
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Plasma cell vulvitis (PCV) is a rare inflammatory condition characterised by plasma cell infiltration in the vulva. A woman in her 80s was referred to a specialist gynaecology clinic with chronic, painful vulval ulcers that were non-responsive to topical betamethasone. Following a biopsy confirming PCV, combination therapy was initiated. This included non-pharmacological management, such as promoting aeration and using hypoallergenic clothing and washes, combined with the daily application of clobetasone cream 0.05% and clindamycin cream 0.1%. Additionally, topical estriol 1% was applied twice weekly. The patient experienced rapid symptom resolution, with the PCV lesion healing within six weeks of starting treatment. This case documents the rare occurrence of plasma cell vulvitis presenting as chronic vulval ulceration, and proposes a treatment regimen worth considering in instances where monotherapy has been ineffective.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Rectovaginal fistula (RVF) is a refractory complication that occurs after anastomotic leakage following low anterior resection for rectal disease. Due to its refractory nature, RVF is often managed with surgical treatment, such as stoma creation for fecal diversion, closure of the fistula and/or re-anastomosis, rather than conservative therapy.
    METHODS: A 72-year-old woman who underwent laparoscopic low anterior resection developed RVF on post-operative day (POD) 15. Conservative therapy with the administration of estriol and total parenteral nutrition was started. In addition, a polyglycolic acid (PGA) sheet was inserted into the fistula using colonoscopy, and fibrin glue was applied. However, this treatment with the PGA sheet and fibrin glue seemed to be unsuccessful. Therefore, an operation for simple closure of the RVF was performed on POD47. The PGA sheet was then removed, and primary closure of the RVF from both sides of the rectum and vagina was performed. Following re-operation, solid food with low dietary fiber content was started on original POD55 (POD14 after re-operation), and the dietary fiber content was gradually increased. The patient was discharged from the hospital on original POD 83 (re-operation POD42).
    CONCLUSIONS: The administration of estrogen might result in increased vaginal compliance, decreased vaginal pH, increased vaginal blood flow and improved lubrication. Therefore, vaginal suture was made possible because the vaginal extensibility was restored.
    CONCLUSIONS: Primary closure of the RVF following administration of estriol may be an effective treatment.







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    文章类型: Case Reports
    Although rectovaginal fistula is a rare complication of rectal cancer surgery, it is usually difficult to cure with conservative treatment, and patients generally need surgical intervention. A woman in her 70s underwent laparoscopic low anterior resection with right lateral lymph node dissection for rectal cancer. On postoperative day(POD)6, she had an anastomotic leakage and received conservative treatment. On POD 9, she underwent emergent laparotomy for urinary peritonitis as well as ileostomy and ureteral stenting. On POD 21, the rectovaginal fistula was confirmed with lower gastrointestinal tract fluoroscopic examination. The patient received conservative therapy for the rectovaginal fistula with estriol vaginal tablets and vaginal lavage for 2 weeks. Subsequently, the fistula was completely cured. After continuation of the estriol vaginal tablets for 4 weeks, the rectovaginal fistula has not recurred at the most recent follow-up.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Our aim is to investigate whether the maternal serum levels of first and second trimester serum analytes are altered in women with epilepsy in pregnancy.
    METHODS: Maternal serum biochemical markers (estriol, alpha-fetoprotein [AFP], human chorionic gonadotrophin [hCG], free β hCG, pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A) were compared in a series of 122 pregnant women with epilepsy and in a cohort of 122 normal pregnant women. The serum samples were obtained between 11-13 6/7 weeks and 16-18 weeks gestation.
    RESULTS: Second trimester serum estriol levels, expressed as multiples of the median (MoM), in the epileptic group (1.55 ± 0.77 MoM) were significantly higher than those in the control patients (1.13 ± 0.40 MoM) (p < 0.001). Of the women with epilepsy, 66.3% (n = 81) were exposed to antiepileptic drugs.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study revealed that otherwise uncomplicated pregnant epileptic women had higher second trimester (18-20 weeks of gestation) estriol levels compared to non-epileptic pregnant women.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the occurrence and contamination risk of estrogens in livestock manure in Jiangsu Province, China. Four estrogens-estriol (E3), 17β-estradiol (17β-E2), bisphenol A (BPA), and 17α-ethinyloestradiol (EE2)-were detected in livestock manure from hens, ducks, swine, and cows. The respective mean concentrations of each estrogen found in these manures were 289.8, 334.1, 330.3, and 33.7 μg/kg for E3; 38.6, 10.9, 52.9, and 38.8 μg/kg for 17β-E2; 63.6, 48.7, 51.9, and 11.7 μg/kg for BPA; and 14.3, 11.3, 25.1, and 21.8 μg/kg for EE2. Estrogens were most frequently detected at high concentrations in the manure of finishing pigs, followed by the manure of growing pigs and piglets. Estrogens can be partially degraded after banking up for seven days; yet, great quantities of estrogens remain in livestock manure. The total estradiol equivalent quantity (EEQt) estimated to be present in aquatic environments but originating from livestock waste was 10.5 ng/L, which was greater than the hazard baseline value (1 ng/L) and also higher than the proposed lowest observable effect concentration (10 ng/L) of E2 in aquatic environments. The results of our study demonstrate that livestock waste is an important source of estrogens, which may potentially affect the hormonal metabolism of aquatic organisms.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: X-linked adrenal hypoplasia congenita (AHC) is a rare cause of adrenocortical insufficiency. Early postnatal diagnosis may prevent severe hypoglycemia, Addisonian crises and death. Low maternal estriol (E3) levels in the second trimester of pregnancy could indicate the possibility that the fetus suffers from a disorder that causes adrenal insufficiency. Suspicion is based on the fact that E3 originates from dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) synthesized in the fetal adrenals. In case of adrenal insufficiency, the impaired production of fetal DHEA leads to a subsequent reduction of E3 concentrations in maternal serum. There are only a few reports of AHC suspected prenatally due to low maternal E3 levels.
