Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This literature review will provide a critical narrative overview of the highlights and potential pitfalls of the reported animal models for limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) and will identify the neglected aspects of this research area. There exists significant heterogeneity in the literature regarding the methodology used to create the model and the predefined duration after the insult when the model is supposedly fully fit for evaluations and/or for testing various therapeutic interventions. The literature is also replete with examples wherein the implementation of a specific model varies significantly across different studies. For example, the concentration of the chemical, as well as its duration and technique of exposure in a chemically induced LSCD model, has a great impact not only on the validity of the model but also on the severity of the complications. Furthermore, while some models induce a full-blown clinical picture of total LSCD, some are hindered by their ability to yield only partial LSCD. Another aspect to consider is the nature of the damage induced by a specific method. As thermal methods cause more stromal scarring, they may be better suited for assessing the anti-fibrotic properties of a particular treatment. On the other hand, since chemical burns cause more neovascularisation, they provide the opportunity to tap into the potential treatments for anti-neovascularisation. The animal species (i.e., rats, mice, rabbits, etc.) is also a crucial factor in the validity of the model and its potential for clinical translation, with each animal having its unique set of advantages and disadvantages. This review will also elaborate on other overlooked aspects, such as the anaesthetic(s) used during experiments, the gender of the animals, care after LSCD induction, and model validation. The review will conclude by providing future perspectives and suggestions for further developments in this rather important area of research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) is a pathologic condition caused by the dysfunction and destruction of stem cells, stem cell precursors and limbal cell niche in the corneal epithelium, leading to severe conjunctivalization of the cornea. Etiologies for LSCD span from congenital (aniridia), traumatic (chemical or thermal injuries), autoimmune (Stevens-Johnson syndrome) and iatrogenic disease to contact lens (CL) wear. Of these, CL wear is the least understood and is often a subclinical cause of LSCD. Even with recent advances in LSCD research, limitations persist in establishing the pathogenesis and treatment guidelines for CL-induced LSCD. A literature search was conducted to include original articles containing patients with CL-induced LSCD. This review will critically discuss the complex pathophysiology behind CL-induced LSCD, the underlying risk factors and epidemiology of the disease as well as methods to obtain a diagnosis. Various treatment options will be reviewed based on proposed treatment strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Given the various ocular manifestations of limbal stem cell insufficiency, an awareness of the genetic, acquired, and immunological causes and associated additional treatments of limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) is essential for providers. We performed a comprehensive review of the literature on the various etiologies and specific therapies for LSCD. The resources utilized in this review included Medline (PubMed), Embase, and Google Scholar. All English-language articles and case reports published from November 1986 through to October 2022 were reviewed in this study. There were collectively 99 articles on these topics. No other exclusion criteria were applied. Depending on the etiology, ocular manifestations of limbal stem cell deficiency range from dry eye syndrome and redness to more severe outcomes, including corneal ulceration, ocular surface failure, and vision loss. Identifying the source of damage for LSCD is critical in the treatment process, given that therapy may extend beyond the scope of the standard protocol, including artificial tears, refractive surgery, and allogeneic stem cell transplants. This comprehensive review of the literature demonstrates the various genetic, acquired, and immunological causes of LSCD and the spectrum of supplemental therapies available.






  • 文章类型: Review
    The first product in the world for ex vivo cultivated oral mucosal epithelial cell transplantation (COMET) to treat limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD), named Ocural®, was launched in June 2021 in Japan. COMET was performed on two patients, including the first case in the post-marketing phase of Ocural®. Pathological and immunohistochemical examinations were also carried out using specimens obtained before and after COMET and the spare cell sheet. In case 1, the ocular surface remained free from epithelial defects for approximately six months. In case 2, although defect of the cornea-like epithelia was observed after COMET for one month, it was resolved after the insertion of lacrimal punctal plugs. In case 1, adjuvant treatment was interrupted due to an accident during the second month after COMET, resulting in conjunctival ingrowth and corneal opacity. Eventually, a lamellar keratoplasty was required at six months after COMET. Immunohistochemistry revealed the presence of markers for stem cells (p63, p75), proliferation (Ki-67), and differentiation (Keratin-3, -4, and -13) in both the cornea-like tissue after COMET and a cultivated oral mucosal epithelial cell sheet. In conclusion, Ocural® can be accomplished without major complications, and the stem cells derived from oral mucosa might be successfully engrafted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The corneal epithelium is composed of nonkeratinized stratified squamous cells and has a significant turnover rate. Limbal integrity is vital to maintain the clarity and avascularity of the cornea as well as regeneration of the corneal epithelium. Limbal epithelial stem cells (LESCs) are located in the basal epithelial layer of the limbus and preserve this homeostasis. Proper functioning of LESCs is dependent on a specific microenvironment, known as the limbal stem cell niche (LSCN). This structure is made up of various cells, an extracellular matrix (ECM), and signaling molecules. Different etiologies may damage the LSCN, leading to limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD), which is characterized by conjunctivalization of the cornea. In this review, we first summarize the basics of the LSCN and then focus on current and emerging bioengineering strategies for LSCN restoration to combat LSCD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Animal models are pivotal for elucidating pathophysiological mechanisms and evaluating novel therapies. This systematic review identified studies that developed or adapted animal models of limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD), assessed their reporting quality, summarized their key characteristics, and established their clinical translational relevance to human disease.
