  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thyroid nodule and cervical lymph node biopsy is the main clinical method for evaluating the condition and determining the follow-up treatment plan. The literature on thyroid nodule puncture predominantly focuses on thyroid fine needle puncture, and there are limited systematic articles on coarse needle aspiration for thyroid-related diseases and needle biopsy of thyroid-related cervical lymph node diseases. However, this shortage of articles does not reflect the diagnostic value of coarse needle aspiration in thyroid biopsy and cervical lymph node-related diseases. Currently, different departments of many hospitals in China are conducting or planning to perform needle biopsy of thyroid and cervical lymph node-related diseases to improve the standardization and safety of related operations. Standardization is needed for the indications, contraindications, perioperative period, postoperative complications management, puncture specimen processing, and related genetic analysis of thyroid and cervical lymph node puncture. For this purpose, Interventional Ultrasound Committee of Chinese College of Interventionalists organized a panel of domestic experts in the field of thyroid diseases to discuss and formulate a consensus. Based on the latest research progress, combined with the clinical realities in China, this Expert Consensus on Ultrasound Guided Thyroid and Neck Lymph Node Puncture (2023 edition) is released.






  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma is one of the most commonly diagnosed carcinomas in China, and postoperative radiotherapy plays an important role in improving the prognosis of patients. Carcinomas in different locations of the oesophagus could have different patterns of lymph node metastasis after surgery.
    METHODS: In this multicentric retrospective study, we enrolled patients with middle thoracic oesophageal squamous cell carcinomas from 3 cancer centres, and none of the patients underwent radiotherapy before or after surgery. We analysed the lymph node recurrence rates in different stations to explore the postoperative lymphatic recurrence pattern.
    RESULTS: From January 1st, 2014, to December 31st, 2019, 132 patients met the criteria, and were included in this study. The lymphatic recurrence rate was 62.1%. Pathological stage (P = 0.032) and lymphadenectomy method (P = 0.006) were significant predictive factors of lymph node recurrence. The recurrence rates in the supraclavicular, upper and lower paratracheal stations of lymph nodes were 32.6%, 28.8% and 16.7%, respectively, showing a high incidence. The recurrence rate of the subcarinal node station was 9.8%, while 8.3% (upper, middle and lower) thoracic para-oesophageal nodes had recurrences.
    CONCLUSIONS: We recommend including the supraclavicular, upper and lower paratracheal stations of lymph nodes in the postoperative radiation field in middle thoracic oesophageal carcinomas. Subcarinal station is also potentially high-risk, while whether to include thoracic para-oesophageal or abdominal nodes needs careful consideration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To study prostate specific membrane antigen - positron emission tomography (Ga68PSMA-PETCT) based patterns of relapse at biochemical failure (BCF) after prostate-only radiotherapy (PORT) in high-risk (HR) prostate cancer and its implications on pelvic contouring recommendations.
    METHODS: Patients with clinico-radiological high-risk node-negative prostate cancer treated with curative PORT and androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), either within the POP-RT randomised trial or off trial, who underwent a Ga68PSMA-PETCT upon BCF were included. Patterns of regional and distant recurrence on Ga68PSMA-PETCT were studied. Pelvic nodal recurrences were mapped with reference to the superior border of pubic symphysis. Pelvic lymph nodal caudal border (PLNcb) recommendations in the published contouring guidelines (RTOGcb, GETUGcb, PIVOTALcb, NRGcb, GFRUcb) were evaluated.
    RESULTS: Of the total 262 patients screened, 68 eligible patients were included (POP-RT trial 35 patients; off-trial 33 patients). Median follow-up was 91 months (IQR, 72-117) and median time to BCF was 65 months (IQR, 49-83). Regional and distant recurrence was seen in 31 (46%) and 31 (46%) patients, respectively. Of the nodal recurrences, nearly half (46%, 14/31) had no distant metastases and 64% (20/31) had a failure in the common iliac nodal region. The lower-most nodal recurrence was 20 mm cranial to the top of pubic symphysis (RTOGcb, GETUGcb, GFRUcb) and 10 mm cranial to the PIVOTALcb. The PLNcb recommended by NRG guideline (NRGcb) had an inter-patient variability of 32 mm, ranging from 16 mm above to 16 mm below the top of pubic symphysis, and the lower most nodal recurrence ranged from 4 mm to 36 mm cranial to NRGcb.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pelvic failures accounted for a major proportion of recurrences after prostate-only radiotherapy, with the caudal most nodal recurrence being 20 mm cranial to the top of pubic symphysis. This could have implications in defining the caudal border of contouring recommendations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to establish a consensus on the surgical technique for sentinel lymph node (SLN) dissection in cervical cancer.
    METHODS: A 26 question survey was emailed to international expert gynecological oncology surgeons. A two-step modified Delphi method was used to establish consensus. After a first round of online survey, the questions were amended and a second round, along with semistructured interviews was performed. Consensus was defined using a 70% cut-off for agreement.
