
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    New guidelines for cervical cancer screening (CCS) incorporate both HPV and Pap tests, and there is a need to understand communication of these cotesting results to patients, especially in at-risk populations disproportionally affected by cervical cancer. This study used computer-assisted telephone interviews in 2017 at 51 federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) in Indiana to evaluate the characteristics of clinical communication CCS results to women. Results revealed that clinical communication practices varied on channel, timing, and content. Almost half of the clinics (n = 23, 45%) communicate results to patients by phone. Most clinics (n = 47, 92%) notify patients of results in two weeks or less. For cotesting, 70% (n = 36) always communicate Pap/HPV results at the same time. The majority of clinics (n = 42, 82%) explain the type of abnormal Pap test, while only 43% (n = 22) discuss the cervical cancer risk as indicated by the HPV test result. Even though 98% (n = 48) of participants rated their communication strategy as effective, qualitatively participants acknowledged difficulties in communicating cotesting results with their often transient and low health literate patients populations. These results indicate considerable variation and potential deficits in clinical communication of cotesting results in FQHCs, but several promising communication strategies were identified that may inform improved screening communication for other clinics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To assess adherence to symptom-based studies recommended in the health supervision guidelines for Down syndrome from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 24 pediatric care sites participated in retrospective chart review. Symptom-based screening and 4 associated recommendations, including cervical spine radiograph, video swallow study, celiac study with tissue transglutaminase and sleep study were analyzed by reviewing well-child visit notes of 264 children with Down syndrome. Given trends toward symptom-based screens, Pearson\'s chi-square test and Fisher\'s exact test were used to determine the association between symptom presence and receiving corresponding symptom-based screens. Adherence rates were widely variable ranging from 0% to 79% completion. Symptom-based studies were performed in 22% to 36% of patients. Symptom screens were documented positive in many patients, but the presence of symptoms did not correlate with completion of symptom-based screens. Symptom-based screening is low; associated studies were performed in patients without documented symptoms contrary to AAP recommendation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Although monitoring of cytogenetic/molecular responses to therapy in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) facilitates superior outcomes, less than one half of CML patients are monitored using published evidence-based guidelines. Barriers to physician adherence with guidelines are unknown.
    METHODS: An anonymous survey was mailed to 515 hematologist-oncologists in New Jersey and Indiana exploring attitudes toward monitoring guidelines.
    RESULTS: Ninety-six physicians (19%) responded-89% in community practice, 83% with more than 10 years of experience, and 92% caring for CML patients. Eighty-four percent self-reported using CML monitoring guidelines, 14% were familiar with but did not adopt guidelines and 2% were unfamiliar. Eighty-four percent performed molecular monitoring quarterly as recommended; 6% did not perform molecular monitoring at all during the first year. Guidelines were considered evidence based by 98%, but only 54% strongly considered them easy to find; only 51% strongly felt they addressed all aspects of disease management. Patient resource barriers were a significant deterrent toward implementation with 30% citing high costs. Physician resources, including lack of time to search guidelines, limited use in one fifth. Despite 90% believing an online database helpful, between one third and one half did not feel that additional training, professional society endorsements, or availability of expert consultations would encourage use.
    CONCLUSIONS: Significant barriers to adherence with evidence-based CML guidelines exist. Resource barriers, lack of familiarity and lack of agreement restrict adoption, but efforts to facilitate use are not desired. Multifaceted educational strategies, including automated computerized reminders at point of care, are needed to improve quality outcomes in CML.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The International Consensus Guidelines (ICG) stratify risk for malignancy in patients with intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) into three progressive categories according to whether patients show \'no criteria\', \'worrisome features\' (WFs) or \'high-risk stigmata\' (HRS).
    OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to test the hypothesis that type (clinical versus radiological) and quantity of ICG WFs and HRS carry unequal weight and are not cumulative in the prediction of risk for malignancy or invasiveness in IPMN.
    METHODS: A retrospective review of a prospectively maintained database of patients who underwent surgical resection for IPMN at a single, university-based medical centre during 1992-2012 was performed. Differences that achieved a P-value of <0.05 were considered significant.
