
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The recently developed and used molecular modeling approach to search for privileged amino acids for halogen bonding (XB hot spots) through XSAR sets has been applied to 5-HT7R. Herein, among all identified 5-HT7R XB hot spots, the S5x42 was employed in a virtual screening protocol as a constraint. Through a designed virtual screening protocol, 63 XSAR sets (156 compounds) were selected from more than 8 million commercially available compounds and examined using in vitro assay toward 5-HT7R. A 68% accuracy was found in predicting halogenated derivatives with higher affinity for 5-HT7R than their unsubstituted analogs. Moreover, it was observed that a halogen bond formed between S5x42 and a chlorine atom at the 3-position of the arylpiperazine fragment caused the most remarkable, 35.4-fold increase in binding affinity for 5-HT7R when compared to the nonhalogenated analog. Interestingly, molecular dynamics simulations showed the formation of a bifurcated halogen bond with S5x42.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herein we have investigated the formation and interplay of several noncovalent interactions (NCIs) involved in the inhibition of human monoamine oxidase B (MAO B). Concretely, an inspection of the Protein Data Bank (PDB) revealed the formation of a halogen bond (HlgB) between a diphenylene iodonium (DPI) inhibitor and a water molecule present in the active site, in addition to a noncovalent network of interactions (e. g. lone pair-π, hydrogen bonding, OH-π, CH-π and π-stacking interactions) with surrounding protein residues. Several theoretical models were built to understand the strength and directionality features of the HlgB in addition to the interplay with other NCIs present in the active site of the enzyme. Besides, a computational study was carried out using DPI as HlgB donor and several electron rich molecules (CO, H2O, CH2O, HCN, pyridine, OCN-, SCN-, Cl- and Br-) as HlgB acceptors. The results were analyzed using several state-of-the-art computational tools. We expect that our results will be useful for those scientists working in the fields of rational drug design, chemical biology as well as supramolecular chemistry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ozone (O3) is one of the most important air pollutants worldwide in terms of its great damage to human health and agriculture. Previous studies show that marine-emitted halogens significantly influence O3 concentrations, mainly through the consumption of O3 by bromine and iodine atoms. In this study, we investigate the temporal variation at finer time scales (daily and hourly) than previous studies (annual or monthly) to better characterize the influence of marine-emitted halogens on coastal O3. In contrast to previous studies that mainly reported a decrease in O3, our results show significant temporal variations in halogen-induced O3 changes. More specifically, the halogen-induced decrease in coastal O3 in southern China is concentrated on clean days, while an unexpected increase in some regions of up to >10 ppbv could occur on polluted days. On polluted days, the activation of particulate chloride (Cl-) in sea salt aerosol (SSA) is effective due to the high level of dinitrogen pentoxide (N2O5) that is formed from the reactions of O3 and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). In addition, the wind fields are unfavorable for the transport of marine air masses with large O3 depletion inland. These two factors together result in the increase in hourly and MDA8 O3 on polluted days in some regions in the GBA. The locations of O3 increases are controlled by the distribution of nitryl chloride (ClNO2) at sunrise, which is influenced by O3 and NO2 during the previous night. As a result, the increase in O3 is a continuation of the O3 pollution from the previous day, and the whole area is under potential threat of this worsening pollution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The NBOMe family is a group of new psychoactive substances (NPSs). In this study, the fragmentation patterns of NBOMe derivatives were analyzed using liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF/MS). The MS/MS spectral data was used to establish a molecular networking map for NBOMe derivatives. The fragmentation patterns of nine NBOMe derivatives were interpreted on the basis of their product ion spectral data. NBOMe derivatives generally showed similar product ion spectral patterns; among them, the halogen-substituted methoxybenzyl ethanamine type derivatives showed a characteristic product ion of a radical cation. Molecular network analysis of the MS/MS data revealed that all NBOMe derivatives formed one integrated networking cluster that discriminated them from other types of NPSs. NBOMe derivatives were spiked into human urine and identified by connection to the NBOMe database network. Furthermore, the NBOMe compounds that were not registered in the database were also recognized as an NBOMe-related substance by molecular networking. These results demonstrate the potential of using molecular networking-based screening methods for designer drugs, and the proposed method would be useful in forensic or doping analysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A computational approach combining a structure-activity relationship library of halogenated and the corresponding unsubstituted ligands (called XSAR) with QM-based molecular docking and binding free energy calculations was used to search for amino acids frequently targeted by halogen bonding (hot spots) in a 5-HT7R as a case study. The procedure identified two sets of hot spots, extracellular (D2.65, T2.64, and E7.35) and transmembrane (C3.36, T5.39, and S5.42), which were further verified by a synthesized library of halogenated arylsulfonamide derivatives of (aryloxy)ethylpiperidines. It was found that a halogen bond formed between T5.39 and a bromine atom at 3-position of the aryloxy fragment caused the most remarkable, 35-fold increase in binding affinity for 5-HT7R when compared to the nonhalogenated analog. The proposed paradigm of halogen bonding hot spots was additionally verified on D4 dopamine receptor showing that it can be used in rational drug design/optimization for any protein target.