Life History

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chance pervades life. In turn, life histories are described by probabilities (e.g. survival and breeding) and averages across individuals (e.g. mean growth rate and age at maturity). In this study, we explored patterns of luck in lifetime outcomes by analysing structured population models for a wide array of plant and animal species. We calculated four response variables: variance and skewness in both lifespan and lifetime reproductive output (LRO), and partitioned them into contributions from different forms of luck. We examined relationships among response variables and a variety of life history traits. We found that variance in lifespan and variance in LRO were positively correlated across taxa, but that variance and skewness were negatively correlated for both lifespan and LRO. The most important life history trait was longevity, which shaped variance and skew in LRO through its effects on variance in lifespan. We found that luck in survival, growth, and fecundity all contributed to variance in LRO, but skew in LRO was overwhelmingly due to survival luck. Rapidly growing populations have larger variances in LRO and lifespan than shrinking populations. Our results indicate that luck-induced genetic drift may be most severe in recovering populations of species with long mature lifespan and high iteroparity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study determined the seasonal population fluctuation of Myzus cerasi (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in cherry orchards and the effect of different temperatures on the life-history parameters of these aphids under laboratory conditions. Our field results showed that the population fluctuations and densities of M. cerasi on cherry trees were positively affected by the temperature increase between seasons. Also, our laboratory results showed that M. cerasi survived and reproduced at all temperatures tested under laboratory conditions. Female longevity was observed as 19.00 ± 2.38, 18.72 ± 0.49, and 12.59 ± 0.74 days, and fecundity was 10.14 ± 2.26, 9.36 ± 0.59, and 7.27 ± 0.84 offspring/female at 20, 25, and 30 °C, respectively. Although the highest net reproductive rate (R0) was observed numerically at 25 °C (7.80 offspring/female), there was no significant difference compared to 20 °C (7.10 offspring/female). The highest intrinsic rate of increase (r) and the highest finite rate of increase (λ) were calculated at 30 °C (0.15 ± 0.01 and 1.16 ± 0.01 day-1, respectively), and there was no significant difference compared to 25 °C. The mean generation time (T) of M. cerasi showed a significant difference at all temperatures tested and decreased from 22.59 ± 0.33 days at 20 °C to 12.78 ± 0.37 days at 30 °C. Consequently, our results revealed that the seasonal population fluctuation and the life history of M. cerasi in the field and laboratory conditions were affected significantly by different temperatures. Our data obtained in the field and the laboratory will contribute to the understanding of M. cerasi biology and to the management of the pest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mitochondrial genomes of Bilateria are relatively conserved in their protein-coding, rRNA, and tRNA gene complement, but the order of these genes can range from very conserved to very variable depending on the taxon. The supposedly conserved gene order of Annelida has been used to support the placement of some taxa within Annelida. Recently, authors have cast doubts on the conserved nature of the annelid gene order. Various factors may influence gene order variability including, among others, increased substitution rates, base composition differences, structure of noncoding regions, parasitism, living in extreme habitats, short generation times, and biomineralization. However, these analyses were neither done systematically nor based on well-established reference trees. Several focused on only a few of these factors and biological factors were usually explored ad-hoc without rigorous testing or correlation analyses. Herein, we investigated the variability and evolution of the annelid gene order and the factors that potentially influenced its evolution, using a comprehensive and systematic approach. The analyses were based on 170 genomes, including 33 previously unrepresented species. Our analyses included 706 different molecular properties, 20 life-history and ecological traits, and a reference tree corresponding to recent improvements concerning the annelid tree. The results showed that the gene order with and without tRNAs is generally conserved. However, individual taxa exhibit higher degrees of variability. None of the analyzed life-history and ecological traits explained the observed variability across mitochondrial gene orders. In contrast, the combination and interaction of the best-predicting factors for substitution rate and base composition explained up to 30% of the observed variability. Accordingly, correlation analyses of different molecular properties of the mitochondrial genomes showed an intricate network of direct and indirect correlations between the different molecular factors. Hence, gene order evolution seems to be driven by molecular evolutionary aspects rather than by life history or ecology. On the other hand, variability of the gene order does not predict if a taxon is difficult to place in molecular phylogenetic reconstructions using sequence data or not. We also discuss the molecular properties of annelid mitochondrial genomes considering canonical views on gene evolution and potential reasons why the canonical views do not always fit to the observed patterns without making some adjustments. [Annelida; compositional biases; ecology; gene order; life history; macroevolution; mitochondrial genomes; substitution rates.].