Health information system

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Conducting clinical studies is an integral part of the clinical research repertoire of university hospitals. A wealth of organizational competences must always be available in a central location and in an up-to-date form for appropriate administration. Information such as the number of ongoing studies, and the number of enrolled participants is required for tasks related to e.g. sponsor quality management and KPIs. A registry for clinical trials can answer these questions and enhance the exchange of information.
    METHODS: Requirements for an in-house registry for clinical trials were defined in a multidisciplinary task force. The requirements included interfaces and key abilities to create customized reports to fulfill the obligation to provide evidence.
    RESULTS: The study registry is productive since May 2020 and internal interfaces have been implemented to ensure consistency between systems and the documented studies. Manually recorded data is enhanced by interfaces to primary registers. The comprehensive data set in the study register enables the creation of individual queries at any time for a variety of questions.
    CONCLUSIONS: The UKSH study register has already demonstrated its usefulness in various applications and several projects. The extensive data set and the modular realization allows many current and future requirements to be met.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Kazakhstan has made significant strides in digital health implementation since 2013, transitioning from paper-based systems to wide implementation of digital solutions. However, challenges persist, notably the misalignment between existing data collection requirements and ongoing digital transformations. To address this obstacle, the development of a new digital-friendly requirements for health data collection at provider levels was initiated.
    METHODS: A comparative analysis of all existing requirements on health and care data collection set a foundation for further actions. A dedicated technical working group, established by the Ministry of Healthcare, oversaw this process, while several specialized expert groups participated in detailed discussions to ensure alignment with healthcare needs. We took as a basis the legislative act enforcing use of data forms inherited from pre-digital era. Data elements from most used forms were cataloged, checked for consistency, and standardized. ISO 13940 standard guided transformation of rigid paper-based forms into flexible digital-friendly data sets.
    RESULTS: Analysis of the healthcare legislation reveals significant optimization opportunities. We categorized 157 forms into four groups by their content and role and focusing on clinical and administrative records for transformation. Data elements\' analysis led to developing 209 standardized classifications with data values. 83 data sets, encompassing clinical and administrative domains, were developed to substitute 63 (out of 157) forms. Therefore, the foundation for better data and structure interoperability was set.
    CONCLUSIONS: The top-down approach to digital health standardization, combined with open market policies, results in inconsistent data collection practices. Developed data sets align with the goal of developing the national Electronic Health Records system as enabler for interoperability and adds a bottom-up perspective to digital health standardization. This effort addresses the lack of guidance for digital data model development, however additional efforts required to change the current practice and finalize the national legislation transformation into digital-friendly mode.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Data quality in health information systems has a complex structure and consists of several dimensions. This research conducted for identify Common data quality elements for health information systems.
    METHODS: A literature review was conducted and search strategies run in Web of Knowledge, Science Direct, Emerald, PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar search engine as an additional source for tracing references. We found 760 papers, excluded 314 duplicates, 339 on abstract review and 167 on full-text review; leaving 58 papers for critical appraisal.
    RESULTS: Current review shown that 14 criteria are categorized as the main dimensions for data quality for health information system include: Accuracy, Consistency, Security, Timeliness, Completeness, Reliability, Accessibility, Objectivity, Relevancy, Understandability, Navigation, Reputation, Efficiency and Value- added. Accuracy, Completeness, and Timeliness, were the three most-used dimensions in literature.
