Molecular biology

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective: The Cancer Genome Atlas research program (TCGA) developed the molecular classification for endometrial cancer with prognostic and therapeutic utility, which was replaced by the ProMisE (Proactive Molecular Risk Classifier for Endometrial Cancer) classification by consensus and international guidelines due to its high cost. This article aims to present national recommendations from an expert consensus that allows unification and implementation of the molecular classification for women with endometrial cancer nationwide, with a rational use of resources and technology. Methods: Consensus of 36 experts in clinical oncology, oncological gynecology, pathology, and genetics, with clinical practice in the national territory. The leader group performed a literature review and structuring of questions rated 1 to 9 points. A modified nominal group technique was used. There was a face-to-face meeting with master presentations, deliberative dialogue, and Google Forms (Google LLC, Mountain View, CA, USA) questionnaire voting with analysis and discussion of responses. The non-consensual responses led to a second round of voting. The final manuscript was finally prepared and revised. Results: Seven recommendations were formulated integrating the panelist responses based on evidence, but adjusted to the Colombian context and reality. Recommendation 1. The molecular classification is recommended in all the endometrial cancers using the immunohistochemistry markers as subrogated results from the molecular profile initially proposed in the TCGA classification. Recommendation 2. The sequential test strategy is recommended, starting with the immunohistochemistry markers (p53, MLH1, MSH 2, MSH6, PMS2) simultaneously in all the patients, defining to request POLE (DNA polymerase epsilon) (if available) according to the risk classification based on the surgical piece. Recommendation 3. It is recommended, that the gynecologist oncologist should be the one to request the POLE (if available) according to the final pathology report. This test must be requested for all endometrial cancers stage I-II, except in low risk (stage IA low grade endometrioid histology without linfovascular invasion normal p53) and, stages III-IV without residual disease, without affecting the request of subrogated immunohistochemistry molecular markers upon histology. The consensus proposes that the POLE is requested after the immunohistochemistry and according to the categories in the risk classification established by the 2020 ESGO/ESTRO/ESP guidelines. Recommendation 4. It is recommended to perform immunohistochemistry for hormonal receptors for all women with endometrial cancer and the HER2 in patients with p53abn, simultaneously with the others immunohistochemistry markers. Recommendation 5. It is recommended to perform the immunohistochemistry markers (p53, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 y PMS2) in an initial endometrial biopsy or curettage when the specimen is adequate and available. In case the initial immunohistochemistry is inconclusive, or there are histological discrepancies between the initial and definitive pathology, it is recommended to repeat the molecular profile in the surgical pathology. The immunohistochemistry markers must be reported in the pathology report according to the CAP (College of American Pathologists) recommendations, independently of the type of sample. Recommendation 6. It is recommended to perform MLH1 promoter methylation testing in patients who exhibit loss of expression of MLH1 in immunohistochemistry whether it is accompanied or not with loss of expression of PMS2. All the patients with deficient MMR (mismatch repair), should be sent for genetic counseling to rule out Lynch syndrome. Recommendation 7. It is recommended to consider the molecular classification in addition to the classical histopathological criteria when making adjuvant judgments, as incorporated by the classification of prognostic groups of the 2020 ESGO/ESTRO/ESP guidelines. Conclusions: It is necessary to implement the molecular classification of endometrial cancer in clinical practice in accordance to the Colombian context, due to its prognostic and probably predictive value. This will enable the characterization of the Colombian population in order to offer individualized guided treatments. This is an academic and nonregulatory document.
