Food, Formulated

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM), Enteral Nutrition (EN) is associated with less hyperglycemia and lower insulin requirements compared to Parenteral Nutrition (PN). The primary aim of this study was to assess changes in glycemic control (GC) in DM patients on EN therapy. The secondary objectives included evaluating the impact of the specialized formula on various clinical parameters and the tolerability of the nutritional formula by monitoring potential gastrointestinal side effects.
    METHODS: We report a case series on the effects of a Diabetes-Specific Formula (DSF) on GC, lipid profile (LP), and renal and hepatic function in a DM cohort receiving EN support.
    RESULTS: Twenty-two DM subjects with total dysphagia (thirteen men, nine women) on continuous EN were observed. The use of a DSF in EN was associated with an improvement in glycemic indices across all patients studied, leading to a reduction in average insulin demand. No hospitalizations were reported during the study period.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study demonstrated that the use of DSFs in a multi-dimensional home care management setting can improve glycemic control, reduce glycemic variability and insulin need, and positively impact the lipid profile of the DM cohort. The metabolic improvements were supported by the clinical outcomes observed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Calcium β‑hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (CaHMB) can promote muscle growth, prevent muscle atrophy, and enhance immunity, therefore, it is widely used as a nutritional supplement in special medical formula food and sports nutrition food. Many methods for the detection of CaHMB have been reported, but the pretreatment method for these reported literatures directly involves extraction using hydrochloric acid solution, without any purification steps. A method for accurately determining CaHMB in special medical formula food and sports nutrition food was established for the first time using solid-phase extraction (SPE) purification and high-performance liquid chromatography method (HPLC). The samples were extracted and precipitated protein using methanol-water solution, purified using SPE method and analyzed by HPLC on diode array detector (DAD) mode under external standard method. The method obtained excellent calibration linearity (r2>0.9993) and a satisfactory analysis of the targeted compound, which were evaluated with calibration standards over the range of 0.020-2.00 mg/mL. The limit of quantifications (LOQs), which defined as the lowest spiking level, were set at 0.4 g/100 g (special medical formula food) and 1.0 g/100 g (sports nutrition food). The average recoveries were within 92.9-104% for the analytes, and the relative standard deviations (RSDs) were below 3.93%, measured at low, medium, and high concentrations. Moreover, the positive sample analysis results indicated that CaHMB was detected on 10 real special medical formula food and sports nutrition food products, the contents of which were generally consistent with their labeled values, with measured values ranging from 97.1 % to 119 % of the labeled values. These results suggested that the developed highly sensitive and specific method is highly feasible for monitoring of the target analyte in special medical formula food and sports nutrition food.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Enteral nutrition formulas are products that provide macro and micronutrients to patients who cannot receive their nutrition orally. In this study, the levels of 23 metals known to have potential health risks were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in a total of 28 enteral nutrition formula. Metal exposure was calculated according to three different daily energy intake scenarios (Scenario 1 = 50% oral nutrition + 50% enteral nutrition formula, Scenario 2 = 25% oral nutrition + 75% enteral nutrition formula and Scenario 3 = 100% enteral nutrition formula) and evaluated in terms of non-carcinogenic health risks. The mean levels of Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mo, Se, Li, Be, V, As, Sr, Ag, Cd, Sb, Ba, La, Hg and Pb in the samples analyzed were determined 12,000 ± 3300, 64 ± 1.6, 10 ± 13, 1300 ± 400, 8500 ± 2500, 75 ± 30, 61 ± 21, 0.34 ± 0.36, 0.05 ± 0.08, 7.3 ± 2, 1.6 ± 0.6, 457 ± 166, 0.02 ± 0.1, 0.14 ± 0.12, 0.01 ± 0.1, 74 ± 103, 0.63 ± 0.4, 0.05 ± 0.03 and 0.14 ± 0.7 μg/L. These metals were considered safe in terms of non-carcinogenic health risks when analyzed individually. However, when the target hazard quotient values of all metals were evaluated together, hazard index values were higher than the reference value of 1, for both men and women, indicating potential health risks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Nutrition support in inoperable bowel obstruction (IBO) remains challenging. Parenteral nutrition (PN) is recommended if the prognosis is > 2 months. An elemental diet (ED) is licensed for strictures in Crohn\'s disease but has not been used in malignant bowel obstruction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of ED in patients with IBO and provide a proof of concept of ED as an acceptable feeding option.
    METHODS: This was a mixed-methods single-arm feasibility study. The primary endpoint was to provide a \'proof of concept\' of ED as an acceptable feeding option for patients with IBO. Secondary endpoints included taste acceptability, incidences of vomiting and pain, the proportion of women who tolerated ED, the number of cartons drunk, quality of life (QOL) and the number of women treated with chemotherapy. Patients (> 18 years) with CT-confirmed IBO who could tolerate 500 ml of liquid in 24 h remained on the trial for 2 weeks.
