Maxillary Fractures

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Naso-orbito-ethmoidal (NOE) fractures are complicated fractures of the mid-face. The treatment of NOE fractures is challenging and a comprehensive treatment strategy is required. We introduce a case of NOE fracture treated with open reduction and suspension sutures. A 28-year-old woman presented with a unilateral NOE fracture. To reduce the frontal process of the maxilla, a suspension suture was made by pulling the fragment using a double arm suture via a transcaruncular incision. The suture thread was placed in the horizontal plane. Another suspension suture on the inferior orbital rim assisted reduction procedure, and they passed through the overlying skin. The reduction alignment could be finely adjusted by tightening the transcutaneous suture threads while checking the degree of bone alignment through the subciliary incision. The two suture threads were suspended using a thermoplastic nasal splint. An additional skin incision on the medial canthal area, which would have resulted in a scar, could be avoided. Four months postoperatively, computed tomography showed an accurate and stable reduction. The patient was satisfied with her aesthetic appearance, and functional deficits were not present.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Traditionally, surgical management of zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMC) and orbital fractures occurs within two to three weeks of the injury, followed by an overnight admission to allow for extended eye observations. This is due to the risk of postoperative retrobulbar haemorrhage (RBH) or orbital compartment syndrome (OCS), a rapidly progressive and sight threatening emergency that requires immediate intervention. In September 2016 the oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS) department at Leeds Teaching Hospitals redesigned their trauma service with a full-time trauma consultant, a dedicated clinic, and a weekly morning elective trauma theatre list. This allowed for standardisation of the management of patients with OMFS injuries. Furthermore, a formal day-case ZMC and orbital fracture pathway was developed to allow patients to undergo surgical management of such fractures with a same-day discharge. This has since been identified as an area of excellence by the Getting It Right First Time (GIRFT) programme, and is in line with the addition of ZMC and orbital fractures to the procedural list written by the British Association of Day Case Surgery (BADS). Unbeknown to the unit, the volume of day-case procedures was the highest within the UK, demonstrating the importance of GIRFT in highlighting areas of good or unique practice. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of our day-case pathway and designated OMFS trauma service on compliance with recent recommendations by GIRFT and BADS. Secondly, it was to determine the safety of same-day discharge with regards to postoperative complications.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    An explosion is caused by conversion of solid, liquid into gas with resultant energy release. Blast injuries of large tyres are similar to injuries resulting from landmine explosions. Most of the patients were polytraumatised, initial evaluation and management should follow ATLS. Trauma following tyre blast results in severe soft tissue, orthopedic and head injuries. Head and face is the most commonly affected region followed by upper limb. A 40 year old male patient was watching a car tyre getting inflated with air. Unfortunately the tyre rim exploded on his face, which led to penetrating injury to the eye ball and comminuted middle third fractures. Patient was stabilized and primary hemostasis was achieved. Fractured maxilla was fixed by arch bar wiring and stabilized by using circum-suspension wiring bilaterally. Left eyeball was removed due to open globe injury and intraocular content loss. Unusual maxillofacial injuries are more common. Decision making and treatment of facial penetrating injuries depends on number of factors, which includes location and extent of injury, type of foreign body involved, proximity of vital structures, extent of injury to soft and hard tissue and the relative benefits and risk ratio for the patient. In this case report we have explained about the primary assessment and management of blast injuries.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a newly identified strain of coronavirus in the human body and was reported in Wuhan at the end of 2019. So far, the epidemic is continuing and very serious, with the number of infections and deaths increasing. Despite active investigations around the world to better understand the dynamics of transmission and the scope of clinical disease, COVID-19 continues to spread rapidly from person to person. The common signs and symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection include fever, fatigue, dry cough, and dyspnea; in severe cases, patients may have acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, metabolic acidosis difficult to treat and coagulation disorder. However, some patients who test positive for SARS-CoV-2 in their respiratory tract may not have such clinical signs and symptoms. This report presents a case study analysis of a patient admitted in the Fourth Taiyuan People\'s Hospital, who had suffered traumatic injuries from a car accident and survived COVID-19, with pleural effusion as the initial symptom. We report a case of 2019-NCOV with pleural effusion as the first symptom. Describe in detail the differential diagnosis, diagnosis, clinical management, and cure of this case. In order to combat the novel CoronaviruscoVID-19 in the process to provide lessons and help.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A dacryolith is a rare finding and can be considered as a complication of a Le Fort I fracture. A case of dacryolith and nasolacrimal duct obstruction after surgery for a Le Fort I fracture is described, and the reasons for and prevention of this condition are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Intracranial pseudoaneurysm is a rare entity, with few cases described in the literature, and is mostly associated with a history of traumatic brain injury. Traumatic aneurysms comprise <1% of all intracranial aneurysms. In particular, middle meningeal artery (MMA) aneurysms are uncommon and usually caused by a skull fracture in the temporal region. About 40 traumatic MMA aneurysms are reported in the literature, and only 28 nontraumatic aneurysms are reported, usually related to high-flow conditions. The behavior of these aneurysms is largely unknown: both spontaneous resolution and aneurysm growth, leading to subsequent rupture, have been reported. Surgical and endovascular management are feasible for MMA aneurysms; however, the criterion standard treatment is not defined.