    Objetivos: el programa Cancer Genome Atlas Research (TCGA) desarrolló la clasificación molecular para cáncer endometrial con utilidad pronóstica y terapéutica, la cual ha sido reemplazada por consensos y guías internacionales por la clasificación ProMisE (Proactive Molecular Risk Classifier for Endometrial Cancer) debido a su alto costo. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar recomendaciones a nivel nacional derivadas de un consenso de expertos que permitan unificar e implementar la clasificación molecular para mujeres con cáncer endometrial, mediante un uso racional de recursos y tecnología. Materiales y métodos: consenso de 36 expertos en oncología clínica, ginecología oncológica, patología y genética con práctica clínica en el territorio nacional. El grupo líder realizó una revisión de la literatura y estructuración de preguntas calificadas de 1 a 9 puntos. Se utilizó la técnica de grupo nominal modificada. Se efectuaron reuniones presenciales con presentaciones magistrales, diálogo deliberativo y votación de cuestionario Google Forms (Google LLC, Mountain View, CA, USA) con análisis y discusión de respuestas. Las respuestas no consensuadas se llevaron a una segunda ronda de votación. Finalmente, se elaboró y revisó el manuscrito final. Resultados: se formularon siete recomendaciones integrando las respuestas de las panelistas basadas en evidencia, pero ajustadas al contexto y a la realidad colombiana. Recomendación 1. Se recomienda realizar la clasificación molecular en todos los carcinomas endometriales utilizando los marcadores de inmunohistoquímica como resultados subrogados del perfil molecular inicialmente propuesto en la clasificación del TCGA. Recomendación 2. Se recomienda la estrategia secuencial de testeo iniciando por los marcadores de inmunohistoquímica (p53, MLH1, MSH 2, MSH6, PMS2) simultáneamente en todas las pacientes, y definir la solicitud del POLE (polimerasa épsilon del DNA) (si se encuentra disponible) de forma diferida de acuerdo con la clasificación de riesgo basado en la pieza quirúrgica. Recomendación 3. Se recomienda que sea el ginecólogo oncólogo quien solicite el POLE (si se encuentra disponible) de acuerdo con el reporte de patología definitivo. Esta prueba se debe solicitar a todos los cánceres endometriales de estadio I-II, excepto los de bajo riesgo (estadio IA endometrioide de bajo grado sin invasión linfovascular p53 normal) y estadio III-IV sin enfermedad residual, sin afectar la solicitud de los marcadores moleculares subrogados por inmunohistoquímica de acuerdo con la histología. El consenso propone que la solicitud del POLE se realice posterior a la inmunohistoquímica y de acuerdo con la clasificación del riesgo según las categorías establecidas por la guía ESGO/ESTRO/ESP del 2020. Recomendación 4. Se recomienda realizar simultáneamente con los otros marcadores de inmunohistoquímica la prueba para receptores hormonales en todas las pacientes con cáncer endometrial y el HER2 en pacientes con p53abn. Recomendación 5. Se recomienda que los marcadores de inmunohistoquímica (p53, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 y PMS2) se realicen en la biopsia/legrado endometrial inicial cuando la muestra es adecuada y está disponible. En caso de inmunohistoquímica inicial no concluyente, o discrepancias histológicas entre la patología inicial y definitiva, se recomienda repetir el perfil molecular en la patología quirúrgica. Los marcadores de inmunohistoquímica deben reportarse en el informe de patología de acuerdo con las recomendaciones del CAP (College of American Pathologists), independientemente del tipo de muestra. Recomendación 6. Se recomienda realizar estudio de metilación de promotor de MLH1 en pacientes con pérdida de expresión de MLH1 en la inmunohistoquímica, acompañado o no de pérdida de expresión de PMS2. Todas las pacientes con déficit de MMR (mismatch repair), deben ser enviadas a genética para descartar síndrome de Lynch. Recomendación 7. Se recomienda tener en cuenta la clasificación molecular, además de los criterios histopatológicos clásicos para la toma de decisiones de adyuvancia, tal como los incorpora la clasificación de los grupos pronósticos de la guía ESGO/ ESTRO/ESP del 2020. Conclusiones: es necesario implementar la clasificación molecular de cáncer de endometrio en la práctica clínica acorde al contexto colombiano, dado su valor pronóstico y posiblemente predictivo. Esto permitirá la caracterización de la población colombiana para ofrecer tratamientos guiados de manera individualizada. Se trata de un documento académico y no regulatorio.






