Invasive species

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is increasingly recognized that different genetic variants of hosts can uniquely shape their microbiomes. Invasive species often evolve in their introduced ranges, but little is known about the potential for their microbial associations to change during invasion as a result. We asked whether host genotype (G), microbial environment (E), or their interaction (G × E) affected the composition and diversity of host-associated microbiomes in Centaurea solstitialis (yellow starthistle), a Eurasian plant that is known to have evolved novel genotypes and phenotypes and to have altered microbial interactions, in its severe invasion of CA, USA. We conducted an experiment in which native and invading plant genotypes were inoculated with native and invaded range soil microbial communities. We used amplicon sequencing to characterize rhizosphere bacteria in both the experiment and the field soils from which they were derived. We found that native and invading plant genotypes accumulated different microbial associations at the family level in each soil community, often counter to differences in family abundance between soil communities. Root associations with potentially beneficial Streptomycetaceae were particularly interesting, as these were more abundant in the invaded range field soil and accumulated on invading genotypes. We also found that bacterial diversity is higher in invaded soils, but that invading genotypes accumulated a lower diversity of bacteria and unique microbial composition in experimental inoculations, relative to native genotypes. Thus variation in microbial associations of invaders was driven by the interaction of plant G and microbial E, and rhizosphere microbial communities appear to change in composition in response to host evolution during invasion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Examining the host range of emerging invasive insects is essential to assess their invasion potential and to anticipate the negative impacts of their spread. The ongoing North American invasion of spotted lanternfly (SLF) [Lycorma delicatula (White, 1845)] threatens agricultural, urban, and natural areas. The survival and development of SLF nymphs on Washington navel orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck (Sapindales: Rutaceae)] trees were assessed in a quarantine facility. Results indicated that SLF nymphs can develop to at least the third instar by feeding exclusively on Washington navel orange. This finding suggests that, at least up to the third stage of nymphal development, Washington navel orange might be a suitable host for SLF, highlighting the possibility that this invasive pest represents an unrecognized threat to this globally important crop and possibly to other Citrus species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The introduction of biopollutant species challenge ecosystem health and economy in remote islands. Here we checked the advance of invasive fouling species in five French Polynesian islands. Expansion of invasive species (Acantophora spicifera, Bugula neritina, Chthamalus proteus, Dendostrea frons) was detected using individual barcoding (COI for animals, RBLC for algae), and metabarcoding on biofouling (COI and 18S sequences). They were especially abundant in Port Phaeton (Tahiti), Bora Bora and Rangiroa atoll. Chthamalus proteus is a vector of bacterial diseases and may harm native French Polynesian mollusks. Dendostrea frons is a vector of Perkinsus, a parasite to which black pearl oysters, the mainstay of the Polynesian economy, are susceptible. High ecological and epidemiological risks were estimated for C. proteus and D. frons, and ecological risks also for A. spicifera and especially for B. neritina. Strengthening marine biosecurity measures is highly recommended to conserve these unique ecosystems and their associated services.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Trade in undomesticated ornamental animals has rapidly expanded beyond brick-and-mortar retail stores to now include growing numbers of internet marketplaces. The growing volume, diversity, and origins of invasive non-native species in trade challenge already weak national biosecurity policies. Despite widespread focus on vertebrates, many knowledge gaps exist regarding the online global trade of ornamental invertebrates. We conducted the first global assessment of the online trade in and associated invasion risk of freshwater crayfishes, which are increasingly popular aquarium animals. We systematically examined e-commerce marketplaces in multiple languages, scrapping information that included species identity, price, quantity, and shipping designation from each crayfish listing. Next, we combined geographic pathways of shipping associated with online trade (introduction risk) and environmental suitability modeling (establishment risk) to estimate global risk of non-native crayfish invasion risk. We identified hundreds of online marketplaces and thousands of sale listings in 33 countries (5 continents) involving 60 species and representing a selling value of ∼US$1.5 million. Invasion risk of non-native crayfish in trade was widespread, with geographic hotspots coinciding with both elevated opportunities for introduction (greater shipping offerings) and establishment. Precise characterization of the online species trade is fundamental to support new and reformed biosecurity policies, build industry partnerships, and design educational campaigns to prevent species invasions through trade. We found that the taxonomy, geography, and economics of the global online ornamental crayfish trade are vast and require greater attention.
