Mindfulness-based stress reduction

  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Functional dyspepsia is a common functional gastrointestinal disorder that is often challenging to treat. Psychotherapeutic interventions have been proposed as an alternative or adjunctive approach to conventional treatments, but their efficacy remains unclear.
    This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the efficacy of psychotherapeutic interventions in the treatment of functional dyspepsia.
    A comprehensive search of electronic databases was conducted, from inception to March 2023, for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that evaluated the effects of psychotherapeutic interventions on patients with functional dyspepsia. The primary outcome measures were gastrointestinal symptoms, quality of life, depression, and anxiety. Data were extracted and analyzed using Review Manager 5.3 software. The risk of bias of the included studies was assessed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool.
    Sixteen RCTs comprising 1550 patients with functional dyspepsia were included in the meta-analysis. The types of psychotherapeutic interventions used in the included studies were cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), hypnotherapy, and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR). The control groups were usual care, placebo, supportive therapy, or no treatment. The meta-analysis showed that psychotherapeutic interventions had a significant effect on reducing gastrointestinal symptoms,depression and anxiety in patients with functional dyspepsia. However, no significant improvement was observed in the quality-of-life scores of patients who received psychotherapeutic interventions compared to those in the control group.
    Psychotherapeutic interventions, such as CBT, hypnotherapy, and MBSR, could be a useful adjunct to conventional treatments for functional dyspepsia, as they were found to significantly reduce gastrointestinal symptoms and anxiety in patients. However, further studies are needed to assess the long-term effects and generalizability of these interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Adopting lifestyle interventions is pivotal in coronary artery disease (CAD) management and prevention to amplify cardiovascular and mental well-being. This study aims to quantify the effect of mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) on anxiety, depression and stress in CAD patients.
    UNASSIGNED: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) was conducted by searching four electronic databases (PubMed, CENTRAL, Scopus, and Science Direct) through December 2023. The risk of bias was assessed using the PEDro tool, and the study outcomes were expressed as standard mean difference at 95% CI.
    UNASSIGNED: Out of 1838 yielded results, eight RCTs involving 623 participants with a mean age of 56.96 ± 4.89 met the prespecified eligibility criteria. The pooled results showed a statistically significant and beneficial effect of MBIs on CAD patients\' mental health status in regards to anxiety (SMD = -0.83; 95% CI [-1.19, -0.46], p < 0.001), depression (SMD = - 0.86; 95% CI [-1.14, -0.58], p < 0.001), and stress (SMD = -0.69; 95% CI [-1.27, -0.12], p = 0.02). The subgroup sensitivity analyses based on the region (Asia vs. Europe) indicated a statistically non-significant subgroup effect of MBIs on anxiety (I 2 = 63.9%, p = 0.10) and depression (I 2 = 25.8%, p = 0.25), and a significant effect on stress (I 2 = 80.0%, p = 0.03). Although the methodological quality of the trials was generally satisfactory, all studies lacked allocation concealment and blinding. Additionally, gender imbalances, and inadequate follow-up may have potentially compromised the validity of the trials.
