Intrinsic motivation

  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    UNASSIGNED: Substantial research on job motivation over the years has identified motivation to be essential to work outcomes such as wellbeing, attitudes, and performance. Yet, research on job motivation addressing temporal influences has been sparse. Existing research has addressed job motivation as an aggregation of the motivation for tasks, ignoring the possibility of temporal effects where the motivation for one task affects motivation in a subsequent task. The current meta-narrative review analyzes existing research on task motivation and synthesizes findings into a model of cross-task motivation.
    UNASSIGNED: Using a predetermined search strategy, a systematic search yielded 1,635 documents of which 17 were selected. Papers were analyzed using a meta-narrative approach according to RAMSES publication standards.
    UNASSIGNED: Four key meta-narratives were identified, contributing information from different research traditions; (1) restoration effects after need frustration, (2) intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, (3) cognitive carryover effects, and (4) meaning of work. Synthesizing findings from these meta-narratives, a meta-theoretical model for understanding cross-task motivation was proposed.
    UNASSIGNED: This model provides an extension of existing motivational theories elucidating temporal motivational processes. Implications for practitioners include the possibility of arranging jobs to maximize positive motivational outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Motivational processes underlie behaviors that enrich the human experience, and impairments in motivation are commonly observed in psychiatric illness. While motivated behavior is often examined with respect to extrinsic reinforcers, not all actions are driven by reactions to external stimuli; some are driven by \'intrinsic\' motivation. Intrinsically motivated behaviors are computationally similar to extrinsically motivated behaviors, in that they strive to maximize reward value and minimize punishment. However, our understanding of the neurocognitive mechanisms that underlie intrinsically motivated behavior remains limited. Dysfunction in intrinsic motivation represents an important trans-diagnostic facet of psychiatric symptomology, but due to a lack of clear consensus, the contribution of intrinsic motivation to psychopathology remains poorly understood. This review aims to provide an overview of the conceptualization, measurement, and neurobiology of intrinsic motivation, providing a framework for understanding its potential contributions to psychopathology and its treatment. Distinctions between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are discussed, including divergence in the types of associated rewards or outcomes that drive behavioral action and choice. A useful framework for understanding intrinsic motivation, and thus separating it from extrinsic motivation, is developed and suggestions for optimization of paradigms to measure intrinsic motivation are proposed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Students constantly seek ways to improve productivity within academia. With the advancement of technology in the recent decade, virtual implementations may provide additional support for student productivity, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic with online learning. One of the virtual realms for motivation include gamification, which has potential as an effective tool to further bolster an individual\'s source of intrinsic motivation.
    Qualitative and quantitative studies were extracted from APA PsycInfo, ProQuest, and IEEE for relevance to virtual gamification and intrinsic motivation. Studies were reviewed based on a pre-determined and piloted screening tool. Included studies were published between 1990 and 2020 in English within Asia, North America, or Europe. Only systematic reviews, randomized control trials (RCTs), meta-analysis, and grey literature were included. Study screening, extraction, and quality appraisals using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) were performed independently among two authors. Disagreements following reconciliation between two authors were settled by a third author. Heterogeneity in study designs, outcomes, and measurements precluded meta and statistical analyses; thus, a qualitative analysis of studies was provided.
    Based on the appraised articles, gamification improves intrinsic motivation through badges, social interactions, points, and leaderboards. Experimental studies also displayed a correlation between learning behaviour.
    The data exhibited an increase in intrinsic motivation due to gamification features, which can be integrated within a virtual context to enhance motivation with potential for application towards online learning settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Journal article critiques are frequently used to teach literature evaluation to pharmacy students. Peer review is one method to improve students\' competency regarding journal article critiques. The objective of this manuscript is to describe implementation of electronic peer review of journal article critique drafts and explore students\' intrinsic motivation to participate in the peer-review process. Influence of students\' motivation to participate in peer review on their self-competence regarding journal article critiques was also explored.
    Second-year pharmacy students participated in three in-class, electronic, anonymous peer-review sessions for written journal article critique drafts. Students were invited to complete a 16-item survey instrument based on self-determination theory. Modified Intrinsic Motivation Inventory and Perceived Competence Scales assessed student interest in and perceived value of the peer-review sessions and their self-competence regarding journal article critiques.
    The survey response rate was 99% (146/148). Based on a Likert scale of 1 (not at all true) to 7 (very true), students demonstrated moderate interest in the peer-review sessions (M = 3.86), viewed them as valuable (M = 5.25), and had a moderate level of self-competence regarding journal article critiques (M = 3.74). Additionally, interest and perceived value of the peer-review sessions significantly influenced self-competence in completing journal article critiques.
    An anonymous, electronic peer-review system provides an efficient method for in-class peer review of draft assignments. Implementing strategies to increase student interest in peer review may increase their motivation for participation and ultimately improve self-competence regarding literature evaluation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To systematically review the impacts of Wearable Fitness Trackers (WFTs), Motivational Interviewing (MI), and Self Determination Theory (SDT)-based interventions on physical activity (PA) and motivation for PA.
    Manuscripts published between 2008 and 2018 in PubMed, Web of Science, CABAbstracts, and SPORTDiscus database were reviewed.
    Inclusion criteria were original pilot studies, randomized controlled trials (RCT), cross-sectional studies, qualitative assessments, prospective cohort studies, longitudinal observational studies, and pretest posttest designs published in peer-reviewed journals.
    Studies were evaluated by 2 independent researchers for inclusion.
    Extracted data were synthesized in a tabular format and narrative summary.
