Histone acetylation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Osteoarthritis is a leading cause of disability in the world. The scientific literature highlights the critical importance of epigenetic regulatory effects, intertwined with biomechanical and biochemical peculiar conditions within each musculoskeletal district. While the contribution of genetic and epigenetic factors to knee OA is well-recognized, their precise role in disease management remains an area of active research. Such a field is particularly heterogeneous, calling for regular analysis and summarizing of the data that constantly emerge in the scientific literature, often sparse and scant of integration. The aim of this study was to systematically identify and synthesize all new evidence that emerged in human and animal model studies published between 2020 and 2023. This was necessary because, to the best of our knowledge, articles published before 2019 (and partly 2020) had already been included in systematic reviews that allowed to identify the ones concerning the knee joint. The review was carried out in accordance with Preferential Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Only peer-reviewed articles were considered for inclusion. A total of 40 studies were identified, showing promising results in terms either of biomarker identification, new insight in mechanism of action or potential therapeutic targets for knee OA. DNA methylation, histone modification and ncRNA were all mechanisms involved in epigenetic regulation of the knee. Most recent evidence suggests that epigenetics is a most promising field with the long-term goal of improving understanding and management of knee OA, but a variety of research approaches need greater consolidation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Skeletal muscles, the largest organ responsible for energy metabolism in most mammals, play a vital role in maintaining the body\'s homeostasis. Epigenetic modification, specifically histone acetylation, serves as a crucial regulatory mechanism influencing the physiological processes and metabolic patterns within skeletal muscle metabolism. The intricate process of histone acetylation modification involves coordinated control of histone acetyltransferase and deacetylase levels, dynamically modulating histone acetylation levels, and precisely regulating the expression of genes associated with skeletal muscle metabolism. Consequently, this comprehensive review aims to elucidate the epigenetic regulatory impact of histone acetylation modification on skeletal muscle metabolism, providing invaluable insights into the intricate molecular mechanisms governing epigenetic modifications in skeletal muscle metabolism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gene expression is tremendously altered in the brain during memory acquisition, recall, and forgetfulness. However, non-genetic factors, including environmental elements, epigenetic changes, and lifestyle, have grabbed significant attention in recent years regarding the etiology of neurodegenerative diseases (NDD) and age-associated dementia. Epigenetic modifications are essential in regulating gene expression in all living organisms in a DNA sequence-independent manner. The genes implicated in ageing and NDD-related memory disorders are epigenetically regulated by processes such as DNA methylation, histone acetylation as well as messenger RNA editing machinery. The physiological and optimal state of the epigenome, especially within the CNS of humans, plays an intricate role in helping us adjust to the changing environment, and alterations in it cause many brain disorders, but the mechanisms behind it still need to be well understood. When fully understood, these epigenetic landscapes could act as vital targets for pharmacogenetic rescue strategies for treating several diseases, including neurodegeneration- and age-induced dementia. Keeping this objective in mind, this updated review summarises the epigenetic changes associated with age and neurodegeneration-associated dementia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the combat of treating cancer recent therapeutic approaches are focused towards enzymatic targets as they occupy a pivotal participation in the cascade of oncogenesis and malignancy. There are several enzymes that modulate the epigenetic pathways and chromatin structure related to cancer mutation. Among several epigenetic mechanisms such as methylation, phosphorylation, and sumoylation, acetylation status of histones is crucial and is governed by counteracting enzymes like histone acetyl transferase (HAT) and histone deacetylases (HDAC) which have contradictory effects on the histone acetylation. HDAC inhibition induces chromatin relaxation which forms euchromatin and thereby initiates the expression of certain transcription factors attributed with apoptosis, which are mostly correlated with the expression of the p21 gene and acetylation of H3 and H4 histones. Most of the synthetic and natural HDAC inhibitors elicit antineoplastic effect through activation of various apoptotic pathways and promoting cell cycle arrest at various phases. Due to their promising chemo preventive action and low cytotoxicity against normal host cells, bioactive substances like flavonoids, alkaloids, and polyphenolic compounds from plants have recently gained importance. Even though all bioactive compounds mentioned have an HDAC inhibitory action, some of them have a direct effect and others enhance the effects of the standard well known HDAC inhibitors. In this review, the action of plant derived compounds against histone deacetylases in a variety of in vitro cancer cell lines and in vivo animal models are articulated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a well-characterized and popular model system for investigating histone modifications and the inheritance of chromatin states. The data obtained from this model organism have provided essential and critical information for understanding the complexity of epigenetic interactions and regulation in eukaryotes. Recent advances in biotechnology have facilitated the detection and quantitation of protein post-translational modification (PTM), including acetylation, methylation, phosphorylation, ubiquitylation, sumoylation, and acylation, and led to the identification of several novel modification sites in histones. Determining the cellular function of these new histone markers is essential for understanding epigenetic mechanisms and their impact on various biological processes. In this review, we describe recent advances and current views on histone modifications and their effects on chromatin dynamics in S. cerevisiae.