic recovery. The median CD4 slopes (cells/mm(3) per month) during 0 to 6 and 0 to 12 months of HAART in the 73 advanced patients were significantly higher in responders than in non-responders (0 to 6 months, 38.6 vs. 22.8; 0 to 12 months, 24.5 vs. 13.5). Multivariate analyses showed opportunistic infections at the start of HAART (adjusted odds ratio [OR], 0.28) and a CD4 slope ≥ 20 during 0 to 12 months of HAART (adjusted OR, 10.10) were independently associated with immunologic recovery.
    CONCLUSIONS: The CD4 slope can be an early predictor of long-term immunologic recovery in advanced HIV patients.





