Growth Charts

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The overarching aim of this study was to evaluate the Norwegian guidelines for growth monitoring using routinely collected data from healthy children up to five years of age. We analysed criteria for both status (size for age) and change (centile crossing) in growth.
    UNASSIGNED: Longitudinal data were obtained from the electronic health record (EHR) at the well-baby clinic for 2130 children included in the Bergen growth study 1 (BGS1). Measurements of length, weight, weight-for-length, body mass index (BMI) and head circumference were converted to z-scores and compared with the World Health Organization (WHO) growth standards and the national growth reference.
    UNASSIGNED: Using the WHO growth standard, the proportion of children above +2SD was generally higher than the expected 2.3% for all traits at birth and for length at all ages. Crossing percentile channels was common during the first two years of life, particularly for length/height. By the age of five years, 37.9% of the children had been identified for follow-up regarding length/height, 33% for head circumference and 13.6% for high weight-for-length/BMI.
    UNASSIGNED: The proportion of children beyond the normal limits of the charts is higher than expected, and a surprisingly large number of children were identified for rules concerning length or growth in head circumference. This suggests the need for a revision of the current guidelines for growth monitoring in Norway.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We aimed to gain insights into current nutritional management practices of late preterm infants (34-36 weeks gestational age) in Nigeria.
    Purposive sampling was employed to recruit 19 healthcare professionals (neonatologists, paediatricians, general practitioners and nurses) involved in the care and nutritional management of late preterm infants in Lagos and Ogun states, Nigeria. Data were collected using interviews, either individually or in small focus groups, between 15 August and 6 September 2022. Thematic analysis of interview transcripts was carried out to interpret the data.
    Ten distinct themes emerged across the research questions and objectives. For growth monitoring, 11, 6, 1 and 1 of our participants preferred to use the 2006 WHO growth standards, Fenton preterm growth chart, Ballard score and Intergrowth-21, respectively. Regarding the growth velocity of late preterm infants, most healthcare professionals aimed for 15 g/kg BW/day or more during hospitalisation. Breastmilk was unanimously the primary feeding option for late preterm infants. Most healthcare professionals preferred to use international guidelines over local guidelines.
    Our study shows that there is a wide divergence in the nutritional guidelines used in managing late preterm infants in Nigeria. Regarding growth monitoring, healthcare professionals tended to aim for a growth velocity higher than necessary for late preterm infants, which may be disadvantageous for their long-term health.






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    The 2022 CNEOF guidelines (Conférence nationale d\'échographie obstétricale et fœtale) report has been recently issued. It presents the necessary evolutions for the years to come, in a philosophy of optimal security for patients and caregivers, through a homogenization of ultrasound screening practices. As a source of changes in practices, this new version raises concerns, and even reticence, which must be heard and addressed, by reminding that this report is not fixed and can be adapted to the realities of practice over time and their feedback. This short text presents the CNEOF, the novelties of the 2022 report and details some important parts of the report that have been a source of questioning in the month following its publication. The aim of this text is to present a summary (in addition to the full report) to reassure, through education, all the parties involved in this medical practice which is so exciting and of major importance for perinatal health. Thus, the types of ultrasound examinations (screening, diagnostic, expertise…), the conditions of their realization, dating, biometries and the items part of the ultrasound reports are presented with elements of precision useful for their implementation.






  • 文章类型: Practice Guideline
    OBJECTIVE: To recommend the most appropriate biometric charts for the detection of antenatal growth abnormalities and postnatal growth surveillance.
    METHODS: Elaboration of specific questions and selection of experts by the organizing committee to answer these questions; analysis of the literature by experts and drafting conclusions by assigning a recommendation (strong or weak) and a quality of evidence (high, moderate, low, very low) and for each question; all these recommendations have been subject to multidisciplinary external review (obstetrician gynecologists, pediatricians). The objective for the reviewers was to verify the completeness of the literature review, to verify the levels of evidence established and the consistency and applicability of the resulting recommendations. The overall review of the literature, quality of evidence and recommendations were revised to take into consideration comments from external reviewers.
