
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Secondary aluminum ash (SAD) disposal is challenging, particularly in developing countries, and presents severe eco-environmental risks. This paper presents the treatment techniques, mechanisms, and effects of SAD at the current technical-economic level based on aluminum ash\'s resource utilization and environmental properties. Five recovery techniques were summarized based on aluminum\'s recoverability in SAD. Four traditional utilization methods were outlined as per the utilization of alumina in SAD. Three new utilization methods of SAD were summarized based on the removability (or convertibility) of aluminum nitride in SAD. The R-U-R (recoverability, utilizability, and removability) theory of SAD was formed based on several studies that helped identify the fingerprint of SAD. Furthermore, the utilization strategies of SAD, which supported the recycling of aluminum ash, were proposed. To form a perfect fingerprint database and develop various relevant techniques, future research must focus on an extensive examination of the characteristics of aluminum ash. This research will be advantageous for addressing the resource and environmental challenges of aluminum ash.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During the last several years, the Internet of Things (IoT), fog computing, computer security, and cyber-attacks have all grown rapidly on a large scale. Examples of IoT include mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones. Attacks can take place that impact the confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA) of the information. One attack that occurs is Advanced Persistent Threat (APT). Attackers can manipulate a device\'s behavior, applications, and services. Such manipulations lead to signification of a deviation from a known behavioral baseline for smartphones. In this study, the authors present a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to provide a survey of the existing literature on APT defense mechanisms, find research gaps, and recommend future directions. The scope of this SLR covers a detailed analysis of most cybersecurity defense mechanisms and cutting-edge solutions. In this research, 112 papers published from 2011 until 2022 were analyzed. This review has explored different approaches used in cybersecurity and their effectiveness in defending against APT attacks. In a conclusion, we recommended a Situational Awareness (SA) model known as Observe-Orient-Decide-Act (OODA) to provide a comprehensive solution to monitor the device\'s behavior for APT mitigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mummified tissue presents challenges for fingerprinting due to rigidity, shrinkage, and other features obscuring epidermal ridge detail. A new cost-effective in-house solution was developed to obtain good quality fingerprints from mummified remains. The simplified procedure uses a sodium carbonate:sodium acetate mixture easily prepared using commonly available chemical products. An overview of the methods and solutions utilized to date for rehydration and restoration illustrates the main benefits of the developed formulation: the solution provided better tissue pliability and turgor than the sodium carbonate:ethanol formulation of Rüffer previously employed; the prepared solution proved stable for weeks at room temperature and poses minimum hazard risk to users. It functions as a weak base (pH 9.3) and is sufficiently corrosive to allow tissue softening over a flexible timeframe of 1-5 days without causing any damage. The degree of effectiveness for rehydration of mummified tissue and restoration of ridge detail is attributed to three synergistic aspects: increased turgor as provided by a penetrating humectant and water; softening and pliability as a result of pH and any specific chemical interaction that affects calcium in collagen; ridge detail definition as a function of turgor and softening, with some secondary corrosive dependency related to the pH of a solution.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Capecitabine, an oral 5-fluorouracil prodrug, is currently used in the treatment of metastatic colorectal carcinoma and breast cancer. Fingerprints, also referred to as dermatoglyphics and characterized by the pattern of ridges and furrows on the fingertips, are used for identification by government agencies and personal electronic devices. Two women with breast cancer who were treated with capecitabine and developed drug-associated loss of their fingerprints are described. PubMed was used to search the following terms separately and in combination: absence, adermatoglyphia, breast, cancer, capecitabine, carcinoma, colon, colorectal, dermatoglyphics, fingerprint, fluorouracil, foot, hand, loss, malignancy, nasopharyngeal, oncology, reaction, rectal, skin, syndrome, tumor, and xeloda. The papers identified were reviewed and appropriate references were evaluated. The characteristics of capecitabine-induced adermatoglyphia in 20 oncology patients are reviewed. Most of the patients received either 2000 mg/m2 or 3500 mg, in divided doses, each day. Hand-foot syndrome, varying in severity from grade 1 to grade 4, always preceded the onset of fingerprint loss. The discovery of adermatoglyphia occurred as early as two weeks to as late as 3½ years after starting capecitabine. Patients were often unaware of their fingerprint loss until they experienced delays attempting to enter the United States, were unable to process government documents or obtain a driver\'s license, or could not obtain access to their telephone, computer or gym which required fingerprint identification scanning. The loss of fingerprints was reversible for some of the individuals; however, several of the patients did not recover their dermatoglyphics, the functional quality of their fingerprints, or both after discontinuing the drug. The significance of capecitabine-induced adermatoglyphia will continue to increase as fingerprint identification continues to advance not only in scanning technology but also in global utilization. Therefore, it is essential that patients receiving capecitabine are aware of this potential adverse cutaneous sequellae.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fingerprints have a key role in criminal investigations and are the most commonly used form of evidence worldwide. Significant gaps remain however, in the understanding of fingerprint chemistry, including enhancement reaction mechanisms and the effect of environmental variables and time on composition. Determining the age of a fingerprint is also a relatively unexplored area. A successful method, with reliable and quantitative estimates, would have numerous advantages. Previous unreliable methods have predominantly focused on enhancement success based on physical and chemical changes. This review explores variations in composition due to donor characteristics and environmental variables, and identifies gaps for further research. We also present a qualitative and quantitative summary of the effect of time on composition. Kinetics are presented where known, with summary schematics for reaction mechanisms. Previous studies exploring methods for determining the age of a fingerprint are also discussed, including their advantages and disadvantages. Lastly we propose a potentially more accurate and reliable methodology for determining fingerprint age based on quantitative kinetic changes to the composition of a fingerprint over time.





