• 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: The purpose of the study was to investigate the behavior of hard dental structures of the teeth with abfraction lesions when experimental occlusal loads were applied.
    METHODS: A 65-year-old patient came to the dentist because she had painful sensitivity in the temporomandibular joints and the lower right premolars. The patient was examined, and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) of the orofacial area was indicated. The data provided from the CBCT were processed with Mimics Innovation Suite 17 software to create the desired anatomical area in 3D format. Then, the structural calculation module was used in order to perform a finite element analysis of the lower right premolar teeth. A focused review of articles published between 2014 and 2023 from specialty literature regarding the FEA of premolars with abfraction lesions was also conducted.
    RESULTS: The parcel area and the cervical third of the analyzed premolars proved to be the most vulnerable areas under the inclined direction of occlusal loads. The inclined application of experimental loads induced 3-4 times higher maximum shears, stresses, and deformations than the axial application of the same forces.
    CONCLUSIONS: FEA can be used to identify structural deficiencies in teeth with abfractions, a fact that is particularly important during dental treatments to correct occlusal imbalances.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent biomechanical studies have focused on studying the response of teeth before and after different treatments under functional and parafunctional loads. These studies often involve experimental and/or finite element analysis (FEA). Current loading and boundary conditions may not entirely represent the real condition of the tooth in clinical situations. The importance of homogenizing both sample characterization and boundary conditions definition for future dental biomechanical studies is highlighted. The mechanical properties of dental structural tissues are presented, along with the effect of functional and parafunctional loads and other environmental and biological parameters that may influence tooth survival. A range of values for Young\'s modulus, Poisson ratio, compressive strength, threshold stress intensity factor and fracture toughness are provided for enamel and dentin; as well as Young\'s modulus and Poisson ratio for the PDL, trabecular and cortical bone. Angles, loading magnitude and frequency are provided for functional and parafunctional loads. The environmental and physiological conditions (age, gender, tooth, humidity, etc.), that may influence tooth survival are also discussed. Oversimplifications of biomechanical models could end up in results that divert from the natural behavior of teeth. Experimental validation models with close-to-reality boundary conditions should be developed to compare the validity of simplified models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years in the field of biomechanics, the intensive development of various experimental methods has been observed. The implementation of virtual studies that for a long time have been successfully used in technical sciences also represents a new trend in dental engineering. Among these methods, finite element analysis (FEA) deserves special attention. FEA is a method used to analyze stresses and strains in complex mechanical systems. It enables the mathematical conversion and analysis of mechanical properties of a geometric object. Since the mechanical properties of the human skeleton cannot be examined in vivo, a discipline in which FEA has found particular application is oral and maxillofacial surgery. In this review we summarize the application of FEA in particular oral and maxillofacial fields such as traumatology, orthognathic surgery, reconstructive surgery and implantology presented in the current literature. Based on the available literature, we discuss the methodology and results of research where FEA has been used to understand the pathomechanism of fractures, identify optimal osteosynthesis methods, plan reconstructive operations and design intraosseous implants or osteosynthesis elements. As well as indicating the benefits of FEA in mechanical parameter analysis, we also point out the assumptions and simplifications that are commonly used. The understanding of FEA\'s opportunities and advantages as well as its limitations and main flaws is crucial to fully exploit its potential.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are generally insufficient independently to model the physics of the cardiovascular system. Individually, they are unable to resolve the interplay between the solid and fluid domains, and the interplay is integral to the functioning of the system. The use of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) methods overcomes these shortcomings by providing the means to couple the fluid and structural domains. In the last decade, the utilization of FSI has greatly increased in cardiovascular engineering. In this study, we conducted a systematic review process of more than 1000 journal articles to investigate the implementation of One-Way and Two-Way FSI for cardiovascular applications. We explored the utility of FSI to study aneurysms, the hemodynamics of patient anatomies, native and prosthetic heart valve dynamics, flow and hemodynamics of blood pumps, and atherosclerosis. Computational resource requirements, implementation strategies and future directions of FSI for cardiovascular applications are also discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a useful method for understanding form and function. However, modelling of fossil taxa invariably involves assumptions as a result of preservation-induced loss of information in the fossil record. To test the validity of predictions from FEA, given such assumptions, these results could be compared to independent lines of evidence for cranial mechanics. In the present study a new concept of using bone microstructure to predict stress distribution in the skull during feeding is put forward and a correlation between bone microstructure and results of computational biomechanics (FEA) is carried out. The bony framework is a product of biological optimisation; bone structure is created to meet local mechanical conditions. To test how well results from FEA correlate to cranial mechanics predicted from bone structure, the well-known temnospondyl Metoposaurus krasiejowensis was used as a model. A crucial issue to Temnospondyli is their feeding mode: did they suction feed or employ direct biting, or both? Metoposaurids have previously been characterised either as active hunters or passive bottom dwellers. In order to test the correlation between results from FEA and bone microstructure, two skulls of Metoposaurus were used, one modelled under FE analyses, while for the second one 17 dermal bone microstructure were analysed. Thus, for the first time, results predicting cranial mechanical behaviour using both methods are merged to understand the feeding strategy of Metoposaurus. Metoposaurus appears to have been an aquatic animal that exhibited a generalist feeding behaviour. This taxon may have used two foraging techniques in hunting; mainly bilateral biting and, to a lesser extent, lateral strikes. However, bone microstructure suggests that lateral biting was more frequent than suggested by Finite Element Analysis (FEA). One of the potential factors that determined its mode of life may have been water levels. During optimum water conditions, metoposaurids may have been more active ambush predators that were capable of lateral strikes of the head. The dry season required a less active mode of life when bilateral biting is particularly efficient. This, combined with their characteristically anteriorly positioned orbits, was optimal for ambush strategy. This ability to use alternative modes of food acquisition, independent of environmental conditions, might hold the key in explaining the very common occurrence of metoposaurids during the Late Triassic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The care and rehabilitation of individuals after lower limb amputation presents a substantial and growing socioeconomic challenge. Clinical outcome is closely linked to successful functional rehabilitation with a prosthetic limb, which depends upon comfortable prosthetic limb - residual limb load transfer. Despite early interest in the 1980s, the amputated limb has received considerably less attention in computational biomechanical analysis than other subjects, such as arthroplasty. This systematic literature review investigates the state of the art in residual limb finite element analysis published since 2000. The identified studies were grouped into the following categories: (1) residuum-prosthesis interface mechanics; (2) residuum soft tissue internal mechanics; (3) identification of residuum tissue characteristics; (4) proposals for incorporating FEA into the prosthesis fitting process; (5) analysis of the influence of prosthetic componentry concepts to improve load transfer to the residuum, such as the monolimb and structural socket compliance; and (6) analysis of osseointegrated (OI) prostheses. The state of the art is critically appraised in order to form recommendations for future modeling studies in terms of geometry, material properties, boundary conditions, interface models, and relevant but un-investigated issues. Finally, the practical implementation of these approaches is discussed.





