
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The impacted and transposed teeth cause consequences in tooth eruption and movement, resulting in aesthetic and functional outcomes. A proper treatment plan with treatment duration and cost consideration is necessary to treat them. This study reported treatment for a 23-year-old male patient with impacted and transposed canine in maxilla using a multidisciplinary method between orthodontic and conservation. According to the anamnesis of the patient, his upper arch midline contained an extra tooth when he was a child. With the consideration of the duration and cost of treatment, the preferable and manageable treatment fell into the correction using a fixed orthodontic appliance with careful mechanics and enameloplasty to achieve the aesthetic and functional goal.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Supernumerary teeth are dental anomalies characterized by the presence of an excessive number of teeth in relation to normal dentition. Among these, the supernumerary premolars have a prevalence of 0.29% to 0.64%, making it a very rare finding. On the other hand, gemination is a developmental disturbance in the shape of the teeth where a partial cleavage of a single tooth germ results in the formation of a singular root and a singular pulp chamber but two partially or totally separated crowns. Although these anomalies as individual entities are fairly common in clinical practice, the occurrence of both anomalies in a single tooth is an extremely rare occurrence. We hereby report a rare case of impacted geminated supernumerary premolar in a 45-year-old female patient. A thorough search of the literature revealed that only four cases listing this anomaly have been reported in the literature thus deserving a mention. In addition to the case presentation, the authors have also reviewed the existing literature on this anomaly.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Dentigerous cyst is also known as follicular cyst. It is an odontogenic cyst of developmental origin. The dentigerous cyst involves impacted, embedded or submerged tooth by expansion of its follicle. The normal follicular space is mostly 3-4 mm but with dentigerous cyst it can be 5 mm or more. These are second most commonly occurring odontogenic cysts and literature shows occurrence of 24% among true cysts of jaw. It is most commonly associated with mandibular 3rd molar followed by maxillary canine and third molar. Radiographically occurring as unilocular radiolucency around an impacted tooth. In our case the cyst was a large dentigerous cyst occurring in 9-year-old child having mixed dentition. Complete enucleation of the cystic lesion and packing open with bismuth iodoform paraffin paste (BIPP) was done. BIPP dressing was changed at regular intervels and more than 60% of bone formation was complete in around 5 months which was evident on the radiograph. Conclusion: Methods employed for elimination include enucleation, decompression marsupialization but the treatment modality also depends upon age, existing dentition, location and size of the lesion.
    UNASSIGNED: Gaur G, Agarwal P, Goyal G, et al. Management of a Large Dentigerous Cyst with Enucleation and Packing Open with BIPP in 9-year-old Child: A Case Report. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2023;16(3):515-517.






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    Dilaceration is an abrupt deviation along the long axis of the tooth, which may be observed between the crown, root, or both. Management of such teeth poses a unique challenge to the clinician due to its position within the esthetic zone. This case report describes the management of impacted maxillary central incisor with severe root dilacerations (90° angulation and crown directed toward the anterior nasal spine). Surgical extraction of tooth was done after the elevation of the flap and fixed orthodontic treatment was planned to regain the required amount of space followed by prosthetic rehabilitation using the same extracted tooth as pontic.
    UNASSIGNED: Nallanchakrava S, Mettu S, Reddy NG, et a l. Multidisciplinary Approach for the Management of Dilacerated Permanent Maxillary Incisor: A Case Report. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2020;13(6):725-728.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Wooden foreign body (WFB) injuries in children are common. They may report with acute presentation or be delayed as retained foreign body giving rise to complications. Cases with superficial skin penetration by these foreign bodies and acute presentation may be convenient to diagnose and remove. However, localising deeply impacted and chronically retained WFB is challenging, as they are usually not radiopaque and have a tendency to move deeper into the surrounding soft tissues with time. Foreign body retained for prolonged duration may present with either cellulitis, deep tissue infections, sinus, restriction of joint movements, necrotising fasciitis, osteomyelitis or tumour-like mass. We present an 8-year-old boy with discharging sinuses in the right iliac fossa and medial aspect of the right upper thigh, due to an impacted WFB for 3 months. Prompt radiological imaging and surgical removal helped him recover completely.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ectopic eruptions of a tooth in a non-dentate region is a rare entity and such cases have been reported to occur in the nasal cavity, orbital floor, maxillary sinus, mandibular condyle, chin, palate and coronoid process.