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A healthy diet has been highly associated with a decreased risk for mental health problems such as major depression. Evidence from human studies shows that diet can influence mood but there is a poor understanding of the molecular mechanisms behind these effects, especially the role of epigenetic alterations in the brain. Our objective was to use the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) format to gather all recent studies using animal models that investigate direct or indirect (on the offspring) effects of diet on depressive symptoms, including studies that assess epigenetic mechanisms in the brain. In this format, two authors conducted independent database searches of PubMed, Web of Science, and Academic search premier using one search block \"diet epigenetics depression\" to find papers published between 2000 and 2022. Relevant studies were selected using pre-defined inclusion/exclusion criteria that were performed independently by the two authors before a subset of studies were selected for qualitative analysis. A total of 11 studies met the inclusion criteria for this systematic scoping review. We found that the literature focuses primarily on the effects of individual nutrients, instead of a specific diet, on despair-like behaviour and anxiety. Studies are heterogenous with the techniques used to asses epigenetic changes in the brain and therefore making it hard to reach common mechanistic explanations. However, all studies report diet-induced changes in the epigenome mainly by the action of DNA methylation, histone acetylation and microRNAs that are parallelel with changes in behaviour. Moreover studies show that inadequate maternal diets can make the offspring more susceptible to develop anxiety and depressive-like behaviour later in life, which is paralleled with changes in the epigenome. Overall, this systematic review shows that there is some literature suggesting a role of brain epigenetics on the diet-induced protective or detrimental effects, specifically on anxiety and depressive-like behaviour. However, studies are limited, lacking the study of some types of diets, behavioural tasks or epigenetic mechanisms. Nevertherless, it shows the importance of genome-environment interactions, bringing new insights towards mechanisms that could be involved in the pathophysiology of mood disorders as well as putative therapeutic targets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epigenetic modifications, specifically acetylation of histone plays a decisive role in gene regulation and transcription of normal cellular mechanisms and pathological conditions. The bromodomain and extraterminal (BET) proteins (BRD2, BRD3, BRD4, and BRDT), being epigenetic readers, ligate to acetylated regions of histone and synchronize gene transcription. BET proteins are crucial for normal cellular processing as they control cell cycle progression, neurogenesis, differentiation, and maturation of erythroids and spermatogenesis, etc. Research-based evidence indicated that BET proteins (mainly BRD4) are associated with numeral pathological ailments, including cancer, inflammation, infections, renal diseases, and cardiac diseases. To counter the BET protein-related pathological conditions, there are some BET inhibitors developed and also under development. BET proteins are a topic of most research nowadays. This review, provides an ephemeral but comprehensive knowledge about BET proteins\' basic structure, biochemistry, physiological roles, and pathological conditions in which the role of BETs have been proven. This review also highlights the current and future approaches to pledge BET protein-related pathologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic pain is a common distressing neurological disorder and about 30% of the global population suffers from it. In addition to being highly prevalent, chronic pain causes a heavy economic and social burden. Although substantial progress has been achieved to dissect the underlying mechanism of chronic pain in the past few decades, the incidence and treatment of this neurological illness is yet not properly managed in clinical practice. While nerve injury-, chemotherapy- or inflammation-induced functional regulation of gene expression in the dorsal root ganglion and spinal cord are extensively reported to be involved in the pathogenic process of chronic pain, the specific mechanism of these altered transcriptional profile still remains unclear. Recent studies have shown that epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA/RNA methylation, histone modification and circular RNAs regulation, are involved in the occurrence and development of chronic pain. In this review, we provide a description of research on the role of epigenetic mechanism in chronic pain, summarize the latest clinical and preclinical advance in this field, and propose the potential directions for further research to elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying the pathogenesis of chronic pain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer is widely considered to be a set of genetic diseases that are currently classified by