    RESULTS: A total of 29 patients were recruited; of those, 19 contributed to the analysis for the primary endpoint; 13 (68.4%) participants tolerated the ED; 26 patients contributed to MSAS and EORTC QLQ questionnaires at baseline to allow for the assessment of symptoms. At the start of the study, 18 (69%) of patients experienced vomiting, reducing to 4 (25%) by the end of day 15 of the study; 24 (92%) of patients reported pain at consent, reducing to 12 (75%) by the end of day 15. QOL scores improved from 36.2 (95% CI 27.7-44.7) at baseline to 53.1 (95% CI 40.3-66) at the end of day 15; 16 (84%) participants commenced chemotherapy within the first week of starting ED. The number of cartons across all participants showed a median of 1.3 cartons per day (range 0.8 to 2.5).
    CONCLUSIONS: ED is well tolerated by patients with IBO caused by gynaecological malignancies and may have a positive effect on symptom burden and QOL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Occurrence and characteristics of microplastics were evaluated in enteral nutrition formulas, for the first time. A total of 30 samples belonging to 9 brands were analysed. Physical and chemical characteristics of microplastics were identified by stereomicroscopy and micro-raman spectroscopy, respectively. The mean number of microplastics was 45 ± 63 MP/L. Two different shapes of microplastics were detected with fibres (62%) being the most common microplastics followed by fragments (38%). The most common color of microplastics was black (37%) followed by blue (26%), orange (15%), green (7%), red (7%), grey (4%) and multicolor (4%). The length of microplastics ranged from 10 to 2086 μm with an average of 548 ± 526 μm. Estimated mean daily microplastic intake for four different scenarios varied between 24 to 61 and 30 to 76 MPs/day for women and men, respectively. The mean polymer hazard index and microplastic load index levels were calculated as 380 and 1.30, respectively. The results of this study showed that microplastics are prevalent in enteral nutrition products. The presence of polymers with high hazard risk scores in enteral nutrition formulas may pose a risk to the health of patients with special nutritional needs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emptying rate of specific nutrients in enteral formulas is poorly understood, despite the importance of controlling the emptying rate in tube-fed patients. Because of their viscosity, thickened formulas are widely used to avoid gastric reflux and reduce the burden on caregivers. This study examined how thickeners in enteral formulas affected the gastric emptying rates of proteins and carbohydrates. A semi-dynamic gastric model was used to prepare and digest test enteral formulas that contained either no thickeners or agar (0.2%). The amounts of protein and carbohydrates in each emptied aliquot were determined, and the emptying rate was calculated. We found that agar accelerated protein emptying, and an exploratory experiment with agar (0.5%) suggested the possibility of concentration dependence. Additionally, experiments using gellan gum (0.08%), guar gum (0.2%), or carrageenan (0.08%, 0.2%) suggested that protein emptying could vary depending on the thickener type and that carrageenan might slow it. These results could help with the appropriate selection of thickeners added to liquid foods based on the patient\'s metabolic profile to manage nutrition, not only for tube-fed patients but also for those with oropharyngeal dysphagia or diabetes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Formula diets, through the use of industrially manufactured meal replacement products, lead to effective and rapid weight reduction and improvement in obesity-associated comorbidities. The specific composition of these meal replacement products simplifies the adherence to calorie goals and ensures the supply of essential nutrients during significant energy restriction. Despite numerous potential applications, evidence from randomized controlled studies, and simplicity in practical implementation, challenges persist. Monotony and social restrictions complicate adherence and acceptance. The use of formula diets for sustainable weight loss requires integration into a multimodal treatment approach with the goal of long-term changes in eating and activity behaviour. This includes accompanying nutritional counselling, promotion of physical activity, evaluation of adjuvant pharmacological or interventional therapies, as well as psychological support. The development of new incretin-based anti-obesity medications has opened another application field for formula products. There is optimization potential in expanding the product range and combining it with digital applications to enhance acceptance and reach a larger patient group.
    UNASSIGNED: Formula-Diäten für den Gewichtsverlust – Chancen und Herausforderungen.
    UNASSIGNED: Formula-Diäten können mit dem Einsatz von industriell hergestellten Mahlzeitenersatzprodukten zu einer effektiven und schnellen Gewichtsreduktion und Verbesserung von Übergewichts-assoziierten Komorbiditäten führen. Durch die spezifische Zusammensetzung der Mahlzeitenersatzprodukte wird die Einhaltung der Kalorienziele und die Versorgung mit essenziellen Nährstoffen während einer erheblichen Energierestriktion vereinfacht. Trotz vieler möglicher Anwendungsfelder, Wirkungsnachweisen aus randomisiert kontrollierten Studien und Einfachheit in der praktischen Umsetzung bestehen Herausforderungen. Eintönigkeit und soziale Einschränkungen erschweren das Durchhalten und die Akzeptanz. Der Einsatz von Formula-Diäten zum nachhaltigen Gewichtsverlust erfordert deren Integration in ein multimodales Behandlungskonzept mit dem Ziel einer langfristigen Änderung des Ess- und Bewegungsverhaltens. Dazu gehört eine begleitende Ernährungsberatung, Bewegungsförderung, Evaluation adjuvanter pharmakolgischer oder interventioneller Therapien, sowie psychologische Unterstützung. Durch die Entwicklung neuer Inkretin-basierter Adipositasmedikamente hat sich ein weiteres Anwendungsfeld für Formula-Produkte eröffnet. Optimierungspotenzial liegt in einer Ausweitung des Produkteangebots und der Kombination mit digitalen Anwendungen, womit die Akzeptanz gesteigert und eine grössere Patientengruppe angesprochen werden kann.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Recently, blenderized tube feeding (BTF) consisting of blended whole food components is emerging as a preferred approach to enteral nutrition in pediatric patients. Differences in the nutritional profile, viscosity, and other characteristics between BTF and conventional tube feeding formulas may impact clinical outcomes and practice considerations.
