Head And Neck Neoplasms

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Protection of cranial nerves is one of the major challenges in the resection of paragangliomas of head and neck, especially in complex paragangliomas. We report a case of bilateral jugular tumor with unilateral carotid body tumor. Baroreflex failure syndrome(BFS) occurred after staged resection of bilateral lesions. There is still a lack of effective treatment for this complication. More prudent and reasonable treatment strategy is important to reduce the incidence of BFS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Cervical lipomas accompanied by neurovascular compression are extremely rare and require surgical treatment in case of appropriate symptoms. The preferable method is gross total resection, as otherwise they tend to recur. Invasive growth is not typical for lipomas. However, large tumors can involve adjacent nerves and vessels and significantly complicate resection.
    METHODS: We present a 57-year-old patient who underwent resection of giant soft tissue cervical lipoma invading neurovascular bundle and compressing the oropharynx and esophagus with dysphagia and positional asphyxia. The patient was followed-up for previous 5 years. Resection was necessary due to tumor enlargement with appropriate symptoms. Searching for literature data was performed in the Pubmed, Medline, EMBASE, Cochrane Library and eLibrary databases.
    CONCLUSIONS: Gross total resection of 7-cm tumor was accompanied by mobilization of hypoglossal and vagus nerves, common, external and internal carotid arteries and jugular vein with repositioning of the oropharynx and esophagus. There was mild Horner\'s syndrome in early postoperative period. The patient was discharged in 4 days after surgery with regression of complaints. We found only 5 reports describing giant cervical lipomas invading neurovascular bundle.
    CONCLUSIONS: Giant cervical lipomas are extremely rare, and total resection with preservation of critical structures is possible in a specialized hospital.
    Липомы, сопровождающиеся компрессией сосудисто-нервного пучка шеи, встречаются крайне редко и требуют хирургического лечения в случаях появления соответствующей симптоматики. Предпочтительным методом является радикальное удаление, так как в противном случае они склонны рецидивировать. Для липом не характерен инвазивный рост, однако, достигая больших размеров, они могут вовлекать в себя прилежащие нервные и сосудистые структуры, что значительно затрудняет радикальную хирургическую резекцию.
    UNASSIGNED: В статье представлено наблюдение пациента 57 лет, которому было произведено удаление гигантской липомы мягких тканей шеи, распространяющейся в сосудисто-нервный пучок и приводящей к компрессии ротоглотки, пищевода, дисфагии и позиционной асфиксии при повороте головы. Пациент наблюдался по поводу образования в течение 5 лет, в связи с увеличением образования в динамике и нарастанием жалоб было принято решение об его удалении. Произведен поиск литературы по ключевым словам в научных базах данных PubMed, Medline, EMBASE, Cochrane Library и eLibrary.
    UNASSIGNED: В ходе операции опухоль 7 см в диаметре была полностью удалена, из нее выделены и сохранены подъязычный, блуждающий нервы, общая, наружная и внутренняя сонные артерии и яремная вена, сдавленные ротоглотка и пищевод приняли нормальное положение. В раннем послеоперационном периоде отмечалось появление минимально выраженного синдрома Горнера, пациент был выписан из клиники на 4-е сутки после операции с регрессом жалоб. При поиске литературы было найдено лишь 5 работ, описывающих гигантские липомы шеи с вовлечением сосудисто-нервного пучка.
