Intracranial hypertension

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: During gynecological laparoscopic surgery, pneumoperitoneum and the Trendelenburg position (TP) can lead to increased intracranial pressure (ICP). However, it remains unclear whether perioperative fluid therapy impacts ICP. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the impact of restrictive fluid (RF) therapy versus conventional fluid (CF) therapy on ICP in gynecological laparoscopic surgery patients by measuring the ratio of the optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) to the eyeball transverse diameter (ETD) using ultrasound.
    METHODS: Sixty-four patients who were scheduled for laparoscopic gynecological surgery were randomly assigned to the CF group or the RF group. The main outcomes were differences in the ONSD/ETD ratios between the groups at predetermined time points. The secondary outcomes were intraoperative circulatory parameters (including mean arterial pressure, heart rate, and urine volume changes) and postoperative recovery indicators (including extubation time, length of post-anaesthesia care unit stay, postoperative complications, and length of hospital stay).
    RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences in the ONSD/ETD ratio and the ONSD over time between the two groups (all p > 0.05). From T2 to T4, the ONSD/ETD ratio and the ONSD in both groups were higher than T1 (all p < 0.001). From T1 to T2, the ONSD/ETD ratio in both groups increased by 14.3%. However, the extubation time in the RF group was shorter than in the CF group [median difference (95% CI) -11(-21 to -2) min, p = 0.027]. There were no differences in the other secondary outcomes.
    CONCLUSIONS: In patients undergoing laparoscopic gynecological surgery, RF did not significantly lower the ONSD/ETD ratio but did shorten the tracheal extubation time, when compared to CF.
    BACKGROUND: ChiCTR2300079284. Registered on December 29, 2023.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Describe the clinical characteristics, treatment strategies, and outcome data of children with papilledema associated with Lyme disease at a large tertiary care pediatric hospital.
    METHODS: Retrospective cohort study of children 1-18 years old who received care at our institution between 1995 and 2019 with concurrent diagnoses of papilledema and Lyme disease. Data were abstracted from records and prospective family surveys.
    RESULTS: Among 44 children included (median age 9.7 years), 66% (29/44) had additional cranial neuropathies, and 78% (32/41) had cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis. All children were treated with antibiotics (39% oral, 55% intravenous, 7% both); 61% (27/44) were also treated with oral acetazolamide. Symptoms fully resolved in 86% (30/35) of children with follow-up data. Proportion recovered did not significantly differ by antibiotic administration route or presence/absence of cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis.
    CONCLUSIONS: Papilledema in Lyme disease may occur with or without cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis. Most children recover without residual deficits following treatment, although exceptions exist.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the relationship between the characteristics of respiratory support (RS) for patients with stroke and clinical factors with the number and structure of complications, deaths, and length of stay in the intensive care unit (ICU) and duration of artificial pulmonary ventilation (ALV).
    METHODS: The Russian multicenter observational clinical study «Respiratory Therapy for Acute Stroke» (RETAS) that enrolled 1289 patients with stroke requiring RS was conducted under the auspices of the All-Russian public organization «Federation of Anesthesiologists and Resuscitators». Indications for ALV, the use of hyperventilation, the maximum level of positive end-expiratory pressure, starting modes of mechanical ventilation, timing of tracheostomy, the incidence of protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) and infectious complications were analyzed. The following scales were used to assess the severity of the condition: the National Institutes of Health Stroke Severity Scale (NIHSS), the Glasgow Coma Scale, the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS).