    Invasión global y riesgos de bioseguridad a partir del mercado virtual de langostinos de ornato Resumen El comercio de animales ornamentales silvestres se ha expandido rápidamente más allá de las tiendas minoristas para incluir un número creciente de tiendas en línea. El creciente volumen, diversidad y origen de las especies no nativas invasoras en el comercio suponen un reto para las ya débiles políticas nacionales de bioseguridad. A pesar de la gran atención que se presta a los vertebrados, existen muchos vacíos en el conocimiento sobre el comercio mundial en línea de invertebrados ornamentales. Realizamos la primera evaluación mundial del comercio virtual de langostinos de agua dulce, animales de ornato cada vez más populares, y el riesgo de invasión asociado. Analizamos sistemáticamente los mercados de comercio electrónico en varios idiomas, recopilando información que incluía la identidad de las especies, el precio, la cantidad y la designación de envío de cada listado de langostinos. Después combinamos las vías geográficas de envío asociadas al comercio en línea (riesgo de introducción) y los modelos de idoneidad ambiental (riesgo de establecimiento) para estimar el riesgo global de invasión de los langostinos no nativos. Identificamos cientos de mercados en línea y miles de listados de venta en 33 países (cinco continentes) que afectaban a 60 especies y representaban un valor de venta de ∼1.5 millones de dólares estadunidenses. El riesgo de invasión de langostinos no nativos en el comercio fue extenso, con puntos geográficos críticos que coincidían con elevadas oportunidades de introducción (mayores ofertas de envío) y de establecimiento. La caracterización precisa del comercio virtual de especies es fundamental para respaldar políticas de bioseguridad nuevas y reformadas, establecer alianzas con la industria y diseñar campañas educativas para prevenir las invasiones de especies a través del comercio. Descubrimos que la taxonomía, la geografía y la economía del comercio mundial en línea de langostinos de ornato es amplio y requiere mayor atención.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Habitat preferences of invasive predators determine where and for which prey species they pose a threat upon. This is crucial information for the conservation of endangered prey species because invasive predators pose additional predation on top of that caused by natural predators. In large parts of Europe, the most common invasive mesopredator is the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides). To understand the risk that the raccoon dog poses for wetland-associated species, we collected information about its habitat preferences near these habitats. We used data on 24 GPS-collared raccoon dogs from three landscape types in Finland, to study their spatial and temporal habitat preferences. We first determined their home ranges, within which we then examined habitat use and preferences. Raccoon dogs showed generalist habitat use, which was evident in their wide range of used habitats. However, in spring and summer, during the breeding seasons of waterfowl and amphibians, they preferred wetlands and peatlands. They also preferred shorelines and the edges of forests and agricultural fields. During autumn and winter, raccoon dogs did not prefer wetlands. These findings support the conclusion that the raccoon dog\'s habitat preferences pose a particular threat to wetland-associated species, such as nesting waterfowl and amphibians. The species\' habitat preferences coupled with high numbers of this invasive mesopredator pose additional predation for endangered wetland-associated species on top of that of native predators.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Freshwater ecosystems can serve as model systems that reveal insights into biological invasions. In this article, we summarize nine lessons about aquatic invasive species from the North Temperate Lakes Long-Term Ecological Research program and affiliated projects. The lessons about aquatic invasive species are as follows: Invasive species are more widespread than has been documented; they are usually at low abundance; they can irrupt from low-density populations in response to environmental triggers; they can occasionally have enormous and far-reaching impacts; they can affect microbial communities; reservoirs act as invasive species hotspots; ecosystem vulnerability to invasion can be estimated; invasive species removal can produce long-term benefits; and the impacts of invasive species control may be greater than the impacts of the invasive species. This synthesis highlights how long-term research on a freshwater landscape can advance our understanding of invasions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ship ballast residual sediments are an important vector of introduction for non-indigenous species. We evaluated the proportion of residual sediments and associated organisms released during de-ballasting operations of a commercial bulk carrier and estimated a total residual sediment accumulation of ∼13 t, with accumulations of up to 20 cm in some tank areas that had accumulated over 11 years. We observed interior hull-fouling (anemones, hydrozoans, and bryozoans) and high abundances of viable invertebrate resting stages and dinoflagellate cysts in sediments. Although we determined that <1 % of residual sediments and associated resting stages were resuspended and released into the environment during individual de-ballasting events, this represents a substantial inoculum of 21 × 107 viable dinoflagellate cysts and 7.5 × 105 invertebrate resting stages with many taxa being nonindigenous, cryptogenic, or toxic/harmful