    UNASSIGNED: Гигантские липомы шеи встречаются крайне редко, а их радикальное удаление с сохранением критических структур возможно в условиях специализированного стационара.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The widespread acceptance of robotic surgery is extending to oral procedures. The demand for minimally invasive techniques is driving research into the cosmetic and oncologic benefits of robotic neck surgery. This study used propensity score matching to analyze the clinical course and postoperative outcomes of robot-assisted neck dissections for oncologic efficacy and surgical safety. Between May 2020 and April 2024, 200 OSCC patients underwent surgery and 42 were excluded. The cohort included 158 patients, 128 of whom underwent unilateral neck dissection and 30 of whom underwent bilateral neck dissection. Robotic-assisted neck dissection (RAND) was performed in 36 patients while conventional transcervical neck dissection (CTND) was performed in 122 patients. Data analysis included several factors, including lymph node retrieval and perioperative outcomes, with 1:1 propensity score matching to ensure fairness. Each of the 39 neck specimens with 36 patients was selected. The CTND group was 8 years older overall than the RAND group, but otherwise similar in terms of primary site and clinical stage. The RAND group had a 55-min longer operative time and 140 cc more hemovac drainage than the CTND group, but the hospital stay and intensive care unit duration were the same, and the number of lymph nodes retrieved was the same. Survival rates also showed no difference across all stages. This shows that RAND is in no way inferior to CTND in terms of perioperative or oncologic outcomes, and demonstrates the safety of robot-assisted surgery, even in patients who require flaps or in patients with advanced stages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Classical Hodgkin lymphoma (CHL) is characterized by a proliferation of malignant cells of the lymphoreticular system and often involves lymph nodes, spleen, liver, and bone marrow; it is rare in the head and neck region.
    METHODS: A 58-year-old man had an enlargement with ulceration in the left palatine tonsil that was causing dysphagia. Microscopic examination revealed an infiltrate of large, atypical lymphoid cells positive for cluster of differentiation 30, cluster of differentiation 15, PAX5, and Epstein-Barr virus. Complementary tests initially ruled out other sites of the disease. The results led to diagnosis of a rare development of CHL in the palatine tonsil, which was staged as IIEB. Before therapy was initiated, nodal lesions developed in the neck and the CHL was restaged as IIB. The patient was treated successfully with a regimen of doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine. After a review of the literature, the authors found only 3 cases with the clinical, imaging, and microscopic features of primary CHL of the palatine tonsil.
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite being a rare event, CHL may first develop in extranodal sites, such as the palatine tonsil. In this context, the role of the dentist is pivotal for early diagnosis of the disease. Investigations into the development of primary tonsillar CHL in the oropharynx are needed because the disease has a different clinical course than nodal lesions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Neck lumps are a common presentation to primary care services. The aetiology of posterior neck lumps is poorly explored in the literature, and therefore remain a concern to patients and clinicians. This often results in an urgent referral for ultrasound assessment. The authors of this study sought to evaluate the aetiology of posterior neck lumps from a radiological perspective, to assess whether ultrasound can be used as a useful adjunct, rather than a first-line urgent investigation.
    UNASSIGNED: A retrospective case series was carried out, examining all primary care referred ultrasound studies for assessment of posterior neck lumps, performed at a single institution in Essex, United Kingdom, over a period of over 10 years dating between 2nd February 2012 to 8th November 2022. Data was collected on: patient age at the time of study, patient sex, whether the lump was single or multiple as palpated and documented by the primary care physician, size of the lump to the nearest 0.5 cm as documented on ultrasound using the longest dimension, sonographic diagnosis and any follow up imaging (not limited to ultrasound).
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 623 neck ultrasounds were performed on 615 adults. Of the overall radiological diagnoses made from the 623 scans, 555 (89.09%) scans were benign, 63 (10.11%) scans had no lump found on sonography, and 3 (0.48%) scans showed malignancy. In the remaining 2 (0.32%) scans, the lump was deemed indeterminate. The most common aetiologies for benign lumps were due to: normal lymph nodes (n = 263; 42.21%), lipomas (n = 152; 24.39%), and benign dermal cysts (n = 105; 16.85%). All 3 malignant cases had co-existing anterior and posterior neck lumps.
    UNASSIGNED: Given that the overwhelming majority of posterior neck lumps in our study had benign findings, we propose that patients with solitary or even multiple posterior neck lumps alone, regardless of size can either be investigated routinely or can be reassured depending on other clinical examination characteristics. Patients who have the presence of co-existing anterior and posterior neck palpable neck lumps justifies urgent or 2-week wait radiological investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Intramuscular hemangiomas (IMH) account for 0.8 % or less of all benign soft tissue tumors in the general population. Due to their uncommon nature, especially in the head and neck, they are often misdiagnosed and not included in the differential diagnosis.
    METHODS: This study describes a case series of eleven pediatric patients with a diagnosis of IMH through a retrospective review of the electronic health records and archival records in the Department of Pathology at Children\'s Hospital of Colorado (CHCO).
