Medical abortion

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To develop a minimum data set, known as a core outcome set, for future abortion randomized controlled trials.
    We extracted outcomes from quantitative and qualitative systematic reviews of abortion studies to assess using a modified Delphi method. Via email, we invited researchers, clinicians, patients, and healthcare organization representatives with expertise in abortion to rate the importance of the outcomes on a 9-point Likert scale. After 2 rounds, we used descriptive analyses to determine which outcomes met the predefined consensus criteria. We finalized the core outcome set during a series of consensus development meetings.
    We entered 42 outcomes, organized in 15 domains, into the Delphi survey. Two-hundred eighteen of 251 invitees (87%) provided responses (203 complete responses) for round 1 and 118 of 218 (42%) completed round2. Sixteen experts participated in the development meetings. The final outcome set includes 15 outcomes: 10 outcomes apply to all abortion trials (successful abortion, ongoing pregnancy, death, hemorrhage, uterine infection, hospitalization, surgical intervention, pain, gastrointestinal symptoms, and patients\' experience of abortion); 2 outcomes apply to only surgical abortion trials (uterine perforation and cervical injury), one applies only to medical abortion trials (uterine rupture); and 2 apply to trials evaluating abortions with anesthesia (over-sedation/respiratory depression and local anesthetic systemic toxicity).
    Using robust consensus science methods we have developed a core outcome set for future abortion research.
    Standardized outcomes in abortion research could decrease heterogeneity among trials and improve the quality of systematic reviews and clinical guidelines. Researchers should select, collect, and report these core outcomes in future abortion trials. Journal editors should advocate for core outcome set reporting.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evidence-based guidelines on the management of pain associated with first-trimester medical abortion are lacking. Most published clinical trials have failed to report on this important aspect of the procedure. The aim of this comprehensive work was to provide clinical advice based on a comprehensive literature review, supplemented by the clinical experience of a group of European experts in case no evidence is available. Pain level ranged from 5 to 8 in 80% of studies where pain was measured on a 0-10 visual analogue scale; severe pain was reported by 20-80% of women. Pain assessment was rarely reported in studies. Pain treatment should be preventive and avoidance of unnecessary uterine contractions should be considered. Analgesic treatment should follow the WHO three-step ladder, starting with the use of NSAIDs and allowing for easily available back-up treatment with weak opioids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The number of elective abortions has been stable for several decades. Many factors explain women\'s choice of abortion in cases of unplanned pregnancies. Early initiation of contraceptive use and a choice of contraceptive choices appropriate to the woman\'s life are associated with lower rates of unplanned pregnancies. Reversible long-acting contraceptives should be favored as first-line methods for adolescents because of their effectiveness (grade C). Ultrasound scan before an elective abortion must be encouraged but should not be obligatory (professional consensus). As soon as the embryo appears on the ultrasound scan, the date of pregnancy is estimated by measuring the crown-rump length (CRL) or, from 11 weeks on, by measuring the biparietal diameter (BPD) (grade A). Because reliability of these parameters is ±5 days, the abortion may be done if measurements are respectively less than 90 mm for CRL and less than 30 mm for BPD (professional consensus). A medically induced abortion, performed with a dose of 200 mg mifepristone combined with misoprostol, is effective at any gestational age (Level of Evidence (LE) 1). Before 7 weeks, mifepristone should be followed 24-48 h later by misoprostol, administered orally, buccally, sublingually, or even vaginally followed if needed by a further dose of 400 μg after 3 h, to be renewed if needed after 3 h (LE 1, grade A). After 7 weeks, administration of misoprostol by the vaginal, sublingual, or buccal routes is more effective and better tolerated than by the oral route (LE 1). Cervical preparation is recommended for systematic use in surgical abortions (professional consensus). Misoprostol is a first-line agent for cervical preparation at a dose of 400 μg (grade A). Vacuum aspiration is preferable to curettage (grade B). A uterus perforated during surgical aspiration should not routinely be considered to be scarred (professional consensus). An elective abortion is not associated with a higher risk of subsequent infertility or ectopic pregnancy (LE 2). The medical consultation before an elective abortion generally does not affect the decision to end or continue the pregnancy, and most women are sufficiently certain about their choice at this time. Women appear to find the method used most acceptable and to be most satisfied when they were able to choose the method (grade B). Elective abortions are not associated with an increased rate of psychiatric disorders (LE 2). However, women with psychiatric histories are at a higher risk of psychological disorders after the occurrence of an unplanned pregnancy than women with such a history (LE 2). For surgical abortions, combined hormonal contraceptives - oral or transdermal - should be started on the day of the abortion, while the vaginal ring should be inserted 5 days afterwards (grade B). For medical abortions, the vaginal ring should be inserted in the week after mifepristone administration, while the combined contraceptives should begin the same day as the misoprostol or the day after (grade C). Contraceptive implants should be inserted on the same day as a surgical abortion, and may be inserted the day the mifepristone is administered for medical abortions (grade B and C respectively). In case of medical abortion, the implant can be inserted the same day the mifepristone is administered (grade C). Both the copper IUDs and levonorgestrel intrauterine system should be inserted on the day of the surgical abortion (grade A). After medical abortions, an IUD can be inserted in 10 days after mifepristone administration, after ultrasound scan verification of the absence of an intrauterine pregnancy (grade C).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Develop recommendations for the practice of induced abortion.