species. The methods used and results will help estimate propagule pressure associated with this pathway and will be relevant for residual sediments and nonindigenous species management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Biogenic carbonates, including bivalve shells, record past environmental conditions, but their interpretation requires understanding environmental and biological factors that affect trace metal uptake. We examined stable barium (δ138Ba) and radiogenic strontium (87Sr/86Sr) isotope ratios in the aragonite shells of four native freshwater mussel species and two invasive species in five streams and assessed the effects of species identity, growth rate, and river water chemistry on shell isotopic composition. Shells were robust proxies for Sr, accurately reflecting 87Sr/86Sr ratios of river water, regardless of species or growth rate. In contrast, shell δ138Ba values, apart from invasive Corbicula fluminea, departed widely from those of river water and varied according to species and growth rate. Apparent fractionation between river water and the shell (Δ138Bashell-water) reached -0.86‰, the greatest offset observed for carbonate minerals. The shell deposited during slow growth periods was more enriched in lighter Ba isotopes than the rapidly deposited shell; thus, this phenomenon cannot be explained by aragonite precipitation kinetics. Instead, biological ion transport processes linked to growth rate may be largely responsible for Ba isotope variation. Our results provide information necessary to interpret water chemistry records preserved in shells and provide insights into biomineralization processes and bivalve biochemistry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hybridization plays a pivotal role in evolution, influencing local adaptation and speciation. However, it can also reduce biodiversity, which is especially damaging when native and non-native species meet. Hybridization can threaten native species via competition (with vigorous hybrids), reproductive resource wastage and gene introgression. The latter, in particular, could result in increased fitness in invasive species, decreased fitness of natives and compromise reintroduction or recovery conservation practices. In this study, we use a combination of RAD sequencing and microsatellites for a range-wide sample set of 1366 fish to evaluate the potential for hybridization and introgression between native crucian carp (Carassius carassius) and three non-native taxa (Carassius auratus auratus, Carassius auratus gibelio and Cyprinus carpio) in European water bodies. We found hybridization between native and non-native taxa in 82% of populations with non-natives present, highlighting the potential for substantial ecological impacts from hybrids on crucian carp populations. However, despite such high rates of hybridization, we could find no evidence of introgression between these taxa. The presence of triploid backcrosses in at least two populations suggests that the lack of introgression among these taxa is likely due to meiotic dysfunction in hybrids, leading to the production of polyploid offspring which are unable to reproduce sexually. This result is promising for crucian reintroduction programs, as it implies limited risk to the genetic integrity of source populations. Future research should investigate the reproductive potential of triploid hybrids and the ecological pressures hybrids impose on C. carassius.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In 2020, the Appropriations Committee for the U.S. House of Representatives directed the CDC to develop a national One Health framework to combat zoonotic diseases, including sylvatic plague, which is caused by the flea-borne bacterium Yersinia pestis. This review builds upon that multisectoral objective. We aim to increase awareness of Y. pestis and to highlight examples of plague mitigation for One Health purposes (i.e., to achieve optimal health outcomes for people, animals, plants, and their shared environment). We draw primarily upon examples from the USA, but also discuss research from Madagascar and Uganda where relevant, as Y. pestis has emerged as a zoonotic threat in those foci.
    UNASSIGNED: Historically, the bulk of plague research has been directed at the disease in humans. This is not surprising, given that Y. pestis is a scourge of human history. Nevertheless, the ecology of Y. pestis is inextricably linked to other mammals and fleas under natural conditions. Accumulating evidence demonstrates Y. pestis is an unrelenting threat to multiple ecosystems, where the bacterium is capable of significantly reducing native species abundance and diversity while altering competitive and trophic relationships, food web connections, and nutrient cycles. In doing so, Y. pestis transforms ecosystems, causing \"shifting baselines syndrome\" in humans, where there is a gradual shift in the accepted norms for the condition of the natural environment. Eradication of Y. pestis in nature is difficult to impossible, but effective mitigation is achievable; we discuss flea vector control and One Health implications in this context.
    UNASSIGNED: There is an acute need to rapidly expand research on Y. pestis, across multiple host and flea species and varied ecosystems of the Western US and abroad, for human and environmental health purposes. The fate of many wildlife species hangs in the balance, and the implications for humans are profound in some regions. Collaborative multisectoral research is needed to define the scope of the problem in each epidemiological context and to identify, refine, and implement appropriate and effective mitigation practices.