    METHODS: The protocol was prospectively registered (PROSPERO CRD42020203937). Searches were conducted in PubMed, Ovid EMBASE and Web of Science in August 2020. Two authors screened citations, extracted data, assessed the reporting quality of eligible studies using the ARRIVE guidelines, and judged the clinical translational relevance of each model using a custom matrix.
    RESULTS: 105 studies were included. Rabbits were the most common animal species. Overall, 97% of studies recapitulated LSCD to a clinical etiology, however 62% did not provide sufficient methodological detail to enable independent reproduction of the model. Adverse events and/or exclusion of animals were infrequently (20%) reported. Approximately one-quarter of studies did not produce the intended severity of LSCD; 34% provided insufficient information to assess the fidelity of disease induction. Adjunctive diagnostic confirmation of LSCD induction was performed in 13% of studies.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first systematic review to assess the reporting quality and clinical translational relevance of animal models of LSCD. Models of LSCD have evolved over time, resulting in variable reporting of the characteristics of animals, experimental procedures and adverse events. In most studies, validation of LSCD was made using clinical tests; newer adjunctive techniques would enhance diagnostic validation. As most studies sought to evaluate novel therapies for LSCD, animal models should ideally recapitulate all features of the condition that develop in patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Simple limbal epithelial transplantation (SLET) is an ingenious, low cost and effective technique of limbal stem cell transplantation (LSCT) that is increasingly being undertaken in practice across the world. Since it was first described a decade ago, the technique has been performed in a variety of cases of limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD) and has underwent several innovative modifications. Published literature on SLET has progressively increased over time and successful outcomes in various clinical scenarios have been reported. This concise review attempts to present a crisp account of SLET covering the indications and contraindications of performing the procedure; detailed account of pre-operative work up and preparation; surgical technique and its modifications; post-operative course, care and possible complications as well as published outcomes of surgery from across the world. Comparative analysis of various techniques of LSCT have been discussed and common concerns of surgeons practising or those who are planning to start practising SLET have been addressed. The authors hope that the pragmatic insights and pearls given at the end of the review will aid the surgeons in performing this technique to provide maximum benefit to patients suffering from the potentially blinding condition of LSCD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This systematic review (SR) assessed the efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness of cell-based therapy to manage limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD), a sight-threatening orphan condition most frequently associated with severe chemical or thermal burns. LSCD has historically been treated by transplanting limbal tissue. In 1997, a new treatment, cultured limbal epithelial autografts, was described for unilateral LSCD. In cases of bilateral disease cultured autologous oral mucosa stem cells have been used. The relative efficacy of different cultured tissue procedures is unknown.
    A protocol was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42017081117). Searches were conducted in 14 databases and 6 conference websites. Two reviewers independently selected studies, conducted data extraction and assessed risk of bias. One reviewer extracted individual patient data (IPD); a second checked extracted data. Data were assessed to determine the feasibility of statistical analysis, with Bayesian synthesis used to estimate improvement achieved by different treatments.
    Fifty-two studies were eligible for inclusion (1113 eyes); 41 studies (716 eyes) reported IPD. No evidence was identified on cost-effectiveness. This SR was unable to confirm that any of the types of ex vivo cultured stem cell transplants identified for LSCD treatment were statistically superior when assessed against the outcomes of interest.
    We believe this SR is the first to include IPD analysis of LSCD data. There is no evidence for the superiority of any method of limbal stem cell transplant. Confirmation of the safety and efficacy of this treatment modality is challenging due to heterogeneity within and between the studies identified. Therefore, recommendations for future research are proposed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) is a chronic, bilateral, allergic conjunctivitis with episodes of acute exacerbations. Although VKC has a self-limiting course, chronic recurrent inflammation can cause long-term visual impairment due to corneal complications including shield ulcers, infectious keratitis, keratoconus, corneal opacities, and limbal stem cell deficiency. The initial step in the management of corneal involvement is medical treatment of the acute stage of VKC and prevention of recurrences. Giant papillae not responding to medical treatment can be removed surgically in the case of corneal involvement. Shield ulcer with no inflammatory plaque usually heals with appropriate medical therapy. For shield ulcer with inflammatory plaque, however, surgical debridement with or without amniotic membrane transplantation might be necessary. Keratoconus may develop in chronic and severe VKC. An annual evaluation of these patients with corneal topography and/or tomography is essential for early detection of keratoconus and its timely management that includes collagen cross-linking and intrastromal corneal ring segment implantation. Corneal transplantation may be required in the advanced stage of keratoconus. Both penetrating keratoplasty and deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty can result in excellent visual outcomes in keratoconic eyes with concomitant VKC. Appropriate management of inflammation in the perioperative period is crucial for achieving successful outcomes after corneal transplantation. Limbal stem cell deficiency, a rare complication of long-standing and severe VKC, might be treated with living-related conjunctival limbal allograft.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Destruction or dysfunction of limbal epithelial stem cells (LESCs) leads to unilateral or bilateral limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD). Fifteen years have passed since the first transplantation of ex vivo cultivated oral mucosal epithelial cells (COMET) in humans in 2004, which represents the first use of a cultured non-limbal autologous cell type to treat bilateral LSCD. This review summarizes clinical outcomes from COMET studies published from 2004 to 2019 and reviews results with emphasis on the culture methods by which grafted cell sheets were prepared.






