Interferon beta-1b

干扰素 β - 1b
  • 一名54岁的多发性硬化症患者接受干扰素-β(IFN-β)-1b治疗15年,出现持续高血压(240/124mmHg)和视网膜出血。她有蛋白尿,贫血,血小板减少症,血清肌酐水平升高,和触珠蛋白耗竭。静脉注射尼卡地平稳定了她的血压,但是她的肾功能和血小板计数恶化了.具有血小板反应蛋白1型基序13(ADAMTS13)活性的初始整合素样金属蛋白酶在没有其抑制剂的情况下是正常的28%。随后的裂孔细胞周围出现提示血栓性微血管病(TMA)。IFN-β-1b停止后,血小板计数增加,血压稳定了.ADAMTS13活性归一化,虽然肌酐水平没有。长期使用IFN-β后可能会出现TMA,而不会出现不良事件。
    A 54-year-old woman with multiple sclerosis treated with interferon-β (IFN-β)-1b for 15 years presented with sustained hypertension (240/124 mmHg) and retinal bleeding. She had proteinuria, anemia, thrombocytopenia, elevated serum creatinine levels, and haptoglobin depletion. Intravenous nicardipine stabilized her blood pressure, but her renal function and platelet count deteriorated. The initial disintegrin-like metalloprotease with thrombospondin type 1 motifs 13 (ADAMTS13) activity was 28% of normal without its inhibitor. The subsequent peripheral appearance of schistocytes suggested thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA). After IFN-β-1b cessation, the platelet count increased, and the blood pressure stabilized. The ADAMTS13 activity normalized, although the creatinine level did not. TMA may develop after the long-term use of IFN-β without adverse events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused havoc in the health sector. Inflammatory cytokines play an important role in the disease condition. Existing evidence has provided certain insights into the repurposing of the drugs. This meta-analysis and systematic review aimed to explore the efficacy of the administration of interferon beta-1b (IFN β-1b) and standard care versus only standard care as the therapeutic agent for managing COVID-19 patients who are severely ill. The search was conducted in the following databases: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar, which were published during the period January 1, 2020, to February 16, 2023. All the included three studies were independently assessed for eligibility. The modified data extraction form of Cochrane were used. The quality of the three included studies was assessed using the Cochrane risk of bias tool. GradePro software was used to summarize the quality grading of the primary outcome measures. The time taken for clinical improvement was (MD: -3.28 days; 95% CI: -5.65, -0.91; P value = 0.007) when treated with IFN β-1b. The duration of hospital stays (MD: -2.43 days; 95% CI: -4.45, -0.30; P value = 0.03), and need for intensive care unit (ICU) admission (RR: 0.71; 95% CI: 0.52, 0.97; P value = 0.03) was statistically significant. Interferon beta-1b is proven to reduce the duration of hospital stay, and the improved clinical status may become a cornerstone of COVID-19 treatment.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    In this paper, we reported on four cases of severe pulmonary active tuberculosis in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) undergoing interferon beta-1b (IFNβ-1b) therapy. Disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) in MS may increase the risk of developing active tuberculosis (TB) due to their impact on cellular immunity. Screening for latent infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (LTBI) should be performed, not only for the newer DMTs (alemtuzumab, ocrelizumab) but also for IFNβ-1b, alongside better supervision of these patients.







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    文章类型: Case Reports
    Interferon beta (IFNβ) is a drug used successfully in the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS). Although IFNβ is a safe and well-tolerated drug, dermatological side effects are common. The most common dermatological adverse effect is a local reaction at the injection site. It may also cause inflammatory and immune-mediated dermatological side effects. However, morphea induced by IFNβ1b injection is very rare.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: The comorbidity between Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection is particularly rare. Only a few cases of comorbidity of Clinically Definite(CD)-MS and HIV have been documented worldwide, while the potential beneficial role of antiretroviral therapy regarding MS activity has long been an area of debate.