    RESULTS: Of 362 patients, 340 were eligible for entry into the study and were categorized as demonstrating no criteria (n = 70), WFs (n = 185) or HRS (n = 85). Patients in the WFs group had higher rates of malignant and invasive IPMN than those in the no-criteria group [26.5% versus 4.3% (P < 0.0001) and 15.7% versus 4.3% (P = 0.02), respectively]. Patients in the HRS group had higher rates of malignant and invasive IPMN than those in the WFs group [56.5% versus 26.5% (P = 0.0001) and 42.4% versus 15.7% (P = 0.0001), respectively]. When radiological parameters only were considered for WFs versus HRS, no difference was found in rates of malignant or invasive IPMN. By contrast, when clinical parameters only were considered, patients in the HRS group had higher rates of malignant or invasive IPMN [66.7% versus 8.1% (P = 0.04) and 66.7% versus 2.7% (P = 0.01), respectively]. There was no stepwise increase in rates of malignant or invasive IPMN with the number of WFs. However, patients with only one WF had a lower risk for malignancy than patients with two or more WFs.
    CONCLUSIONS: The type and quantity of ICG WFs and HRS carry unequal weight and are not cumulative in the prediction of risk for malignancy or invasiveness in IPMN.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate adherence to the 2012 Infectious Diseases Society of America practice guidelines for the management of patients with diabetic foot infections and to determine an association between adherence and clinical outcome.
    METHODS: A retrospective chart review was performed to evaluate the management and clinical outcomes of patients with diabetic foot infections treated with outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy between 1 January 2011 and 30 June 2012 at Wishard Health Services/Eskenazi Health. Adherence to individual Infectious Diseases Society of America diabetic foot infection treatment guideline recommendations was measured, and then assessed in relation to clinical outcome.
    RESULTS: A total of 57 patients (61% male, mean age 54 years) with moderate to severe diabetic foot infection met the inclusion criteria. None of the treatment courses of these patients adhered to all the Infectious Diseases Society of America guideline recommendations. The recommendations most frequently adhered to were consultation of appropriate multidisciplinary teams (n=54, 94.7%) and performance of diagnostic imaging (n=52, 89.5%). The recommendations least frequently adhered to were diabetic foot wound classification scoring on admission (n=0, 0%), appropriate culture acquisition (n=12, 21.2%), surgical intervention when indicated (n=32, 46.2%) and appropriate empiric antibiotic selection (n=34, 59.7%). Of 56 patients, 52 (92.9%) experienced clinical cure at the end of outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy compared with 34 of 53 patients (64%) at 6 months after the completion of therapy. Adherence to individual guidelines was not associated with clinical outcome. Patients who experienced treatment failure were more likely to have severe diabetic foot infection or peripheral neuropathy.
    CONCLUSIONS: Adherence to the Infectious Diseases Society of America diabetic foot infection guideline recommendations was found to be suboptimal in the present study. The effect of adhering to individual Infectious Diseases Society of America diabetic foot infection recommendations on clinical outcome needs to be investigated.






  • 文章类型: Consensus Development Conference
    The Female Athlete Triad is a medical condition often observed in physically active girls and women, and involves three components: (1) low energy availability with or without disordered eating, (2) menstrual dysfunction and (3) low bone mineral density. Female athletes often present with one or more of the three Triad components, and an early intervention is essential to prevent its progression to serious endpoints that include clinical eating disorders, amenorrhoea and osteoporosis. This consensus statement represents a set of recommendations developed following the 1st (San Francisco, California, USA) and 2nd (Indianapolis, Indiana, USA) International Symposia on the Female Athlete Triad. It is intended to provide clinical guidelines for physicians, athletic trainers and other healthcare providers for the screening, diagnosis and treatment of the Female Athlete Triad and to provide clear recommendations for return to play. The 2014 Female Athlete Triad Coalition Consensus Statement on Treatment and Return to Play of the Female Athlete Triad expert panel has proposed a risk stratification point system that takes into account magnitude of risk to assist the physician in decision-making regarding sport participation, clearance and return to play. Guidelines are offered for clearance categories, management by a multidisciplinary team and implementation of treatment contracts. This consensus paper has been endorsed by the Female Athlete Triad Coalition, an International Consortium of leading Triad researchers, physicians and other healthcare professionals, the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study was to evaluate the prevalence and site of fractures detected on skeletal surveys performed for suspected child abuse at a tertiary children\'s hospital and to determine whether any survey images may be eliminated without affecting clinical care or the ability to make a diagnosis.