    RESULTS: Antenatally, it is recommended to use all WHO fetal growth charts for EFW and common ultrasound biometric measurements (strong recommendation; low quality of evidence). Indeed, in comparison with other prescriptive curves and descriptive curves, the WHO prescriptive charts show better performance for the screening of SGA (Small for Gestational Age) and LGA (Large for Gestational Age) with adequate proportions of fetuses screened at extreme percentiles in the French population. It also has the advantages of having EFW charts by sex and biometric parameters obtained from the same perspective cohort of women screened by qualified sonographers who measured the biometric parameters according to international standards. Postnatally, it is recommended to use the updated Fenton charts for the assessment of birth measurements and for growth monitoring in preterm infants (strong recommendation; moderate quality of evidence) and for the assessment of birth measurements in term newborn (expert opinion).
    CONCLUSIONS: It is recommended to use WHO fetal growth charts for antenatal growth monitoring and Fenton charts for the newborn.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To develop a guideline for preventive child healthcare professionals in order to improve early detection of pathological disorders associated with short stature (or growth faltering) or tall stature (or accelerated growth).
    We updated the previous Dutch guideline for short stature in children aged 0-9 years and extended it to adolescents (10-17 years), and added a guideline for tall stature, based on literature and input from an expert committee. Specificities were calculated in a cohort of healthy Dutch children aged 0-9 years (n = 970). We investigated the impact of a late onset of puberty on height standard deviation score based on the Dutch growth charts.
    Growth parameters of the guideline include height, the distance between height and target height and change of height over time. Other parameters include diagnostic clues from medical history and physical examination, for example behavioural problems, precocious or delayed puberty, body disproportion and dysmorphic features.
    Preventive child healthcare professionals now have an updated guideline for referring short or tall children to specialist care. Further research is needed on the diagnostic yield after referral and specificity at field level.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Swedish national guidelines for pregnancy dating were published in 2010. Follow-up is needed to assess adherence and to identify whether any clinical topics are not covered in the guidelines.
    METHODS: All units in Sweden that performed ultrasound-based pregnancy dating were asked to complete a web-based questionnaire comprising multiple-response questions and commentary fields. Information was collected regarding baseline information, current and previous clinical practice, and management of discrepancies between last-menstrual-period- and ultrasound-based methods for pregnancy dating.
    RESULTS: The response rate was 79%. Half of the units offered first-trimester ultrasound to all pregnant women. However, contrary to the guidelines, the crown-rump length was not used for ultrasound-based pregnancy dating in most units. Instead, ultrasound-based pregnancy dating was performed only if the biparietal diameter was between 21 and 55 mm. Management of discrepancies between methods for pregnancy dating varied widely.
    CONCLUSIONS: The units reported high adherence to national guidelines, except for early pregnancy dating, for which many units followed unwritten or informal guidelines. The management of discrepancies between last-menstrual-period-based and ultrasound-based estimated day of delivery varied widely. These findings emphasize the need for regular updating of national written guidelines and efforts to improve their implementation in all units.







  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Small for gestational age is usually defined as an infant with a birthweight <10th centile for a population or customized standard. Fetal growth restriction refers to a fetus that has failed to reach its biological growth potential because of placental dysfunction. Small-for-gestational-age babies make up 28-45% of nonanomalous stillbirths, and have a higher chance of neurodevelopmental delay, childhood and adult obesity, and metabolic disease. The majority of small-for-gestational-age babies are not recognized before birth. Improved identification, accompanied by surveillance and timely delivery, is associated with reduction in small-for-gestational-age stillbirths. Internationally and regionally, detection of small for gestational age and management of fetal growth