    METHODS: We present a 36-year old male, bearing a diagnosis of CD-MS for twelve years. He had been treated for ten years with interferon-beta-1b, when he voluntarily discontinued therapy, claiming clinical stability. One year later he was diagnosed positive for HIV and he started and continued only on efavirenz/emricitabine/tenofovir-disoproxil fumarate (ATRIPLA®), remaining relapse-free until today.
    CONCLUSIONS: This fact, in combination with the unique pharmaceutical composition of the drug, which contains a component similar to a newly-approved agent for MS, dimethyl fumarate, prompted us to review the literature regarding this rare comorbidity and to suggest that the role of the antiretroviral therapy should be further explored in MS.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic and debilitating inflammatory autoimmune disorder of the central nervous system. MS patients may experience severe local inflammatory skin reactions during disease-modifying therapy with subcutaneously injected interferon-beta-1b (IFN-β). We report the case of a 49-year-old woman with relapsing-remitting MS, who developed multiple cutaneous necrotic ulcers on both arms and thighs after 3 months of treatment with subcutaneous IFN-β-1b. The biopsy specimens showed skin and subcutaneous tissue necrosis. We diagnosed the skin lesions as cutaneous necrotic ulcerations associated with IFN-β-1b injection. The treatment included ending the use of subcutaneously injected IFN-β-1b and switching to intramuscularly injected IFN-β-1a because of the multiple cutaneous necrotic ulcers. The injection of IFN-β-1b in the areas with lesions was stopped, and the patient\'s clinical condition improved with the addition of routine wound care, surgical debridement, and skin grafting. This report is intended to raise awareness about severe adverse skin reactions which may rarely occur with subcutaneous IFN-β-1b injection. Early recognition and correction of the injection technique and switching to other forms of interferon can help to prevent these complications.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    OBJECTIVE: Currently, direct comparative evidence or head-to-head data between BG-12 (dimethyl fumarate) and other disease-modifying treatments (DMTs) is limited. This study is a systematic review and data synthesis of published randomized clinical trials comparing the efficacy and safety of existing DMTs to BG-12 for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS).
    METHODS: A systematic review was conducted by searching MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library for English-language publications from 1 January 1960 to 15 November 2012., metaRegister of Controlled Trials, and conference proceedings from relevant annual symposia were also hand searched. Two independent reviewers collected and extracted data, with discrepancies reconciled by a third reviewer. Included studies were randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of DMTs (interferon [IFN] beta-1a, IFN beta-1b, glatiramer acetate [GA], BG-12, fingolimod, natalizumab, and teriflunomide) in adults with RRMS. Mixed treatment comparisons were conducted to derive the relative effect size for the included treatments. Annualized relapse rate (ARR), disability progression, and safety outcomes were assessed.
