Insurance Carriers

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Colombia\'s universal health coverage programme has enrolled 98% of the population, thereby improving financial protection and health outcomes. The right to participate in the organisation of healthcare is enshrined in the 1991 Colombian Constitution. One participatory mechanism is the legal and regulatory provision that citizens can form user associations. This study examines the functionality of health insurance user associations and their influence on citizen empowerment and health insurance responsiveness.
    The mixed methods study includes document review (n=72), a survey of beneficiaries (n=1311), a survey of user associations members (n=27), as well as interviews (n=19), focus group discussions (n=6) and stakeholder consultations (n=6) with user association members, government officials, and representatives from insurers, the pharmaceutical industry, and patient associations. Analysis used a content-process-context framework to understand how user associations are designed to work according to policy content, how they actually work in terms of coverage, public awareness, membership, and effectiveness, and contextual influences.
    Colombia\'s user associations have a mandate to represent citizens\' interests, enable participation in insurer decision-making, \'defend users\' and oversee quality services. Insurers are mandated to ensure their enrollees create user associations, but are not required to provide resources to support their work. Thus, we found that user associations had been formed throughout the country, but the public was widely unaware of their existence. Many associations were weak, passive or entirely inactive. Limited market competition and toothless policies about user associations made insurers indifferent to community involvement.
    Currently, the initiative suffers from low awareness and low participation levels that can hardly lead to empowered enrollees and more responsive health insurance programmes. Yet, most stakeholders value the space to participate and still see potential in the initiative. This warrants a range of policy recommendations to strengthen user associations and truly enable them to effect change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2020, the Swiss insurer payment model will include a set of sophisticated morbidity indicators in the form of Pharmaceutical Cost Groups (PCGs), added to a payment model currently largely based on age, gender, and a crude morbidity indicator. Adding powerful risk adjustors reduces underpayment for previously highly underpaid groups but creates a new group of the highly overpaid. We characterize the diseases and patterns of health care spending in most extremely under and overpaid in the new Swiss payment model. We define extremely under and overpaid to be those in the top and bottom 1 and .1 percentiles of the distribution of spending less payment, respectively. The under and overpaid share some of the same health conditions, among them kidney disease. The highly underpaid account for a massively disproportionate share of the unexplained variance in the new payment model. Membership in the tails of the distribution of spending residuals after risk adjustment is persistent, implying that the highly over and underpaid merit special attention in design of insurer payment models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Due to the implementation of the diagnosis-related groups (DRG) system, the competitive pressure on German hospitals increased. In this context it has been shown that acute pain management offers economic benefits for hospitals. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of the competitive situation, the ownership and the economic resources required on structures and processes for acute pain management.
    METHODS: A standardized questionnaire on structures and processes of acute pain management was mailed to the 885 directors of German departments of anesthesiology listed as members of the German Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (DGAI, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin).
    RESULTS: For most hospitals a strong regional competition existed; however, this parameter affected neither the implementation of structures nor the recommended treatment processes for pain therapy. In contrast, a clear preference for hospitals in private ownership to use the benchmarking tool QUIPS (quality improvement in postoperative pain therapy) was found. These hospitals also presented information on coping with the management of pain in the corporate clinic mission statement more often and published information about the quality of acute pain management in the quality reports more frequently. No differences were found between hospitals with different forms of ownership in the implementation of acute pain services, quality circles, expert standard pain management and the implementation of recommended processes. Hospitals with a higher case mix index (CMI) had a certified acute pain management more often. The corporate mission statement of these hospitals also contained information on how to cope with pain, presentation of the quality of pain management in the quality report, implementation of quality circles and the implementation of the expert standard pain management more frequently. There were no differences in the frequency of using the benchmarking tool QUIPS or the implementation of recommended treatment processes with respect to the CMI.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this survey no effect of the competitive situation of hospitals on acute pain management could be demonstrated. Private ownership and a higher CMI were more often associated with structures of acute pain management which were publicly accessible in terms of hospital marketing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper describes the development of a methodology for the case-mix adjustment of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) data permitting the comparison of outcomes between providers on a like-for-like basis. Statistical models that take account of provider-specific effects form the basis of the proposed case-mix adjustment methodology. Indirect standardisation provides a transparent means of case mix adjusting the PROMs data, which are updated on a monthly basis. Recently published PROMs data for patients undergoing unilateral knee replacement are used to estimate empirical models and to demonstrate the application of the proposed case-mix adjustment methodology in practice. The results are illustrative and are used to highlight a number of theoretical and empirical issues that warrant further exploration. For example, because of differences between PROMs instruments, case-mix adjustment methodologies may require instrument-specific approaches. A number of key assumptions are made in estimating the empirical models, which could be open to challenge. The covariates of post-operative health status could be expanded, and alternative econometric methods could be employed.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The Social Code Book Nine (SGB IX), which was implemented in 2001, contains the \"Wunsch- und Wahlrecht\" for medical rehabilitation services in para. 9. This describes a right to participate and choose in the process of rehabilitation. The aim of the study was to collect representative data about the implementation of the para. 9 SGB IX during application for medical rehabilitation services from the applicants\' point of view.