    UNASSIGNED: Mindfulness-based interventions are beneficial for improving CAD patients\' anxiety, depression and stress symptoms. Nevertheless, it is imperative to conduct more rigorous and robust studies with an equal gender ratio and long-term follow-up.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Depression is a common symptom among college students and is often accompanied by negative thoughts about oneself. Self-compassion is a technique students can use to combat those negative thoughts. Self-compassion is an emotion-regulation strategy in which the individual engages in self-kindness, particularly after a mistake, failure, and/or rejection. This paper reviews the concept of self-compassion, assessment of self-compassion, and interventions that have been shown to increase self-compassion. Self-compassion is associated with lower levels of psychopathology and higher levels of well-being. It is theorized to work by buffering against a self-critical ruminative process after a mistake, failure, and/or rejection. Self-compassion is most commonly assessed through a validated scale that measures overall self-compassion and its six subscales: self-kindness, common humanity, mindfulness, self-judgment, isolation, and over-identification. Multiple self-compassion interventions have been shown to increase self-compassion and improve psychological health. These interventions are varied and contain strategies such as mindfulness meditation, loving kindness meditation, and changing self-talk. Details of those interventions and practical strategies that individuals, students, and professors can use to increase self-compassion are described. Overall, self-compassion is a valuable tool that can help individuals cope with mistakes, failure, and/or rejection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Mindfulness as a modality involves training the innate human capacity for present-moment awareness with a view to cultivating a more harmonious and integrated life experience, especially in the face of hardship. Over the past four decades, the field of mindfulness has grown rapidly. Despite a substantial body of literature outlining the many benefits of mindfulness practice within a range of contexts and populations, the authors noticed that studies addressing the adaptation, application and value of mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) for adults within socio-economically challenged setting were scant. To address this gap, we conducted a realist review of studies pertaining to MBIs within low socio-economic settings, to determine the extend and nature of research in this sector and culminating in a program theory which may be useful for the design of interventions going forward.
    METHODS: We selected realist review as the methodology as it is well suited to investigating the complex nature of social interventions. The value of realist review is that the exploration of the causal relationships between the mechanisms (M) within a specific context (C) towards particular outcomes (O) offers a deeper understanding of the intervention which may assist in more effective delivery going forward. The review follows the guidelines presented by the Realist and Meta-narrative Evidence Synthesis - Evolving Standards project.
    RESULTS: Of the 112 documents identified, 12 articles met the inclusion criteria. Of these 12 studies, 10 were conducted in the United States, with little representation across the rest of the globe. The interventions described in these articles were varied. We identified mechanisms that offered beneficial outcomes for participants across a range of contexts, with indications of how interventions might be adapted towards greater accessibility, acceptability, and feasibility within communities.
    CONCLUSIONS: By reviewing the various programs in their respective contexts, we developed a program theory for implementing socio-culturally adapted MBIs in low socio-economic settings. In the future, this program theory could be tested as a means to create a sense of wellbeing for people living in low socio-economic settings.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    BACKGROUND: Migraine is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent, severe headaches that are often accompanied by other symptoms. There are various factors that can trigger a migraine in sufferers. Stress can be such a trigger. Drug and nondrug treatments are available for the preventive treatment of migraine. According to a German guideline, mindfulness can be recommended for the prophylaxis of migraine. Therefore, the aim was to investigate the effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) in relation to patient-relevant outcomes in adult patients with migraine. Patient-relevant outcomes in this context are migraine frequency, headache intensity during a migraine attack, depressive symptoms, and quality of life.
    METHODS: The conduct of this study was guided by the PRISMA 2020 statement. A systematic literature search for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of the effectiveness of MBSR in adult migraine patients was conducted in December 2021 in three databases: MEDLINE via PubMed, the Cochrane Library, and Web of Science. In addition, a review of reference lists and a search of study registries were performed. The last search was conducted on October 7, 2022. In a two-step process, studies were selected based on predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The potential for bias was assessed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool 2. The results were summarized descriptively and by means of quantitative synthesis.
    RESULTS: Four RCTs with a total of 275 patients and the follow-up publication of one of these studies were included. The risk of bias in one study each was judged to be low or of some concern and high in two studies. Four studies were included in the quantitative analysis. For the endpoint migraine frequency, the meta-analytic summary of three studies failed to show a statistically significant benefit for MBSR (SMD: -0.23; 95% CI: -0.79 to 0.32). For the endpoint depressive symptoms, a meta-analytic summary of three studies showed a statistically significant benefit for MBSR (SMD: -0.59; 95% CI: -0.93 to -0.25). No study had examined the severity of headaches during a migraine episode.
    CONCLUSIONS: Some results suggest that migraine patients may benefit from MBSR. However, the evidence base is currently insufficient for recommendations on the use of MBSR as a nondrug treatment option. Further adequately powered, high-quality RCTs are needed.