    METHODS: We report the case of a traumatic pseudoaneurysm of the right MMA treated with an endovascular approach and provide a review of the literature.
    CONCLUSIONS: Aneurysms of the MMA are a rare entity that must be taken into account in the setting of a traumatic brain injury or predisposing factors. The diagnosis and aggressive treatment are mandatory, preventing the devastating consequences of their rupture. Endovascular and surgical techniques are well defined and available, even though there is not a demonstrated superiority in any of them.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Difficult airway management and intraoperative tube damage are important problems during maxillofacial surgery. Damage occurs frequently during the surgery, and the anesthesiologist must be ready to find a quick and safe solution. Replacing the damaged endotracheal tube involves additional difficulties, and various factors must be evaluated. We present two cases of nasotracheal tube (NTT) damage suffered during maxillofacial surgery. The different intraoperative conditions led us to decide for the replacement of NTT in one case and for conservative action in the other. The purpose of this article is to highlight the difficulties that the anesthesiologist may have in deciding quickly what is the best approach in case the endotracheal tube is damaged during maxillofacial surgery and possibly try to provide a rapid and safe solution for the situation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Maxillofacial injuries can be complex and are clinically important due to their functional and cosmetic significance. Maltreated and missed fractures might cause deformity of the face; thus, accurate evaluation of the fracture provided by X-ray images is critical. In this study, we explore the application of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) for diagnosis of severe maxillofacial traumas. A patient with a complex fracture that affects the maxilla, mandible, wall of the maxillary sinus, zygoma, zygomatic arch and nasal bone was diagnosed using 3D reconstruction of CBCT images. This diagnostic approach provides detailed information obtained by static images and a systematic model with unique advantages for the following pre-surgical evaluation, surgical treatment and prognostic assessment of complex maxillofacial fractures.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The purpose of this article is to describe reconstruction of the maxillary alveolar ridge by use of a microvascular free flap combined with an immediate tissue-engineered bone graft. This novel surgical technique involved the use of a radial forearm free flap and immediate allogeneic avascular bone graft augmented with bone morphogenetic protein and bone marrow aspirate concentrate. A poly-d,l-lactic acid mesh was used as a containment unit for the bone graft. The patient was successfully treated with a viable radial forearm free flap for soft tissue and regeneration of bone with adequate height and width, which allowed the placement of 3 dental implants with excellent arch coordination. We believe this is the first published case describing such a technique to reconstruct the maxillary alveolus.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    It is estimated that 4.5 million Americans are bitten by dogs each year, and half of those are children. One in five dog bites results in injuries that require some form of medical attention. Children between 5 and 9 years of age are the most affected age group for this type of injury. A 19-month-old boy was admitted to the emergency department of Children\'s Hospital of Michigan for treatment of injuries due to a dog attack. Injuries were limited to the face of the child. Dental injuries included avulsion of upper lateral incisors, severe luxation of upper central incisors, and fracture of the facial alveolus bone. Surgical management of facial wounds was accomplished through irrigation, debridement and suturing. Dental treatment included extraction of central incisors and suturing soft tissues.





