Infusions, Parenteral

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There are many factors to consider when selecting a container closure system for parenteral drug products to maintain their quality, efficacy, and safety. One aspect to consider for products stored in glass vials is the glass type. Although the glass vials in which most parenteral products are stored are classified as Type I by the United States Pharmacopoeia, Chapter <660>, not all glass vials that meet the glass performance characteristics of Type I are equivalent. In the study presented here, Type I glass vials from three suppliers of three different Type I glass vials (standard, delamination control, and coated) were investigated to evaluate the impact that each Type I glass vial had on the stability of a drug product under development. To evaluate this impact, a three-phase study was conducted in which the compatibility between the drug product and each vial was assessed through the measurement of the critical quality attributes of the product, extractable and leachable inorganic elements were analyzed for each vial, and finally a stability study under accelerated conditions was conducted for the drug product in the most compatible vial based on the aforementioned experiments. Results from this study demonstrated that there are, in fact, significant differences in glass vials regardless of their classification as Type I. In the study conducted here, delamination control Type I glass vials were found to be superior to both Standard Type I and coated Type I vials for the drug product under investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and its negative impact on both acute and elective care and decline in available inpatient resources, there is an imperative to maximize safe and effective alternatives to inpatient hospital care. Properly governed outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) services embed the principles of antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) (including use of early oral therapy) and support admission avoidance and early discharge for a growing range of patient groups with complex infections through well-organized multidisciplinary team working. Expansion of OPAT aligns with the UK\'s national strategy to deliver care closer to home and cost-effectively maximize use of inpatient resources. OPAT serves as an exemplar to other ambulatory services and presents opportunities for developing and assuring AMS strategies within the rapidly developing hospital-at-home and virtual ward environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The product information and literature does not provide confirmation of compatibility for co-administration of all commonly used drug pairs in obstetrics. However, there is a need for co-administration of these drugs over one lumen for this group of patients. Therefore, this study focuses on Y-site compatibility. Since different conditions between clinical and laboratory settings can lead to discrepancies in results, a novel approach for drug intravenous compatibility testing was designed to reflect clinical conditions. The aim was to study the compatibility of nine commonly used drug pairs in obstetrics and to evaluate the clinical value of the designed method.
    METHODS: The clinical situation was reflected by using different temperature ranges (20°C and 37°C), actual Y-site flow ratios, clinically relevant drug pairs and an observation time of 120 min. The clinically relevant drugs pairs include atosiban, nicardipine, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, oxytocin, remifentanil, labetalol and magnesium sulpfate. Drug pairs were visually assessed according to the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) and pH was measured. When incompatibility of a drug pair seemed likely based on literature review or observed abnormalities during visual assessment, subvisual analysis was performed using a particle counter. Y-site compatibility applied for drug pairs when no visual changes occurred or when no additional particles were formed during the observation time.
    RESULTS: Eight of the nine combinations showed no visual changes or noticeable changes in pH during the observation time. The amoxicillin/clavulanic-acid-oxytocin combination showed a colour change at 37°C at the actual Y-site flow ratio. However, subvisual particle counting showed no formation of additional particles.
    CONCLUSIONS: Y-site compatibility was established for all tested drug pairs. The new clinical approach for analysing Y-site compatibility provides a high certainty of outcomes for clinical practice. In this way, clinical complications and use of several additional intravenous catheters can be avoided.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Errors in injectable preparations with high-risk drugs can be fatal. This study aimed to identify the factors influencing the accuracy of high-risk injectable drug concentrations in appliances used for intensive care unit preparation practices. Norepinephrine (NE) was chosen as an example of a high-risk medication drug. The concentration (0.2 and 0.5 mg/mL), the diluent (sodium chloride 0.9% and 5% dextrose), and the container type (prefilled- and empty-infusion bag and syringe) were tested as potential variability factors. An ultraviolet spectrophotometric method was used for NE dosage. 108 NE solutions were prepared by five individuals (pharmacists or laboratory technicians) with clinical experience as well as experience in the aseptic preparation of solutions. The container type was found to be the only factor influencing the accuracy of NE concentration. NE solutions in syringes proved to be the most accurate while preparations in prefilled bags tended to underdose NE.






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    文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: Acute pulmonary edema associated with ritodrine hydrochloride is a rare, life-threatening complication, and dose and duration of ritodrine use are closely associated with this pathology. We report a case of acute pulmonary edema associated with short-duration infusion of ritodrine hydrochloride in a patient with pectus excavatum as an underlying factor.