    EinleitungMigräne ist eine neurologische Erkrankung, die durch wiederkehrende, starke Kopfschmerzen gekennzeichnet ist, die häufig von anderen Symptomen einhergehen. Es gibt verschiedene Faktoren, die bei den Betroffenen eine Migräne auslösen können. Ein solcher Auslöser kann Stress sein. Für die präventive Behandlung der Migräne stehen medikamentöse und nichtmedikamentöse Verfahren zur Verfügung. Laut einer deutschen Leitlinie kann Achtsamkeit zur Prophylaxe von Migräne empfohlen werden. Ziel der Studie war es daher, die Wirksamkeit von achtsamkeitsbasierter Stressreduktion (MBSR) in Bezug auf patientenrelevante Outcomes bei erwachsenen Migränepatienten zu untersuchen. Patientenrelevante Outcomes in diesem Zusammenhang sind Migränehäufigkeit, Kopfschmerzintensität während einer Migräneattacke, depressive Symptome und Lebensqualität.MethodenDie Durchführung dieser Studie orientierte sich am PRISMA-Statement. Eine systematische Literatursuche nach randomisierten kontrollierten Studien zur Wirksamkeit von MBSR bei erwachsenen Migränepatienten wurde im Dezember 2021 in drei Datenbanken durchgeführt: MEDLINE über PubMed, die Cochrane Library und Web of Science. Darüber hinaus wurden Referenzlisten und Studienregister durchsucht. Die letzte Suche erfolgte am 7. Oktober 2022. In einem zweistufigen Verfahren wurden die Studien anhand von vordefinierten Ein- und Ausschlusskriterien ausgewählt. Das Verzerrungspotential der Studien wurde mit dem Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool 2 bewertet. Die Ergebnisse wurden deskriptiv und mit Hilfe einer quantitativen Synthese zusammengefasst.ErgebnisseEs wurden vier randomisiert-kontrollierte Studien mit insgesamt 275 Patienten und die Nachfolgepublikation einer dieser Studien eingeschlossen. Das Verzerrungspotential wurde bei je einer Studie als gering oder bedenklich und bei zwei Studien als hoch eingestuft. Vier Studien wurden in die quantitative Analyse einbezogen. Für den Endpunkt Migränehäufigkeit ergab die metaanalytische Zusammenfassung von drei Studien keinen statistisch signifikanten Vorteil für MBSR (SMD −0.23; 95% CI −0.79 bis 0.32). Für den Endpunkt depressive Symptome zeigte eine metaanalytische Zusammenfassung von drei Studien einen statistisch signifikanten Vorteil für MBSR (SMD −0.59; 95% CI −0.93 bis −0.25). Keine Studie hatte die Schwere der Kopfschmerzen während einer Migräneepisode untersucht.SchlussfolgerungEinige Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Migränepatienten von MBSR profitieren können. Allerdings ist die Evidenzbasis derzeit nicht ausreichend, um Empfehlungen für den Einsatz von MBSR als nichtmedikamentöse Behandlungsoption abzuleiten. Es werden daher weitere qualitativ hochwertige randomisiert-kontrollierte Studien mit ausreichender statistischer Power benötigt.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of acceptance and mindfulness-based interventions on migraine disability, medication use, and attack frequency.
    BACKGROUND: Acceptance-based approaches to headache management are those in which individuals learn to mitigate the influence of pain-related experiences on their general functioning without controlling pain itself. Treatment approaches include acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and mindfulness-based practices. Both have shown promise in improving broad functioning and disability among individuals with headache. Despite a growing body of research examining acceptance-based interventions for headache broadly and migraine specifically, no meta-analytic review of ACT interventions for headache exists, and two meta-analytic reviews of mindfulness-based practices yielded conflicting results.
