
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims to assess the evolution of ocular manifestations in a cohort of Fabry patients.
    This is a prospective observational study conducted from 2013 to 2017 (5 consecutive exams). All subjects underwent a comprehensive ocular examination including oriented case history, refraction, corneal topography, biomechanical corneal properties and pachometry assessments, aberrometry, anterior segment evaluation, double-frequency visual field (FDT), intra-ocular pressure, and ocular fundus. At baseline, 41 subjects enrolled but 9 dropped-out and 4 files were not kept for analysis (missing data). Remaining 28 subjects were classified into: Group 1 -hemizygotes (HMZ), all on enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) (N = 10); Group 2 -heterozygotes (HTZ) actively ERT-treated (N = 8), and Group 3 -HTZ not treated (N = 10).
    There is a high intra and inter-subjects variability. At baseline, prevalence of the ocular manifestations found is similar to published data: cornea verticillata (89.2%), conjunctival vessels tortuosity (85.7%), corneal haze (67.8%), retinal vessels tortuosity (64.2%), anterior cataract (39.2%) and posterior cataract (28.5%). Prevalence for new elements are found: upper lid vessels toricity (96.4%) and micro-aneurysms (42.8%). At the end, micro-aneurysms (+82%), posterior cataract (+75%) corneal haze (+21%) anterior cataract (+17%) and retinal vessels tortuosities (+4%) evolved in prevalence and severity despite the fact that 68% of the patients were on ERT. Treated heterozygotes evolved more than other groups (p>0.05).
    ERT does not seem to halt the clinical evolution of several ocular manifestations. Longer observational time and objective grading systems may be required to fully confirm these findings.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many well-powered genome-wide association studies have identified genetic determinants of self-reported smoking behaviors and measures of nicotine dependence, but most have not considered the role of structural variants, such as copy number variation (CNVs), influencing these phenotypes. Here, we included 2,889 African American and 6,187 non-Hispanic White subjects from the COPDGene cohort (http://www.copdgene.org) to carefully investigate the role of polymorphic CNVs across the genome on various measures of smoking behavior. We identified a CNV component (a hemizygous deletion) on chromosome 3p26.1 associated with two quantitative phenotypes related to smoking behavior among African Americans. This polymorphic hemizygous deletion is significantly associated with pack-years and cigarettes smoked per day among African American subjects in the COPDGene study. We sought evidence of replication in African Americans from the population based Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study. While we observed similar CNV counts, the extent of exposure to cigarette smoking among ARIC subjects was quite different and the smaller sample size of heavy smokers in ARIC severely limited statistical power, so we were unable to replicate our findings from the COPDGene cohort. But meta-analyses of COPDGene and ARIC study subjects strengthened our association signal. However, a few linkage studies have reported suggestive linkage to the 3p26.1 region, and a few genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have reported markers in the gene (GRM7) nearest to this 3p26.1 area of polymorphic deletions are associated with measures of nicotine dependence among subjects of European ancestry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Most gain of function mutations of tyrosine kinase receptors in human tumours are hemizygous. Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) with homozygous mutations have a worse prognosis. We aimed to identify genes differentially regulated by hemizygous and heterozygous KIT mutations.
    METHODS: Expression of 94 genes and 384 miRNA was analysed with low density arrays in five NIH3T3 cell lines expressing the full-length human KIT cDNA wild-type (WT), hemizygous KIT mutation with del557-558 (D6) or del564-581 (D54) and heterozygous WT/D6 or WT/D54. Expression of 5 of these genes and 384 miRNA was then analysed in GISTs samples.
    RESULTS: Unsupervised and supervised hierarchical clustering of the mRNA and miRNA profiles showed that heterozygous mutants clustered with KIT WT expressing cells while hemizygous mutants were distinct. Among hemizygous cells, D6 and D54 expressing cells clustered separately. Most deregulated genes have been reported as potentially implicated in cancer and severals, as ANXA8 and FBN1, are highlighted by both, mRNA and miRNA analyses. MiRNA and mRNA analyses in GISTs samples confirmed that their expressions varied according to the mutation of the alleles. Interestingly, RGS16, a membrane protein of the regulator of G protein family, correlate with the subcellular localization of KIT mutants and might be responsible for regulation of the PI3K/AKT signalling pathway.
    CONCLUSIONS: Patterns of mRNA and miRNA expression in cells and tumours depend on heterozygous/hemizygous status of KIT mutations, and deletion/presence of TYR568 & TYR570 residues. Thus each mutation of KIT may drive specific oncogenic pathways.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Subnormal leukocyte α-galactosidase (α-Gal) activity was found during evaluation of an adolescent male with cryptogenic cerebrovascular small-vessel disease. The only molecular abnormality found was the g.1170C>T single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the 5\' untranslated region of exon 1 in the α-Gal gene (GLA). Historically, this polymorphism has been considered to be biologically neutral. To test the hypothesis that the g.1170T allele might be associated with lower α-Gal expression, we genotyped GLA exon 1 and measured leukocyte and plasma α-Gal in the parents, brother and sister of the index case. The g.1170T allele co-segregated with a subnormal leukocyte α-Gal activity in the three siblings. Although plasma enzyme activities were within the normal range in all five relatives, the ranking of their values suggested a dosage effect of the g.1170T allele. Western blotting assays of leukocyte protein extracts showed that the relative expression of α-Gal in both the patient and his sister was significantly lower than in sex-matched hemizygous or homozygous controls for the g.1170C allele, either normalized to the β-actin immunoblot expression or standardized to a known amount of recombinant human α-Gal. These family data, in combination with results from a recent GLA SNP screening study among healthy Portuguese individuals, suggest that the g.1170C>T SNP may be co-dominantly associated with a relatively decreased GLA expression at the transcription and/or translation level. Larger population studies are needed to confirm these findings and to test the hypothesis that the GLA g.1170C>T may contribute to the multifactorial risk of ischaemic small-vessel cerebrovascular disease.