    RESULTS: The index case had a unique presentation in the submandibular triangle, while the remaining ten cases are appendicular and thoracolumbar in nature.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case series contributes to the sparse scientific literature available regarding IMH, particularly in its head and neck presentation as relevant to otolaryngologists.






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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: T2N0 glottic squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) typically responds well to radiotherapy (RT); however, achieving local control remains challenging. In cases of RT failure, total laryngectomy may be necessary. Improved local control and preservation of the larynx directly enhances patients\' quality of life. Our retrospective analysis using the Japan Head and Neck Cancer Registry (JHNCR) aimed to compare the clinical benefits of RT and chemoradiotherapy (CRT) in patients with T2N0 glottic SCC.
    METHODS: Using data from the JHNCR (2011-2015), we included 1,231 patients with T2N0 glottic SCC. Among them, 346 received curative RT and 425 underwent curative CRT. The CRT group was further divided into the oral CRT (Oral CRT, N=120) and intravenous CRT (DIV CRT, N=305) groups. This study assessed local control rate (LCR), progression-free survival (PFS), and overall survival (OS). A 1:1 propensity score-matching analysis was used to adjust for patient characteristics.
    RESULTS: After matching, 105 pairs compared RT with Oral CRT, and 224 pairs compared RT with DIV CRT. The variables were well-balanced in the matched populations. In the matched populations, the Oral CRT group had significantly better 5-year LCR and PFS than the RT group (LCR, 89.4 % vs. 80.6 %, P=0.043; and PFS, 85.5 % vs. 72.3 %, P=0.025, respectively), while the DIV RT group had significantly better 5-year PFS than the RT group (80.1 % vs. 68.6 %, P=0.026).
    CONCLUSIONS: The clinical benefits of better local and disease controls were observed when oral chemotherapy was added to RT in patients with T2N0 glottic SCC. Thus, the significance of adding oral chemotherapeutic agents to RT in the treatment of T2N0 glottic SCC requires further prospective investigation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Manifestation of cystic hygroma in adulthood is very rare. The rarity of cystic hygroma in adults has caused problems in its diagnosis and management and few studies have reported cystic hygroma in adults.
    METHODS: In this study, we reported a rare case with cervical cystic hygroma in adults. We report a 20-year-old Iranian male (Iranian ethnicity) with a diagnosis of right-side neck cystic hygroma and discuss the presentation, diagnosis, and clinical, radiological, and operative aspects of it.
    CONCLUSIONS: Cystic hygromas are a rare occurrence in adults. They are typically asymptomatic, rarely complicated, and can be mistaken for a cystic neck mass. This study showed that in our case, surgical resection may be a safe and effective treatment for cystic hygroma, with minimal risk of complications during the procedure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background and objective Patients over the age of 75 years make up 20% of the head and neck cancer population, which is a relatively under-represented patient cohort in clinical literature. To our knowledge, there are no studies evaluating the outcomes of laryngectomy in patients aged over 75 years, which prompted us to present this unique series. Methods We reviewed departmental records at the University College Hospital, London over a 10-year period, and identified a total of 18 patients over the age of 75 years who underwent total laryngectomy for squamous cell carcinoma. We evaluated the demographic, clinical, and histopathologic features and outcomes for each patient. Results The age of the cohort ranged from 75 to 90 years, with a mean age of 79.8 years. All patients had a Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) score of 3 or more (due to age), with a mean of 4.7, and a maximum score of 8 for two patients. Length of inpatient stay varied significantly, ranging from 20 to 149 days, with a mean of 46 days. We identified 14 patients who underwent laryngectomy prior to September 2017, in whom the five-year survival was 21.4%. The three-year survival rate for all patients was 22.2%. In bivariate analysis, advanced age at surgery positively correlated with increased length of hospital admission and increased incidence of complications, although these results were not statistically significant (p<0.05). Conclusions Our study highlights the significance of the impact of age and comorbidities on postoperative outcomes and sheds light on the unique challenges faced by an ageing population. Careful consideration must be made in terms of appropriate patient selection, and clinicians must offer a robust and tailored approach to elderly care.





