• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) has emerged as a powerful analytical technique for analyzing complex biological samples. Among various chromatographic stationary phases, porous graphitic carbon (PGC) columns have attracted significant attention due to their unique properties-such as the ability to separate both polar and non-polar compounds and their stability through all pH ranges and to high temperatures-besides the compatibility with LC-MS. This review discusses the applicability of PGC for SPE and separation in LC-MS-based analyses of human biological samples, highlighting the diverse applications of PGC-LC-MS in analyzing endogenous metabolites, pharmaceuticals, and biomarkers, such as glycans, proteins, oligosaccharides, sugar phosphates, and nucleotides. Additionally, the fundamental principles underlying PGC column chemistry and its advantages, challenges, and advances in method development are explored. This comprehensive review aims to provide researchers and practitioners with a valuable resource for understanding the capabilities and limitations of PGC columns in LC-MS-based analysis of human biological samples, thereby facilitating advancements in analytical methodologies and biomedical research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Disruption of gut microbiota (GM) composition is increasingly related to the pathogenesis of various metabolic diseases. Additionally, GM is responsible for the production and transformation of metabolites involved in the development of metabolic disorders, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The current state of knowledge regarding the composition of GM and GM-related metabolites in relation to the progress and development of obesity and T2DM is presented in this review. To understand the relationships between GM-related metabolites and the development of metabolic disorders, their accurate qualitative and quantitative measurement in biological samples is needed. Feces represent a valuable biological matrix which composition may reflect the health status of the lower gastrointestinal tract and the whole organism. Mass spectrometry (MS), mainly in combination with gas chromatography (GC) or liquid chromatography (LC), is commonly used to measure fecal metabolites. However, profiling metabolites in such a complex matrix as feces is challenging from both analytical chemistry and biochemistry standpoints. Chemical derivatization is one of the most effective methods used to overcome these problems. In this review, we provide a comprehensive summary of the derivatization methods of GM-related metabolites prior to GC-MS or LC-MS analysis, which have been published in the last five years (2015-2020). Additionally, analytical methods used for the analysis of GM-related metabolites without the derivatization step are also presented.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biotherapeutic drugs have emerged in quantity in pharmaceutical pipelines, and increasingly diverse biomolecules are progressed through preclinical and clinical development. As purification, separation, mass spectrometer detection and data processing capabilities improve, there is opportunity to monitor drug concentration by traditional ligand-binding assay or MS measurement and to monitor metabolism, catabolism or other biomolecular mass variants present in circulation. This review highlights approaches and examples of monitoring biotransformation of biotherapeutics by MS as these techniques are poised to add value to drug development in years to come. The increased use of such approaches, and the successful quantitation of biotherapeutic structural modifications, will provide insightful data for the benefit of both researchers and patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Currently, among new psychoactive substances, cathinone derivatives constitute the biggest group, which are mainly classified into N-alkylated, 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-alkylated, N-pyrrolidinyl, and 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-pyrrolidinyl derivatives. These derivatives are actively being subjected to minor modifications at the alkyl chains or the aromatic ring to create new synthetic cathinones with the goal of circumventing laws. In this review, the new synthetic cathinones that have appeared on the illegal drug market during the period 2014-2017 are highlighted, and their characterization by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry is presented.
    METHODS: Various key words were used to conduct an extensive literature search across a number of databases, specifically for synthetic cathinones that emerged between 2014 and 2017.
    RESULTS: More than 30 new cathinone derivatives were discovered. The preexisting parental compounds for the new derivatives are also referenced, and their mass spectral data are compiled in a table to facilitate their identification by forensic toxicologists.
    CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this is the most current review presenting new synthetic cathinones. Political authorities should take measures to implement and enforce generic scheduling (comprehensive system) laws to control the diversely modified synthetic cathinones. Supplementing the existing databases with new findings can greatly facilitate the efforts of forensic toxicologists.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain is still an organ with a composition to be discovered but beyond that, mental disorders and especially all diseases that curse with dementia are devastating for the patient, the family and the society. Metabolomics can offer an alternative tool for unveiling new insights in the discovery of new treatments and biomarkers of mental disorders. Until now, most of metabolomic studies have been based on biofluids: serum/plasma or urine, because brain tissue accessibility is limited to animal models or post mortem studies, but even so it is crucial for understanding the pathological processes. Metabolomics studies of brain tissue imply several challenges due to sample extraction, along with brain heterogeneity, sample storage, and sample treatment for a wide coverage of metabolites with a wide range of concentrations of many lipophilic and some polar compounds. In this review, the current analytical practices for target and non-targeted metabolomics are described and discussed with emphasis on critical aspects: sample treatment (quenching, homogenization, filtration, centrifugation and extraction), analytical methods, as well as findings considering the used strategies. Besides that, the altered analytes in the different brain regions have been associated with their corresponding pathways to obtain a global overview of their dysregulation, trying to establish the link between altered biological pathways and pathophysiological conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Abusive use of drugs is a public health problem worldwide. The use of these substances by pregnant or lactating women can have many serious side effects in newborns. Among the commonest causes of addiction in drug users is cocaine in powdered form, inhaled, intravenously injected or smoked form (crack). Fast screening and a confirmation test using high specificity and sensitivity instruments such as LC-MS or GC/MS, can provide data to qualify and quantify chemical substances present in biological samples such as breast milk or meconium. Cocaine and/or crack can be detected through biomarkers or the unchanged molecule, enabling the form of cocaine use to be distinguished through the analytes. These methods must be carefully developed and validated according to internationally recognized guidelines. Thus, the study of biological matrices in which it can be detected through the development of simple and quick analytical methods can help prevent intoxication and diagnose the symptoms of dependency such as seizures, especially in babies, providing appropriate medical care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review presents an overview of analytical methods for the analysis of pesticide residues in grapes and by-products in the last decade. The most widely used detection technique for the determination of pesticides in grapes is mass spectrometry combined with gas and/or liquid chromatography. In general, multi-residue methods with selective sample treatment methodologies have been developed for this purpose. However, this review focuses not only on these common multi-residue methods but also on specific methodologies as single-residue methods for the analysis of pesticides in grapes and by-products. Finally, the limitations of multi-residue methods, the future perspectives and the trends for pesticide residue analysis in grapes are reviewed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Because of their widespread application, phthalates or phthalic acid esters (PAEs) are ubiquitous in the environment. Their presence has attracted considerable attention due to their potential impacts on ecosystem functioning and on public health, so their quantification has become a necessity. Various extraction procedures as well as gas/liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry detection techniques are found as suitable for reliable detection of such compounds. However, PAEs are ubiquitous in the laboratory environment including ambient air, reagents, sampling equipment, and various analytical devices, that induces difficult analysis of real samples with a low PAE background. Therefore, accurate PAE analysis in environmental matrices is a challenging task. This paper reviews the extensive literature data on the techniques for PAE quantification in natural media. Sampling, sample extraction/pretreatment and detection for quantifying PAEs in different environmental matrices (air, water, sludge, sediment and soil) have been reviewed and compared. The concept of \"green analytical chemistry\" for PAE determination is also discussed. Moreover useful information about the material preparation and the procedures of quality control and quality assurance are presented to overcome the problem of sample contamination and these encountered due to matrix effects in order to avoid overestimating PAE concentrations in the environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vitamin D plays an important role in calcium metabolism and affects other metabolic pathways. Despite the intense interest in vitamin D, no comprehensive overview addressing the analysis of vitamin D in milk has been published. Historically, immunoassay techniques have been mainly used for the routine quantification of vitamin D and its metabolites. However, the greater accuracy and precision of chromatography makes it one of the most important methods in the analysis of vitamin D. The determination of vitamin D and its metabolites by LC-MS is the gold standard for its assessment. LC-MS has unique advantages for vitamin D determination and quantification due to its high sensitivity and specificity. In this review, the current status of vitamin D and its metabolites analysis in milk, human and bovine, including sample pre-treatment and chromatography analysis, are critically discussed and summarised.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The consequences of matrix effects in mass spectrometry analysis are a major issue of concern to analytical chemists. The identification of any ion suppressing (or enhancing) agents caused by sample matrix, solvent or LC-MS system components should be quantified and measures should be taken to eliminate or reduce the problem. Taking account of ion suppression should form part of the optimisation and validation of any quantitative LC-MS method. For example the US Food and Drug Administration has included the evaluation of matrix effects in its \"Guidance for Industry on Bioanalytical Method Validation\" (F.D.A. Department of Health and Human Services, Guidance for industry on bioanalytical method validation, Fed. Regist. 66 (100) 2001). If ion suppression is not assessed and corrected in an analytical method, the sensitivity of the LC-MS method can be seriously undermined, and it is possible that the target analyte may be undetected even when using very sensitive instrumentation. Sample analysis may be further complicated in cases where there are large sample-to-sample matrix variations (e.g. blood samples from different people can sometimes vary in certain matrix components, shellfish tissue samples sourced from different regions where different phytoplankton food sources are present, etc) and therefore exhibit varying ion-suppression effects. Although it is widely agreed that there is no generic method to overcome ion suppression, the purpose of this review is to: provide an overview of how ion suppression occurs, outline the methodologies used to assess and quantify the impact of ion suppression, discuss the various corrective actions that have been used to eliminate ion suppression in sample analysis, that is to say the deployment of techniques that eliminate or reduce the components in the sample matrix that cause ion suppression. This review article aims to collect together the latest information on the causes of ion suppression in LC-MS analysis and to consider the efficacy of common approaches to eliminate or reduce the problem using relevant examples published in the literature.