    RESULTS: For the group of patients with a stroke severity of more than 20 NIHSS points, the mortality increase was associated with initial hypoxia (p=0.004), hyperventilation used to relieve intracranial hypertension (p=0.034), and starting ventilation with volume control (VC) compared with starting pressure-controlled ventilation (PC) (p<0.001). We found that the use of the instrumental monitoring of intracranial pressure was associated with a decrease in mortality (p<0.001). The absence of PEM in patients with stroke is associated with a higher probability of a positive outcome (GOS 4 and 5) for the group with NIHSS less than 14 points (p<0.001). Ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis and ventilator-associated pneumonia were associated with an increase in the duration of ALV, the duration of weaning from the ventilator (for ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis) and the duration of stay in the ICU, and also reduced the chances of favorable outcomes (p<0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: The factors associated with increased mortality in acute stroke are: hypoxemia at the start of ALV, hyperventilation, starting ventilation with VC in comparison with starting ventilation with PC, the use of only clinical methods of monitoring intracranial pressure in comparison with instrumental monitoring. The adverse effect of PEM and infectious complications on the outcome in patients with acute stroke has been proven.
    UNASSIGNED: Проанализировать связь особенностей респираторной поддержки (РП) пациентов с острым нарушением мозгового кровообращения (ОНМК) и факторов клинического течения с количеством и структурой осложнений, летальных исходов, длительностью пребывания в отделении реанимации и интенсивной терапии (ОРИТ) и длительностью искусственной вентиляции легких (ИВЛ).
    UNASSIGNED: Под эгидой Общероссийской общественной организации «Федерация анестезиологов и реаниматологов» (ФАР) было проведено Российское многоцентровое обсервационное клиническое исследование РП при ОНМК («RETAS»), в которое вошли 1289 пациентов с ОНМК, требующих РП. Проанализированы показания к проведению ИВЛ, применение гипервентиляции, значение максимального уровня положительного давления в конце выдоха (ПДКВ), стартовые режимы ИВЛ, сроки выполнения трахеостомии, частота развития белково-энергетической недостаточности (БЭН) и инфекционных осложнений. Для оценки тяжести состояния применяли следующие шкалы: шкалу тяжести инсульта Национальных институтов здоровья США (NIHSS), шкалу комы Глазго (GCS), шкалу исходов Глазго (GOS).
    UNASSIGNED: У группы пациентов с тяжестью ОНМК >20 баллов по NIHSS большая летальность ассоциирована с исходной гипоксемия (p=0,004), с гипервентиляцией для купирования внутричерепной гипертензии (p=0,034), а также со стартовой вентиляцией по объему (VC) в сравнении со стартовой вентиляцией по давлению (PC) (p<0,001). Было доказано, что использование инструментального мониторинга внутричерепного давления (ВЧД) ассоциируется со снижением летальности (p<0,001). Отсутствие БЭН у пациентов с ОНМК связано с большей вероятностью позитивного исхода (GOS 4 и 5) для группы с NIHSS <14 баллов (p<0,001). Вентилятор-ассоциированный трахеобронхит и вентилятор-ассоциированная пневмония были связаны с увеличением продолжительности ИВЛ, длительности отлучения от ИВЛ (для вентилятор-ассоциированного трахеобронхита), сроков пребывания пациента с ОНМК в ОРИТ, а также с более высоким риском летального исхода (p<0,05).
