Maternal Welfare

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To review what is known about COVID-19 and highlight gaps in the context of Nigerian obstetric practice. Research data on COVID-19 are understandably sparse in Africa. Nigeria, like most African countries, is battling a disease she is poorly equipped to fight.
    METHODS: The current available literature on COVID-19 was reviewed in relation to obstetric practice in the Nigerian context, gaps were identified, and recommendations were made to improve the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigerian obstetric practice.
    RESULTS: In and out of hospital, both the obstetrician and the obstetric patient are constantly being put at risk of exposure to the coronavirus because testing and preventive measures are either ineffective or non-existent.
    CONCLUSIONS: The pandemic has exposed the gross inadequacies in Nigeria\'s healthcare system and is therefore a wake-up call to the need for a complete overhaul of infrastructure and services. The government will do well to increase the budget allocation for health from the current paltry 4.14% to the recommended 15% of the total budget. The Nigerian obstetrician stands a high risk of exposure due to inadequate preventive measures, and testing and diagnostic challenges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To analyze quality improvement opportunities (QIOs) identified through review of cases of maternal death from cardiovascular disease (CVD) by the California Pregnancy-Associated Mortality Review committee.
    Qualitative descriptive design using thematic analysis.
    A total of 269 QIOs identified from 87 pregnancy-related deaths from CVD in California from 2002 to 2007.
    We coded and thematically organized the 269 QIOs using three of the four domains commonly applied in quality improvement initiatives for maternal health care: Readiness, Recognition, and Response. Data did not include reporting issues, so the Reporting domain was excluded from the analysis.
    The most prevalent theme within the Readiness domain was the care of women in a facility or a department within a facility that was not equipped to handle the severity of their CVD conditions. For Recognition, a common theme was an underappreciation of the severity of illness, including high-risk factors and clinical warning signs, which led to inaccurate diagnoses, such as anxiety or asthma, and missed diagnoses of CVD. The lack of recognition of CVD led to delays in treatment or inaccurate treatment, the leading themes in the Response domain.
    Identification of CVD or its risk factors during pregnancy can lead to timely, multidisciplinary approaches to management and birth in facilities that offer appropriately trained health care professionals and appropriate equipment. Maternal mortality can be reduced if signs and symptoms of CVD in women are recognized early and treatment modalities are implemented quickly during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Although growing, evidence on the impact, access, utility, effectiveness, and cost-benefit of obstetric ultrasound in resource-constrained settings is still somewhat limited. Hence, questions around the purpose and the intended benefit as well as potential challenges across various domains must be carefully reviewed prior to implementation and scale-up of obstetric ultrasound technology in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs).
    METHODS: This narrative review discusses these issues for those trying to implement or scale-up ultrasound technology in LMICs. Issues addressed in this review include health personnel capacity, maintenance, cost, overuse and misuse of ultrasound, miscommunication between the providers and patients, patient diagnosis and care management, health outcomes, patient perceptions and concerns about fetal sex determination.
    CONCLUSIONS: As cost of obstetric ultrasound becomes more affordable in LMICs, it is essential to assess the benefits, trade-offs and potential drawbacks of large-scale implementation. Additionally, there is a need to more clearly identify the capabilities and the limitations of ultrasound, particularly within the context of limited training of providers, to ensure that the purpose for which an ultrasound is intended is actually feasible. We found evidence of obstetric uses of ultrasound improving patient management. However, there was evidence that ultrasound use is not associated with reducing maternal, perinatal or neonatal mortality. Patients in various studies reported to have both positive and negative perceptions and experiences related to ultrasound and lastly, illegal use of ultrasound for determining fetal sex was raised as a concern.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Community participation, engagement, and mobilization are common components of many sexual, reproductive, and maternal health (SRMH) programs, but little consensus exists among researchers on how critical these program components are. Using principles of realist review, we reviewed a spectrum of community mobilization interventions to evaluate their use in improving five SRMH areas. Consistent with theoretical assumptions, we found that actively involving community members in leading intervention activities and/or taking ownership tends to produce better SRMH outcomes than simply relying on community members as implementers. Despite this, many fewer programs exist with this meaningful level of engagement than with more cursory engagement.