    RESULTS: Increasing guidance and evidence are emerging for BTF in pediatric populations requiring tube feeding. The characteristics of each BTF formulation vary, which may affect patient tolerance and clinical outcome.
    CONCLUSIONS: BTF is safe and generally well tolerated in children. It is shown to improve symptoms, clinical outcomes, and quality of life for many patients. A thorough risk assessment and nuanced approach may be required to optimize BTF administration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nutritional bars (NBs) are gaining popularity among healthy and athletic individuals, but postprandial antioxidative response has not been investigated. Therefore, the current study examined the postprandial alterations in total phenolic content (TPC), total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC), malondialdehyde (MDA), and Superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the plasma of healthy individuals after the ingestion of 140 g (510 Kcal) from formulated date-based bars (DBBs) or fruit-based bars (FBBs). Firstly, the free and bound phenolic contents (PCs) were determined to be 10.15 and 12.98 and 6.19 and 3.57 mg GAE g-1, respectively. FBBs were significantly higher in free PC than DBBs, while DBBs were considerably higher in bound PC than FBBs. Secondly, twenty participants with age, height, weight, body mass index (BMI), fat mass, and fat-free mass averages of 21.4 years, 170.0 cm, 66.3 kg, 22.9 kg m2, 14.5, and 29.2 kg, respectively, were subjected to metabolic experiments (ISRCTN19386758). Ingestion of 140 g of FBB or DBB resulted in 288.50 or 302.14 µg TPC mL-1 blood, respectively. Postprandial TPC content increased with time progression and peaked after 120 min. T-AOC contents averaged 22.63 and 23.61 U mL-1 before ingestion of FBBs or DBBs, respectively. The T-AOC content increased significantly 120 and 180 min after ingestion of DBBs, while no significant change was noted after consuming FBBs. A significant decrease in MDA content was observed 180 min after consuming DBBs, while no significant change was noted after consuming FBBs. SOD concentrations ranged from 193.99 to 201.07 U L-1 in FBBs and DBBs, respectively. No considerable response was noted up to 3 h after ingestion of FBBs. On the contrary, a significant response was found 120 min after consuming DBBs. Pearson\'s correlation coefficient indicated a highly significant positive correlation coefficient (p < 0.01) between T-AOC and either MDA or SOD, as well as between MDA and SOD. The principal component analysis demonstrated a strong and positive relationship between SOD and TPC at 60 and 120 min after DBB ingestion. In conclusion, the relative changes in postprandial responses in T-AOC and MDA did not significantly (p > 0.05) differ between DBBs and FBBs, except for TPC (p = 0.04, paired t-test) and SOD (p = 0.003, paired t-test). Further studies with an extended experimental time are needed to confirm the current findings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In patients with acute stroke, the presence of hyperglycaemia has been associated with higher morbidity and less neurological recovery. The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of a diabetes specific enteral nutrition (EN) formula on glycaemia, comorbidities and mortality in patients admitted with a first episode of stroke who received complete EN.
    This was a prospective randomised controlled trial. Patients with acute stroke did not have diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and required nasogastric tube feeding. This study has been registered with code NCT03422900. The patients were randomised into two arms: an isocaloric isoprotein formula (control group (CG), 27 patients) vs a diabetes-specific formula (low glycaemic index carbohydrates, fibre (80% soluble) and higher lipid content) (experimental group (EG), 25 patients). Pre-EN blood glucose, hyperglycaemia during EN treatment, HbA1c, insulin use, oral route recovery, length of stay (LOS) and mortality at 30 days were collected. The complications of enteral nutrition during admission were collected as well.
    52 patients were included, 50% females, with an age of 77.44(11.48) years; 34 (65.4%) had ischaemic stroke, with a Rankin score of 0(0-2), and a National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) of 19 (15-22). In CG, there were more cases of hyperglycaemia on the 5th day post-NE (13(65%) vs7(35%), p < 0.01). CG showed an OR of 7.58(1.49-39.16) (p = 0.02) for the development of hyperglycaemia. There were no differences in LOS between groups (12(8.5) days vs 14(23) days, p = 0.19) or in the death rate (10(37%) vs 10(40%), p = 0.8), although differences were found in terms of oral route recovery (EG: 11(44%) patients vs CG: 5(18.5%) patients, p = 0.04) (OR (EG): 5.53(1.25-24.47); p = 0.02).
    The use of a diabetes-specific enteral formula in non-diabetic patients admitted with acute stroke reduced the risk of developing hyperglycaemia and improved the rate of oral route recovery. Registered under Identifier no. NCT03422900.





