MafB Transcription Factor

MafB 转录因子
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Multicentric carpotarsal osteolysis syndrome (MCTO) is a rare skeletal disorder characterized by progressive osteolysis involving the carpal and tarsal bones, and often associated with nephropathy. It is caused by heterozygous mutation in the MAF bZIP transcription factor B (MAFB) gene. Heterogeneous clinical manifestation and wide spectrum of disease severity have been observed in patients with MCTO. Here, we report a case of a male patient who presented with kidney failure in childhood with progressive disabling skeletal deformity. He was diagnosed with MCTO at 31-years-old, where a de novo pathogenic heterozygous variant in NM_005461.5:c.212C>A: p.(Pro71His) of the MAFB gene was identified. While there has been little data on the long-term prognosis and life expectancy of this disease, this case report sheds light on the debilitating disease course with multiple significant morbidities of a patient with MCTO throughout his lifetime of 33 years.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Multicentric carpotarsal osteolysis (MCTO) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by the progressive loss of bone in the hands, feet, and other skeletal structures. It presents with symptoms that may resemble those of juvenile idiopathic arthritis, making diagnosis challenging for clinicians. The identification of MAF BZIP Transcription Factor B (MAFB) mutations as significant contributors to MCTO represents a major breakthrough in our understanding of the pathogenesis of this rare skeletal disorder.
    METHODS: Our objective was to present the phenotype, treatment, and outcome of a patient with a variant of MAFB-induced MCTO to broaden the range of clinical features associated with MCTO and share our clinical experience for improved diagnosis and treatment. In our case, early MRI examination of the bones and whole exome sequencing enabled an early and accurate MCTO diagnosis, and timely Denosumab administration resulted in no deterioration.
    CONCLUSIONS: This suggests that MRI examination and whole exome sequencing should be considered when MCTO is suspected, and Denosumab might be an option in the treatment of MCTO.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Cre-LoxP system has been widely used to induce recombination of floxed genes of interest. Currently available macrophage promoter-specific Cre recombinase mice strains have various limitations that warrants the testing of additional Cre strains. V-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene family, protein b -Cre (Mafb-Cre) mice label macrophages in most organs such as spleen, small intestine, lung, bone marrow, and peritoneal cavity. However, whether Mafb-Cre recombinase targets the gene recombination in alveolar macrophage remains untested. Here, we utilized MafbCre/WTR26mTmG/WT strain that expresses mTOM protein in all the cells of mouse body except for those that express Mafb-Cre-regulated mEGFP. We performed fluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry to analyze mTOM and mEGFP expression in alveolar macrophages from MafbCre/WTR26mTmG/WT mice. Our analyses revealed that the Mafb-Cre is active in only ~40% of the alveolar macrophages in an age-independent manner. While Mafb- (mTOM+/mEGFP-) and Mafb+ (mEGFP+) alveolar macrophages exhibit comparable expression of CD11b and CD11c surface markers, the surface expression of MHCII is elevated in the Mafb+ (mEGFP+) macrophages. The bone marrow-derived macrophages from MafbCre/WTR26mTmG/WT mice are highly amenable to Cre-LoxP recombination in vitro. The bone marrow depletion and reconstitution experiment revealed that ~98% of alveolar macrophages from MafbCre/WTR26mTmG/WT → WT chimera are amenable to the Mafb-Cre-mediated recombination. Finally, the Th2 stimulation and ozone exposure to the MafbCre/WTR26mTmG/WT mice promote the Mafb-Cre-mediated recombination in alveolar macrophages. In conclusion, while the Mafb-/Mafb+ dichotomy thwarts the use of Mafb-Cre for the induction of floxed alleles in the entire alveolar macrophage population, this strain provides a unique tool to induce gene deletion in alveolar macrophages that encounter Th2 microenvironment in the lung airspaces.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Multicentric carpotarsal osteolysis (MCTO) is a rare hereditary disease caused by mutations in MafB, a negative regulator of osteoclastogenesis.
