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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent expert consensus publications have highlighted the issue of poor reproducibility in magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) studies, mainly due to the lack of standardized reporting criteria, which affects their clinical applicability. To combat this, guidelines for minimum reporting standards (MRSinMRS) were introduced to aid journal editors and reviewers in ensuring the comprehensive documentation of essential MRS study parameters. Despite these efforts, the implementation of MRSinMRS standards has been slow, attributed to the diverse nomenclature used by different vendors, the variety of raw MRS data formats, and the absence of appropriate software tools for identifying and reporting necessary parameters. To overcome this obstacle, we have developed the REproducibility Made Easy (REMY) standalone toolbox. REMY software supports a range of MRS data formats from major vendors like GE (p. file), Siemens (twix, .rda, .dcm), Philips (.spar/.sdat), and Bruker (.method), facilitating easy data import and export through a user-friendly interface. REMY employs external libraries such as spec2nii and pymapVBVD to accurately read and process these diverse data formats, ensuring compatibility and ease of use for researchers in generating reproducible MRS research outputs. Users can select and import datasets, choose the appropriate vendor and data format, and then generate an MRSinMRS table, log file, and methodological documents in both Latex and PDF formats. REMY effectively populated key sections of the MRSinMRS table with data from all supported file types. Accurate generation of hardware parameters including field strength, manufacturer, and scanner software version were demonstrated. However, it could not input data for RF coil and additional hardware information due to their absence in the files. For the acquisition section, REMY accurately read and populated fields for the pulse sequence name, nominal voxel size, repetition time (TR), echo time (TE), number of acquisitions/excitations/shots, spectral width [Hz], and number of spectral points, significantly contributing to the completion of the Acquisition fields of the table. Furthermore, REMY generates a boilerplate methods text section for manuscripts.The use of REMY will facilitate more widespread adoption of the MRSinMRS checklist within the MRS community, making it easier to write and report acquisition parameters effectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Long acquisition times due to intrinsically low signal-to-noise ratio and the need for highly homogeneous B0 field make MRS particularly susceptible to motion or scanner instability compared with MRI. Motion-induced changes in both localization and shimming (ie B0 homogeneity) degrade MRS data quality. To mitigate the effects of motion three approaches can be employed: (1) subject immobilization, (2) retrospective correction, and (3) prospective real-time correction using internal and/or external tracking methods. Prospective real-time correction methods can simultaneously update localization and the B0 field to improve MRS data quality. While localization errors can be corrected with both internal (navigators) and external (optical camera, NMR probes) tracking methods, the B0 field correction requires internal navigator methods to measure the B0 field inside the imaged volume and the possibility to update the scanner shim hardware in real time. Internal and external tracking can rapidly update the MRS localization with submillimeter and subdegree precision, while scanner frequency and first-order shims of scanner hardware can be updated by internal methods every sequence repetition. These approaches are most well developed for neuroimaging, for which rigid transformation is primarily applicable. Real-time correction greatly improves the stability of MRS acquisition and quantification, as shown in clinical studies on subjects prone to motion, including children and patients with movement disorders, enabling robust measurement of metabolite signals including those with low concentrations, such as gamma-aminobutyric acid and glutathione. Thus, motion correction is recommended for MRS users and calls for tighter integration and wider availability of such methods by MR scanner manufacturers.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Once an MRS dataset has been acquired, several important steps must be taken to obtain the desired metabolite concentration measures. First, the data must be preprocessed to prepare them for analysis. Next, the intensity of the metabolite signal(s) of interest must be estimated. Finally, the measured metabolite signal intensities must be converted into scaled concentration units employing a quantitative reference signal to allow meaningful interpretation. In this paper, we review these three main steps in the post-acquisition workflow of a single-voxel MRS experiment (preprocessing, analysis and quantification) and provide recommendations for best practices at each step.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proton MRS (1 H MRS) provides noninvasive, quantitative metabolite profiles of tissue and has been shown to aid the clinical management of several brain diseases. Although most modern clinical MR scanners support MRS capabilities, routine use is largely restricted to specialized centers with good access to MR research support. Widespread adoption has been slow for several reasons, and technical challenges toward obtaining reliable good-quality results have been identified as a contributing factor. Considerable progress has been made by the research community to address many of these challenges, and in this paper a consensus is presented on deficiencies in widely available MRS methodology and validated improvements that are currently in routine use at several clinical research institutions. In particular, the localization error for the PRESS localization sequence was found to be unacceptably high at 3 T, and use of the semi-adiabatic localization by adiabatic selective refocusing sequence is a recommended solution. Incorporation of simulated metabolite basis sets into analysis routines is recommended for reliably capturing the full spectral detail available from short TE acquisitions. In addition, the importance of achieving a highly homogenous static magnetic field (B0 ) in the acquisition region is emphasized, and the limitations of current methods and hardware are discussed. Most recommendations require only software improvements, greatly enhancing the capabilities of clinical MRS on existing hardware. Implementation of these recommendations should strengthen current clinical applications and advance progress toward developing and validating new MRS biomarkers for clinical use.