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent neurodevelopmental and evolutionary theories offer strong theoretical rationales and some empirical evidence to support the importance of specific dimensions of early adversity. However, studies have often been limited by omission of other adversity dimensions, singular outcomes, and short follow up durations. 1,420 participants in the community, Great Smoky Mountains Study, were assessed up to eight times between age 9 and 16 for four dimensions of early adversity: Threat, Material Deprivation, Unpredictability, and Loss (as well as a Cumulative Adversity measure). Participants were followed up to four times in adulthood (ages 19, 21, 25, and 30) to measure psychiatric disorders, substance disorder, and \"real-world\" functioning. Every childhood adversity dimension was associated with multiple adult psychiatric, substance, or functional outcomes when tested simultaneously in a multivariable analysis that accounted for other childhood adversities. There was evidence of differential impact of dimensions of adversity exposure on proximal outcomes (e.g., material deprivation and IQ) and even on distal outcomes (e.g., threat and emotional functioning). There were similar levels of prediction between the best set of individual adversity scales and a single cumulative adversity measure when considering distal outcomes. All dimensions of childhood adversity have lasting, pleiotropic effects, on adult health and functioning, but these dimensions may act via distinct proximal pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The inclusion of life history as a possible influential factor is pivotal in studies on behavior, welfare, and cognition. Shelter dogs have usually experienced a life involving poor social interactions with humans. Thus, we aimed to investigate the behavioral responses of shelter dogs (SDs) and companion dogs (CDs) during the training of two vocal cues (\"sit\", \"paw\"), as well as the possible associations between their responses and the behaviors of trainers. We studied 15 SDs and 15 CDs in up to eight five-minute training sessions. Dogs\' and trainers\' behaviors were recorded and analyzed (through GLM, GLMM, correlation and Mann-Whitney tests). Shelter dogs responded to more cues per session, with shorter latencies and fewer repetitions of cues. Moreover, SDs spent more time wagging their tails. Dogs\' sex and trainers\' behaviors were also associated with differences in dogs\' responses. The use of a reproachful tone of voice was associated with a greater number of cues responded to, shorter latencies, and fewer repetitions of cues. However, this type voice/discourse was also linked to a greater exhibition of non-training behaviors (e.g., exploring the room or jumping on the trainer), and to dogs spending less time next to the trainer and wagging their tails. On the other hand, the use of a neutral tone of voice and laughter, besides being linked to performance, was also associated with longer durations of tail wagging. Furthermore, the duration of the trainers\' orientation to dogs was correlated with the orientation of the dogs to the trainers. Our data suggest that, even when having experienced social deprivation from humans, SDs\' capacities to learn vocal cues were preserved, possibly due to ontogenic homeostasis processes. Shelter dogs\' greater interest in the sessions may be also credited to their socially-deprived routine. Our outcomes also point to an association between friendly interactions during training and dog performance and excitement, which suggests that such interactions may have the potential to improve SD welfare.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We leverage recent bioarchaeological approaches and life history theory to address the implications of the osteological paradox in a study population. The goal of this article is to evaluate morbidity and mortality patterns as well as variability in the risk of disease and death during the Late Intermediate period (LIP; 950-1450 C.E.) in the Nasca highlands of Peru. We demonstrate how the concurrent use of multiple analytical techniques and life history theory can engage the osteological paradox and provide salient insights into the study of stress, frailty, and resilience in past populations.
    Crania from LIP burial contexts in the Nasca highlands were examined for cribra orbitalia (n = 325) and porotic hyperostosis (n = 270). All age groups and both sexes are represented in the sample. Survivor/nonsurvivor analysis assessed demographic differences in lesion frequency and severity. Hazard models were generated to assess differences in survivorship. The relationship between dietary diversity and heterogeneity in morbidity was assessed using stable δ15 N and δ13 C isotope values for bone collagen and carbonate. One hundred and twenty-four crania were directly AMS radiocarbon dated, allowing for a diachronic analysis of morbidity and mortality.
    The frequency and expression of both orbital and vault lesions increases significantly during the LIP. Survivor/nonsurvivor analysis indicates cranial lesions co-vary with frailty rather than robusticity or longevity. Hazard models show (1) decreasing survivorship with the transition into the LIP, (2) significantly lower adult life expectancy for females compared to males, and (3) individuals with cranial lesions have lower survivorship across the life course. Stable isotope results show very little dietary diversity. Mortality risk and frequency of pathological skeletal lesions were highest during Phase III (1300-1450 C.E.) of the LIP.