    Twenty-six studies met final inclusion criteria, 10 addressed WFT use and PA behavior, 4 investigated WFT use and its association with motivation for PA, and 10 examined SDT and/or MI and their effect on motivation for PA and/or PA behavior. Finally, 2 studies addressed SDT-based MI, WFT use, and the combined effect on PA behavior.
    While SDT-based interventions and MI positively impact motivation for PA and PA behavior, WFTs revealed mixed results. Wearable Fitness Trackers prove effective among individuals not currently meeting PA guidelines but have little impact on other populations. Self Determination Theory, MI, and WFTs use provides a promising combination of interventions to increase PA among sedentary individuals, though research is limited.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite continued public health campaigns to promote physical activity, a majority of the population is inactive. In recent years, mindfulness-based approaches have been used in health and lifestyle interventions for physical activity promotion. We conducted a systematic literature review using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines to investigate the evidence for the potential of mindfulness-based approaches for physical activity. We searched electronic databases for papers that met eligibility criteria and identified 40 studies for inclusion. Evidence from cross-sectional studies (n = 20) indicated a positive relationship between dispositional mindfulness and physical activity, particularly with psychological factors related to physical activity. Five studies found that the mindfulness-physical activity relationship was mediated by stress, psychological flexibility, negative affect and shame, satisfaction and state mindfulness. Evidence from mindfulness-based interventions (n = 20) suggested positive between-subjects effects on physical activity, but interventions varied in duration, session length, group size, delivery, content and follow-up. Mindfulness-based interventions were more likely to be successful if they were physical activity-specific and targeted psychological factors related to physical activity. The body of research shows a need for more methodologically rigorous studies to establish the effect of mindfulness on physical activity and to identify potential mechanisms involved in the mindfulness-physical activity relationship reliably.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this meta-analysis was to examine the current effectiveness of physical activity (PA) interventions to change affective judgements (AJ) and subsequent behaviour and explore potential moderators. Eligible studies were published in a peer-reviewed English journal and included an experimental design in the PA domain with a measure of AJ as the dependent variable, among adults (>17 years). Literature searches concluded in July 2017 using 11 common databases, with additional hand searching conducted in February 2018. The search yielded 32 independent studies. Random-effects meta-analysis showed positive changes in AJ favouring intervention over control groups, g = 0.43 (95% CI = 0.26-0.60). These changes predicted (β = 0.64) positive changes in PA, g = 0.38 (95% CI = 0.16-0.60), among a sub-sample (k = 14) of studies that also provided behavioural data. Moderator analyses showed the effects were inflated by potential publication bias, participant gender, baseline PA and focus of the intervention. AJ may show change from intervention but larger sample studies are required to obtain a more reliable effect size estimate. Further, few studies have employed behaviour change techniques that would align with the theoretical reasons for changes in AJ, so our evidence for practical intervention content is limited.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Successful exergames should lead players not only to achieve enough level of energy expenditure but also to engage in the play itself. The aim of this study is to review studies that explored the psychological effects of playing exergames, from the viewpoint of player engagement. Peer-reviewed journal articles in English collected via database search (Science Direct, Web of Science, ACM Digital Library) from 2011 to 2015 were considered, and 45 experimental studies were selected out of 911 studies. The results show that a variety of psychological effects of engagement including enjoyment, immersion, and flow were measured in the exergame studies. In addition, physiological variables (e.g., energy expenditure), feedback modality (e.g., auditory and tactile), and play modes (e.g., solitary or group play mode) are related to psychological effects of playing exergames. Finally, salient methodological issues (e.g., validated measurement, sample size calculation) in the studies are identified and discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The numbers of GPs and training places in general practice are declining, and retaining GPs in their practices is an increasing problem.
    OBJECTIVE: To identify evidence on different approaches to retention and recruitment of GPs, such as intrinsic versus extrinsic motivational determinants.
    METHODS: Synthesis of qualitative and quantitative research using seven electronic databases from 1990 onwards (Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library, Health Management Information Consortium [HMIC], Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (Cinahl), PsycINFO, and the Turning Research Into Practice [TRIP] database).
    METHODS: A qualitative approach to reviewing the literature on recruitment and retention of GPs was used. The studies included were English-language studies from Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development countries. The titles and abstracts of 138 articles were reviewed and analysed by the research team.
    RESULTS: Some of the most important determinants to increase recruitment in primary care were early exposure to primary care practice, the fit between skills and attributes, and a significant experience in a primary care setting. Factors that seemed to influence retention were subspecialisation and portfolio careers, and job satisfaction. The most important determinants of recruitment and retention were intrinsic and idiosyncratic factors, such as recognition, rather than extrinsic factors, such as income.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although the published evidence relating to GP recruitment and retention is limited, and most focused on attracting GPs to rural areas, the authors found that there are clear overlaps between strategies to increase recruitment and retention. Indeed, the most influential factors are idiosyncratic and intrinsic to the individuals.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The overjustification hypothesis suggests that extrinsic rewards undermine intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic rewards are common in strengthening behavior in persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities; we examined overjustification effects in this context. A literature search yielded 65 data sets permitting comparison of responding during an initial no-reinforcement phase to a subsequent no-reinforcement phase, separated by a reinforcement phase. We used effect sizes to compare response levels in these two no-reinforcement phases. Overall, the mean effect size did not differ from zero; levels in the second no-reinforcement phase were equally likely to be higher or lower than in the first. However, in contrast to the overjustification hypothesis, levels were higher in the second no-reinforcement phase when comparing the single no-reinforcement sessions immediately before and after reinforcement. Outcomes consistent with the overjustification hypothesis were somewhat more likely when the target behavior occurred at relatively higher levels prior to reinforcement.





