
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Although most patients with celiac disease (CD) have digestive manifestations, in some of them they may be of extraintestinal (atypical) nature, such as chronic anemia, ataxia, and fertility disorders.
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of CD-related antibodies in Mexican women with fertility disorders.
    METHODS: Case-control study of women who attended evaluation for fertility disorders in a specialized center. h-tTG-IgA, gliadin IgA II and gliadin IgG II were quantified; titers > 30 IU were considered positive.
    RESULTS: One-hundred and seventy-one cases and 171 controls were included; 137 patients (80.1%) had infertility, and 34 (19.9%), sterility. Eight patients (4.6%, 95% CI = 2.3-8.9) had at least one positive marker for CD in comparison with one woman in the control group (0.5%, 95% CI = 0.01-3, p = 0.04, odds ratio = 8.3). Six of the eight patients had unexplained infertility.
    CONCLUSIONS: Up to 4.6% of women with infertility had at least one positive marker for CD. As in other parts of the world, screening for CD could be recommended in women with infertility, especially in those with unexplained infertility.
    BACKGROUND: Aunque los pacientes con enfermedad celiaca (EC) tienen en su mayoría manifestaciones digestivas, algunos pueden presentarlas de índole extraintestinal (atípicas), como anemia crónica, ataxia y trastornos de la fertilidad.
    OBJECTIVE: Determinar la prevalencia de anticuerpos relacionados con EC en mujeres mexicanas con trastornos de la fertilidad.
    UNASSIGNED: Estudio de casos y controles de mujeres que acudieron a valoración por trastornos de la fertilidad en un centro especializado. Se cuantificó h-tTG IgA, gliadina IgA II y gliadina IgG II; los títulos > 30 UI fueron considerados como positivos.
    RESULTS: Se incluyeron 171 casos y 171 controles; 137 pacientes (80.1 %) tuvieron infertilidad y 34 (19.9 %), esterilidad. Ocho pacientes (4.6 %, IC 95 % = 2.3-8.9) tuvieron al menos un marcador positivo para EC comparadas con una mujer del grupo control (0.5 %, IC 95 % = 0.01-3, p = 0.04, razón de momios = 8.3). Seis de las ocho pacientes presentaron infertilidad inexplicable.
    CONCLUSIONS: Hasta 4.6 % de las mujeres con infertilidad presentó al menos un marcador positivo para EC. Al igual que en otras partes del mundo, podría recomendarse el escrutinio para EC en mujeres con infertilidad, en especial en quienes padecen infertilidad inexplicable.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    To describe the development and characteristics living donor uterine transplantation program of the Hospital Clínic (Barcelona, Spain) and to report the first successful procedure in Southern Europe.
    A 31-year-old female suffering of Rokitansky Syndrome underwent uterus transplant from her living sister, as a part of our research protocol. Before the transplant, the patient underwent an in vitro fertilization procedure and twelve embryos were obtained and cryopreserved. The uterus obtention procedure was performed entirely by robotic surgery and lasted 10h, being the main objective to obtain arterial and venous pedicles of good quality in order to ensure the vitality of the graft. The surgical procedure in the recipient was performed by laparotomy and the vascular anastomoses were performed in a terminolateral fashion, with polypropylene 8-0, the vaginal cuff of the graft was sutured to the recipient vaginal vault and the round and utero-sacral ligaments were fixed to the remaining recipient ligaments. Immunosuppressive treatment was prescribed following the protocols from other groups modified according to the solid organ transplantation protocols from our center.
    The donor and recipient were discharged without any major complications. The recipient ultrasound scan showed a normal flow in both uterine arteries and veins. A grade II rejection was treated with high dose corticoids with subsequent normal biopsies and a vaginal stricture was treated with the placement of an esophageal stent for 4 weeks. The patient had her first menstrual period 47 days after the surgery.
    The case reported here open new options in Spain for a wide group of patients that had no medical solution for a disease that deeply impairs their quality of life.