    CONCLUSIONS: At present, there is a lack of uniformity and potential applicability in the dimensions employed to evaluate the data quality of health information system. Typically, different approaches (qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods) were utilized to evaluate data quality for health information system in the publications that were reviewed. Consequently, due to the inconsistency in defining dimensions and assessing methods, it became imperative to categorize the dimensions of data quality into a limited set of primary dimensions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Austrian National Public Health Institute (GÖG) started to develop the Austrian Health Information System (ÖGIS) by combining technology of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and common approaches of epidemiology in the early 1990ies. Today, ÖGIS is designed as a specific GIS-application, continuously maintained and developed further by in-house development within GÖG and accessible to all employees of GÖG as well as to interested external institutions and persons. ÖGIS covers all major data sources relevant to health, health determinants and the health care system in Austria. It is used for epidemiological research, health reporting, health services monitoring and research as well as for integrated planning of the health care system. After ÖGIS has proven itself as a useful support for implementation of the Public Health Action Cycle in Austria over many years, the maintenance of the ÖGIS databases will be continued and the employment of ÖGIS for purposes of regional health services research will be intensified in the upcoming years.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Data quality in health information systems (HIS) is essential for informed decision-making in the health sector, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) where these systems face many challenges like resource limitations and weak infrastructure. This systematic review assessed the quality of HIS data in the region, focusing on the dimensions, and factors influencing this quality. It highlights the importance of systematic evaluation, ongoing training for data collectors in the analysis and use of data for decision-making, and the adoption of information and communication technologies in the healthcare system to improve data quality. These findings point the way to better use of health data and the need for a more integrated approach to digital health in SSA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: District-based public private mix (DPPM) tuberculosis in Purwakarta district was strengthened by the MitraTB application. This research is aimed to explore perception of user about MitraTB application and measure their perception of this application in dimensions; design, usefulness, ease of use, and acceptance.
    METHODS: This study was exploratory sequential mixed methods research. A qualitative study was first conducted in order to gain an in-depth understanding about user\'s perception of MitraTB application through in-depth interviews. Data were analyzed through coding and categorizing. Based on qualitative finding, a questionnaire was developed and used in the following quantitative study. A cross sectional study was then conducted in quantitative phase. Data were analyzed using Rasch modeling.
    RESULTS: The design of the MitraTB application looks simple and attractive to users. This application is useful to make it easier for private practitioners to report TB cases and it is easy to use. Respondents can accept the MitraTB application well. Most respondents have good perception about MitraTB application in dimensions; design (56.25%), usefulness (69.79%), ease of use (55.20%), and acceptance (73.96%).
    CONCLUSIONS: MitraTB application has a good design feature, useful, easy to use, and acceptable. This application facilitates the private sector to be involved in the TB program by reporting TB cases. Follow-up and local regulations are required for the continued use of this application.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: With the increasing number of protracted refugee crises globally, it is essential to ensure strong national health information systems (HIS) in displacement settings that include refugee-sensitive data and disaggregation by refugee status. This multi-country study aims to assess the degree of integration of refugee health data into national HIS in Jordan, Lebanon, and Uganda and identify the strengths and weaknesses of their national HIS in terms of collecting and reporting on refugee-related health indicators.
    METHODS: The study employs a comparative country analysis approach using a three-phase framework. The first phase involved reviewing 4120 indicators compiled from global health organizations, followed by a multi-stage refinement process, resulting in 45 indicators distributed across five themes. The second phase consisted of selecting relevant criteria from the literature, including data sources, annual reporting, disaggregation by refugee status, refugee population adjustments, accuracy, and consistency. The third phase involved assessing data availability and quality of the selected indicators against these criteria.
    RESULTS: Our analysis uncovered significant challenges in assessing the health status of refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, and Uganda, primarily stemming from limitations in the available health data and indicators. Specifically, we identified significant issues including incomplete local data collection with reliance on international data sources, fragmented data collection from various entities leading to discrepancies, and a lack of distinction between refugees and host populations in most indicators. These limitations hinder accurate comparisons and analyses. In light of these findings, a set of actionable recommendations was proposed to guide policymakers in the three countries to improve the integration of refugee health data into their national HIS ultimately enhancing refugees\' well-being and access to healthcare services.
    CONCLUSIONS: The current status of refugee-related health data in Jordan, Lebanon, and Uganda indicates the need for improved data collection and reporting practices, disaggregation by refugee status and better integration of refugee health data into national HIS to capture the health status and needs of refugees in host countries. Key improvement strategies include establishing a centralized authority for consistent and efficient data management, fostering transparent and inclusive data governance, and strengthening workforce capacity to manage refugee health data effectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Although Ethiopia has made remarkable progress in the uptake of the District Health Information System version 2 (DHIS2) for national aggregate data reporting, there has been no comprehensive assessment of the maturity level of the system.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to assess the maturity level of DHIS2 implementation in Ethiopia and propose a road map that could guide the progress toward a higher level of maturity. We also aim to assess the current maturity status, implementation gaps, and future directions of DHIS2 implementation in Ethiopia. The assessment focused on digital health system governance, skilled human resources, information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure, interoperability, and data quality and use.
