Molluscum Contagiosum

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This guideline offers recommendations on diagnosis, treatment regimens and health promotion principles needed for the effective management of genital molluscum, including management of the initial presentation and recurrences. The Primary focus of the guideline is on infection which affects the genital area and has a sexual mode of transmission. This is an update to the guideline previously published in this journal in 2014.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Molluscum contagiosum is a benign viral epidermal infection associated with high risk of transmission. The guideline is focused on the sexually transmitted molluscum contagiosum. The diagnosis is clinical with characteristic individual lesions, termed \'mollusca\', seen as dome-shaped, smooth-surfaced, pearly, firm, skin-coloured, pink, yellow or white papules, 2 - 5 mm in diameter with central umbilication. Dermoscopy may facilitate diagnosis. Therapeutic options are numerous, including physical treatments (cautery, curettage and cryotherapy), topical chemical treatments (e.g. podophyllotoxin and imiquimod) or waiting for spontaneous resolution in immunocompetent patients. In pregnancy, it is safe to use physical procedures (e.g. cryotherapy). Immunosuppressed patients develop severe and recalcitrant molluscum lesions that may require treatment with cidofovir, imiquimod or interferon. Patients with molluscum contagiosum infection should be offered to be screened for other sexually transmitted infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Periodontal health is defined by absence of clinically detectable inflammation. There is a biological level of immune surveillance that is consistent with clinical gingival health and homeostasis. Clinical gingival health may be found in a periodontium that is intact, i.e. without clinical attachment loss or bone loss, and on a reduced periodontium in either a non-periodontitis patient (e.g. in patients with some form of gingival recession or following crown lengthening surgery) or in a patient with a history of periodontitis who is currently periodontally stable. Clinical gingival health can be restored following treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis. However, the treated and stable periodontitis patient with current gingival health remains at increased risk of recurrent periodontitis, and accordingly, must be closely monitored. Two broad categories of gingival diseases include non-dental plaque biofilm-induced gingival diseases and dental plaque-induced gingivitis. Non-dental plaque biofilm-induced gingival diseases include a variety of conditions that are not caused by plaque and usually do not resolve following plaque removal. Such lesions may be manifestations of a systemic condition or may be localized to the oral cavity. Dental plaque-induced gingivitis has a variety of clinical signs and symptoms, and both local predisposing factors and systemic modifying factors can affect its extent, severity, and progression. Dental plaque-induced gingivitis may arise on an intact periodontium or on a reduced periodontium in either a non-periodontitis patient or in a currently stable \"periodontitis patient\" i.e. successfully treated, in whom clinical inflammation has been eliminated (or substantially reduced). A periodontitis patient with gingival inflammation remains a periodontitis patient (Figure 1), and comprehensive risk assessment and management are imperative to ensure early prevention and/or treatment of recurrent/progressive periodontitis. Precision dental medicine defines a patient-centered approach to care, and therefore, creates differences in the way in which a \"case\" of gingival health or gingivitis is defined for clinical practice as opposed to epidemiologically in population prevalence surveys. Thus, case definitions of gingival health and gingivitis are presented for both purposes. While gingival health and gingivitis have many clinical features, case definitions are primarily predicated on presence or absence of bleeding on probing. Here we classify gingival health and gingival diseases/conditions, along with a summary table of diagnostic features for defining health and gingivitis in various clinical situations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Periodontal health is defined by absence of clinically detectable inflammation. There is a biological level of immune surveillance that is consistent with clinical gingival health and homeostasis. Clinical gingival health may be found in a periodontium that is intact, i.e. without clinical attachment loss or bone loss, and on a reduced periodontium in either a non-periodontitis patient (e.g. in patients with some form of gingival recession or following crown lengthening surgery) or in a patient with a history of periodontitis who is currently periodontally stable. Clinical gingival health can be restored following treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis. However, the treated and stable periodontitis patient with current gingival health remains at increased risk of recurrent periodontitis, and accordingly, must be closely monitored. Two broad categories of gingival diseases include non-dental plaque biofilm-induced gingival diseases and dental plaque-induced gingivitis. Non-dental plaque biofilm-induced gingival diseases include a variety of conditions that are not caused by plaque and usually do not resolve following plaque removal. Such lesions may be manifestations of a systemic condition or may be localized to the oral cavity. Dental plaque-induced gingivitis has a variety of clinical signs and symptoms, and both local predisposing factors and systemic modifying factors can affect its extent, severity, and progression. Dental plaque-induced gingivitis may arise on an intact periodontium or on a reduced periodontium in either a non-periodontitis patient or in a currently stable \"periodontitis patient\" i.e. successfully treated, in whom clinical inflammation has been eliminated (or substantially reduced). A periodontitis patient with gingival inflammation remains a periodontitis patient (Figure 1), and comprehensive risk assessment and management are imperative to ensure early prevention and/or treatment of recurrent/progressive periodontitis. Precision dental medicine defines a patient-centered approach to care, and therefore, creates differences in the way in which a \"case\" of gingival health or gingivitis is defined for clinical practice as opposed to epidemiologically in population prevalence surveys. Thus, case definitions of gingival health and gingivitis are presented for both purposes. While gingival health and gingivitis have many clinical features, case definitions are primarily predicated on presence or absence of bleeding on probing. Here we classify gingival health and gingival diseases/conditions, along with a summary table of diagnostic features for defining health and gingivitis in various clinical situations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Pediatric skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) constitute a significant number of office-based pediatric visits. With SSTIs on the rise, it is not only important to effectively treat the individual, but to do so appropriately and cost-consciously. In this article, we highlight new research related to the treatment of bacterial skin infections, molluscum contagiosum, and cutaneous warts, with the goal of guiding pediatricians in their practice against these common skin conditions.
    RESULTS: Recent data supports the use of topical antibiotics for noncomplicated impetigo. Systemic antibiotics covering gram-positive cocci are recommended for complicated cases of impetigo and deeper nonpurulent SSTIs. Localized purulent bacterial SSTIs can be treated with incision and drainage alone but more systemic involvement warrants treatment with systemic antibiotics covering Staphylococcus aureus species, especially community acquired methicillin-resistant S. aureus. For the treatment of molluscum contagiosum, topical cantharidin has a high satisfaction rate among patients and providers. Potassium hydroxide solution is a potentially effective and cheap form of molluscum contagiosum treatment. Imiquimod, however, has an unfavorable efficacy and safety profile as a therapy for molluscum contagiosum. Regarding warts, high-risk human papilloma virus strains have been detected in cutaneous warts in children.
    CONCLUSIONS: The high-risk human papilloma virus vaccine may play a role in treating pediatric cutaneous warts in the future, and topical squaric acid dibutylester may effectively treat recalcitrant warts. Finally, both molluscum contagiosum and warts have a high rate of resolution after an extended period of time without any intervention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Guideline