    METHODS: The present study aimed to systematically and quantitatively review the literature related to the efficacy of acceptance-based interventions among adults with migraine. A multi-database search (PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, PsycINFO, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) identified clinical trials among individuals with migraine that compared structured ACT or mindfulness-based interventions to control treatment. Random-effects meta-analyses were performed using RevMan 5.4 meta-analytic software, and standardized mean differences (SMD) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) quantified effect sizes on outcomes of disability, medication use, and headache frequency. Heterogeneity was quantified via I2 index and explored via subgroup analyses.
    RESULTS: Acceptance-based interventions yielded significant improvements in disability (SMD = -0.38, 95% CI = -0.56 to -0.20; I2  = 25%, p = 0.20) but not in medication use (SMD = -0.25, 95% CI: -0.57 to 0.06; I2  = 0%, p = 0.82) or headache frequency (SMD = -0.16, 95% CI = -0.37 to 0.05; I2  = 0%, p = 0.73).
    CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that acceptance-based interventions are effective in improving disability among adults with migraine and are a viable non-pharmacological treatment option, in addition to well-established behavioral migraine management approaches, for patients seeking functional improvement.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    Medical schools have used mindfulness meditation as a strategy to assist students in stress management. This study aimed to seek evidence regarding the effectiveness of mindfulness-based training programs in reducing psychological distress and promoting the well-being of medical students.
    We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cochrane Library, Embase, PubMed/MEDLINE, PsycINFO/PsycNet, LILACS/BVS, ERIC (ProQuest), Web of Science, OpenGrey, and Google Scholar were searched for randomized clinical trials published until March 2022, without time or language restrictions. Two authors independently screened the articles, extracted data using a standardized extraction form, and assessed the methodological quality of the included studies using the Cochrane\'s Risk of Bias 2 (ROB 2) tool and the quality of evidence using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) tool.
    Of the 848 articles retrieved, 8 met the inclusion criteria. Mindfulness-based training improved the outcomes: mindfulness (small post-intervention effect: SMD = 0.29; 95% CI: 0.03 to 0.54; p = 0.03; I2 = 46%; high evidence quality, and small effect at follow-up: SMD = 0.37; 95% CI: 0.04 to 0.70; p = 0.03; I2 = 53%; low evidence quality), psychological well-being/health (there was no statistically significant difference between the groups in the post-intervention effect: SMD =  - 0.27; 95% CI: - 0.67 to 0.13; p = 0.18; I2 = 76%; moderate evidence quality, and a significant difference at follow-up: SMD =  - 0.73; 95% CI: - 1.23 to - 0.23; p = 0.004; I2 = 61%; low evidence quality), and stress (small post-intervention effect: SMD =  - 0.29; CI of 95%: - 0.56 to - 0.02; p = 0.04; I2 = 57%; moderate evidence quality, and moderate effect at follow-up: SMD =  - 0.45, 95% CI: - 0.67 to - 0.22, p = 0.0001, I2 = 0%, moderate evidence quality). The quality of evidence for the anxiety, depression, and resilience outcomes is low and for the empathy outcome, very low.
    The results indicate that the students who participated in the mindfulness training perceived improvements in the stress and psychological distress symptoms and improved health perception and psychological well-being. However, the significant heterogeneity among studies should be considered when interpreting these findings.