    METHODS: A 30-year-old healthy pregnant woman was treated with oral ritodrine for tocolysis between 31 and 35 weeks of pregnancy. At 36 weeks of gestation, she went into preterm labor, with premature rupture of the membrane and breech presentation, and received an infusion of ritodrine hydrochloride for a few hours. Although she was normotensive until labor onset, mild hypertension and proteinuria were recognized. Intraoperatively, a funnel-chest deformity was observed, and she developed postoperative pulmonary edema associated with dyspnea and wet cough and confirmed on chest radiography and arterial gas analysis, and recovered with supportive care.
    CONCLUSIONS: Small-dose infusion of ritodrine hydrochloride might cause pulmonary edema in patients with underlying medical problems, including pectus excavatum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Iatrogenic severe hyperglycemia (ISH) caused by glucose-containing i.v. solution is a potentially fatal treatment error. The objective of this study was to investigate the causes, circumstances, course of disease, and complications of ISH > 300 mg/dl (16.7 mmol/l) in neonates and children.
    METHODS: We emailed a survey to 105 neonatal and pediatric intensive care units in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, asking to retrospectively report cases of ISH.
    RESULTS: We received 11 reports about premature infants to children. Four patients (36%) had poor outcome: 2 died and 2 suffered persistent sequelae. The highest observed blood glucose was at median 983 mg/dl (54.6 mmol/l) (range 594-2240 mg/dl; 33.0-124.3 mmol/l) and median time to normoglycemia was 7 h (range 2-23). Blood glucose was higher and time to normoglycemia longer in patients with poor outcome. Invasive therapy was required in 73% (mechanical ventilation) and 50% (vasopressor therapy) of patients, respectively. Administration of insulin did not differ between outcome groups. Patients with poor outcome showed coma (100% vs. 40%) and seizures (75% vs. 29%) more frequently than those with good outcome.
    CONCLUSIONS: ISH is a severe condition with high morbidity and mortality. Further research to amplify the understanding of this condition is needed, but focus should largely be held on its prevention.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Volatile substance dependence is a relatively rare form of substance use disorders. It is predominantly noted in the adolescent age group. Higher prevalence is also seen in individuals from the lower socio-economic strata. These agents induce a rapid mood change by altering the levels of central neurotransmitters. Here we present a unique case of volatile substance dependence in a middle aged female with iron deficiency anemia. We managed this with the SSRIs and parenteral iron preparations which led to recovery. This emphasizes the fact that any treatment regimen must address all the factors, co-morbidities and patient characteristics for complete recovery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the aseptic manufacture of parenteral drug products and low bioburden, cell, and gene therapy products, the control and monitoring of environmental- and personnel-associated microorganisms is an imperative for the confirmation of controlled conditions and the assessment of microbial risks. Environmental and personnel monitoring programs exist to assure product quality and serve as one of the several means of removing the emphasis on finished drug product testing. Therefore, these programs must adequately assess these risks and identify situations in which increased microbial risks occur. The major source of microbial risks in the controlled clean room environments for parenteral drug product manufacture are personnel. Modern microbial analytical methods, including metagenomic analysis, have identified a greater abundance of Cutibacterium acnes; traditional culture-based monitoring fails to consistently recover and assist in the identification of the potential risk that this microorganism represents. This review provides a case-study assessment of this microorganism in the context of parenteral manufacture for the purpose of assisting in the deciding the necessary controls and the potential monitoring addressing this microbial risk.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Endometrial cancer currently represents the most frequent gynecologic malignancy in Western countries, and the seventh most common cancer in women. For advanced-stage disease, the recurrence risk is high, and the site of the relapse is heterogeneous with localized or spread peritoneal disease. There are few therapeutic strategies, and the quality of life is poor.
    METHODS: We present 3 cases of peritoneal-spread recurrences of endometrial cancer in patients with advanced stage at diagnosis. The patients had been subjected to multiple lines of chemotherapy including re-challenging with platinum regimens, pegylated liposomal doxorubicin, and taxane, with progression of disease. These patients came to us with abdominal distension, dyspnea, elevated CA 125, and presence of ascites. After paracentesis with a single administration of intraperitoneal chemotherapy based on carboplatin, all 3 patients showed improvement in their quality of life and breathing as well as reduction of fatigue and anorexia. No complications occurred.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although only 3 cases are reported, the exceptional results and the absence of side effects observed strongly warrant future trials to investigate the role intraperitoneal chemotherapy can have both as palliative treatment of refractory ascites and as salvage therapy in advanced endometrial cancer.





