
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Dengue infection can take on many different forms, ranging from no symptoms to a mild fever, all the way to a severe condition known as dengue shock syndrome. Although the typical symptoms of dengue are well known, the virus can also cause rare neurological complications. Dengue encephalitis is a severe form of neuroinvasive dengue that can be fatal as the virus directly affects the central nervous system. This case series provides a comprehensive overview of dengue, its clinical spectrum, and the potential for severe neurological complications such as dengue encephalitis. It highlights the importance of considering dengue as a possible diagnosis in patients with encephalitis, particularly during a dengue epidemic.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Retroperitoneal leiomyomas are rare benign smooth muscle tumours. Diagnosing these tumours is often challenging due to their unique growth site and nonspecific clinical manifestations. There are a few reports of leiomyomas with intratumoral bleeding.
    UNASSIGNED: A patient with a giant retroperitoneal leiomyoma presented with multiple-organ dysfunction syndrome accompanied by a progressive decrease in haemoglobin. Computed tomography (CT) revealed two cystic tumours in the abdominal cavity. The patient was underwent transabdominal retroperitoneal tumour resection. During surgery, we found two retroperitoneal tumours-one contained approximately 9000 mL of dark red fluid and the other contained 1000 mL of light brown fluid. She has recovered well without any complications.
    UNASSIGNED: There have been only a few reports of retroperitoneal leiomyomas with intratumoral bleeding. This case highlights the importance of recognizing intratumoral haemorrhage in patients with large leiomyomas and a progressive decrease in haemoglobin after ruling out external haemorrhage. If necessary, dynamic monitoring via CT may help clarify the diagnosis.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Panophthalmitis is an exceptionally rare but severe ocular complication of dengue fever, which is currently a significant health concern in parts of India. It is a purulent inflammation encompassing all structures of the globe (choroid, retina, vitreous fluid, aqueous fluid, cornea, sclera, and conjunctiva) along with surrounding orbital and periorbital structures. This case series highlights the occurrence of panophthalmitis in three patients diagnosed with dengue, who were aged 35, 50, and 75 years. Despite aggressive medical management, including intravenous antibiotics, the patients were ultimately scheduled for evisceration surgery due to the extreme severity of the condition. Healthcare providers must be aware of the potential ocular complications in dengue cases and diagnose them promptly. While ocular involvement in dengue is rare, this case series emphasizes the importance of recognizing ocular manifestations in dengue patients, as early diagnosis and prompt intervention can prevent severe complications.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy (mini-PCNL) maintains a stone clearance rate similar to standard PCNL while reducing blood loss. Bleeding is a complex and serious complication that can arise after PCNL surgery. Pseudoaneurysm (PA) is an uncommon type of delayed bleeding problem, which affects less than 1% of patients after PCNL. The most effective treatment for severe post-PCNL hemorrhage is super-selective renal angiographic embolization (SRAE), but it can fail in some patients and require additional surgical intervention. This report details the case of a male patient, 55 years old, who experienced severe bleeding four times and had three SRAE procedures and one laparoscopic procedure after PCNL. The presence of a renal artery pseudoaneurysm was not initially identified during the first two attempts of angiography due to arterial spasm and a small, undeveloped lesion. This case report is intended to enhance awareness of tiny pseudoaneurysms, emphasizing the importance of avoiding oversight to improve the success rate of embolization.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: We present the case of a 17 years old girl with per rectal haemorrhage secondary to pelvic arteriovenous malformations (AVM) and potentially haemorrhoids. Pelvic AVMs are rare and extremely variable in their clinical presentation, size and location and pose a therapeutic challenge. Focus has turned towards interventional radiological procedures with angioembolisation as the main treatment form for pelvic AVMs.
    METHODS: A 17 years old girl presented to a rural hospital with significant per rectal bleeding requiring transfer to a tertiary centre with interventional radiology capabilities. Diagnostic imaging determined the presence of a pelvic AVM as well as haemorrhoid. She had no prior history of haemorrhoids, per rectal bleeding or per vaginal bleeding. Further diagnostic imaging including a digital subtraction angiography and MRI pelvis was performed and her case was discussed at a multidisciplinary meeting where the decision was made for angioembolisation of a large right rectal AVM as well as precautionary banding of haemorrhoids that had developed secondary to outflow obstruction. A repeat CT mesenteric angiogram a month later demonstrated diminished appearances of the rectal AVM.
    UNASSIGNED: Pelvic AVMs are a rare entity and are not a common cause for per rectal bleeding. There is currently no direct consensus on the optimum management of complex pelvic AVMs particularly those that present with a second pathology such as haemorrhoids. Surgical management often results in recurrence or rapid progression of the AVM lesion and recruitment of new blood supply further complicates the problem. Selective embolisation allows for control of haemorrhage and utilises chemical agents as well as detachable coils and balloons. However, postoperative pain and swelling can still be expected and multiple transcatheter embolisations may be required.
