Metabolic bone diseases

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tooth eruption is an essential process for the development of the oral and maxillofacial system. Several inherited and acquired diseases might affect this tightly regulated process, resulting in premature, delayed, or even failed tooth eruption. The purpose of this article is to review the literature and the clinical parameters of metabolic bone diseases that affect tooth eruption. It examines the physiological aspects of tooth eruption and the pathophysiological changes induced by metabolic bone diseases, including changes in bone metabolism, density, and structure. The search strategy for this review included an electronic search in PubMed, Google Scholar, Medline, Scopus, and the Cochrane Library using the following keywords: \"metabolic bone diseases\", \"tooth eruption\", \"delayed tooth eruption\", and each reported disease in combination with \"tooth eruption disorders\", covering publications up to March 2024 and limited to English-language sources. Understanding the influence of metabolic bone diseases on tooth eruption is crucial for managing both dental and skeletal manifestations associated with these disorders. This review suggests that a multidisciplinary approach to treatment may significantly improve oral outcomes for patients suffering from such conditions. Clinicians should be aware of the specific dental abnormalities that may arise and consider comprehensive evaluations and individualized treatment plans. These findings underscore the need for further research into targeted therapies that address these abnormalities.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Atraumatic fractures (ATFs) are a fragility fracture subtype with occasional medicolegal issues. ATFs are defined as fractures because of a \"low-energy mechanism that is usually considered incapable of producing a fracture.\" They are an underreported disorder, with epidemiological variations. ATF phenomena were previously reported not only in older adults, but also in children, young adults, older adults, and animals. This study is a short retrospective case series exploring atraumatic fractures in a tertiary care university hospital. Over a period of two years, a total of seven ATF cases were identified. However, only five fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Local causes of pathologic fractures (e.g., metastasis) and elder abuse or neglect were excluded. Comparison of the cases\' clinical profile, fracture profile, and management was done. All five cases were frail females with significant osteotoxic burdens from medications and multi-morbidities. ATF presentations included typical (as pain) and atypical (as painless, loud crack, and sudden giveaway) symptomatology. One ATF had a coincident unexplained aseptic fever. Three cases had more than one fracture (fracture cascade), confirmed and followed up by x-rays. All the cases were managed conservatively except for one case that underwent hip hemiarthroplasty. Plans of care included managing the osteotoxic multi-morbidities burden, focusing on the whole body, not only on the fracture or bone. The study provided insights about challenges in presentations of ATF (as the bone fracture acute phase reaction: osteogenic aseptic fever). Risk factors are classically assumed to be osteoporosis, but it is usually systemic and multifactorial. A high risk of fracture warning sign could help decrease ATF occurrence or fracture cascades. Four ATF categories were detected to help healthcare systems identify high-risk patients and raise awareness among medical staff, families, and caregivers. Future studies of the at-risk groups are needed to understand ATF knowledge gaps, challenges, and the best treatments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: During the last trimester of pregnancy, about 80% of the infant\'s calcium is incorporated, and for this reason, preterm infants have less bone mineralization compared to those born at term. The aim of the present systematic review was to identify, evaluate and summarize the studies that deal with the effect of physiotherapy modalities in the prevention and treatment of osteopenia in preterm infants.
    METHODS: A comprehensive search (09/2019-02/2021) using PubMed, Web of Science, SCOPUS, ProQuest, SciELO, Latindex, ScienceDirect, PEDro and was carried out. The following data were extracted: The number of participants, characteristics of the participants, design, characteristics of the intervention, outcome measures, time of evaluation and results. A non-quantitative synthesis of the extracted data was performed. The methodological quality and risk of bias were assessed using a PEDro scale and ROB-2 scale, respectively.
    RESULTS: A total of 16 studies were analyzed, presenting a methodological quality that ranged from 3 to 8 points, and all showed some concerns regarding their risk of bias. Almost all studies (15/16) used passive mobilizations with joint pressure to prevent osteopenia, but they differed in the intensity and frequency of application.
    CONCLUSIONS: A daily exercise program of passive mobilizations with joint pressure, improves bone mineralization in preterm infants admitted to neonatal units.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is one of the most interesting diseases in the field of maxillofacial surgery. In addition to bisphosphonates, the use of antiresorptive and antiangiogenic agents is known to be the leading cause. However, the exact pathogenesis of MRONJ has not been established, and various hypotheses have been proposed, such as oxidative stress-related theory. As a result, a definitive treatment protocol for MRONJ has not been identified, while various therapeutic approaches are applied to manage patients with MRONJ. Although the surgical approach to treat osteomyelitis of the jaw has been proven to be most effective, there are limitations, such as recurrence and delayed healing. Many studies and clinical trials are being conducted to develop another effective therapeutic modality. The use of some materials, including platelet concentrates and bone morphogenetic proteins, showed a positive effect on MRONJ. Among them, teriparatide is currently the most promising material, and it has shown encouraging results when applied to patients with MRONJ. Furthermore, cell therapy using mesenchymal stem cells showed promising results, and it can be the new therapeutic approach for the treatment of MRONJ. This review presents various treatment methods for MRONJ and their limitations while investigating newly developed and researched molecular and cellular therapeutic approaches along with a literature review.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study analysed the effect of low-intensity (LI) exercises with blood flow restriction (BFR) on bone metabolism compared with high-intensity (HI) exercises without BFR. The following databases were searched using the keywords therapeutic occlusion training OR BFR training OR vascular occlusion training OR KAATSU training OR ischaemia training AND osteogenesis OR bone biomarkers OR bone metabolic marker OR bone mass OR bone turnover OR osteoporosis OR osteopenia: PubMed, Web of Science, SPORTDiscus, CINAHL, Science Direct, Cochrane and Google Scholar. Two researchers, independently and blindly, selected the studies based on established inclusion and exclusion criteria. Electronic and manual searches located 170 articles published in English; after screening, only four studies showed that BFR training increases the expression of bone formation markers (e.g. bone-specific alkaline phosphatase) and decreases bone resorption markers (e.g. the amino-terminal telopeptides of type I collagen) after both aerobic and anaerobic exercise across several populations. The results of this study show that few studies have confirmed the positive effect of exercise with BFR on bone metabolism, formation and resorption. Furthermore, no methodological standardization of the samples, exercise type, intervention frequency or duration was observed.





