• 文章类型: English Abstract
    In the Japanese official detection method for unauthorized genetically modified (GM) papayas, one of two types of real-time PCR reagents with DNA polymerase (TaqMan Gene Master Mix [TaqMan Gene] or FastGene QPCR Probe Mastermix w/ROX [FastGene]) is primarily used for measurement. In 2022, we conducted a laboratory performance study on the unauthorized GM papaya line PRSV-YK, and the results revealed that high threshold cycle (Cq) values for the PRSV-YK detection test were obtained using TaqMan Gene with the 7500 Fast & 7500 Real-Time PCR System (ABI7500) and QuantStudio 12K Flex (QS12K), indicating the possibility of false negatives. The possibility of similar problems with all unauthorized GM papaya lines detection tests needs to be evaluated. In this study, we performed detection tests on unauthorized GM papaya lines (PRSV-YK, PRSV-SC, and PRSV-HN), the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promotor (CaM), and a papaya positive control (Chy), and examined how the limits of detection (LOD) for each test are affected by two types of DNA polymerases (TaqMan Gene and FastGene) and three types of real-time PCR instruments (ABI7500, QS12K, and LightCycler 480 Instrument II [LC480]). In the PRSV-YK and PRSV-SC detection tests using ABI7500 and QS12K, measurement with TaqMan Gene showed a higher LOD than FastGene. In this case, an exponential amplification curve was confirmed on the amplification plot; however, the amplification curve did not cross the ΔRn threshold line and the correct Cq value was not obtained with a threshold line=0.2. The other tests (PRSV-HN, CaM, and Chy with ABI7500 and QS12K, and all detection tests with LC480) showed no important differences in the LOD for each test using either DNA polymerase. Therefore, when performing PRSV-YK and PRSV-SC detection tests with the ABI7500 or QS12K, FastGene should be used to avoid false negatives for foods containing GM papaya lines PRSV-YK and PRSV-SC at low mixing levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fluoride detection has been playing an important role in chemical, biological, and medicinal field, especially for keeping physical health and resisting environmental pollution. Herein, a urolithin B fluorescent probe has been successfully developed with good sensitivity, selectivity, anti-interference ability. The low limit of detection (LOD) refers to 0.156 μM, and the instant response time to F- is less than 1 s. The probe is suitable for quantitatively and qualitatively ratiometric detection for F- in solution with two distinct emission bands at 425 (blue) and 566 nm (orange), with the coordinate change of CIE from (0.38, 0.41) to (0.22, 0.11). Urolithin B displayed a remarkable ratiometric fluorescence response towards F-. The detection mechanistic was further proposed by NMR and electronic spectroscopic experiments combining with time-dependent density functional theoretical calculation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer diagnosis has recently been at the forefront of recent medical research, with ongoing efforts to develop devices and technologies for detecting cancer in patients. One promising approach for cancer diagnosis is the detection of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) in blood samples. Separating these rare cells from the diverse background of blood cells and analyzing them can provide valuable insights into the disease\'s stage and lethality. Here we present the design and fabrication of a centrifugal microfluidic platform on a polymeric disk that utilizes centrifugal forces for cell isolation. The separation units exploit both active and passive methods. In other words, in addition to introducing novel geometry for channels, an external magnetic field is also employed to separate the target cells from the background cells. In order for the external field to function, the CTCs must first be labeled with antibody-conjugated nanoparticles; the separation process should be then performed. Before the experimental tests, a numerical study was done to determine the optimum parameters; the angular velocity and magnetization investigations showed that 2000 rpm and 868,000 (kA/m) are the optimum conditions for the designed device to reach the efficiency of 100% for both White Blood Cells (WBCs) and CTCs. These results indicate that the passive region of the channels primarily contributes to the focusing of the target cells, and showed that the focusing effect is more pronounced in the expansion-contraction geometry compared to the zigzag geometry. Additionally, the results proved that curved channel geometries performed better than straight ones in terms of separation efficiency. However, if the separation relies solely on channel geometry, the majority of cells would be directed towards the non-target chamber, leading to suboptimal results. This is due to the direction of the forces acting on the cells. However, including an external magnetic field improves the direction of the net force and enhances the separation efficiency. Finally, the numerical and experimental results of the study were compared, and the curved expansion-contraction channel is introduced as the best geometry having 100% and ∼92% CTC separation efficiency, respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, we evaluated the performance of the in-house developed rRT-PCR assay for SARS-CoV-2 RNA targeting the