Indirect immunofluorescence

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Since the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) in 2019, various rare movement disorders and cognitive changes have been recognized as potential neurological complications. The early treatment of some of these allows rapid recovery; therefore, we must diagnose these manifestations in a timely way. We describe the case of a 76-year-old man infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 who presented with confusion and hallucinations and was admitted to our hospital 14 days after the onset of symptoms. One day later, he developed generalized myoclonus, dysarthria and ataxia, and tonic clonic seizures and was admitted to the intensive care unit. A diagnosis of COVID-19-associated autoimmune encephalitis with characteristics of limbic encephalitis and immune-mediated acute cerebellar ataxia and myoclonus syndrome was supported by alterations in the limbic system shown in magnetic resonance imaging, lateralized discharges shown in electroencephalography, a slightly elevated protein level in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and indirect immunofluorescence in the CSF with autoantibody binding to anatomical structures of the cerebellum and hippocampus. The patient improved with 2 weeks of corticosteroid treatment and four sessions of plasmapheresis. Our current case study describes a rare case of COVID-19-related limbic encephalitis with immune-mediated acute cerebellar ataxia and myoclonus syndrome (ACAM syndrome) and strengthens the need for tissue-based assays (TBAs) to screen the serum and/or CSF of patients highly suspected to have autoimmune encephalitis. We believe that the timely diagnosis and targeted aggressive immunotherapy were mainly responsible for the patient\'s total recovery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The testing of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) takes an important place in the diagnostic workup to ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV). Nowadays, it is recommended to screen for the presence of PR3 and MPO specific antibodies first using immunoassay, without the need for ANCA measurement by indirect immunofluorescence (IIF). A literature search was performed to assess the diagnostic test value of ANCA IIF and PR3- and MPO-antibody immunoassay to diagnose AAV. This meta-analysis shows that the c-ANCA testing by IIF has a pooled sensitivity of 75.2% and a pooled specificity of 98.4%. For PR3-antibody immunoassay, the pooled sensitivity depended on the immunoassay method used, and ranged from 79.8% to 86.6%, whereas the pooled specificity ranged from 96.8% to 98.3%. For both p-ANCA IIF and MPO-antibody immunoassay (all methods) sensitivity varied considerably showing pooled values of respectively 46.3% and 58.1%, whereas respective pooled specificity was 91.4% and 95.6%. These findings support the 2017 international consensus that primary anti-PR3 and anti-MPO screening by immunoassay, based on superior immunoassay sensitivity without the need for IIF ANCA testing, improves the diagnostic workup of AAV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The BIOCHIP (Dermatology Mosaic 7, EUROIMMUN, Lubeck, Germany) is a novel multiplex indirect immunofluorescence technique used in the serological diagnosis of bullous pemphigoid. The BIOCHIP method combines the screening of several autoantibodies and target antigen-specific substrates in a single miniature incubation field to allow for simultaneous processing of the most common autoimmune bullous diseases autoantibodies using a single investigation. This manuscript reviews the literature on the validity of the BIOCHIP in the diagnosis of bullous pemphigoid. A systematic search for journal articles comparing the sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic tests for bullous pemphigoid patients was conducted in online databases via the Ovid SP search interfaces. The literature search generated 745 articles of which 189 were deemed relevant. Among the relevant articles, seven studies investigated the validity of the BIOCHIP indirect immunofluorescent test in the diagnosis of bullous pemphigoid. The BIOCHIP has demonstrated itself to be a specific test for BP180 (96.5-100%) and BP230 (98.3-100%), with a high sensitivity for BP180 (83.3-100%) but poor sensitivity for BP230 (24.3-66.7%). The BIOCHIP mosaic-based immunofluorescence test is potentially a simple, time- and effort-saving test that can aid in the diagnosis and screening of bullous pemphigoid. Further studies should report on the inter-rater reliability of the BIOCHIP to further validate the tool.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to review and compare the analytical and clinical performance of automated indirect immunofluorescence (AIIF) and manual indirect immunofluorescence (MIIF) as anti-nuclear antibody screening assays for patients with systemic rheumatic diseases (SRDs), such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and systemic sclerosis (SSc).
    A systematic literature search was performed in the Medline, Embase, Cochrane, Web of Science, and Scopus databases for studies published before August 2017. A bivariate random effects model was used to calculate the summary diagnostic values.