    Results provide compelling evidence of increasing physiological stress and mortality in the Nasca highlands during the LIP, but also reveal substantial heterogeneity in frailty and the risk of death. Certain members of society experienced a heavier disease burden and higher mortality compared to their contemporaries. Elevated levels of disease and lethal trauma among females account for some of the sex differences in survivorship but cannot explain the large degree of female-biased mortality. We hypothesize that parental investment in males or increased female fertility rates may explain these differences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Invasive species-species that have successfully overcome the barriers of transport, introduction, establishment, and spread-are a risk to biodiversity and ecosystem function. Introduction effort is one of the main factors underlying invasion success, but life history traits are also important as they influence population growth. In this contribution, we first investigated life history traits of the Barbary ground squirrel, Atlantoxerus getulus, a species with a very low introduction effort. We then studied if their invasion success was due to a very fast life history profile by comparing their life history traits to those of other successful invasive mammals. Next, we examined whether the number of founders and/or a fast life history influences the invasion success of squirrels. Barbary ground squirrels were on the fast end of the \"fast-slow continuum\", but their life history was not the only contributing factor to their invasion success, as the life history profile is comparable to other invasive species that do not have such a low introduction effort. We also found that neither life history traits nor the number of founders explained the invasion success of introduced squirrels in general. These results contradict the concept that introduction effort is the main factor explaining invasion success, especially in squirrels. Instead, we argue that invasion success can be influenced by multiple aspects of the new habitat or the biology of the introduced species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Australian horticulture relies heavily on the introduced managed honey bee, Apis mellifera Linnaeus 1758 (Hymenoptera: Apidae), to pollinate crops. Given the risks associated with reliance upon a single species, it would be prudent to identify other taxa that could be managed to provide crop pollination services. We reviewed the literature relating to the distribution, efficiency and management potential of a number of flies (Diptera) known to visit pollinator-dependent crops in Australia and worldwide. Applying this information, we identified the taxa most suitable to play a greater role as managed pollinators in Australian crops. Of the taxa reviewed, flower visitation by representatives from the dipteran families Calliphoridae, Rhiniidae and Syrphidae was frequently reported in the literature. While data available are limited, there was clear evidence of pollination by these flies in a range of crops. A review of fly morphology, foraging behaviour and physiology revealed considerable potential for their development as managed pollinators, either alone or to augment honey bee services. Considering existing pollination evidence, along with the distribution, morphology, behaviour and life history traits of introduced and endemic species, 11 calliphorid, two rhiniid and seven syrphid species were identified as candidates with high potential for use in Australian managed pollination services. Research directions for the comprehensive assessment of the pollination abilities of the identified taxa to facilitate their development as a pollination service are described. This triage approach to identifying species with high potential to become significant managed pollinators at local or regional levels is clearly widely applicable to other countries and taxa.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of the adrenal cortex varies considerably across primates, being most conspicuous in humans, where a functional zona reticularis-the site of dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEA/S) production-does not develop until middle childhood (5-8 years). Prior reports suggest that a human-like adrenarche, associated with a sharp prepubertal increase in DHEA/S, may only occur in the genus Pan. However, the timing and variability in adrenarche in chimpanzees remain poorly described, owing to the lack of longitudinal data, or data from wild populations. Here, we use urine samples from East African chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) collected over 20 years at Kanyawara in Kibale National Park, Uganda, to trace the developmental trajectories of DHEAS (n = 1,385 samples, 53 individuals) and cortisol (n = 12,726 samples, 68 individuals). We used generalized additive models (GAM) to investigate the relationship between age, sex, and hormone levels. Adrenarche began earlier in chimpanzees (~2-3 years) compared with what has been reported in humans (6-8 years) and, unlike humans, male and female chimpanzees did not differ significantly in the timing of adrenarche nor in DHEAS concentrations overall. Similar to what has been reported in humans, cortisol production decreased through early life, reaching a nadir around puberty (8-11 years), and a sex difference emerged with males exhibiting higher urinary cortisol levels compared with females by early adulthood (15-16 years). Our study establishes that wild chimpanzees exhibit a human-like pattern of cortisol production during development and corroborates prior reports from captive chimpanzees of a human-like adrenarche, accompanied by significant developmental increases in DHEAS. While the role of these developmental hormone shifts are as yet unclear, they have been implicated in stages of rapid behavioral development once thought unique to humans, especially in regard to explaining the divergence of female and male social behavior before pubertal increases in gonadal hormones.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Experiencing childhood adversity has been associated with significant changes in inflammation, cell-mediated immunocompetence, and cortisol secretion. Relatively few studies have examined, longitudinally, alterations to inflammatory processes during adolescence, especially outside Western contexts; none have evaluated biomarker trajectories for at-risk youth in response to a structured behavioral intervention. We conducted a randomized controlled trial evaluating the efficacy of a humanitarian intervention targeting stress-alleviation, with 12-18 year-old Syrian refugees (n = 446) and Jordanian non-refugees (n = 371) living side-by-side in war-affected communities in Jordan. We measured C-reactive protein (CRP), Epstein-Barr virus antibodies (EBV), and hair cortisol concentration (HCC) at three timepoints (pre/post intervention and 11 month follow-up), and assessed three main outcomes (psychosocial stress, mental health, and cognitive function). Using growth mixture models, regressions, and growth curve models, we identified three distinct trajectories for CRP, two for EBV, and three for HCC, and examined their associations with age, gender, BMI, poverty, and trauma. We found associations with BMI for CRP, refugee status for EBV, and BMI and gender with HCC trajectory. In terms of health outcomes, we found associations between rising CRP levels and perceived stress (B =  -2.92, p = .007), and between HCC hypersecretion and insecurity (B = 7.21, p = .017). In terms of responses to the intervention, we observed no differential impacts by CRP or EBV trajectories, unlike HCC. These results suggest that commonly-assayed biomarkers do not associate with health outcomes and respond to targeted interventions in straightforward ways. Our study is the first to examine multiple biomarker trajectories in war-affected adolescents, in order to better evaluate the extent, timing, and malleability of the biological signatures of poverty, conflict, and forced displacement.