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The oceans are the main source of natural halogen and sulfur compounds, which have a significant influence on the oxidizing capacity of the marine atmosphere; however, their impact on the air quality of coastal cities is currently unknown. We explore the effect of marine halogens (Cl, Br and I) and dimethyl sulfide (DMS) on the air quality of a large coastal city through a set of high-resolution (4-km) air quality simulations for the urban area of Los Angeles, US, using the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ model). The results indicate that marine halogen emissions decrease ozone and nitrogen dioxide levels up to 5ppbv and 2.5ppbv, respectively, in the city of Los Angeles. Previous studies suggested that the inclusion of chlorine in air quality models leads to the generation of ozone in urban areas through photolysis of nitryl chloride (ClNO2). However, we find that when considering the chemistry of Cl, Br and I together the net effect is a reduction of surface ozone concentrations. Furthermore, combined ocean emissions of halogens and DMS cause substantial changes in the levels of key urban atmospheric oxidants such as OH, HO2 and NO3, and in the composition and mass of fine particles. Although the levels of ozone, NO3 and HOx are reduced, we find a 10% increase in secondary organic aerosol (SOA) mean concentration, attributed to the increase in aerosol acidity and sulfate aerosol formation when combining DMS and bromine. Therefore, this new pathway for enhanced SOA formation may potentially help with current model under predictions of urban SOA. Although further observations and research are needed to establish these preliminary conclusions, this first city-scale investigation suggests that the inclusion of oceanic halogens and DMS in air quality models may improve regional air quality predictions over coastal cities around the world.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Insulin, a protein critical for metabolic homeostasis, provides a classical model for protein design with application to human health. Recent efforts to improve its pharmaceutical formulation demonstrated that iodination of a conserved tyrosine (TyrB26) enhances key properties of a rapid-acting clinical analog. Moreover, the broad utility of halogens in medicinal chemistry has motivated the use of hybrid quantum- and molecular-mechanical methods to study proteins. Here, we (i) undertook quantitative atomistic simulations of 3-[iodo-TyrB26]insulin to predict its structural features, and (ii) tested these predictions by X-ray crystallography. Using an electrostatic model of the modified aromatic ring based on quantum chemistry, the calculations suggested that the analog, as a dimer and hexamer, exhibits subtle differences in aromatic-aromatic interactions at the dimer interface. Aromatic rings (TyrB16, PheB24, PheB25, 3-I-TyrB26, and their symmetry-related mates) at this interface adjust to enable packing of the hydrophobic iodine atoms within the core of each monomer. Strikingly, these features were observed in the crystal structure of a 3-[iodo-TyrB26]insulin analog (determined as an R6 zinc hexamer). Given that residues B24-B30 detach from the core on receptor binding, the environment of 3-I-TyrB26 in a receptor complex must differ from that in the free hormone. Based on the recent structure of a \"micro-receptor\" complex, we predict that 3-I-TyrB26 engages the receptor via directional halogen bonding and halogen-directed hydrogen bonding as follows: favorable electrostatic interactions exploiting, respectively, the halogen\'s electron-deficient σ-hole and electronegative equatorial band. Inspired by quantum chemistry and molecular dynamics, such \"halogen engineering\" promises to extend principles of medicinal chemistry to proteins.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drug repositioning has been attracting increasingly attention for its advantages of reducing costs and risks. Statistics showed that around one quarter of the marketed drugs are organohalogens. However, no study has been reported, to the best of our knowledge, to aim at efficiently repositioning organohalogen drugs, which may be attributed to the lack of accurate halogen bonding scoring function. Here, we present a study to show that two organohalogen drugs were successfully repositioned as potent B-Raf V600E inhibitors via molecular docking with halogen bonding scoring function, namely D(3)DOCKxb developed in our lab, and bioassay. After virtual screening by D(3)DOCKxb against the database CMC (Comprehensive Medicinal Chemistry), 3 organohalogen drugs that were predicted to form strong halogen bonding with B-Raf V600E were purchased and tested with ELISA-based assay. In the end, 2 of them, rafoxanide and closantel, were identified as potent inhibitors with IC50 values of 0.07 μM and 1.90 μM, respectively, which are comparable to that of vemurafenib (IC50: 0.17 μM), a marketed drug targeting B-Raf V600E. Single point mutagenesis experiments confirmed the conformations predicted by D(3)DOCKxb. And comparison experiment revealed that halogen bonding scoring function is essential for repositioning those drugs with heavy halogen atoms in their molecular structures.







  • 文章类型: Letter