tissue and cell type of origin and, increasingly, by its molecular characteristics. This latter aspect is based primarily upon oncogene gains, tumor suppressor losses, and associated transcriptional profiles. However, cancers are also characterized by profound alterations in cellular metabolism and epigenetic landscape. It is particularly noteworthy that cancer-causing genomic defects not only activate cell cycle progression, but regulate the opportunistic uptake and utilization of nutrients, effectively enabling tumors to maximize growth and drug resistance in changing tissue and systemic microenvironments. Shifts in chromatin architecture are central to this dynamic behavior. Further, changes in nutrient uptake and utilization directly affect chromatin structure. In this review, we describe a set of recent discoveries of metabolic and epigenetic reprogramming in cancer, and especially focus on the genomically well-characterized brain tumor, glioblastoma. Further, we discuss a new mode of metabolic regulation driven by epigenetic mechanisms, that enables cancer cells to autonomously activate iron metabolism for their survival. Together, these underscore the integration of genetic mutations with metabolic reprogramming and epigenetic shifts in cancer, suggesting a new means to identifying patient subsets suitable for specific precision therapeutics.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a syndrome which serves as a classic example of psychiatric disorders that result from the intersection of nature and nurture, or gene and environment. By definition, PTSD requires the experience of a traumatic exposure, and yet data suggest that the risk for PTSD in the aftermath of trauma also has a heritable (genetic) component. Thus, PTSD appears to require both a biological (genetic) predisposition that differentially alters how the individual responds to or recovers from trauma exposure. Epigenetics is defined as the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself, and more recently it has come to refer to direct alteration of DNA regulation, but without altering the primary sequence of DNA, or the genetic code. With regards to PTSD, epigenetics provides one way for environmental exposure to be \"written\" upon the genome, as a direct result of gene and environment (trauma) interactions. This review provides an overview of the main currently understood types of epigenetic regulation, including DNA methylation, histone regulation of chromatin, and noncoding RNA regulation of gene expression. Furthermore, we examine recent literature related to how these methods of epigenetic regulation may be involved in differential risk and resilience for PTSD in the aftermath of trauma.
    El trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT) constituye un síndrome que sirve como ejemplo clásico de los trastornos psiquiátricos que resultan de la intersección entre la naturaleza y la crianza, o el gen y el medio ambiente. Aunque por definición, el TEPT requiere la experiencia de una exposición traumática, los datos sugieren que el riesgo de TEPT después del trauma tiene también un componente hereditario (genético). Por lo tanto, el TEPT parece requerir de una predisposición biológica (genética) que altere de manera diferencial la forma en que el individuo responde o se recupera de la exposición traumática. La epigenética se define como el estudio de los cambios en los organismos causados por la modificación de la expresión génica en lugar de la alteración del código genético en sí mismo, y más recientemente se ha referido a la alteración directa de la regulación del ADN, pero sin cambios en la secuencia primaria del ADN o en el código genético. En relación con el TEPT, la epigenética constituye una forma de “escritura” de la exposición ambiental sobre el genoma, como resultado directo de las interacciones genéticas y ambientales (trauma). En esta revisión se entrega una visión general de los principales tipos de regulación epigenética conocidos en la actualidad, como la metilación del ADN, la regulación de la histona de la cromatina y la regulación de la expresión génica del ARN no codificante. Además, se examina la literatura reciente relacionada con la forma en que estos métodos de regulación epigenética pueden estar involucrados en el riesgo diferencial y en la resiliencia para el TEPT después del trauma.
    Le syndrome de stress post-traumatique (SSPT) est un exemple classique de trouble psychiatrique résultant du croisement de l’inné et de l’acquis, ou du gène et de l’environnement. Par définition, le SSPT sous-entend une exposition à un traumatisme et cependant, d’après certaines données, le risque de SSPT dans les suites d’un traumatisme a aussi une composante héritable (génétique). Le SSPT semble donc nécessiter une prédisposition biologique (génétique) qui modifie différemment la façon dont la personne répond à ou guérit d’une exposition à un traumatisme. L’épigénétique se définit comme l’étude des changements dans l’organisme provoqués par une modification de l’expression des gènes plus que par une modification du code génétique lui-même ; plus récemment, l’épigénétique renvoie à une modification directe de la régulation de l’ADN mais sans changement de la séquence primaire de l’ADN ou du code génétique. Dans le cadre d’un SSPT, l’épigénétique permet d’ « inscrire » l’exposition à l’environnement dans le génome, en tant que résultat direct des interactions du gène et de l’environnement (traumatisme). Cet article propose une vision globale des principaux modes de régulation épigénétique actuellement compris, dont la méthylation de l’ADN, la régulation de la chromatine par les histones et la régulation de l’expression génique par l’ARN non codant. En outre, nous analysons la littérature récente qui étudie la façon dont ces méthodes de régulation épigénétique sont impliquées dans les différents risques et résilience pour le SSPT à la suite d’un traumatisme.