envelope (E) and nucleocapsid (N) genes with internal control as human RNase P. A total of 50 positive samples and 50 negative samples of SARS-CoV-2 were tested by a reference kit at site 1 and a subset (30 positives and 16 negatives) of these samples are tested blindly at site 2. The limit of detection (LoD) was calculated by using a replication-deficient complete SARS-CoV-2 genome and known copy numbers, where Pseudo-virus samples were used to evaluate accuracy. On site 1, among the 50 SARS-CoV-2 positive samples 24, 18, and eight samples showed high (Ct < 26), moderate (26 < Ct ≤ 32), and low (32 < Ct ≤ 38) viral load, respectively, whereas in site 2, out of 30 SARS-CoV-2 positive samples, high, moderate, and low viral loads were found in each of the 10 samples. However, SARS-CoV-2 was not detected in the negative sample. So, in-house assays at both sites showed 100% sensitivity and specificity with no difference observed between RT PCR machines. The Ct values of the in-house kit had a very good correlation with the reference kits. LoD was determined as 100 copies/mL. It also displayed 100% accuracy in mutant and wild-type SARS-CoV-2 virus. This Bangasure™ RT-PCR kit shows excellent performance in detecting SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA compared to commercially imported CE-IVD marked FDA authorized kits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this review article, we performed an overview of extraction and chromatographic analysis methods of NPS in hair from 2007 to 2021, evaluating the limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), limit of reporting (LOR), and limit of identification (LOI) values reported for each NPS. Our review aimed to highlight the limitations of modern hair analytical techniques, and the prerequisites for the proper evaluation and use of analytical results in relation to the objectives of NPS hair analysis. In the selected studies the detection of a total of 280 NPS was reported. The detected NPS belonged to seven classes: synthetic cannabinoids with 109 different substances, synthetic opioids with 58, cathinones with 50, phenethylamines with 34, other NPS with 15, tryptamines with ten, and piperazines with four substances. The NPS hair analysis of real forensic/ clinical cases reported the detection of only 80 NPS (out of the 280 targeted), in significantly higher levels than the respective LODs. The analytical protocols reviewed herein for NPS hair analysis showed continuously growing trends to identify as many NPS as possible; the extraction methods seem to have a limited potential to improve, while the various mass spectroscopic techniques and relevant instrumentation provide an enormous field for development and application. Hair is a biological indicator of the past chronic, sub-chronic, and, even, in certain cases, acute exposure to xenobiotics. Therefore, future research in the field could progress NPS hair analysis and aim the monitoring of NPS expansion and extent of use in the community.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial, Phase II
    OBJECTIVE: Patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and prior null response (<2 log HCV RNA decline after ⩾ 12 weeks of PegIFN/RBV) have limited options. We evaluated daclatasvir plus once- or twice-daily asunaprevir in non-cirrhotic genotype 1 null responders.
    METHODS: In this randomized, phase 2a, open-label, 24-week treatment study, 101 patients received daclatasvir (60 mg) once-daily. In addition, 38 genotype 1b patients received asunaprevir (200mg) twice- (DUAL A1) or once-daily (DUAL A2); 36 genotype 1a and 5 genotype 1b patients received asunaprevir twice- (QUAD B1) or once-daily (QUAD B2) plus PegIFN/RBV; and 18 genotype 1a and 4 genotype 1b patients received asunaprevir twice-daily plus ribavirin (TRIPLE B3). The primary endpoint was undetectable HCV RNA 12 weeks post-treatment (sustained virologic response, SVR12).
    RESULTS: Across all groups, mean HCV RNA was ⩾ 6 log IU/ml, and 99% of patients had a non-CC IL28B genotype. SVR12 rates were 78% (A1), 65% (A2), 95% (B1), and 95% (B2). In B3, most genotype 1a patients experienced virologic breakthrough. The most common adverse events were headache, diarrhea, and asthenia. Grade 3-4 aminotransferase elevations were infrequent and not treatment-limiting.
    CONCLUSIONS: In genotype 1 null responders, daclatasvir plus twice-daily asunaprevir DUAL therapy is effective for most genotype 1b patients, and daclatasvir, asunaprevir, and PegIFN/RBV QUAD therapy is effective for nearly all genotype 1a and 1b patients; but neither DUAL nor TRIPLE therapy is effective for genotype 1a patients. Interferon-free regimens including daclatasvir and twice-daily asunaprevir for genotype 1 null responders should be tailored to subtype.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is an uncommon disease with some differences compared to other-site thrombosis, including a higher frequency in young people, female sex and oral contraceptive users. Thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) is a regulator of fibrinolysis, whose levels are genetically controlled and its increase is associated to thrombosis. Our objective was to investigate in a case-control study the association between CVT and TAFI single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and its haplotypes in comparison to other-site venous thrombosis and controls.