    PROSPERO CRD42020153169.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Given persistent occupational stressors and multiple challenges in the delivery of healthcare, there is an increased focus on the well-being of healthcare workers. Responding to these challenges will require a multipronged approach, focusing on system level, organization, and individual actions. Positive psychology interventions (PPIs) represent a promising area for individual action. This systematic review indicates that PPI, delivered via many methods, holds promise for improving the well-being of healthcare workers, although there is a clear need for additional randomized controlled trials utilizing defined and standardized outcome measures. In this review, the most commonly evaluated PPIs were mindfulness-based or gratitude-based interventions. These were delivered via different methods, with many administered in the workplace and commonly in the form of courses ranging from two days to eight weeks. Researchers documented measurable improvements in multiple studied outcomes, noting reductions in symptoms of depression, anxiety, burnout, and stress. Some interventions increased well-being, job and life satisfaction, self-compassion, relaxation, and resilience. Most studies emphasized that these are simple, accessible, low-cost interventions. Limitations included some nonrandomized or quasi-experimental designs, alongside generally small sample sizes and varying methods of intervention delivery. Another concern is the lack of standardized outcome assessments and long-term follow-up data. As almost all studies included were performed before the pandemic, further research will be required post-pandemic. Overall, however, PPI shows promise as one arm of a multipronged approach to improving the well-being of healthcare workers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers and poses a physical and psychological threat to patients. Mindfulness-based interventions are emerging forms of psychotherapy that are effective in improving physical and psychological symptoms, but no review has summarized their effectiveness on anxiety, depression, and fatigue in people with lung cancer.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions in reducing anxiety, depression, and fatigue in people with lung cancer.
    METHODS: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
    METHODS: We searched the PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, China Biology Medicine disc, Wanfang Data, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, and China Science and Technology Journal databases from inception to 13 April 2022. Eligible studies included randomized controlled trials of people with lung cancer receiving mindfulness-based interventions reporting on the outcomes of anxiety, depression, and fatigue. Two researchers independently reviewed the abstracts and full texts, extracted the data and assessed the risk of bias independently by using the Cochrane \'Risk of bias assessment tool\'. The meta-analysis was performed by using Review Manager 5.4, and the effect size was calculated by the standardized mean difference and its 95% confidence interval.
    RESULTS: The systematic review included 25 studies (2420 participants), whereas the meta-analysis included 18 studies (1731 participants). Mindfulness-based interventions significantly decreased levels of anxiety [standardized mean difference = -1.15, 95% confidence interval (-1.36, -0.94), Z = 10.75, P < 0.001], depression [standardized mean difference = -1.04, 95% confidence interval (-1.60, -0.48), Z = 3.66, P < 0.001], and fatigue [standardized mean difference = -1.29, 95% confidence interval (-1.66, -0.91), Z = 6.79, P < 0.001]. The subgroup analysis indicated that programs lasting less than eight weeks in length with structured intervention components (e.g., mindfulness-based stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy) and 45 min of daily home practice implemented in patients with advanced stage lung cancer showed better effects than programs lasting more than eight weeks in length with less structured components and more than 45 min of daily home practice implemented in patients with mixed stage lung cancer. The overall quality of the evidence was low due to the lack of allocation concealment and blinding and the high risk of bias in most studies (80%).
    CONCLUSIONS: Mindfulness-based interventions might be effective in reducing anxiety, depression, and fatigue in people with lung cancer. However, we cannot draw definitive conclusions because the overall quality of the evidence was low. More rigorous studies are needed to confirm the effectiveness and examine which intervention components may be most effective for improved outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    To evaluate the effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) on depressive symptoms in people with stroke.
    The PubMed, CINAL, Web of Science, Embase, The Cochrane Library, CNKI, and Wangfang databases were searched for relevant articles from inception to September 1st, 2022. Only randomized controlled trials (RCTs) examining the effect of MBSR and MBCT on depressive symptoms in poststroke patients were included. Data extraction and critical appraisal were conducted independently by two investigators.
    Seven trials with 502 participants were included. Using standardized mean differences, the meta-analysis showed evidence of a significant effect in depression (SMD = -0.93, 95% CI (-1.34 to -0.53), Z = 4.48, p < 0.001). MBSR and MBCT both affected depressive emotions in poststroke participants with depression (SMD = -1.27, 95% CI (-1.71 to -0.84), p < 0.001) and poststroke participants without clinically defined depression (SMD = -0.46, 95% CI (-0.75 to -0.17), p = 0.002).
    Although populations with stroke seem to potentially improve moods from MBSR/MBCT intervention, the impact on the physiological parameters of the disease has not been determined. Further studies with long-term follow-up and higher qualities are warranted for such interventions to determine the full effectiveness.