    RESULTS: Twenty-five of 38 (65.8%) experts responded to the first and second rounds of the online survey. Agreement ≥70% was reached for 13 (50.0%) questions in the first round and for 15 (57.7%) in the final round. Consensus agreement identified 15 recommended, three optional, and five not recommended steps. Experts agreed on the following recommended procedures: use of indocyanine green as a tracer; superficial (with or without deep) injection at 3 and 9 o\'clock; injection at the margins of uninvolved mucosa avoiding vaginal fornices; grasping the cervix with forceps only in part of the cervix is free of tumor; use of a minimally invasive approach for SLN biopsy in the case of simple trachelectomy/conization; identification of the ureter, obliterated umbilical artery, and external iliac vessels before SLN excision; commencing the dissection at the level of the uterine artery and continuing laterally; and completing dissection in one hemi-pelvis before proceeding to the contralateral side. Consensus was also reached in recommending against injection at 6 and 12 o\'clock, and injection directly into the tumor in cases of the tumor completely replacing the cervix; against removal of nodes through port without protective maneuvers; absence of an ultrastaging protocol; and against modifying tracer concentration at the time of re-injection after mapping failure.
    CONCLUSIONS: Recommended, optional, and not recommended steps of SLN dissection in cervical cancer have been identified based on consensus among international experts. These represent a surgical guide that may be used by surgeons in clinical trials and for quality assurance in routine practice.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Multiple ground glass nodules (GGN) like lung cancer is a special type of synchronous multiple primary lung cancer, with two or more lesions present simultaneously. It has characteristics such as\"indolent\"development, less lymph node or distant metastasis, identical or different pathological stages, differential driving gene mutations, diverse imaging manifestations, and good prognosis. In order to standardize the diagnosis and treatment behavior of multiple GGN-like lung cancer, reduce issues such as over diagnosis and insufficient treatment, relevant domestic experts are organized by The Lung Cancer Medical Education Committee of the Chinese Medical Education Association, Lung Cancer Alliance of Chinese Thoracic Surgery, the Society of Tumor Ablation Therapy of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association, the Tumor Ablation Expert Committee of the Chinese Society of Clinical Oncology, the Tumor Ablation Expert Group of the Chinese College of Interventionalists, The Chinese Expert Consensus:Multidisciplinary Diagnosis and Treatment of Multiple Ground-Glass Nodule Like Lung Cancer (2024 Edition) was discussed and formulated. The main content includes: follow-up strategies, differential diagnosis, diagnosis and staging, treatment methods, and post treatment follow-up for multiple GGN-like lung cancer.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Penile squamous cell carcinoma is a rare, highly aggressive cancer of older men. The metastatic stage has significant therapeutic and prognostic features. Treatment of penile cancer is significantly influenced by the operation, in which an R0 situation must be achieved to ensure a realistic chance of cure. Other local therapeutic procedures such as radiotherapy are often of secondary importance. Neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy are relevant components of multimodal therapy. Post-therapeutically, patients require lifelong, risk-adapted follow-up care.
    UNASSIGNED: Das Plattenepithelkarzinom des Penis ist eine seltene hochaggressive Krebserkrankung des älteren Mannes. Das metastasierte Stadium hat entscheidende therapeutische und prognostische Besonderheiten. Die Therapie des Peniskarzinoms wird maßgeblich von der Operation geprägt, die im Gesunden erfolgen muss, um eine realistische Heilungschance zu gewährleisten. Andere lokaltherapeutische Verfahren wie Strahlentherapie sind häufig nur nachrangig. Neoadjuvante und adjuvante Chemotherapien sind relevante Bestandteile der multimodalen Therapie im metastasierten Stadium. Posttherapeutisch bedürfen die Patienten einer lebenslangen, risikoadaptierten Nachsorge.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Lateral lymph node metastasis (LLNM) is common in mid-low rectal cancer and is also a major cause of postoperative local recurrence. Currently, there is still controversy regarding the diagnosis and treatment of LLNM in rectal cancer. This consensus, based on the \"Chinese Consensus on Diagnosis and Treatment of Lateral Lymph Node Metastasis in Rectal Cancer (2019 edition),\" incorporates the latest domestic and international research findings and revises aspects related to the diagnosis, treatment strategies, follow-up, and management of recurrence of LLNM in rectal cancer. A total of 42 domestic colorectal cancer experts participated in this consensus. It proposes 18 consensus statements on the diagnosis and treatment of LLNM, using the evaluation criteria of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force for grading recommendations. The aim is to standardize further the diagnostic criteria and treatment strategies for LLNM in rectal cancer. Unresolved issues in this consensus require further clinical practice and active engagement in high-quality clinical research to explore and address them progressively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Korean Society of Gynecologic Oncology (KSGO) had been making an effort to standardize and enhance the quality of domestic uterine corpus cancer treatment by developing updated clinical practice guidelines in 2021. The KSGO revised the guidelines based on a literature search using 4 key elements: Population, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcome framework. These elements include the evaluation of the efficacy and safety of immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment in recurrent/advanced endometrial cancer patients who have failed platinum-based chemotherapy, as well as the effect of combined treatment with trastuzumab in patients with HER2/neu-positive endometrial cancer. Additionally, the guideline assessed the efficacy and safety of omitting lymph node dissection in low-risk endometrial cancer patients, investigated the effect of sentinel lymph node mapping in early-stage endometrial cancer surgery, addressed the outcome of chemoradiation therapy as a postoperative treatment in patients with advanced (stage III-IVA) endometrial cancer, and explored the impact of initial treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors on survival in patients with advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer patients.