  • 文章类型: Practice Guideline
    The European Society of Gynaecological Oncology, the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) and the European Society of Pathology held a consensus conference (CC) on ovarian cancer on 15-16 June 2022 in Valencia, Spain. The CC panel included 44 experts in the management of ovarian cancer and pathology, an ESMO scientific advisor and a methodologist. The aim was to discuss new or contentious topics and develop recommendations to improve and harmonise the management of patients with ovarian cancer. Eighteen questions were identified for discussion under four main topics: (i) pathology and molecular biology, (ii) early-stage disease and pelvic mass in pregnancy, (iii) advanced stage (including older/frail patients) and (iv) recurrent disease. The panel was divided into four working groups (WGs) to each address questions relating to one of the four topics outlined above, based on their expertise. Relevant scientific literature was reviewed in advance. Recommendations were developed by the WGs and then presented to the entire panel for further discussion and amendment before voting. This manuscript focuses on the recommendation statements that reached a consensus, their voting results and a summary of evidence supporting each recommendation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Adjuvant chemotherapy after radical cystectomy can reduce the risk of recurrence and death in advanced muscle-invasive urothelial bladder cancer (MIBC). Molecular subtypes have been shown to be associated with survival. However, their predictive value to guide treatment decisions is controversial and data to use subtypes as guidance for adjuvant chemotherapy is sparse. We aimed to assess survival rates based on MIBC consensus molecular subtypes with and without adjuvant chemotherapy.
    METHODS: Gene expression profiles of 143 patients with MIBC undergoing radical cystectomy were determined from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded specimen to assign consensus molecular subtypes. Expression of programmed cell death ligand-1 (PD-L1) and immune cell infiltration were determined using multiplex immunofluorescence. Matched-pair analysis was performed to evaluate the effect of adjuvant chemotherapy on overall survival (OS) for molecular subtypes applying Kaplan-Meier and Cox regression survival analyses.
    RESULTS: Samples were luminal papillary: 9.1% (n=13), luminal non-specified: 6.3% (n=9), luminal unstable: 4.9% (n=7), stroma-rich: 27.9% (n=40), basal/squamous (Ba/Sq): 48.9% (n=70) and neuroendocrine-like (NE-like): 2.8% (n=4). Ba/Sq tumours had the highest concentration of PD-L1+ tumour and immune cells. Patients with luminal subtypes had better OS than those with NE-like (HR 0.2, 95% CI 0.1 to 0.7, p<0.05) and Ba/Sq (HR 0.5, 95% CI 0.2 to 0.9, p<0.05). No survival benefit with adjuvant chemotherapy was observed for luminal tumours, whereas Ba/Sq had significantly improved survival rates with adjuvant chemotherapy. Retrospective design and sample size are the main limitations.
    CONCLUSIONS: Consensus molecular subtypes can be used to stratify patients with MIBC. Luminal tumours have the best prognosis and less benefit when receiving adjuvant chemotherapy compared with Ba/Sq tumours.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the widespread use of sensitive imaging techniques, which include neck visualization, a conspicuous number of thyroid nodules emerge and demand attention. Most lesions are benign, asymptomatic, and do not warrant treatment. In the case of cancer diagnosis, most are small, intrathyroidal and indolent neoplasms that can safely be managed conservatively. There is a pronounced need for more cost-effective, risk-adapted approaches to the management of this highly prevalent condition, taking the wishes of the patient into consideration. Thus, the present guidelines aim at providing a clinical practice guide for the initial workup and the subsequent management of adult individuals harboring thyroid nodules. Importantly, these guidelines are not intended to cover the management of thyroid malignancy. The manuscript and the specific recommendations were developed by reconciling the best available research evidence with the knowledge and clinical experience of the panelists and updating aspects of a number of previous European Thyroid Association guidelines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecological malignancy in Europe and its management involves a variety of health professionals. In recent years, big discoveries were made concerning the management of patients diagnosed with endometrial cancer, particularly in the field of molecular biology and minimally invasive surgery. This requires the continuous updating of guidelines and protocols over the years. In this paper, we aim to summarize and compare common points and disparities among protocols for management of patients diagnosed with endometrial cancer by leading international gynecological oncological societies. We therefore systematically report the parallel among the guidelines based on the various steps patients with endometrial cancer usually undergo. The comparison between American and European protocols revealed some relevant disparities, in particular regarding surgical staging, molecular biology application as a prognostic tool and follow up regimens. This could possibly cause differences in interpreting and applying protocols in clinical practice in small centers, leading to a lack of adherence to guidelines or even prompting a confusing mix of them.