    Twenty-two studies involving 6913 positive and 1818 negative samples of MIIF, as well as 524 combined SRD, 132 SLE, and 104 SSc patients, and 520 controls were available for meta-analysis. The summary positive concordance (PC) of qualitative result between AIIF and MIIF was 93.7%, whereas PCs of total pattern (68.5%; homogeneous, 52.3%; speckled, 56.5%; nucleolar, 52.7%; centromere, 51.4%; nuclear dot, 11.7%) and titer (77.8%) exhibited significantly lower values. The summary clinical sensitivities of AIIF vs. MIIF were 84.7% vs 78.2% for combined SRDs, 95.5% vs. 93.9% for SLE, and 86.5% vs. 83.7% for SSc, respectively. Meanwhile, the summary specificities of AIIF vs. MIIF were 75.6% vs. 79.6% for combined SRDs, 74.2% vs. 83.3% for SLE, and 74.2% vs. 83.3% for SSc, respectively. Although the differences in sensitivity and specificity between AIIF and MIIF were not significant in most subgroups, the summary specificity of SLE and SSc showed statistically significant changes.
    Our systematic meta-analysis demonstrates that AIIF is comparable to MIIF in distinguishing between the positive and negative results, and screening SRDs based on clinical sensitivities and standardization. However, improvements in the pattern and titer recognition and clinical specificities are necessary.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to review and compare the diagnostic accuracy of the screening enzyme immunoassay (SEIA) and indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) as anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) screening assays for patients with systemic rheumatic diseases (SRDs), including systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sjögren\'s syndrome (SS), and systemic sclerosis (SSc).
    A systematic literature search was conducted in the Medline, Embase, Cochrane, Web of Science, and Scopus databases for articles published before August 2017. A bivariate random effects model was used to calculate pooled diagnostic values.
    Thirty-three studies including 3976 combined SRDs, 2839 SLE, 610 SS, and 1002 SSc patients and 11,716 non-healthy and 8408 healthy controls were available for the meta-analysis. The summary sensitivities of SEIA vs. IIF were 87.4% vs 88.4% for combined SRDs, 89.4% vs. 95.2% for SLE, 88.7% vs. 88.4% for SS, and 85.4% vs. 93.6% for SSc, respectively. Meanwhile, the summary specificities of SEIA vs. IIF were 79.7% vs.78.9% for combined SRDs, 89.1% vs. 83.3% for SLE, 89.9% vs. 86.8% for SS, and 92.8% vs. 84.2% for SSc, respectively. Although the differences in sensitivity and specificity between SEIA and IIF were not significant in most subgroups, the summary sensitivity of SLE presented statistically significant changes.
    Our systematic meta-analysis demonstrates that both SEIA and IIF are useful to detect ANAs for SRDs. Between the two assays, IIF is a more sensitive screening assay than SEIA, particularly in patients with SLE. SEIA is comparable to IIF, considering the specificity and standardization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently there has been an increase demand for Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) tools to support clinicians in the field of Indirect ImmunoFluorescence (IIF), as the novel digital imaging reading approach can help to overcome the reader subjectivity. Nevertheless, a large multicenter evaluation of the inter-observer reading variability in this field is still missing. This work fills this gap as we evaluated 556 consecutive samples, for a total of 1679 images, collected in three laboratories with IIF expertise using HEp-2 cell substrate (MBL) at 1:80 screening dilution according to conventional procedures. In each laboratory, the images were blindly classified by two experts into three intensity classes: positive, negative, and weak positive. Positive and weak positive ANA-IIF results were categorized by the predominant fluorescence pattern among six main classes. Data were pairwise analyzed and the inter-observer reading variability was measured by Cohen\'s kappa test, revealing a pairwise agreement little further away than substantial both for fluorescence intensity and for staining pattern recognition (k=0.602 and k=0.627, respectively). We also noticed that the inter-observer reading variability decreases when it is measured with respect to a gold standard classification computed on the basis of labels assigned by the three laboratories. These data show that laboratory agreement improves using digital images and comparing each single human evaluation to potential reference data, suggesting that a solid gold standard is essential to properly make use of CAD systems in routine work lab.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The presence of anti-smooth muscle autoantibody (SMA) in Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH) is well established. However, there are no data demonstrating the clinical significance in patients with normal liver function and few showing positive predictive value for AIH when alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is raised.
    METHODS: We retrospectively established outcomes in a cohort of 251 consecutive patients with positive tubular or glomerular SMA. Patient records were checked for 12years after the positive SMA result to identify development of AIH.
    RESULTS: Of 202 patients with SMA and ALT <55IU/L, one (0.5%) had a subsequent diagnosis of AIH and this patient probably had abnormal ALT at the time of SMA detection. 22% of 45 patients with raised ALT (>55IU/L) and 23% of 43 patients with persistently raised ALT (>3months duration), had a diagnosis of AIH on follow up. Of 10 patients with AIH, 80% were diagnosed within three months of the positive SMA.
    CONCLUSIONS: Progression to AIH in patients with normal liver function and positive SMA-T/G is rare but patients with positive SMA and raised ALT (>55IU/L) should be referred to secondary care for investigation. Positive predictive value of SMA with raised ALT for AIH was 22%.