    METHODS: We report a case of bilateral ectopic eruption of maxillary third molars associated dentigerous cyst. A 27 years old female patient reported to us with chief complaint of purulent discharge form nose and recurrent facial swelling for last 2 years. Complete removal of cystic lining and extraction of ectopic maxillary third molars along with mandibular third molars was carried out.
    RESULTS: Post-operative healing was uneventful.
    CONCLUSIONS: Bilateral ectopic eruptions of maxillary third molars in Antrum of Highmore (Maxillary sinus) are rarely seen and scantly documented in the literature. Dental ectopia may occur in antrum and present with local sino-nasal symptoms attributed to chronic sinusitis. Due to its rarity and lack of consensus over its management, the incidence deserves to be added to the literature & discussed.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Traumatic dental injuries are highly prevalent among preschool children. When occurring at a very young age (prior to the eruption of the primary teeth), such trauma can disturb the normal development of the permanent dentition and, more rarely, affect the primary dentition. This report describes a case of a patient who suffered dentoalveolar trauma at six months of age that caused rare developmental problems in the primary dentition, such as impaction, dilacerations, hypoplasia, and odontoma. Imaging revealed that alterations also occurred in the permanent dentition. This report demonstrates that dentoalveolar trauma prior to complete development of the dentition and even before the eruption of the primary teeth can lead to highly uncommon abnormalities in the primary dentition. Moreover, there may be repercussions in the permanent dentition when the germs of these teeth are injured by the intraosseous displacement of primary teeth.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Inversion has been defined as the malposition of a tooth in which the tooth is reversed and positioned upside down. Very few cases of inverted and impacted third molars have been reported in the literature. The most common location of such a third molar in the mandible is in the ascending ramus. In the maxilla, the teeth may be displaced as far as the floor of the orbit. Two cases of inverted and impacted third molars are described. They were conservatively managed without surgery. The two cases are reported because impaction with inversion of a molar tooth is not common.
    ملخص البحث : يعرف الوضع غير الطبيعي للأسنان بأنه الوضع العكسي الذي تكون فيه السن مقلوبة رأسا على عقب وهو من الأمور النادرة الحدوث. يعرض الباحثان حالتين للأسنان في الوضع العكسي وانحسار السن المولى الثالث (Third Molar). وقد تم علاجهما من غير تدخل جراحي.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    C-MAC® video-laryngoscope is often used by anesthetists in difficult intubation scenarios primarily in adults. Using this C-MAC® device in two of our pediatric cases, we successfully removed the laryngeal foreign body, while the anesthetist provided the apneic technique. A systematic review of PubMed and Google Scholar for similar cases was conducted. We found only one such case report of pediatric airway foreign body removal via video-laryngoscope in the English literature. The use of this high-quality, magnified video-laryngoscope in children in an emergency scenario is often not adequately applied. This procedure provides continuous real-time visualization to both the operating surgeon as well as the anesthetist in respect to the airway and thereby reduces the chance of any untoward complications. Here, we present two interesting case reports of C-MAC® video-laryngoscope assisted removal of laryngeal foreign body via apneic technique with spontaneous ventilation performed on two different children in our facility. Both these children had clinical symptoms of upper airway obstruction with fluctuating stridor simulating croup or asthma.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Impaction of mandibular second permanent molars is a rare occurrence, with prevalence rates reported to be between 0.65% and 2.0%. In the absence of systemic conditions, impactions are usually unilateral. There appears to be no consensus as to the optimal treatment for impacted mandibular second molars and treatment plans will be based upon the individual case. Treatment may involve orthodontics and/or various surgical techniques, and early diagnosis is important. This paper presents an unusual case of bilateral transverse impaction of both mandibular second and third molars that was diagnosed at 18 years of age. All impacted molars were extracted.