problems vary considerably. The aim of this review is to: summarize areas of consensus and controversy between recently published national guidelines on small for gestational age or fetal growth restriction; highlight any recent evidence that should be incorporated into existing guidelines; and identify future research priorities in this field. A search of MEDLINE, Google, and the International Guideline Library identified 6 national guidelines on management of pregnancies complicated by fetal growth restriction/small for gestational age published from 2010 onwards. There is general consensus between guidelines (at least 4 of 6 guidelines in agreement) in early pregnancy risk selection, and use of low-dose aspirin for women with major risk factors for placental insufficiency. All highlight the importance of smoking cessation to prevent small for gestational age. While there is consensus in recommending fundal height measurement in the third trimester, 3 specify the use of a customized growth chart, while 2 recommend McDonald rule. Routine third-trimester scanning is not recommended for small-for-gestational-age screening, while women with major risk factors should have serial scanning in the third trimester. Umbilical artery Doppler studies in suspected small-for-gestational-age pregnancies are universally advised, however there is inconsistency in the recommended frequency for growth scans after diagnosis of small for gestational age/fetal growth restriction (2-4 weekly). In late-onset fetal growth restriction (≥32 weeks) general consensus is to use cerebral Doppler studies to influence surveillance and/or delivery timing. Fetal surveillance methods (most recommend cardiotocography) and recommended timing of delivery vary. There is universal agreement on the use of corticosteroids before birth at <34 weeks, and general consensus on the use of magnesium sulfate for neuroprotection in early-onset fetal growth restriction (<32 weeks). Most guidelines advise using cardiotocography surveillance to plan delivery in fetal growth restriction <32 weeks. The recommended gestation at delivery for fetal growth restriction with absent and reversed end-diastolic velocity varies from 32 to ≥34 weeks and 30 to ≥34 weeks, respectively. Overall, where there is high-quality evidence from randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses, eg, use of umbilical artery Doppler and corticosteroids for delivery <34 weeks, there is a high degree of consistency between national small-for-gestational-age guidelines. This review discusses areas where there is potential for convergence between small-for-gestational-age guidelines based on existing randomized controlled trials of management of small-for-gestational-age pregnancies, and areas of controversy. Research priorities include assessing the utility of late third-trimester scanning to prevent major morbidity and mortality and to investigate the optimum timing of delivery in fetuses with late-onset fetal growth restriction and abnormal Doppler parameters. Prospective studies are needed to compare new international population ultrasound standards with those in current use.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To determine, by expert consensus, a definition for early and late fetal growth restriction (FGR) through a Delphi procedure.
    METHODS: A Delphi survey was conducted among an international panel of experts on FGR. Panel members were provided with 18 literature-based parameters for defining FGR and were asked to rate the importance of these parameters for the diagnosis of both early and late FGR on a 5-point Likert scale. Parameters were described as solitary parameters (parameters that are sufficient to diagnose FGR, even if all other parameters are normal) and contributory parameters (parameters that require other abnormal parameter(s) to be present for the diagnosis of FGR). Consensus was sought to determine the cut-off values for accepted parameters.
    RESULTS: A total of 106 experts were approached, of whom 56 agreed to participate and entered the first round, and 45 (80%) completed all four rounds. For early FGR (< 32 weeks), three solitary parameters (abdominal circumference (AC) < 3(rd) centile, estimated fetal weight (EFW) < 3(rd) centile and absent end-diastolic flow in the umbilical artery (UA)) and four contributory parameters (AC or EFW < 10(th) centile combined with a pulsatility index (PI) > 95(th) centile in either the UA or uterine artery) were agreed upon. For late FGR (≥ 32 weeks), two solitary parameters (AC or EFW < 3(rd) centile) and four contributory parameters (EFW or AC < 10(th) centile, AC or EFW crossing centiles by > two quartiles on growth charts and cerebroplacental ratio < 5(th) centile or UA-PI > 95(th) centile) were defined.