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    文章类型: News






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the health effects of prenatal exposure to disaster, based on a systematic review of existing research.
    METHODS: A literature search of scientific databases was conducted in February 2015 for articles on prenatal exposure to a natural or man-made disaster. Data was extracted from all articles that met the inclusion criteria, and we systematically analyzed contents based on type of disaster, health outcome, target group and time after birth.
    RESULTS: Prenatal exposure to famine or war was found to be associated with mental health, cardiovascular or metabolic outcomes, with varying degrees of significance. The majority of the studies showed limited or weak associations between exposures and outcomes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Due to the lack of variety in type of events studied, as well as large methodological variation, it is difficult to draw firm conclusions from existing literature. However, our systematic review highlights the potential of evaluating secondary data, both to accentuate research gaps in the field and to increase the understanding of what effects various types of disasters potentially have on the unborn child.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Poor maternal and child health indicators have been reported in Nigeria since the 1990s. Many interventions have been instituted to reverse the trend and ensure that Nigeria is on track to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. This systematic review aims at describing and indirectly measuring the effect of the Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (MNCH) interventions implemented in Nigeria from 1990 to 2014.
    METHODS: PubMed and ISI Web of Knowledge were searched from 1990 to April 2014 whereas POPLINE® was searched until 16 February 2015 to identify reports of interventions targeting Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health in Nigeria. Narrative and graphical synthesis was done by integrating the results of extracted studies with trends of maternal mortality ratio (MMR) and under five mortality (U5MR) derived from a joint point regression analysis using Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey data (1990-2013). This was supplemented by document analysis of policies, guidelines and strategies of the Federal Ministry of Health developed for Nigeria during the same period.
    RESULTS: We identified 66 eligible studies from 2,662 studies. Three interventions were deployed nationwide and the remainder at the regional level. Multiple study designs were employed in the enrolled studies: pre- and post-intervention or quasi-experimental (n = 40; 61%); clinical trials (n = 6;9%); cohort study or longitudinal evaluation (n = 3;5%); process/output/outcome evaluation (n = 17;26%). The national MMR shows a consistent reduction (Annual Percentage Change (APC) = -3.10%, 95% CI: -5.20 to -1.00 %) with marked decrease in the slope observed in the period with a cluster of published studies (2004-2014). Fifteen intervention studies specifically targeting under-five children were published during the 24 years of observation. A statistically insignificant downward trend in the U5MR was observed (APC = -1.25%, 95% CI: -4.70 to 2.40%) coinciding with publication of most of the studies and development of MNCH policies.
    CONCLUSIONS: The development of MNCH policies, implementation and publication of interventions corresponds with the downward trend of maternal and child mortality in Nigeria. This systematic review has also shown that more MNCH intervention research and publications of findings is required to generate local and relevant evidence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To understand the health-seeking behaviour of adolescent women in Bangladesh with respect to the use of maternal health services.
    METHODS: Literature review of seven electronic databases: PubMed, ISI Web of Knowledge, PsycINFO, Embase, CINAHL, POPLINE and Global Health. Studies published in English between 1990 and 2013 which describe Bangladeshi adolescent women\'s healthcare-seeking behaviour during pregnancy, delivery and post-partum were included.
    RESULTS: Twelve studies were included in this review. 11 used quantitative methods and one used a mixed-methods approach. All studies included married adolescent women only. Women with lower educational levels are less likely to seek skilled maternal health services than those with higher levels of education. Use of maternal health services is also less common among rural married adolescent women than women in urban areas. Being part of the richest bands of wealth, having had previous experiences of childbirth and higher women\'s autonomy positively influence the use of skilled maternal health services among married adolescent women in Bangladesh. Antenatal care is a key predictor of the use of skilled birth attendants for delivery and post-natal care.
    CONCLUSIONS: Maternal health-related programmes should be designed targeting rural and uneducated married adolescent women in Bangladesh. More qualitative investigations are required to broaden our understanding on maternal health-seeking behaviour of both married and unmarried adolescent women.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Postpartum mental disorders (e.g., anxiety, depression, psychosis) are serious conditions that affect approximately 10-15% of women after childbirth, and up to 40% of women at risk for these disorders. Research reveals an association between poor sleep quality/quantity and symptoms of anxiety, depression and psychosis. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the available evidence for the relationship between sleep and postpartum mental disorders.
    METHODS: Searches included MEDLINE, EMBASE, and EBM Reviews - Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, PsycINFO and EBSCOHost CINAHL through June 30, 2014. Manual searching was performed on reference lists of included articles. Published primary research in any language was included.
    RESULTS: There were 3187 unique titles/abstracts and 44 full-text articles reviewed. Thirty-one studies were included. Evidence was found for the impact of self-reported poor sleep during pregnancy and the postpartum on the development of postpartum depression, with not enough evidence for either postpartum anxiety or psychosis. The evidence for objectively assessed sleep and the development of postpartum disorders was mixed. Among the 31 studies included, 1 was strong, 13 were moderate and 17 were weak.
    CONCLUSIONS: Research design, method of assessment, timing of assessment, recruitment strategies, representative adequacy of the samples and inclusion/exclusion criteria all varied widely. Many studies did not use tools validated for the perinatal population and had small sample sizes without power analysis.
    CONCLUSIONS: Sleep interventions represent a potential low-cost, non-pharmacological prevention and treatment strategy for postpartum mental illness. Further high-quality research is needed on this topic area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Continuing high global maternal mortality and morbidity rates in developing countries have resulted in an increasing push to improve reproductive health services for women. Seeking innovative ways for assessing how positive health knowledge and behaviors spread to this vulnerable population has increased the use of social network theories and analysis in health promotion research. Despite the increased research on social networks and health, no overarching review on social networks and maternal health literature in developing countries has been conducted. This paper attempts to synthesize this literature by identifying both published and unpublished studies in major databases on social networks and maternal and child health. This review examined a range of study types for inclusion, including experimental and non-experimental study designs including randomized controlled trials, non-randomized controlled trials, quasi-experimental, cohort studies, case control studies, longitudinal studies, and cross-sectional observational studies. Only those that occurred in developing countries were included in the review. Eighteen eligible articles were identified; these were published between 1997 and 2012. The findings indicated that the most common social network mechanisms studied within the literature were social learning and social influence. The main outcomes studied were contraceptive use and fertility decisions. Findings suggest the need for continuing research on social networks and maternal health, particularly through the examination of the range of social mechanisms through which networks may influence health behaviors and knowledge, and the analysis of a larger variety of reproductive outcomes.