    CONCLUSIONS: The treatment of symptomatic pelvic AVMs is complex and requires a multidisciplinary approach with careful radiological planning prior to embolisation. Angioembolisation is becoming increasingly prevalent and multiple embolisation procedures may be required to reach the desired therapeutic effect.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pulmonary sarcomatoid carcinoma (PSC) is a rare and highly invasive malignant tumour. It has similar clinical manifestations and imaging features to ordinary lung cancer. This current case report describes a 65-year-old male patient who had a mass in the apicoposterior segment of the left upper lobe with haemoptysis. Imaging studies revealed a central parenchymal mass surrounded by areas of ground-glass opacity, strongly indicating the presence of a pulmonary malignancy. Intraoperatively, the tumour was discovered to have invaded the chest wall and exhibited a significant propensity for bleeding. Consequently, a left upper lobe resection accompanied by extensive pleural debridement were performed. Subsequent postoperative histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of PSC. Unfortunately, 1 month after the surgery, the patient presented with left-sided haemothorax. Despite employing various haemostatic interventions, the patient eventually succumbed to haemorrhagic shock. This study provides a treatment strategy reference for patients with PSC presenting as haemothorax.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Caecal varices are extremely rare with poorly defined management due to paucity of data. A 52-year-old man was diagnosed with a 3-day history of melena with a background of chronic liver disease and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory use. Investigations revealed anaemia with haemoglobin of 62 g/L, liver function derangement (Gamma-glutamyl transferase 251 U/L, alanine transaminase 40 U/L, bilirubin 84 umol/L, alkaline phosphatase 85 U/L), coagulopathy (International Normalized Ratio 1.6) and acute kidney injury (Creatinine 285 umol/L). Gastroscopy demonstrated no signs of upper gastrointestinal bleeding or portal hypertension. A large volume haematochezia occurred necessitating resuscitation with massive transfusion protocol, and colonoscopy was abandoned in favour of computerized tomography (CT) angiography, which revealed a large varix feeding the caecum. Urgent laparotomy and a right hemicolectomy was performed with application of abdominal vacuum dressing. The hemicolectomy sample was opened on back table demonstrating large caecal varix causing intraluminal bleeding. The patient was stabilized in intensive care, and a further laparotomy was performed 2 days later where an end ileostomy was formed. Caecal varices have been reported in literature with management via trans-jugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt, endoscopically or conservatively with beta-blockade. Here we present, to the best of the author\'s knowledge, the first reported case of successful surgical management of caecal varices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated with death secondary to haemorrhage following major trauma.
    METHODS: A retrospective case-control study was conducted on data from adult major trauma patients attending Christchurch Hospital ED between 1 June 2016 and 1 June 2020. Cases (those who died due to haemorrhage or multiple organ failure [MOF]), were matched to controls (those who survived) in a 1:5 ratio from the Canterbury District Health Board major trauma database. A multivariate analysis was used to identify potential risk factors for death due to haemorrhage.
    RESULTS: One thousand, five hundred and forty major trauma patients were admitted to Christchurch Hospital or died in ED during the study period. Of them, 140 (9.1%) died from any cause, most attributed to a central nervous system cause of death; 19 (1.2%) died from haemorrhage or MOF. After controlling for age and injury severity, having a lower temperature on arrival in ED was a significant modifiable risk factor for death. Additionally, intubation prior to hospital, increased base deficit, lower initial haemoglobin and lower Glasgow Coma Scale were risk factors associated with death.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present study reaffirms previous literature that lower body temperature on presentation to hospital is a significant potentially modifiable variable in predicting death following major trauma. Further studies should investigate whether all pre-hospital services have key performance indicators (KPIs) for temperature management, and causes for failure to reach these. Our findings should promote development and tracking of such KPIs where they do not already exist.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Aorto-oesophageal fistula (AEF) following foreign body ingestion is rare and conservative management is always fatal. The delayed presentation further confounds poor outcomes.
    METHODS: A 46-year-old South-Asian woman presented with pain and difficulty in swallowing following ingestion of a mutton-containing meal. The patient refused urgent upper GI endoscopy and was initially managed conservatively on the basis of the resolution of symptoms and hemodynamic stability and was discharged home. On review a week later, the patient did not consent to a UGIE. She presented the next day with a severe upper GI bleed. Due to profuse haemorrhage, a bleeding point could not be identified, and she suffered a cardiac arrest. Attempts at resuscitation were unsuccessful. The autopsy revealed an AEF caused by a sharp mutton bone lodged in the lower oesophagus.
    UNASSIGNED: High-risk food bolus impactions such as the ones caused by sharp objects need urgent endoscopy to confirm the position and extraction if safe. AEF occurs with time and could result in massive haemorrhage and mediastinitis. Endoscopic stenting, thoracoscopic surgery, and open repair are methods of emergent and definite management that still carry significant mortality.
    CONCLUSIONS: Management of AEF requires early diagnosis with a high index of suspicion, endoscopic and CT-based angiography studies, and surgical interventions tailored to patients based on the available expertise. High-risk patients should be similarly educated on the probable complications and the symptomatology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thawed plasma (TP) refers to defrosted fresh frozen plasma stored refrigerated. TP is used in human medicine for the rapid provision of coagulation factors and resuscitation of haemorrhagic shock, but its use in dogs is poorly described. The objectives of this historical case series were to describe the reasons for TP transfusion, treatment outcomes, and adverse events associated with canine TP transfusions in a veterinary teaching hospital. We hypothesised that TP would be used most commonly for the treatment of haemorrhage secondary to anticoagulant rodenticide intoxication and trauma. Blood bank plasma transfusion logs were searched to identify dogs that received at least one unit of TP between December 2015 and June 2021. Briefly, 166 dogs received a total of 262 units of TP. Anticoagulant rodenticide intoxication (37/166, 22.3%) was the most common reason for transfusion, followed by traumatic haemorrhage (23, 13.9%) and spontaneous haemoperitoneum (22, 13.2%). The majority of dogs received one unit of TP (111/166, 67.1%) and pRBCs were commonly simultaneously transfused with TP (65, 39.2%). Severe prolongations of prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time were reduced following TP transfusions. Allergic reactions were the most common transfusion reaction (19/166, 11.4%). Most dogs survived to discharge (101/166, 60.8%).