    CONCLUSIONS: Consensus-based definitions for early and late FGR, as well as cut-off values for parameters involved, were agreed upon by a panel of experts. Copyright © 2016 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Small for gestational age (SGA) is defined by weight (in utero estimated fetal weight or birth weight) below the 10th percentile (professional consensus). Severe SGA is SGA below the third percentile (professional consensus). Fetal growth restriction (FGR) or intra-uterine growth restriction (IUGR) usually correspond with SGA associated with evidence indicating abnormal growth (with or without abnormal uterine and/or umbilical Doppler): arrest of growth or a shift in its rate measured longitudinally (at least two measurements, 3 weeks apart) (professional consensus). More rarely, they may correspond with inadequate growth, with weight near the 10th percentile without being SGA (LE2). Birthweight curves are not appropriate for the identification of SGA at early gestational ages because of the disorders associated with preterm delivery. In utero curves represent physiological growth more reliably (LE2). In diagnostic (or reference) ultrasound, the use of growth curves adjusted for maternal height and weight, parity and fetal sex is recommended (professional consensus). In screening, the use of adjusted curves must be assessed in pilot regions to determine the schedule for their subsequent introduction at national level. This choice is based on evidence of feasibility and the absence of any proven benefits for individualized curves for perinatal health in the general population (professional consensus). Children born with FGR or SGA have a higher risk of minor cognitive deficits, school problems and metabolic syndrome in adulthood. The role of preterm delivery in these complications is linked. The measurement of fundal height remains relevant to screening after 22 weeks of gestation (Grade C). The biometric ultrasound indicators recommended are: head circumference (HC), abdominal circumference (AC) and femur length (FL) (professional consensus). They allow calculation of estimated fetal weight (EFW), which, with AC, is the most relevant indicator for screening. Hadlock\'s EFW formula with three indicators (HC, AC and FL) should ideally be used (Grade B). The ultrasound report must specify the percentile of the EFW (Grade C). Verification of the date of conception is essential. It is based on the crown-rump length between 11 and 14 weeks of gestation (Grade A). The HC, AC and FL measurements must be related to the appropriate reference curves (professional consensus); those modelled from College Francais d\'Echographie Fetale data are recommended because they are multicentere French curves (professional consensus). Whether or not a work-up should be performed and its content depend on the context (gestational age, severity of biometric abnormalities, other ultrasound data, parents\' wishes, etc.) (professional consensus). Such a work-up only makes sense if it might modify pregnancy management and, in particular, if it has the potential to reduce perinatal and long-term morbidity and mortality (professional consensus). The use of umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry is associated with better newborn health status in populations at risk, especially in those with FGR (Grade A). This Doppler examination must be the first-line tool for surveillance of fetuses with SGA and FGR (professional consensus). A course of corticosteroids is recommended for women with an FGR fetus, and for whom delivery before 34 weeks of gestation is envisaged (Grade C). Magnesium sulphate should be prescribed for preterm deliveries before 32-33 weeks of gestation (Grade A). The same management should apply for preterm FGR deliveries (Grade C). In cases of FGR, fetal growth must be monitored at intervals of no less than 2 weeks, and ideally 3 weeks (professional consensus). Referral to a Level IIb or III maternity ward must be proposed in cases of EFW <1500g, potential birth before 32-34 weeks of gestation (absent or reversed umbilical end-diastolic flow, abnormal venous Doppler) or a fetal disease associated with any of these (professional consensus). Systematic caesarean deliveries for FGR are not recommended (Grade C). In cases of vaginal delivery, fetal heart rate must be monitored continuously during labour, and any delay before intervention must be faster than in low-risk situations (professional consensus). Regional anaesthesia is preferred in trials of vaginal delivery, as in planned caesareans. Morbidity and mortality are higher in SGA newborns than in normal-weight newborns of the same gestational age (LE3). The risk of neonatal mortality is two to four times higher in SGA newborns than in non-SGA preterm and full-term infants (LE2). Initial management of an SGA newborn includes combatting hypothermia by maintaining the heat chain (survival blanket), ventilation with a pressure-controlled insufflator, if necessary, and close monitoring of capillary blood glucose (professional consensus). Testing for antiphospholipids (anticardiolipin, circulating anticoagulant, anti-beta2-GP1) is recommended in women with previous severe FGR (below third percentile) that led to birth before 34 weeks of gestation (professional consensus). It is recommended that aspirin should be prescribed to women with a history of pre-eclampsia before 34 weeks of gestation, and/or FGR below the fifth percentile with a probable vascular origin (professional consensus). Aspirin must be taken in the evening or at least 8h after awakening (Grade B), before 16 weeks of gestation, at a dose of 100-160mg/day (Grade A).






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    In children who are born prematurely or whose birth weight is too low for gestational age (small for gestational age (SGA)) intensive care and follow up are desirable.However, obstacles include the shared care of children born very preterm (< 32 weeks of gestation) by paediatricians, general practitioners, youth health care service (and other professionals) and the identification of possible late onset health problems in children born late preterm (32-37 weeks of gestation). This guideline is multidisciplinary and evidence based and is relevant to all professionals involved in the care of this group of children. The main recommendations are: (a) timely and complete transfer of information after discharge from hospital; (b) structured exchange of information in aftercare; (c) assigning a case manager to each child; (d) monitoring growth and development by adjusting age for preterm birth, and (e) using special growth charts for children born preterm to evaluate growth and development.





