
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although the transition toward a more sustainable agricultural system is sparking the interest of scientists and farmers around the globe, breeding programs are still focusing on optimizing cultivars intended for the monoculture system, and most cultivars available on the market are not suitable for intercropping. The incorporation of versatile cool-season food legumes (CSFLs) in the intercropping system is a promising way toward more diversified and sustainable cropping systems. However, as the selection of good-performing cultivars under sole cropping does not always lead to a good performance in intercropping, the development of an alternative breeding scheme for intercropping is now a necessity. The case study of faba bean-wheat intercropping was used to select for traits associated with better performance of faba bean, resulting in identifying the combined grain yield, 100-seed weight, number of pods per plant, and canopy height as key traits for faba bean-wheat intercropping suitability. Incorporating these traits in the breeding programs would be the cornerstone of the prospective transition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    原位稳定化和植物提取被认为是修复土壤中有毒元素(TE)的两种方便有效的技术。然而,这两种修复技术在田间试验中对TEs的生物利用度和植物提取的有效性尚未得到探索。具体来说,尚未研究与目标作物间作的粉煤灰(FA;作为稳定剂)和黑麦草(作为TE累积剂)对被多种TE污染的土壤的修复潜力。特别是在长期的现场试验中。因此,在这项研究中,在受As污染的农田土壤上进行了为期六个月的FA稳定和/或黑麦草间作(IR)联合修复田间试验,Cd,Cr,Cu,Hg,Ni,多年来,作为本地农作物的Zanthoxylumbungeanum(ZB)树种植了Pb和Zn。处理包括单独使用ZB未处理的土壤(对照)和用FA(FA)处理的土壤,陕西大同电厂燃烧褐煤生产的,中国,ZB和黑麦草栽培的土壤未处理(IR)和FA(FAIR)处理。这得到了在戴子英(中国)进行的大规模调查的支持,这表明表层土壤被Cd污染,Cu,Hg和Pb,Zanthoxylumbungeanum果实中的汞和铅含量超过了允许的限值。研究的FA中的TEs含量低于土壤中的总元素含量。修复模式的DTPA可提取的TE含量如下:FA Insitu stabilization and phytoextraction are considered as two convenient and effective technologies for the remediation of toxic elements (TEs) in soils. However, the effectiveness of these two remediation technologies together on the bioavailability and phytoextraction of TEs in field trials has not been explored yet. Specifically, the remediation potential of fly ash (FA; as stabilizing agent) and ryegrass (as a TE accumulator) intercropped with a target crop for soil polluted with multiple TEs has not been investigated yet, particularly in long-term field trials. Therefore, in this study, a six-month combined remediation field experiment of FA stabilization and/or ryegrass intercropping (IR) was carried out on the farmland soils contaminated with As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb and Zn where Zanthoxylumbungeanum (ZB) trees as native crops were grown for years. The treatments include soil cultivated alone with ZB untreated- (control) and treated-with FA (FA), produced by burning lignite in Shaanxi Datong power plant, China, soil cultivated with ZB and ryegrass untreated- (IR) and treated-with FA (FA + IR). This was underpinned by a large-scale survey in Daiziying (China), which showed that the topsoils were polluted by Cd, Cu, Hg and Pb, and that Hg and Pb contents in the Zanthoxylumbungeanum fruits exceeded their allowable limits. The TEs contents in the studied FA were lower than their total element contents in the soil. The DTPA-extractable TEs contents of the remediation modes were as follows: FA < FA + IR < IR < control. Notably, TEs contents in the ZB fruits were lowest under the FA + IR treatment, which were decreased by 27.6% for As, 42.3% for Cd, 16.7% for Cr, 30.5% for Cu, 23.1% for Hg, 15.5% for Ni, 33.2% for Pb and 38.1% for Zn compared with the control treatment. Whereas the FA + IR treatment enhanced TEs contents in ryegrass shoots and roots, and the TEs contents in ryegrass shoots were below their regulatory limits for fodder crops. The findings confirmed that the combined remediation strategy, i.e., FA (with low content of TEs) stabilization effect and intercropping of ZB (target crop) and ryegrass (accumulating plant) could provide a prospective approach to produce target plants within safe TEs thresholds with greater economic benefits, while remediating soils polluted with multiple TEs and mitigating the potential ecological and human health risk. Those results are of great applicable concern.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study focused on the phytoattenuation effects of monocropping and intercropping of maize (Zea mays) and/or legumes on Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd in weakly alkaline soils. Nine growth stages of monocropping maize were chosen to study the dynamic process of extraction of heavy metals. The total content of heavy metals extracted by the aerial part of monocropped maize increased in a sigmoidal pattern over the effective accumulative temperature. The biggest biomass, highest extraction content, and lowest heavy metals bioaccumulation level occurred at physiological maturity. Among the different planting patterns, including monocropping and intercropping of maize and/or soybean (Glycine max), pea (Pisum sativum), and alfalfa (Medicago sativa), the extraction efficiency of Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd varied greatly. Only intercropping of maize and soybean yielded relatively higher extraction efficiency for the four metals with no significant difference in the total biomass. Moreover, the heavy metals concentrations in dry biomass from all the planting patterns in the present study were within China\'s national legal thresholds for fodder use. Therefore, slightly polluted alkaline soils can be safely used through monocropping and intercropping of maize and/or legumes for a range of purposes. In particular, this study indicated that intercropping improves soil ecosystems polluted by heavy metals compared with monocropping.