    METHODS: We identified all skeletal surveys performed for suspected abuse from 2003 to 2009 of children younger than 2 years. Repeated studies were excluded, as were studies not performed to evaluate for suspected abuse. From the reports, we documented the sites of all the fractures. RESULTS. Nine hundred thirty children (515 boys and 415 girls) with a median age of 6 months met the entry criteria for the study. Fractures were detected in 317 children (34%), of whom 166 (18%) had multiple fractures. The most common sites for fractures were the long bones (21%), ribs (10%), skull (7%), and clavicle (2%). Ten children (1%) had fractures in the spine (n = 3), pelvis (n = 1), hands (n = 6), and feet (n = 2). All 10 children had other signs of physical abuse.
    CONCLUSIONS: In skeletal surveys performed for suspected child abuse, fractures limited to sites other than the long bones, ribs, skull, and clavicles are rare. The additional radiation exposure and cost of obtaining radiographs of the spine, pelvis, hands, and feet may outweigh their potential benefit. Given the rarity of fractures of the spine, pelvis, hands, and feet, consideration may be given to eliminating those views from routine skeletal surveys performed to evaluate for suspected child abuse.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Guidelines for latent tuberculosis infection do not consider drug-resistance patterns when recommending treatment for immigrant children.
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this research was to decide at what rate of isoniazid resistance a different regimen other than isoniazid for 9 months should be considered.
    METHODS: We constructed a decision tree by using published data. We studied 3 regimens considered to be effective for susceptible organisms: (1) isoniazid for 9 months, (2) rifampin for 6 months, and (3) isoniazid for 9 months plus rifampin for 6 months. In addition, we evaluated a regimen of isoniazid and rifampin for 3 months. Our base case was a 2-year-old child from Russia with a tuberculin skin test reaction of 12 mm. We assumed a societal perspective and expressed results as cost and cost per case of tuberculosis prevented. We conducted sensitivity analyses to test the stability of our model.
    RESULTS: In our baseline analysis, rifampin was the least costly treatment regimen for any child arriving from an area with an isoniazid-resistance rate of >/=11%. Treatment with isoniazid plus rifampin was the most effective but would cost more than $1 million per reactivation case prevented. Isoniazid would become the least costly regimen if any of the following thresholds were met: rifampin resistance given isoniazid resistance of more than 82%; rifampin resistance given no isoniazid resistance of >9%; cost of rifampin more than $47/month; effectiveness of rifampin lower than 63%; effectiveness of isoniazid higher than 74%; and cost of pulmonary tuberculosis less than $7661. Isoniazid and rifampin for 3 months was the least costly for all cases from areas with isoniazid resistance of <80% as long as the regimen\'s effectiveness was >50% for susceptible bacteria. However, this assumption remains to be proven.
    CONCLUSIONS: Because of the high prevalence of isoniazid resistance, rifampin should be considered for children with latent tuberculosis infection originating from countries with >11% isoniazid resistance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Previous studies have shown that primary care physician (PCP) adherence to diabetes guidelines is suboptimal. We sought to determine the state of diabetes care given by independently practicing PCPs in a rural county in Indiana and whether a multifaceted intervention targeting PCPs, patients, and the health care system would improve adherence to diabetes guidelines.
    METHODS: Baseline audits to assess adherence to diabetes guidelines were done on charts of the seven PCPs in the county. Audits were repeated after development of local consensus guidelines and feedback of baseline performance and after implementation of various interventions (practice aids, physician detailing, patient education sessions, and implementation of computerized individual meal planning).
    RESULTS: Before any intervention, rates of adherence to guidelines were low (15% for foot exams, 20% for HbA(1c) measurement, 23% for eye exam referrals, 33% for urine protein screening, 44% for lipid profiles, 73% for home glucose monitoring, and 78% for blood pressure measurements). One year after development of local consensus guidelines and feedback of baseline performance, significant improvements were seen in blood pressure measurements (71 vs. 83%; P = 0.002), foot exams (19 vs. 42%; P < 0.001), HbA(1c) measurements (26 vs. 37%; P = 0.012), and PCP eye exams (38 vs. 46%; P = 0.043); a trend toward improvement was seen in referral to eye specialists (25 vs. 33%; P = 0.059). After a second year of multiple interventions, only blood pressure measurements (70 vs. 92%; P < 0.001) and foot exams (22 vs. 47%; P < 0.001) remained significantly improved; all other areas returned to rates indistinguishable from baseline.
    CONCLUSIONS: In busy primary care practices lacking organizational support and computerized tracking systems, sustained improvements in diabetes care are difficult to attain using traditional physician-targeted approaches.