    METHODS: A collaborative assessment was conducted with the engagement of key stakeholders through consultative workshops using the Stages of Continuous Improvement tool to measure maturity levels in 5 core domains, 13 components, and 39 subcomponents. A 5-point scale (1=emerging, 2=repeatable, 3=defined, 4=managed, and 5=optimized) was used to measure the DHIS2 implementation maturity level.
    RESULTS: The national DHIS2 implementation\'s maturity level is currently at the defined stage (score=2.81) and planned to move to the manageable stage (score=4.09) by 2025. The domain-wise maturity score indicated that except for ICT infrastructure, which is at the repeatable stage (score=2.14), the remaining 4 domains are at the defined stage (score=3). The development of a standardized and basic DHIS2 process at the national level, the development of a 10-year strategic plan to guide the implementation of digital health systems including DHIS2, and the presence of the required competencies at the facility level to accomplish specific DHIS2-related tasks are the major strength of the Ministry of Health of Ethiopia so far. The lack of workforce competency guidelines to support the implementation of DHIS2; the unavailability of core competencies (knowledge, skills, and abilities) required to accomplish DHIS2 tasks at all levels of the health system; and ICT infrastructures such as communication network and internet connectivity at the district, zonal, and regional levels are the major hindrances to effective DHIS2 implementation in the country.
    CONCLUSIONS: On the basis of the Stages of Continuous Improvement maturity model toolkit, the implementation status of DHIS2 in Ethiopia is at the defined stage, with the ICT infrastructure domain being at the lowest stage as compared to the other 4 domains. By 2025, the maturity status is planned to move from the defined stage to the managed stage by improving the identified gaps. Various action points are suggested to address the identified gaps and reach the stated maturity level. The responsible body, necessary resources, and methods of verification required to reach the specified maturity level are also listed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) are the second largest occupational group and the largest group in the social and healthcare sector in Finland, and they have an extensive working environment. Like other health and social care professionals, LPNs also use health information systems (HIS) and client information systems (CIS) in their daily work. The aim of this study was to describe LPNs\' perceptions of the benefits of information systems in daily patient care. The information systems include the main HIS or CIS that the respondents mainly use in their work. The data comprised 3 866 LPNs\' responses were collected via an online survey in 2022. Most of the LPNs work in social care using the Lifecare system. ESKO is used in public health care and was rated as the most popular system that LPNs use regarding the benefits of information systems. Highly experienced LPNs seem to rate the benefits of information systems higher than LPNs who have just started working.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on healthcare systems and services, including routine immunization (RI). To date, there is limited information on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on RI in West African countries such as Sierra Leone, which had already experienced public health emergencies that disrupted its healthcare system. Here, we describe the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the RI of key antigens in Sierra Leone.
    METHODS: We used vaccination data from the District Health Information System for BCG, measles-rubella 1 and 2, and pentavalent 1 and 3 antigens. We compared 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 annual coverage rates for the selected antigens at the national and district levels. We used the Pearson chi-square test to assess the difference between annual coverage rates between 2019 and 2020, 2020-2021, and 2021-2022.
    RESULTS: National coverage rates for all antigens declined in 2019-2020, notably measles-rubella 1 and pentavalent 3 (-5.4% and - 4.9%). Between 2020 and 2021, there was an overall increase in coverage (+ 0.2% to + 2.5%), except for measles-rubella 2 (-1.8%). Measles-rubella antigens rebounded in 2021-2022, while others decreased between - 0.5 and - 1.9% in coverage. Overall, all district-level coverage rates in 2022 were lower than those in 2019. Most districts decreased between 2019 and 2022, though a few had a continuous increase; some had an increase/recovery between 2020 and 2021; some districts had recovered 2019 levels by 2022.
    CONCLUSIONS: The COVID-19 pandemic impacted Sierra Leone\'s national BCG, measles-rubella, and pentavalent antigen immunization, which were not fully restored in 2022. Most districts experienced notable coverage declines during the pandemic, though a few reached or surpassed 2019 rates in 2022. Examining pandemic impact can benefit from a focus beyond the national level to identify vulnerable regions. Sierra Leone\'s post-pandemic RI reestablishment needs targeted strategies and continual investments for equitable access and coverage, as well as to prevent vaccine-preventable diseases.





