
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Dark Triad (DT) is a collection of overlapping aversive personality profiles constituting psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism. Debates remain regarding the optimal way to examine the unique outcomes associated with each construct, with several scholars advocating partialing these profiles in multiple regression analyses (i.e., removing their shared variance). The present paper details the pitfalls inherent in this approach by comparing the convergence and divergence of relations derived from raw and residualized DT composite scores. In Sample 1 (N = 393), DT scores were examined to determine the extent to which their raw and residualized components manifested similar relationships with the Five-Factor Model and the DSM-5 Section III personality disorder traits. In Sample 2 (N = 542), the same approach was taken in relation to an array of associated behaviors (e.g., antisocial behavior, promiscuity). Findings from Samples 1 and 2 demonstrate that the use of residualized (vs. raw) coefficients presents important interpretative challenges for both narcissism and Machiavellianism. This study illustrates the substantial interpretive difficulties that can arise when using findings from residualized analyses (e.g., multiple regression) to build nomological networks around Dark Triad constructs. We argue that bivariate relations be given preferential treatment, given their more direct ties to the assessments, and that if multivariate approaches are to be used, they must be accompanied by strong theory about the components of DT constructs. (PsycINFO Database Record






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study explored the reasons and motives underlying the decisions of individuals with strong Machiavellian attitudes (High Machs). One hundred and fifty undergraduate students completed the Mach-IV test, and their contributions to, financial success in and narrative reports of a public goods game were analysed. High Machs contributed less to the public good and gained more benefit than Low Machs. Analysis of the narrative reports showed that High Machs used significantly fewer verbs referring to emotional involvement and first person plural verb forms, than did Low Machs. This study confirmed previous findings that High Machs have a cool and rational character and a proself orientation and showed that their lack of group orientation may account for their low cooperation in social dilemmas. The results of narrative content analysis provide a new perspective on the motives and values behind High Machs\' decisions and success in different fields of social life.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The purpose of this article is to illuminate the dynamics of sibling group support when one sibling has complex needs accompanied by difficult behaviors. A case study of sibling support for a twenty-year-old woman with a disability, a mental health issue, and addictions, drawn from the perspectives of her full brother, her half-brother, and their mother, is presented. The brothers express ambivalence between devotion to supporting their sister and limits to the support they feel able to provide. The limits the brothers place on their support allow them to adhere to their values, preserve their energy and, ultimately, sustain their ability to provide support.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We describe a case of factitious disorder with physical and psychological symptoms comorbid with bipolar I disorder in a 37-year-old woman. Since the onset of bipolar disorder, which occurred at the age of 31, she increasingly complained of physical symptoms, compulsively seeking medical and surgical interventions. She has been hospitalised several times and her Munchausen-type factitious disorder recently appeared to be developing into Munchausen by proxy, involving her 11-year-old daughter. The patient adhered poorly to stabilising and antipsychotic drug treatment and did not improve through the years. We here analyse her mood phases, which were always associated with changes in the quality of factitious symptoms, according to whether the disorder was in its depressive phase (somatic complaints and suicidal ideation prevail), or in its manic or mixed phase (medical intervention-seeking and manipulation of clinicians to obtain surgical interventions). We also briefly discuss some important forensic issues to consider in similar cases, mainly stemming from the psychotic aspects of these two co-occurring disorders. Clinicians should be aware of some patients\' ability to produce signs and symptoms of physical and/or psychological illness and consult psychiatrists before giving consent to invasive diagnostic procedures or surgery.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    In the three decades since the definitive decisions regarding duty to warn and protect, several cases have shaped psychiatric practice. In this article we present a tragic case that we postulate may have a significant effect on psychiatric practice in Canada. A psychiatric patient murdered a relative some 50 days after the patient left the hospital. On the day before his release, the patient\'s status was changed from involuntary to voluntary. We argue that this case may result in a reversal of current mental health and social policy, whereby psychiatrists will be less willing to release difficult and potentially dangerous patients. To provide context to the case, we review some concepts of the literature and recent legal cases pertaining to the release of such patients.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Reported in this paper is a single-case experimental design study on the behaviour of a 32-year-old schizophrenic female inpatient, presenting with maladaptive behaviours necessitating care in a medium secure environment. A baseline of her observed behaviour on the unit was taken. The information gathered was used to assist in deciding the differential effects of psychosis vs. behavioural manipulation on her presentation and to assist in planning her immediate and future management/treatment. Situational factors portrayed as likely indicators of maladaptive behaviours proved difficult to influence, owing to the nature of the subject\'s environment. Cognitions and learnt behaviours were targeted. Recent research indicates that for some schizophrenics cognitive-behavioural treatment of hallucinations/delusions using a focusing strategy is effective in reducing the symptoms\' frequency. Frequency of the behaviours was recorded whilst this cognitive approach to symptom reduction was used. A marked decrease in her maladaptive behaviours was noted.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    An account of Kleinian analysis illustrating the concept of the pathological organization is discussed from an alternative theoretical position, that of cognitive analytic therapy. It is suggested that the alternative model of development, while still essentially an object relations theory, produces a different understanding and that the therapeutic method associated with it offers a more powerful means of aiding personality integration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Subjects were presented with a scenario that described how a certain type of opinion poll can be manipulated by respondents to put one particular political party (the threatened party) at a disadvantage. In a first experiment, people supporting this party but pretending to oppose it were found to be as likely to say that they would manipulate the poll as people who actually opposed it. In a second experiment, the threat embodied in the scenario was made more direct. It was also more salient because the study was carried out at a time of heightened political awareness when supporters of the threatened party were genuinely concerned about its future. People supporting the threatened party but pretending to oppose it were now about half as likely to say that they would manipulate the poll as those who actually opposed it. Two explanations for this breakdown in the belief-desire reasoning subserving pretense are considered.





