
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study\'s aim was to test a German guideline for farm\'s self-monitoring in sows and piglets for its feasibility as well as its interobserver and test-retest reliability. The study was performed between September 2016 and April 2018 on 13 farrowing farms in Northern Germany. Contrary to the guideline, the testing was not carried out by the farmers themselves but by 2 observers with experience in pigs representing common farmers. For the interobserver reliability study, the observers performed 20 joint farm visits independently assessing the same animals. For the test-retest reliability study, each farm was visited 5 times by 1 observer (day 0, day 3, week 7, month 5, month 10). Farm visit 1 (day 0) was used as reference and compared with the remaining farm visits. The reliability was evaluated using Spearman\'s rank correlation coefficient (RS), intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), and limits of agreement (LoA). As results, the guideline\'s feasibility was limited. The indicators\' reliability also presented divergent results: All indicators in piglets revealed acceptable to good interobserver reliability (RS 0.64 to 0.77 ICC 0.33 to 0.48 LoA between the intervals -0.02 to 0.13 and -0.02 to 0.00). Contrarily, interobserver reliability was low for indicators in sows (e.g., claw alterations: RS -0.41 ICC 0.00 LoA -0.97 to 0.68). Overall acceptable test-retest reliability could be assigned to all indicators although no exact agreement existed but only the pursuit of trends is indicated. On the basis of the present results, the guideline in its present form cannot be recommended for farms\' self-monitoring. Given the restricted applicability, it should be reconsidered whether it might not be more appropriate to use scientifically tested and generally accepted animal welfare assessment systems such as the Welfare Quality animal welfare assessment protocols, although their application is also time-consuming.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many cull dairy cows enter the marketing system and travel to widely dispersed and specialized slaughter plants, and they may experience multiple handling events (e.g., loading, unloading, mixing), change of ownership among dealers, and feed and water deprivation during transport and at livestock markets. The objectives of this study were to describe the diverse management of cull dairy cows in Canada and establish consensus on ways to achieve improvements. A 2-day expert consultation meeting was convened, involving farmers, veterinarians, regulators, and experts in animal transport, livestock auction, and slaughter. The 15 participants, recruited from across Canada, discussed regional management practices for cull cattle, related risk factors, animal welfare problems, and recommendations. An audio recording of the meeting was used to extract descriptive data on cull cattle management and identify points of agreement. Eight consensus points were reached: (1) to assemble information on travel times and delays from farm to slaughter; (2) to increase awareness among producers and herd veterinarians of potential travel distances and delays; (3) to promote pro-active culling; (4) to improve the ability of personnel to assess animal condition before loading; (5) to identify local options for slaughter of cull dairy cows; (6) to investigate different management options such as emergency slaughter and mobile slaughter; (7) to ensure that all farms and auctions have, or can access, personnel trained and equipped for euthanasia; and (8) to promote cooperation among enforcement agencies and wider adoption of beneficial regulatory options.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) provide guidance to policy makers, the private sector and consumers to redesign food systems and to improve diets of vulnerable populations. As appropriate FBDGs are based on the actual dietary patterns and their costs, it is assumed that the recommended foods are available, affordable and acceptable for the population under study. Using quantitative dietary intake data of young children in rural Northern Ghana, we developed local FBDGs and studied whether these are supported by the diversity and quantity of the production of a household among 329 households. We found that 40% of rural Northern Ghanaian infants and young children were stunted and their nutrient intakes were far below the recommendations: the probability of adequacy for most nutrient intakes was less than 50%. At household level, the developed FBDGs were, on average, unable to sufficiently cover the household requirements for fat (60.4% of recommended nutrient intake (RNI)), calcium (34.3% RNI), iron (60.3% RNI), vitamin A (39.1% RNI), vitamin B12 (2.3% RNI) and vitamin C (54.6% RNI). This implies that even when these FBDGs are fully adopted the requirements for these nutrients will not be met. In addition, the nutrient needs and food needs (according to the developed FBDGs) of a household were only marginally covered by their own food production. The food production of over half the households supplied insufficient calcium (75.7%), vitamin A (100%), vitamin B12 (100%) and vitamin C (77.5%) to cover their needs. The food production of about 60% of the households did not cover their required quantities of grains and legumes and none covered their required quantities of vegetables. Further analysis of the food gaps at district and national level showed that sufficient grains were available at both levels (267% and 148%, respectively) to meet requirements; availability of legumes was sufficient at district level (268%) but not at national level (52%); and vegetables were insufficient at both levels (2% and 49%, respectively). Diversifying household food production is often proposed as a means to increase the diversity of foods available and thereby increasing dietary diversity of rural populations. We found that the diversity of the production of a household was indeed positively related with their food and nutrient coverage. However, the diversity of the production of a household and their food and nutrient coverage were not related with children\'s dietary diversity and nutrient adequacy. Our results show that the production of a households does not support the adoption of FBDGs in rural Northern Ghana, especially for vegetables. This suggests that the promotion of FBDGs through nutrition education or behaviour change communications activities alone is insufficient to lead to improvements in diets. Additional strategies are needed to increase the food availability and accessibility of the households, especially that of fruits and vegetables, such as diversification of the crops grown, increased production of specific crops and market-based strategies.