    RESULTS: BG-12 240 mg twice a day (BID) significantly reduces ARR compared to placebo (rate ratio: 0.529 [95% CI: 0.451-0.620]), IFNs (0.76 [95% CI: 0.639-0.904]), GA (0.795 [95% CI: 0.668-0.947]), and teriflunomide 7 mg and 14 mg (0.769 [95% CI: 0.610-0.970] and 0.775 [95% CI: 0.614-0.979]), and does not show a significant difference when compared to fingolimod. Only natalizumab was significantly superior to BG-12 in reducing ARR. BG-12 also demonstrated favorable results for disability and safety outcomes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on indirect comparison, BG-12 offers an effective oral treatment option for patients with RRMS with an overall promising efficacy and safety profile compared to currently approved DMTs. Key limitations of the systematic review were the large heterogeneity in patients enrolled and the variability in the definition of outcomes in included trials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While no curative treatment exists for multiple sclerosis (MS), several disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) have been developed to reduce relapse rates, slow disability progression, and modify the overall disease course. However, because of the chronic nature of the disease, long-term therapy adherence can be challenging for some patients with MS. Low adherence to DMTs has been shown to be associated with higher rates of disease relapses and progression as well as with an increase in medical resource utilization. As new MS treatments are developed, a comprehensive understanding of current adherence rates and the impact of adherence on clinical and economic outcomes is of particular interest. Our objective was to conduct a review of the published literature to evaluate rates of adherence to DMTs in MS and the impact of adherence on both clinical and economic outcomes from the patient and payer perspectives. Systematic literature searches were conducted using MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Central Register for Controlled Trials. Studies were limited to those completed on human subjects, written in the English language, and published between May 1, 2001, and May 1, 2011. Additional inclusion criteria required that studies involve a population of patients with MS, utilize the administration of DMTs, and report a measurement of adherence. Studies reporting persistence measures (e.g., treatment discontinuation rates) or rates of switching between DMTs (with no other measure of adherence reported) were excluded if they did not also assess adherence. Among the 24 studies meeting inclusion criteria, adherence to DMTs ranged from 41% to 88%. Weighted mean adherence rates were higher for intramuscular (IM) interferon beta-1a (IFNβ-1a) administered once a week (69.4%), and subcutaneous (SC) IFNβ-1b administered every other day (63.8%) than for SC IFNβ-1a administered 3 times a week (58.4%) and glatiramer acetate administered daily (56.8%). There was a numerically greater risk of MS relapse or disease progression among patients nonadherent to therapy versus adherent patients, with findings statistically significant in 2 of 4 studies. Additionally, 2 studies showed statistically significant reductions in inpatient or emergency room utilization and total MS-related medical costs among patients adherent to therapy compared with nonadherent patients. Higher patient out-of-pocket copayments and coinsurance were significantly associated with lower adherence to DMTs, while the use of interventional or disease therapy management programs were associated with improved adherence. Lack of medication adherence remains a problem among patients with MS. Improvements in adherence have the potential to improve patient and payer burden in terms of improved clinical outcomes and lower nonpharmacy medical resource utilization.  







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: It is unclear whether recombinant β interferons (IFNβ) can be effective in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS). The aim was to determine whether IFNβ can reduce the risk of disability and cognitive impairment progression in SPMS.
    METHODS: Using Cochrane methodology, we reviewed all randomised placebo controlled trials of IFNβ in SPMS patients (1995-March 2012).
    RESULTS: 5 trials (3082 patients) were included. After 3 years, interferons did not reduce disability progression, confirmed at 6 months (RR 0.98, 95% CI 0.82 to 1.16). A small reduction in the number of patients who had relapses during the first 3 years of treatment (RR 0.91, 0.84 to 0.97) was found. No analysis of cognitive data was possible. More treated than placebo patients dropped out for adverse events.
    CONCLUSIONS: 3 year treatment with IFNβ does not delay permanent disability in SPMS but reduces relapse risk, indicating that the anti-inflammatory effect of IFNβ is unable to prevent MS progression once it has become established.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Ireland is well over the European and global averages and the costs associated with managing this disease are placing a heavy economic burden on the Irish healthcare system. This paper investigates how current therapies used to treat MS are impacting on the total cost of MS as well as the potential impact of oral therapies in the MS marketplace.
    METHODS: Sales and expenditure data on MS disease-modifying drugs were reviewed as were market reports on forthcoming therapies in the MS pipeline. Clinical trial results for both current and prospective compounds were also reviewed to analyse how safety and efficacy data are influencing drug availability and expenditure.
    RESULTS: The high cost of disease-modifying drugs is substantially increasing the total cost of MS in Ireland. Newer therapies are likely to contribute to this trend. Safety concerns continue to be a barrier to advancement of the most promising compounds in the MS pipeline.
    CONCLUSIONS: Structures and/or treatment algorithms may be needed to help manage the growing cost of treating MS in Ireland to ensure all patients have access to safe, efficacious treatments.