    METHODS: Seventy two patients with CVT were compared to 143 individuals with no history of thromboembolic events (control group) and to 128 patients with deep vein thrombosis in the limbs and/or pulmonary embolism (venous thromboembolism-VTE group). SNPs were genotyped by restriction fragment length polymorphism or allele-specific PCR for F2 20210G>A, F5 1691G>A, TAFI (-1053C>T, -438G>A, 505G>A, 1040C>T and +1542C>G).
    RESULTS: The GTC haplotype for TAFI 505G>A/1040C>T/+1542C>G SNPs was associated with an increased risk of CVT compared to controls [odds ratio (OR) 2.67, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.13 - 6.34) and VTE group (OR 2.51, 95%CI: 1.07 - 8.06). The CVT risk became even more pronounced when evaluating unprovoked or hormone-related thrombosis cases: CVT compared to controls (OR 3.24, 95%CI: 1.19 - 8.82) and VTE group (OR 4.32, 95%CI: 1.27 - 14.63).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that the GTC haplotype for TAFI 505G>A/1040C>T/+1542C>G SNPs increased the risk of CVT in comparison to controls and VTE cases. Further studies are required to confirm our findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Indoor pesticide exposure is a growing concern, particularly for pyrethroids, a commonly used class of pesticides. Pyrethroid concentrations may be especially high in homes of immigrant farm worker families, who often live in close proximity to agricultural fields and are faced with poor housing conditions, potentially causing high pest infestation and pesticide use. We investigate levels of pyrethroids in the house dust of farm worker family homes in a study of mothers and children living in Mendota, CA, within the population-based Mexican Immigration to California: Agricultural Safety and Acculturation (MICASA) Study. We present pesticide use data and levels of pyrethroid pesticides in indoor dust collected in 2009 as measured by questionnaires and a GC/MS analysis of the pyrethroids cis- and trans-permethrin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin, esfenvalerate and resmethrin in single dust samples collected from 55 households. Cis- and trans-permethrin had the highest detection frequencies at 67%, with median concentrations of 244 and 172ng/g dust, respectively. Cypermethrin was detected in 52% of the homes and had a median concentration of 186ng/g dust. Esfenvalerate, resmethrin and deltamethrin were detected in less than half the samples. We compared the pyrethroid concentrations found in our study to other studies looking at both rural and urban homes and daycares. Lower detection frequencies and/or lower median concentrations of cis- and trans-permethrin and cypermethrin were observed in our study as compared to those studies. However, deltamethrin, esfenvalerate and resmethrin were detected more frequently in the house dust from our study than in the other studies. Because households whose children had higher urinary pyrethroid metabolite levels were more likely to be analyzed in this study, a positive bias in our estimates of household pyrethroid levels may be expected. A positive association was observed with reported outdoor pesticide use and cypermethrin levels found in the indoor dust samples (rs=0.28, p=0.0450). There was also a positive association seen with summed pyrethroid levels in house dust and the results of a pesticide inventory conducted by field staff (rs=0.32, p=0.018), a potentially useful predictor of pesticide exposure in farm worker family homes. Further research is warranted to fully investigate the utility of such a measure.






  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    Amino acids, as the main contributors to taste, are usually found in relatively high levels in bitter foods. In this work, we focused on seeking a rapid, sensitive and simple method to determine FAA for large batches of micro-samples and to explore the relationship between FAA and bitterness. Overall condition optimisation indicated that the new UDME technique offered higher derivatisation yields and extraction efficiencies than traditional methods. Only 35min was needed in the whole operation process. Very low LLOQ (Lower limit of quantification: 0.21-5.43nmol/L) for FAA in twelve bitter foods was obtained, with which BTT (bitter taste thresholds) and CABT (content of FAA at BTT level) were newly determined. The ratio of CABT to BTT increased with decreasing of BTT. This work provided powerful potential for the high-throughput trace analysis of micro-sample and also a methodology to study the relationship between the chemical constituents and the taste.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The immunotoxicity of the synthetic pyrethroid α-cypermethrin (αCYP) was assessed in 30 occupationally exposed greenhouse workers and 30 non-exposed controls by comparing plasma levels of IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12p70, TNF-α, TNF-β and INF-γ. Urinary 3-phenoxybenzoic acid was used as an exposure biomarker. Exposed workers showed neither clinical signs of immunosuppression nor alterations in total leukocytes or leukocyte subpopulations, whereas significant differences (p<0.05) were found for IL-12p70 and highly significant differences (p<0.001) for INF-γ, IL-2 and IL-8, which are involved in antitumor immunity and response to infection. Proinflammatory cytokines IL-2, IL-8, IL-12p70 and IFN-γ play a significant role against infection and cancer. We report the first data on the ability of αCYP to reduce proinflammatory cytokine levels in an exposed healthy human population. Findings support the hypothesis that pyrethroid exposure may reduce host defenses against infection and cancer, particularly in subjects with impaired immune capacity.





