
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Water splitting into oxygen and hydrogen is one of the most attractive strategies for storing solar energy and electricity. Because the processes at work are multielectronic, there is a crucial need for efficient and stable catalysts, which in addition have to be cheap for future industrial developments (electrolyzers, photoelectrochemicals, and fuel cells). Specifically for the water/hydrogen interconversion, Nature is an exquisite source of inspiration since this chemistry contributes to the bioenergetic metabolism of a number of living organisms via the activity of fascinating metalloenzymes, the hydrogenases. In this Account, we first briefly describe the structure of the unique dinuclear organometallic active sites of the two classes of hydrogenases as well as the complex protein machineries involved in their biosynthesis, their so-called maturation processes. This knowledge allows for the development of a fruitful bioinspired chemistry approach, which has already led to a number of interesting and original catalysts mimicking the natural active sites. More specifically, we describe our own attempts to prepare artificial hydrogenases. This can be achieved via the standard bioinspired approach using the combination of a synthetic bioinspired catalyst and a polypeptide scaffold. Such hybrid complexes provide the opportunity to optimize the system by manipulating both the catalyst through chemical synthesis and the protein component through mutagenesis. We also raise the possibility to reach such artificial systems via an original strategy based on mimicking the enzyme maturation pathways. This is illustrated in this Account by two examples developed in our laboratory. First, we show how the preparation of a lysozyme-{Mn(I)(CO)3} hybrid and its clean reaction with a nickel complex led us to generate a new class of binuclear Ni-Mn H2-evolving catalysts mimicking the active site of [NiFe]-hydrogenases. Then we describe how we were able to rationally design and prepare a hybrid system, displaying remarkable structural similarities to an [FeFe]-hydrogenase, and we show here for the first time that it is catalytically active for proton reduction. This system is based on the combination of HydF, a protein involved in the maturation of [FeFe]-hydrogenase (HydA), and a close mimic of the active site of this class of enzymes. Moreover, the synthetic [Fe2(adt)(CO)4(CN)2](2-) (adt(2-)= aza-propanedithiol) mimic, alone or within a HydF hybrid system, was shown to be able to maturate and activate a form of HydA itself lacking its diiron active site. We discuss the exciting perspectives this \"synthetic maturation\" opens regarding the \"invention\" of novel hydrogenases by the chemists.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spectroscopic techniques play a major role in the elucidation of structure-function relationships of biological macromolecules. Here we describe an integrated approach for bio-molecular spectroscopy that takes into account the special characteristics of such compounds. The underlying fundamental concepts will be exemplarily illustrated by means of selected case studies on biocatalysts, namely hydrogenase and superoxide reductase. The treatise will be concluded with an overview of challenges and future prospects, laying emphasis on functional dynamics, in vivo studies, and computational spectroscopy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The possibility of simultaneous addition of η(2)-H2 to both the metals (Ni and Fe) in the active site of the as isolated state of the enzyme (Ni-SI) is examined here by an atom-by-atom electronic energy partitioning based on the QTAIM method. Results show that the 4LS state prefers H2 removal than addition. Destabilization of the atomic basins of the thiolate bridges and decrease of the electrophilicity of the Fe and Ni, resulting in poor back donation to the CO ligand, are the bottlenecks that hamper dihydrogen activation simultaneously. The study helps to understand why such states are seldom accessed in the activation of dihydrogen. Moreover, Ni has been found to be the natural choice for the dihydrogen binding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hydrogenases catalyse the reversible cleavage of molecular hydrogen into protons and electrons. While most of these enzymes are inhibited under aerobic conditions, some hydrogenases are catalytically active even at ambient oxygen levels. In particular, the soluble [NiFe] hydrogenase from Ralstonia eutropha H16 couples reversible hydrogen cycling to the redox conversion of NAD(H). Its insensitivity towards oxygen has been formerly ascribed to the putative presence of additional cyanide ligands at the active site, which has been, however, discussed controversially. Based on quantum chemical calculations of model compounds, we demonstrate that spectroscopic consequences of the proposed non-standard set of inorganic ligands are in contradiction to the underlying experimental findings. In this way, the previous model for structure and function of this soluble hydrogenase is disproved on a fundamental level, thereby highlighting the efficiency of computational methods for the evaluation of experimentally derived mechanistic proposals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Experimental and computational experiments show that the electrophile MeS(+) attacks a single Fe center in Fe(2)(propanedithiolate)(CO)(4)(PMe(3))(2) followed by isomerization of this terminal thiolato complex to the corresponding μ-SMe derivative.