    UNASSIGNED: Гипоксемия при начале ИВЛ, применение гипервентиляции, VC в сравнении с PC, использование только клинических методов мониторинга ВЧД в сравнении с инструментальным методами были ассоциированы с повышением летальности. Доказано неблагоприятное влияние БЭН и инфекционных осложнений на исход заболевания у пациентов с ОНМК.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Decompressive craniectomy (DC) is considered a cornerstone in the management of refractory intracranial hypertension. For decades, DC was known as an occasionally lifesaving procedure; however, it was associated with numerous severe complications. The present study is a single-center retrospective case series study on with 321 patients who underwent DC between January, 2010 and December, 2020. All patients were divided into four groups as follows: Group A included patients who suffered from a space-occupying middle cerebral artery (MCA) ischemic event; group B included individuals who developed intracerebral hemorrhage; group C included patients admitted for traumatic brain injury; and group D included patients with other neurosurgical entities that underwent DC, such as subarachnoid hemorrhage, tumors, brain abscess and cerebral ventricular sinus thrombosis events. The present study enrolled a total of 321 patients who underwent DC. Group A included 52 out of the 321 (16.1%) patients, group B included 51 (15.8%) patients, group C included 164 (51.0%) patients, and group D included 54 (16.8%) patients. Of the 321 patients, 235 (73.2%) were males, and the median age was 53.7 years. Multivariate analysis revealed that only the group A parameter was an independent factor associated with a Glasgow outcome scale score >2 during follow-up (P<0.05). On the whole, the results of the present study suggest that among patients who underwent DC with different neurological entities, those who had experienced MCA events had more favorable outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Decompressive craniectomy is occasionally performed as a life-saving neurosurgical intervention in patients with acute severe brain injury to reduce refractory intracranial hypertension. Subsequently, cranioplasty (CP) is performed to repair the skull defect. In the meantime, patients are living without cranial bone protection, and little is known about their daily life. This study accordingly explored daily life among patients living without cranial bone protection after decompressive craniectomy while awaiting CP.
    METHODS: A multiple-case study examined six purposively sampled patients, patients\' family members, and healthcare staff. The participants were interviewed and the data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis.
    RESULTS: The cross-case analysis identified five categories: \"Adapting to new ways of living,\" \"Constant awareness of the absence of cranial bone protection,\" \"Managing daily life requires available staff with adequate qualifications,\" \"Impact of daily life depends on the degree of recovery,\" and \"Daily life stuck in limbo while awaiting cranioplasty.\" The patients living without cranial bone protection coped with daily life by developing new habits and routines, but the absence of cranial bone protection also entailed inconveniences and limitations, particularly among the patients with greater independence in their everyday living. Time spent awaiting CP was experienced as being in limbo, and uncertainty regarding planning was perceived as frustrating.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate a vulnerable group of patients with brain damage and communication impairments struggling to find new routines during a waiting period experienced as being in limbo. Making this period safe and reducing some problems in daily life for those living without cranial bone protection calls for a person-centered approach to care involving providing contact information for the correct healthcare institution and individually planned scheduling for CP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hyperventilation-induced intracranial pressure reduction might be impaired in cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) patients. Using transcranial Doppler, we assessed carbon dioxide-vasomotor reactivity (CO2-VMR) within 24 hours of admission in CVT patients and studied its correlation with patient outcomes. Adult moderate-severe CVT patients (participants of another large observational study) were included. CO2-VMR was calculated as the percentage change in peak flow velocities during maximal hypercapnia and hypocapnia. Outcome was assessed with the modified Rankin scale (mRS) at one - month post-discharge, dichotomized into favourable (mRS≤2) and unfavourable (mRS>2). Twenty patients\' data was analysed. Impaired CO2-VMR (<70 %) was observed in 13 patients in the affected hemisphere; among them, 10 had impairments in both hemispheres. CO2-VMR correlated negatively with mRS (Rho = -0.688, p = 0.001). Odds for unfavourable outcomes were reduced by 92 % in patients with intact VMR on the ipsilateral hemisphere (Odds ratio (OR) 0.08, Confidence interval (CI) 0.006---0.636, p = 0.027) and by 94 % with VMR intact on the contralateral hemisphere (OR 0.063, CI 0.003---0.569, p = 0.03). Thus, impaired CO2-VMR in moderate to severe CVT patients is associated with unfavourable outcomes, and has the potential to prognosticate CVT patients objectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND:  Patients with severe coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) may require the use of invasive mechanical ventilation (MV) for prolonged periods. Aggressive MV parameters have been associated with changes in intracranial pressure (ICP) in patients with acute intracranial disorders. Significant ICP elevation could compromise intracranial compliance (ICC) and cerebrovascular hemodynamics (CVH). However, the effects of these parameters in individuals without neurological disorders have not yet been evaluated.