  • 文章类型: Review
    We present an overview of time-resolved small-angle neutron scattering (TR-SANS) applied to biological systems, with a focus on bio-macromolecules and assemblies they form, together with practical guidelines. After a brief introduction to the theory and practice of SANS, we present the general setup and specifics of time-resolved experiments, as well as an overview of diverse experimental results and applications from the past ≈25years. Subsequently, we provide guidelines and practical instructions for the design, planning and execution for TR-SANS experiments, as a function of the time- and length-scales of the biological processes of interest, the availability of sample amount and deuterium labeling, and the structural information sought. We conclude with a discussion of the most recent instrumental and sample environment developments and perspectives for the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Idylla epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a fast and fully automated mutation assay that is easy to implement. However, under the Biocartis-recommended technical conditions, tissue sections are directly introduced into the cartridge, at the risk of exhausting the tumour sample. In this study, we evaluate the performance of Idylla EGFR on extracted DNA and discuss its place within the global non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) screening strategy.
    METHODS: 577 comparative tests between Idylla EGFR on extracted DNA and next-generation sequencing (NGS) were performed across two centres.
    RESULTS: Preanalytical thresholds were established (20% tumour cell content, 50 ng DNA input) and challenged prospectively in routine practice. 16.8% of samples referred for screening were considered non eligible for Idylla EGFR testing. Due to discordant by design cases, Idylla EGFR sensitivity was 86.9% for currently actionable EGFR mutations. Idylla EGFR specificity was 100% in first-line screening. NGS was always feasible on the same DNA.
    CONCLUSIONS: Idylla EGFR on extracted DNA is feasible and enables tumour material to be saved compared with tissue section use. It is not necessary to replace the analytical thresholds of the Biocartis algorithm. Due to both the limits of the mutational repertoire and the high increase of targetable genes in NSCLC, the use of Idylla EGFR should be restricted to clinical emergency situations accompanied by NGS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This document was retired by the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) Board of Directors as of May 20, 2019 with the following addendum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We are a group of archaeologists, anthropologists, curators and geneticists representing diverse global communities and 31 countries. All of us met in a virtual workshop dedicated to ethics in ancient DNA research held in November 2020. There was widespread agreement that globally applicable ethical guidelines are needed, but that recent recommendations grounded in discussion about research on human remains from North America are not always generalizable worldwide. Here we propose the following globally applicable guidelines, taking into consideration diverse contexts. These hold that: (1) researchers must ensure that all regulations were followed in the places where they work and from which the human remains derived; (2) researchers must prepare a detailed plan prior to beginning any study; (3) researchers must minimize damage to human remains; (4) researchers must ensure that data are made available following publication to allow critical re-examination of scientific findings; and (5) researchers must engage with other stakeholders from the beginning of a study and ensure respect and sensitivity to stakeholder perspectives. We commit to adhering to these guidelines and expect they will promote a high ethical standard in DNA research on human remains going forward.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The structure and function of biomolecules relationship is the hallmark of biochemistry, molecular biology, and life sciences in general. Physical models of macromolecules give students the possibility to manipulate these structures in three dimensions, developing a sense of spatiality and a better understanding of key aspects such as atom size and shape, bond lengths and symmetry. Several molecular model systems were developed specifically to represent particular classes or groups of molecules and hence lack the flexibility of a universal solution. Three-dimensional printing could nevertheless provide such a universal solution, as it can be used to create physical models of biomolecular structures based on the teacher\'s or demonstrator\'s needs and requirements. Here, insulin was used as a model molecule and several depiction and printing parameters were tested in order to highlight the technical limitations of the approach. In the end, a set of settings that worked is provided which could serve as a starting point for anyone wishing to print his or her own custom macromolecular model on the cheap.