    METHODS: The Pubmed database, the Cochrane Library and the recommendations from the French and foreign Gyn-Obs societies or colleges have been consulted.
    RESULTS: The number of induced abortions (IA) has been stable for several decades. There are a lot of factors explaining the choice of abortion when there is an unplanned pregnancy (UPP). Early initiation and choice of contraception in connection to the woman\'s life are associated with lower NSP. Reversible contraceptives of long duration of action should be positioned fist in line for the teenager because of its efficiency (grade C). Ultrasound before induced abortion must be encouraged but should not be obligatory before performing IA (Professional consensus). As soon as the sonographic apparition of the embryo, the estimated date of pregnancy is done by measuring the crown-rump length (CRL) or by measuring the biparietal diameter (BIP) from 11 weeks on (grade B). Reliability of these parameters being±5 days, IA could be done if measurements are respectively less than 90mm for CRL and less than 30mm for BIP (Professional consensus). A medical IA performed with a dose of 200mg mifepristone combined with misoprostol is effective at any gestational age (EL1). Before 7 weeks, mifepristone followed between 24 and 48hours by taking misoprostol orally, buccally sublingually or eventually vaginally at a dose of 400 ug possibly renewed after 3hours (EL1, grade A). Beyond 7 weeks, misoprostol given vaginally, sublingually or buccally are better tolerated with fewer side effects than oral route (EL1). It is recommended to always use a cervical preparation during an instrumental abortion (Professional consensus). Misoprostol is a first-line agent for cervical preparation at a dose of 400 mcg (grade A). Aspiration evacuation is preferable to curettage (grade B). A perforated uterus during an instrumental suction should not be considered as a scarred uterus (Professional consensus). IA is not associated with increased subsequent risk of infertility or ectopic pregnancy (EL2). The pre-abortion medical consultations does not affect, most of the time, the decision to request an IA. Indeed, a majority of women is quite sure of her choice during these consultations. Acceptability of the method of IA and satisfaction appears to be larger when they are able to choose the abortion method (grade B). There is no relationship between an increase in psychiatric disorders and IA (EL2). Women with psychiatric histories are at increased risk of mental disorders after the occurrence of an UPP (EL2). In case of instrumental abortion, oral estrogen-progestogen contraceptives and the patch should be started from the day of the abortion, the vaginal ring inserted within 5 days of IA (grade B). In case of medical abortion, the vaginal ring should be inserted within a week of taking mifepristone, oral estrogen-progestogen contraceptives and the patch should be initiated on the same day or the day after taking prostaglandins (grade C). In case of instrumental abortion, the contraceptive implant may be inserted on the day of the abortion (grade B). In case of medical abortion, the implant can be inserted on the day of mifepristone (grade C). The copper Intrauterine Device (IUD) and levonorgestrel should be inserted preferably on the day of instrumental abortion (grade A). In case of medical abortion, an IUD can be inserted within 10 days following mifepristone after ensuring by ultrasound of the absence of intrauterine pregnancy (grade C).
    CONCLUSIONS: The implementation of these guidelines may promote a better and more homogenous care for women requesting IA in our country.