    METHODS: We describe two brothers with adrenal insufficiency due to AHC. The older brother was admitted to the hospital at the age of 33 days due to failure to thrive, vomiting, and dehydration. Genetic analysis revealed a hemizygous mutation in DAX-1 gene, thus confirming the diagnosis of ACH. The same mutation was detected in his mother. In the second pregnancy, E3 concentrations were determined from maternal serum. Estriol levels during the second trimester were extremely low suggesting the diagnosis of AHC. The diagnosis was confirmed during the neonatal period by genetic testing, and replacement therapy was started at the age of 10 days. This boy never experienced an adverse episode such as hypoglycemia or adrenal crises.
    CONCLUSIONS: Since determination of E3 is a simple, sensitive, noninvasive and cheap method, its use as an obligatory prenatal screening test should be accepted as a standard practice in Serbia.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    After the publication of the Women\'s Health Initiative, attitudes towards management of menopausal symptoms changed dramatically. One alternative that has received much media attention is the use of bioidentical hormone therapy (BHT). The media and celebrity endorsements have promoted a number of misconceptions about the risks and benefits associated with the various forms of BHT. This article will review the available evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of BHT in comparison to conventional hormone therapy. We will also review several cases seen in our midlife women\'s referral clinics, which demonstrate concerns for the safety and efficacy of BHT, including unexplained endometrial cancer in otherwise healthy BHT users. Due to the lack of sufficient data to support the efficacy or safety of BHT, we recommend the use of United States Food and Drug Administration-approved regimens in the management of menopausal symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The intensified treatment of breast cancer improves survival but has a price in terms of side-effects. The main side-effects, such as vasomotor symptoms and impaired sexual functioning, are related to premature menopause due to chemotherapy and/or anti-hormonal therapy. Though for some women these symptoms are bearable, for others they have a large impact on their quality of life. The paper discusses the menopausal symptoms most frequently reported by breast cancer survivors and current treatment options.
    METHODS: A literature review is presented of menopausal symptoms after breast cancer and management strategies, illustrated by two cases.
    CONCLUSIONS: Vasomotor symptoms can be relieved by lifestyle adaptation, acupuncture and non-hormonal agents such as venlafaxine, gabapentin or clonidine. Impaired sexual functioning can be treated by couple-based sexual counselling or psycho-educational therapy. Painful intercourse due to vaginal dryness can be alleviated by vaginal lubricants and moisturizers, but is most effectively treated by vaginal estriol. Local estriol seems safe if used for a short period (less than six weeks). Because of proven increased risk of recurrence with hormone replacement therapy (HRT), it should not be prescribed for breast cancer survivors, although exceptions could be made of selected cases of fully informed BRCA mutation carriers after ER-negative breast cancer and with severe menopausal symptoms due to prophylactic oophorectomy at a young age and (preferably) after mastectomy.
    CONCLUSIONS: The management of vasomotor symptoms and impaired sexual functioning in breast cancer survivors should focus on lifestyle and, if necessary, non-hormonal pharmacological interventions.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: A 16 week pregnant woman presented with massive theca-lutein cysts requiring bilateral oophorectomy. Pregnancy progressed uneventfully and spontaneous lactation ensued after delivery.
    METHODS: To study the role of the ovary on the hormonal profile at the end of gestation and in post-partum, we measured FSH, estradiol (E2), unconjugated estrone (E1), unconjugated estriol (E3), sex hormone-binding globulin, progesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate and prolactin at 37 weeks gestation and at 8 h, 4 days, 5 weeks, and 2 months post-partum.
    RESULTS: These hormones were within the range expected for ovary-intact pregnant and puerperal women until 4 days post-partum. At 5 weeks post-partum, FSH increased to a peri-menopausal range (31.4 IU/l) while estrogens remained within the normal puerperal range (E2=239 pmol/l; E1=102 pmol/l), contrasting with their rapid changes in non-pregnant women after bilateral oophorectomy. At 2 months, while partially breastfeeding, FSH, E2 and E1 were closer to menopausal range (68 IU/l, 136 and 70.2 pmol/l respectively), and hormone replacement was started.
    CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the ovary is not required to maintain a normal hormonal profile in late pregnancy and early puerperium. However, the increase in FSH to peri-menopausal levels at 5 weeks post-partum, despite breastfeeding, suggests that the ovary is needed to maintain low FSH concentrations during lactation.