    OBJECTIVE:  To evaluate ICC in patients on MV with COVID-19 infection compared to other diagnoses, to better characterize the effects of MV and COVID-19 upon ICC. We also compared between the ICC in patients with COVID-19 who did not require MV and healthy volunteers, to assess the isolated effect of COVID-19 upon ICC.
    METHODS:  This was an exploratory, observational study with a convenience sample. The ICC was evaluated with a noninvasive ICP monitoring device. The P2/P1 ratio was calculated by dividing the amplitude of these two points, being defined as \"abnormal\" when P2 > P1. The statistical analysis was performed using a mixed linear model with random effects to compare the P2/P1 ratio in all four groups on the first monitoring day.
    RESULTS:  A convenience sample of 78 subjects (15 MV-COVID-19, 15 MV non-COVID-19, 24 non-MV-COVID-19, and 24 healthy participants) was prospectively enrolled. There was no difference in P2/P1 ratios between MV patients with and without COVID-19, nor between non-MV patients with COVID-19 and healthy volunteers. However, the P2/P1 ratio was higher in COVID-19 patients with MV use than in those without it.
    CONCLUSIONS:  This exploratory analysis suggests that COVID-19 does not impair ICC.
    BACKGROUND:  Pacientes com doença grave por coronavírus-19 (COVID-19) podem necessitar do uso de ventilação mecânica (VM) invasiva por um período prolongado. Parâmetros agressivos de VM têm sido associados a alterações na pressão intracraniana (PIC) em pacientes com doenças intracranianas agudas. Elevações significativas da PIC podem comprometer a complacência intracraniana (CIC) e a hemodinâmica cerebrovascular (HVC). No entanto, os efeitos desses parâmetros em indivíduos sem doenças neurológicas ainda não foram sistematicamente avaliados.
    OBJECTIVE:  Avaliar a CIC em pacientes em VM com COVID-19 comparados com outros diagnósticos, para melhor caracterizar os efeitos da VM e COVID-19 sobre a CIC. Também foi feita a comparação entre a CIC em pacientes com COVID-19 sem VM e voluntários saudáveis, para avaliar o efeito isolado da COVID-19 sobre a ICC. MéTODOS:  Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, observacional com amostra por conveniência. A CIC foi avaliada com um dispositivo não invasivo de monitoramento da PIC. A relação P2/P1 foi calculada dividindo-se a amplitude desses dois pontos, sendo definida como “anormal” quando P2 > P1. A análise estatística foi realizada usando um modelo linear misto com efeitos aleatórios para comparar a relação P2/P1 nos quatro grupos no primeiro dia de monitoramento.
    RESULTS:  Uma amostra de conveniência com 78 voluntários (15 COVID-19 em VM, 15 sem COVID-19 em VM, 24 com COVID em respiração espontânea e 24 saudáveis) foram prospectivamente incluídos. Não houve diferença nas razões P2/P1 entre pacientes em VM com e sem COVID-19, nem entre pacientes sem VM com COVID-19 ou saudáveis. No entanto, a relação P2/P1 foi maior em pacientes com COVID-19 com uso de VM do que naqueles sem. CONCLUSãO:  Os dados dessa análise exploratória sugerem que a COVID-19 não prejudica a CIC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Decompressive craniectomy (DC) is a neurosurgical technique that is gaining renewed interest due to the worldwide resurgence of head injuries. We aimed to analyze the quality of management and prognosis of patients who underwent this surgery in the context of limited resources.
    UNASSIGNED: This was a prospective, longitudinal, descriptive, and analytical study following STROBE, lasting 36 months at the National Hospital of Niamey in patients who had undergone DC. P ≤ 0.05 was considered significant.