    METHODS: A 20-year-old, Japanese woman with scoliosis visited our institute for treatment. Scoliosis was apparent since she was 12 years old, but she had not sought treatment until the age of 19. Medical examination showed a typical facial appearance associated with a small forehead and hypotelorism; shortening of the fingers of both hands and both upper limbs was observed, in addition to clubfoot. No café au lait spots or mental retardation were observed. On the other hand, the trunk showed evidence of an irregular waistline and a rib hump that obviously suggested scoliosis. Neurological deficit was not observed. Spirometry showed decreased forced vital capacity (FVC). Although proteinuria was observed, renal dysfunction and hypertension were not seen. The major curve of scoliosis was 82° (MC, Th7-L2; Th11 apical vertebra), and the upper curve was 77° (UC, Th1-6; Th3 apical vertebra). In a recumbent-traction position, the major curve was 54° and the upper curve was 56°. The pelvic incidence minus lumbar lordosis (PI-LL) angle was <10° and no mismatch was observed; thoracic kyphosis was decreased to 16°.
    METHODS: The patient was diagnosed with symptomatic scoliosis secondary to MCTO.
    METHODS: We decided to perform a correction and fusion from Th2 to L3 using a posterior spinal instrumentation.
    RESULTS: Postoperative x-ray demonstrated scoliosis angle correction from 77° to 38° at Th1-6 and 82° to 39° at Th7-L2. Postoperative x-ray demonstrated thoracic kyphosis angle correction from 16° to 21°. The patient\'s height increased from 155 to 161 cm.
    CONCLUSIONS: It has been 24 months since the operation, and no exacerbation has been observed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of surgical treatment of scoliosis secondary to MCTO.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Multicentric carpotarsal osteolysis syndrome (MCTO) is characterized by progressive destruction and disappearance of the carpal and tarsal bones associated with nephropathy. MCTO is caused by loss-of-function mutations in the MAF bZIP transcription factor B (MAFB) gene.
    This report describes three unrelated patients with MAFB mutations, including two male and one female patient. Osteolytic lesions in the carpal and tarsal bones were detected at 2 years, 12 years, and 14 months of age, respectively. Associated proteinuria was noted at 4 years, 12 years, and 3 months of age, respectively. Kidney biopsy was performed in two of them and revealed focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). One patient showed progression to end-stage renal disease, that is by 1 year after the detection of proteinuria. The second patient had persistent proteinuria but maintained normal renal function. In the third patient, who did not undergo a kidney biopsy, the proteinuria disappeared spontaneously. The bony lesions worsened progressively in all three patients. Mutational study of MAFB revealed three different mutations, two novel mutations [c.183C > A (p.Ser61Arg) and c.211C > G (p.Pro71Ala)] and one known mutation [c.212C > T (p.Pro71Leu)].
    We report three cases with MCTO and two novel MAFB mutations. The renal phenotypes were different among the three patients, whereas progressive worsening of the bony lesions was common in all patients. We also confirmed FSGS to be an early renal pathologic finding in two cases. A diagnosis of MCTO should be considered in patients with progressive bone loss concentrated primarily in the carpal and tarsal bones and kidney involvement, such as proteinuria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The v-maf avian musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog B gene (MAFB) has been associated with serum lipid levels in the Eurpean population, but little is known about such association in the Chinese population or in atherosclerosis-related patients. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to assess the association of the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the MAFB and serum lipid levels and the risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) and ischemic stroke (IS) in the Chinese population.
    METHODS: A total of 1,065 unrelated patients (CAD, 525 and IS, 540) and 539 healthy controls were recruited in this study. Genotypes of the MAFB rs2902940 and rs6102059 SNPs were determined by the Snapshot technology platform.
    RESULTS: The rs2902940AA genotype was associated with an increased risk of CAD (adjusted OR = 1.63, 95% CI = 1.07-2.48, P = 0.023) and IS (adjusted OR = 1.69, 95% CI = 1.09-2.61, P = 0.017). The rs2902940GA/AA genotypes were also associated with an increased risk of CAD (adjusted OR = 1.56, 95% CI = 1.04-2.32, P = 0.030 for GA/AA vs. GG) and IS (adjusted OR = 1.72, 95% CI = 1.14-2.60, P = 0.010 for GA/AA vs. GG). Significant interactions were observed only in those with higher body mass index (BMI), hypertension and diabetes (P < 0.05). The subjects with rs2902940GA/AA genotypes in controls had lower serum ApoAI levels than the subjects with GG genotype (P = 0.024).
    CONCLUSIONS: The rs2902940A allele carriers in the MAFB conferred a decreased serum ApoAI level in controls and an increased risk of CAD and IS. The rs2902940GA/AA genotypes interacted with higher BMI, hypertension and diabetes to contribute the risk of CAD and IS.