    METHODS: A total of 2 000 applicants for rehabilitation services (all somatic and psychosomatic indications) of a federal pension fund and a compulsory health insurance fund were invited to take part in a postal survey about the \"Wunsch- und Wahlrecht\".
    RESULTS: The response rate was 66%. Most respondents reported that their application for rehabilitation services was approved immediately. People who supported respondents during application and gave information about the \"Wunsch- und Wahlrecht\" differed according to the kind of rehabilitation services the respondent applied for. Half of the respondents reported to have known about their \"Wunsch- und Wahlrecht\". The percentage was considerably higher for patients applying for post-hospital rehabilitation. Approximately 2/3 of the respondents had wishes concerning the choice of rehabilitation clinic. Half of those respondents reported their wishes to the insurer. Most wishes concerned the choice of a specific clinic, a place/region or the clinic\'s distance from the applicant\'s home. Wishes reported to the insurer were often considered (89%). Most important selection criteria for rehabilitation clinics were aspects of accommodation, clinic facilities and location, followed by aspects of treatment and the respectful treatment of rehabilitation patients. Concerning the mode of information about rehabilitation clinics, applicants preferred brochures (vs. internet), comparative and impartial information about the clinic and subjective accounts of individual rehabilitation patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study is an evaluation of how the \"Wunsch- und Wahlrecht\" has been translated to reality of rehabilitation services provided by a federal pension fund and a compulsory health insurance fund. The findings show that many respondents know about their \"Wunsch- und Wahlrecht\" and make use of it to a certain degree. At the moment wishes still relate mainly to the place or region of rehabilitation. This shows the necessity of informing applicants about their \"Wunsch- und Wahlrecht\" on a regular basis. At the same time they must be enlightened about potentially important criteria for choosing a rehabilitation clinic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While the distinct behaviors of for-profit and non-profit providers in the healthcare market have been compared in the economic literature, their choices regarding market entry and exit have only recently been debated. Since 2000, when public Long-Term Care Insurance was introduced in Japan, for-profit providers have been able to provide formal long-term homecare services. The aim of this study is to determine which factors have affected market entry of for-profit providers under price regulation and in competition with existing non-profit providers. We used nation-wide panel data from 2002 to 2010, aggregated at the level of local public insurers (n = 1557), a basic area unit of service provision. The number of for-profit providers per elderly population in the area unit was regressed against factors related to local demand and service costs using first-difference linear regression, a fixed effects model, and Tobit regression for robustness checking. Results showed that demand (the number of eligible care recipients) and cost factors (population density and minimum wage) significantly influenced for-profit providers\' choice of market entry. These findings indicate that for-profit providers will strategically choose a local market for maximizing profit. We believe that price regulation should be redesigned to incorporate quality of care and market conditions, regardless of the profit status of the providers, to ensure equal access to efficient delivery of long-term care across all regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper examines the \"spillover effects\" of state laws that mandate inpatient coverage for breast cancer surgery. It looks at outpatient utilization of two types of breast cancer surgery among Medicare fee-for-service patients, who are exempt from state regulation. Using data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results cancer registries and Medicare claims, we performed difference-in-differences analyses of patients in nine states from 1993 to 2002. The analyses show that state laws had a significant impact on only the likelihood of outpatient mastectomy, which was reduced by five percentage points. Such a spillover effect may diminish the expected impact of federal coverage laws for inpatient breast cancer surgery, which have been proposed to achieve similar ends.





