Malformations of Cortical Development

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Hemimegalencephaly is a rare congenital anomaly characterized by an increase in the size and dysplastic involvement of one cerebral hemisphere, which can be partial or complete. It may also be associated with anomalies in the cerebellum and brainstem and, in some cases, be a part of different syndromes. The result of these abnormalities leads to intractable epilepsy and developmental delay. Diagnosis is typically made through imaging studies in the postnatal period, but it can also be done before birth. We present the case of a 23-week pregnant patient in whom a prenatal diagnosis of hemimegalencephaly was made, highlighting the need for fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to confirm the diagnosis.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    Focal atonic seizures are recognized rarely as ictal phenomena, they can correspond to both generalized epilepsy and focal epilepsy. The areas of the brain involved in the management of this type of seizure are: the negative motor area and the primary motor and primary somatosensory cortices, although the neurophysiology that generates them is still unclear. We present the case of a patient with focal atonic seizures in the left upper limb, refractory to drug treatment. Neuroimaging was performed, a parietal cortical lesion was diagnosed. A scalp Video EEG and then a Stereo EEG was performed, defining the epileptogenic area and its relationship with eloquent areas. Surgical resection of the lesion was performed, achieving complete seizure control.
    Las crisis atónicas focales son poco reconocidas como fenómenos ictales, pueden corresponder tanto a una epilepsia generalizada como a una epilepsia focal. Las áreas del cerebro implicadas en la gestión de este tipo de crisis son: el área motora negativa y las cortezas motora primaria y somatosensitiva primaria, aunque aún la neurofisiología que las genera no está aclarada. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con crisis atónicas focales farmacorresistentes en miembro superior izquierdo. Se realizó resonancia de cerebro con diagnóstico de displasia cortical parietal, se monitoreó con video EEG de scalp y luego a video EEG con electrodos profundos. Se definieron el área epileptógena y su relación con áreas elocuentes, se realizó resección quirúrgica de la lesión, logrando el control completo de las crisis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The absence of speech is a clinical phenotype seen across neurodevelopmental syndromes, offering insights for neural language models. We present a case of bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria (BPP) and complete absence of speech with considerable language comprehension and production difficulties. We extensively characterized the auditory speech perception and production circuitry by employing a multimodal neuroimaging approach. Results showed extensive cortical thickening in motor and auditory-language regions. The auditory cortex lacked sensitivity to speech stimuli despite relatively preserved thalamic projections yet had no intrinsic functional organization. Subcortical structures implicated in early stages of processing exhibited heightened sensitivity to speech. The arcuate fasciculus, a suggested marker of language in BPP, showed similar volume and integrity to a healthy control. The frontal aslant tract, linked to oromotor function, was partially reconstructed. These findings highlight the importance of assessing the auditory cortex beyond speech production structures to understand absent speech in BPP. Despite profound cortical alterations, the intrinsic motor network and motor-speech pathways remained largely intact. This case underscores the need for comprehensive phenotyping using multiple MRI modalities to uncover causes of severe disruption in language development.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Megalencephaly-polymicrogyria-polydactyly-hydrocephalus (MPPH) syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant disorder characterized by megalencephaly (i.e., overgrowth of the brain), polymicrogyria, focal hypoplasia of the cerebral cortex, and polydactyly. Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV) involves a spectrum of congenital ocular abnormalities that are characterized by the presence of a vascular membrane behind the lens.
    METHODS: Here, we present a case of foetal MPPH with PHPV that was diagnosed using prenatal ultrasound. Ultrasound revealed the presence of megalencephaly, multiple cerebellar gyri, and hydrocephalus. Whole-exome sequencing confirmed the mutation of the AKT3 gene, which led to the consideration of MPPH syndrome. Moreover, an echogenic band with an irregular surface was observed between the lens and the posterior wall of the left eye; therefore, MPPH with PHPV was suspected.
    CONCLUSIONS: MPPH syndrome with PHPV can be diagnosed prenatally.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Mutations in the dynein cytoplasmic 1 heavy chain 1 (DYNC1H1) gene are linked to malformations of cortical development (MCD), which may be accompanied by central nervous system (CNS) manifestations. Here, we present the case of a patient with MCD harboring a variant of DYNC1H1 and review the relevant literature to explore genotype-phenotype relationships.
    UNASSIGNED: A girl having infantile spasms, was unsuccessfully administered multiple antiseizure medications and developed drug-resistant epilepsy. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 14 months-of-age revealed pachygyria. At 4 years-of-age, the patient exhibited severe developmental delay and mental retardation. A de novo heterozygous mutation (p.Arg292Trp) in the DYNC1H1 gene was identified. A search of multiple databases, including PubMed and Embase, using the search strategy DYNC1H1 AND [malformations of cortical development OR seizure OR intellectual OR clinical symptoms] up to June 2022, identified 129 patients from 43 studies (including the case presented herein). A review of these cases showed that patients with DYNC1H1-related MCD had higher risks of epilepsy (odds ratio [OR] = 33.67, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 11.59, 97.84) and intellectual disability/developmental delay (OR = 52.64, 95% CI = 16.27, 170.38). Patients with the variants in the regions encoding the protein stalk or microtubule-binding domain had the most prevalence of MCD (95%).
    UNASSIGNED: MCD, particularly pachygyria, is a common neurodevelopmental disorder in patients with DYNC1H1 mutations. Literature searches reveales that most (95%) patients who carried mutations in the protein stalk or microtubule binding domains exhibited DYNC1H1-related MCD, whereas almost two-thirds of patients (63%) who carried mutations in the tail domain did not display MCD. Patients with DYNC1H1 mutations may experience central nervous system (CNS) manifestations due to MCD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Posterior quadrant disconnection (PQD) has been described as a treatment for patients with refractory posterior quadrant subhemispheric epilepsy. Surgical outcomes are difficult to interpret because of limited literature.