    UNASSIGNED: During our study, we collected 74 cases of DC. The mean age was 32.04 years (10-75 years), with male predominance (91.89%). DC was mainly performed following head trauma (95.95%), the main cause of which was road traffic accidents (76%; 54/71). On admission, most patients presented with altered consciousness (95.95%) and pupillary abnormalities (62.16%). The average time between brain damage and brain scan was 31.28 h, with parenchymal contusion being the most frequent lesion (90.54%). The majority of patients (94.59%) underwent decompressive hemicraniectomy. Postoperative complications accounted for 71.62% of all cases, with 33.78% resulting in death. Among survivors, 55.10% had neurological sequelae at the last consultation (27/49). The main factors associated with the risk of death and morbidity were a Glasgow coma score ≤8, pupillary abnormality on admission, the presence of signs of brain engagement, and a long admission delay.
    UNASSIGNED: Our study shows that the impact of limited resources on our care is moderate. Future research will concentrate on long-term monitoring, particularly focusing on the psychosocial reintegration of patients post-DC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Bacterial meningitis can cause a life-threatening increase in intracranial pressure (ICP). ICP-targeted treatment including an ICP monitoring device and external ventricular drainage (EVD) may improve outcomes but is also associated with the risk of complications. The frequency of use and complications related to ICP monitoring devices and EVDs among patients with bacterial meningitis remain unknown. We aimed to investigate the use of ICP monitoring devices and EVDs in patients with bacterial meningitis including frequency of increased ICP, drainage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and complications associated with the insertion of ICP monitoring and external ventricular drain (EVD) in patients with bacterial meningitis.
    METHODS: In a single-center prospective cohort study (2017-2021), we examined the frequency of use and complications of ICP-monitoring devices and EVDs in adult patients with bacterial meningitis.
    RESULTS: We identified 108 patients with bacterial meningitis admitted during the study period. Of these, 60 were admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU), and 47 received an intracranial device (only ICP monitoring device N = 16; EVD N = 31). An ICP > 20 mmHg was observed in 8 patients at insertion, and in 21 patients (44%) at any time in the ICU. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was drained in 24 cases (51%). Severe complications (intracranial hemorrhage) related to the device occurred in two patients, but one had a relative contraindication to receiving a device.
    CONCLUSIONS: Approximately half of the patients with bacterial meningitis needed intensive care and 47 had an intracranial device inserted. While some had conservatively correctable ICP, the majority needed CSF drainage. However, two patients experienced serious adverse events related to the device, potentially contributing to death. Our study highlights that the incremental value of ICP measurement and EVD in managing of bacterial meningitis requires further research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Raised intracranial pressure (ICP) contributes to approximately 20% of the admissions in the paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) in our setting. Timely identification and treatment of raised ICP is important to prevent brain herniation and death in such cases. The objective of this study was to examine the role of optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) in detecting clinically relevant raised ICP in children.
    METHODS: A hospital-based observational analytical study in a PICU of a tertiary care institute in India on children aged 2-14 years. ONSD was measured in all children on three time points that is, day 1, day 2 and between day 4 and 7 of admission. ONSD values were compared between children with and without clinical signs of raised ICP.
    RESULTS: Out of 137 paediatric patients recruited, 34 had signs of raised ICP. Mean ONSD on day 1 was higher in children with signs of raised ICP (4.99±0.57 vs 4.06±0.40; p<0.01). Mean ONSD on day 2 also was higher in raised ICP patients (4.94±0.55 vs 4.04±0.40; p<0.01). The third reading between days 4 and 7 of admission was less than the first 2 values but still higher in raised ICP patients (4.48±1.26 vs 3.99±0.57; p<0.001). The cut-off ONSD value for detecting raised ICP was 4.46 mm on the ROC curve with an area under curve 0.906 (95% CI 0.844 to 0.968), 85.3% sensitivity and 86.4% specificity. There was no difference in ONSD between the right and the left eyes at any time point irrespective of signs of raised ICP.
    CONCLUSIONS: We found that measurement of ONSD by transorbital ultrasound was able to detect clinically relevant raised ICP with an excellent discriminatory performance at the cut-off value of 4.46 mm.