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is an important transboundary disease in South-East Asia. Its control has been a priority in the region for at least 20 years, with extensive institutional support and capacity-building being provided by the international community through the World Organisation for Animal Health. This paper describes the FMD control and eradication programme in the Mekong region (Myanmar, Thailand, the Lao People\'s Democratic Republic, Cambodia and Vietnam) of South-East Asia and evaluates the FMD control programme in one of the region\'s countries, namely Cambodia. Significant progress has been made, and the strategy for eradication is now both clearly understood and feasible in the Mekong. However, FMD control in this region requires more than just an effective vaccination strategy and regulatory support. Success will also depend on obtaining consensus and buy-in at all levels of the value chain, from input suppliers to consumers. Culturally and economically acceptable incentives must be in place to ensure that control measures are implemented, and those stakeholders who are expected to bear the risk and costs of control programmes must also be the main beneficiaries. The present institutional environment in the Mekong, and in particular in Cambodia, makes control and eradication of transboundary diseases difficult. Further work is required to ensure that control strategies are aligned with stakeholder needs and priorities, and actively improve smallholder welfare. Cattle producers and traders are crucial to the control of FMD in Cambodia. Economic incentives and education as well as regulation are required to ensure these stakeholders participate in this important transboundary disease eradication programme.
    La fièvre aphteuse est une maladie animale transfrontalière majeure en Asie du Sud-Est. La lutte contre cette maladie est une priorité depuis au moins deux décennies dans la région et fait l’objet d’un soutien institutionnel important et d’activités de renforcement des capacités de la part de la communauté internationale par le biais de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé animale. Des progrès significatifs ont été accomplis, de sorte que la stratégie d’éradication est désormais bien comprise et constitue un objectif atteignable dans la région du Mékong. Néanmoins, la lutte contre la fièvre aphteuse dans cette région exige davantage qu’une simple stratégie de vaccination assortie d’un soutien réglementaire. Le succès dépendra également du consensus mis en place et de l’adhésion des acteurs de chaque échelon de la chaîne de valeur, depuis les fournisseurs d’intrants jusqu’aux consommateurs. Des mesures incitatives acceptables au plan culturel et économique doivent être proposées afin de garantir la mise en oeuvre des mesures de lutte, en faisant en sorte que les parties prenantes qui supportent les risques et les coûts des programmes de lutte en soient également les principaux bénéficiaires. Le contexte institutionnel actuel ne facilite pas le contrôle et l’éradication des maladies transfrontalières dans la région du Mékong, notamment au Cambodge. Des efforts supplémentaires seront nécessaires pour s’assurer que les stratégies de lutte sont adaptées aux besoins et aux priorités des parties prenantes et qu’elles améliorent efficacement les conditions de vie des petits éleveurs. La participation des éleveurs et des négociants de bovins dans la lutte contre la fièvre aphteuse au Cambodge est déterminante. La mise en place d’incitations économiques et des efforts en matière d’éducation et de législation sont indispensables pour que ces parties prenantes jouent un rôle plus actif dans le programme d’éradication de cette maladie transfrontalière majeure.
    La fiebre aftosa es una importante enfermedad transfronteriza que asola el Sudeste asiático. Hace 20 años que la lucha contra ella es una de las prioridades de la región, que para ello ha contado con servicios de capacitación y un vasto apoyo institucional por parte de la comunidad internacional a través de la Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal. Se han logrado avances sustanciales, y ahora hay una estrategia para erradicarla que todas las partes entienden claramente y resulta viable en la región del Mekong. Sin embargo, la lucha contra la enfermedad en esta región requiere algo más que una estrategia eficaz de vacunaciones y apoyo reglamentario. Para tener éxito en la empresa también hay que suscitar consenso y adhesión en todos los niveles de la cadena de valor, desde los proveedores de insumos hasta los consumidores. Para asegurar una aplicación efectiva de las medidas de control es preciso que existan incentivos cultural y económicamente aceptables, y aquellos interlocutores que en principio deban asumir los riesgos y costos de los programas de lucha deben ser también sus principales beneficiarios. La arquitectura institucional presente actualmente en la zona del Mekong, especialmente en Camboya, dificulta el control y la erradicación de enfermedades transfronterizas. Aún queda trabajo por delante para lograr que las estrategias de lucha respondan a las necesidades y prioridades de los interesados y para mejorar activamente el nivel de bienestar de los pequeños ganaderos. Para lograr que los productores y tratantes de ganado, que son un eslabón esencial de la lucha contra la fiebre aftosa en Camboya, participen en este importante programa de erradicación de una enfermedad transfronteriza se requieren a la vez incentivos económicos y una labor pedagógica.