    To provide insight regarding the operative technique and postsurgical seizure freedom in young pediatric patients who underwent surgical disconnection for the treatment of posterior quadrant subhemispheric epilepsy at our institution.
    The authors retrospectively analyzed a series of 5 patients who underwent PQD between 2019 and 2021. Charts were reviewed for preoperative workup including noninvasive/invasive testing, operative reports, and postoperative follow-up data which included degree of seizure freedom, completion of disconnection, and complications.
    Five patients were included in this series. The median age at seizure onset was 12 months (range 3-24 months), and the median age at surgery was 36 months (range 22-72 months). Histopathology confirmed focal cortical dysplasia in 3 of 5 patients (2 patients with type IB; 1 with type IIID). The average length of follow-up after surgery was 16.8 months (range 12-24 months). All patients underwent complete disconnection of the posterior quadrant without complications. Four of 5 patients (80%) had Engel score of I, while the remaining patient had an Engel score of IIB.
    Our early results demonstrate that complete PQD can be successful at providing excellent seizure freedom and functional outcomes in carefully selected young pediatric patients who have concordant seizure semiology, noninvasive/invasive testing, and imaging findings with primary seizure onset zone within the ipsilateral posterior quadrant. Meticulous surgical planning and thorough understanding of the surgical anatomy and technique are critical to achieving complete disconnection.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Cortical tubers are one of the typical intracranial manifestations of tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). Multiple cortical tubers are easy to diagnose as TSC; however, a solitary cortical tuber without any other cutaneous or visceral organ manifestations can be confused with other conditions, particularly focal cortical dysplasia. We report a surgical case of refractory epilepsy caused by a solitary cortical tuber mimicking focal cortical dysplasia type II, and describe the radiological, electrophysiological, and histopathological findings of our case.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) is a most common cause of intractable focal epilepsy in children. Surgery is considered as a radical option for such patients with the prerequisite of lesion detection. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays a significant role in detection of FCDs in epilepsy patients; however, the detection of FCDs even in epilepsy dedicated MRI sequence shows relatively low positive rate. Last year, Middlebrooks et al introduced the novel three-dimensional Edge-Enhancing Gradient Echo (3D-EDGE) MRI sequence and using this sequence successfully identified five cases of FCDs which indicates its potential role in those epilepsy patients who may have FCDs.
    We present a 14-year-old, right-handed, male patient who has suffered from drug-resistant epilepsy over the past 3 years. It was unable to localize the lesion of the seizure, even using the series of epilepsy dedicated MRI sequences. Inspired by the previous report, the lesion of the seizure was successfully targeted by 3D-EDGE sequence. Combined with intraoperative navigation and precisely removed the lesion. He was uneventfully recovered with no signs of cerebral dysfunction and no seizure recurrence 8 months after surgery.
    The 3D-EDGE sequences show a higher sensitivity for FCD detection in epilepsy patients compared with a series of epilepsy-dedicated MRI protocols. We confirmed that the study by Middlebrooks et al is of great clinical value. If the findings on routine MRI sequences or even epilepsy-dedicated MRI sequences were reported as negative, however, the semiology, video-electroencephalography, and fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography results suggest a local abnormality, and the results are concordant with each other, a 3D-EDGE sequence may be a good option.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Rasmussen syndrome (RS) is a rare neurological disorder characterized by unilateral chronic inflammation, drug-resistant epilepsy, and progressive neurological and cognitive deterioration. There has been no detailed pathological evaluation or finding, including focal cortical dysplasia, for bilateral RS.
    METHODS: A 13-year-old boy presented with status epilepticus with focal to bilateral tonic clonic seizure starting from the left upper limb. At the age of 15, epilepsia partialis continua of the right face and upper extremities appeared, and MRI showed hemispheric abnormal signal intensities with left frontal lobe predominance. Three months later, MRI showed extensive abnormal signal intensities in the right occipitoparietal and left temporal lobes. Tacrolimus was useful in preventing recurrence. Because the seizures were intractable, a corpus callosotomy was performed at 16 years along with a concurrent brain biopsy from the bilateral lateral frontal cortices. We detected dysmorphic neurons in addition to inflammatory changes suspicious for RS, leading to a diagnosis of focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) type Ⅱa and suspected bilateral RS. Total callosotomy and vagus nerve stimulation were not sufficiently effective.
    CONCLUSIONS: In bilateral RS, FCD may be present in both cerebral hemispheres. In the current case, an autoimmune response to dysmorphic neurons may have contributed to the pathogenesis of intense inflammation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Focal epilepsy can have a varied etiology, including malformations of cortical development (MCD), that can often be detected by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).Here we show a distinct characteristic of two forms of MCDs on MRI, with two tight dipole clusters in her MEG magnetoencephalography study, in a patient with electroencephalography (EEG) features of generalized epilepsy.
    METHODS: This is a case presentation of a 20 years old female with epilepsy, found to have upon EMU admission two pathologies (FCD, heterotropia) over the right side near the collateral sulcus, and two tight clusters of dipoles over the right parietal and left temporo-parietal region, with generalized inter ictal discharges in her EEG. FCD is a common etiology of medically intractable seizures and usually in EEG it will show either: pseudo-periodic spikes or rhythmic spikes, poly-spike or repetitive electrographic seizures or a brief discharge of fast rhythmic activity, atypical presentation with generalized epileptiform discharges were rarely reported.
    CONCLUSIONS: The presence of MCD does not preclude a patient from having other types of epilepsy. Generalized epilepsy and focal related epilepsy have a distinct pathophysiology.





