Endoscopic therapy

  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Diverticulosis is a commonly acquired disease of the lower gastrointestinal tract, which may be associated with significant morbidity and adverse effects on quality of life. Although several national guidelines focused on the treatment of diverticulosis, multiple controversies remained regarding the disease management of diverticulosis. For some controversial issues, such as the role of antibiotics in mild diverticulitis, when and how to operate on patients with acute diverticulitis, there is no conclusion yet. To our knowledge, this is the first report of endoscopic therapy for anastomotic diverticulitis caused by stercorolith incarceration. In the current case, a 49-year-old woman complained of recurrent subumbilical pain without obvious inducement for half a year. Colonoscopy showed anastomotic diverticulum combined with stercorolith incarceration. After local inflammation relieved by conservative treatment, the patients received endoscopic mucosal incision and lithotomy. Then the diverticulum was closed with titanium clips. The abdominal pain of patient was completely relieved, and the reexamination of colonoscopy showed that the wound healed well after 1 year of follow-up. This case suggests that for anastomotic diverticulitis caused by stercorolith incarceration, endoscopic therapy can remove the stimulation factors better and avoid the recurrence and progression of the disease compared with conservative treatment. Moreover, endoscopic therapy achieves the maximum in minimally invasive surgery and reduces complications and surgical costs compared with radical surgery.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Cronkhite-Canada syndrome (CCS) is a rare non-hereditary disease with a poor prognosis and a mortality rate of up to 55%. Currently, there is no standard treatment for CCS. The department of gastroenterology of our hospital admitted a patient with CCS whose symptoms improved significantly after treatment with thalidomide combined with endoscopy, and there was no obvious adverse reaction during the 2-year follow-up.
    METHODS: A 47-year-old Chinese man presented with diarrhea for more than 4 mo, accompanied by loss of taste, fatigue, and weight loss. Physical examination demonstrated that the patient\'s skin and hands were hyperpigmented, the front edges of the nails of both hands were notably thickened and yellow, and the nails were partially atrophied. Gastrointestinal endoscopy identified a diffuse polypoid bulge, and the patient bore an albumin level of 27.3 g/L. The level of the calcium correction amount was (2.164 mM) which allowed for a comprehensive diagnosis of Cronkhite-Canada syndrome, combined with hypoalbuminemia and hypocalcemia. Thalidomide of 150 mg per day was administered to regulate immunity, and the symptoms were relieved after 1 wk. During the follow-up period, polyps were still found that had not been resolved by thalidomide treatment, and endoscopic therapy was performed. This resulted in further improvement of his condition and no particular discomfort during the 2 years of follow-up.
    CONCLUSIONS: The patient\'s symptoms were significantly relieved by thalidomide 2 years after treatment, proposing it as a potential treatment for CCS.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Schwannoma is a benign tumor originating from the peripheral nerve sheath. The clinical symptoms of tracheal schwannoma depend on the location of the tumor, and the most common clinical symptoms are cough and hemoptysis. The most effective treatment for benign tumors is complete resection of the primary lesion at an early stage. Our experience has demonstrated that primary tracheal schwannoma can be safely excised with a high-frequency electric knife in a minimally invasive manner.
    METHODS: We report a 61-year-old asymptomatic woman who underwent chest computed tomography (CT), which accidentally found an intraluminal tracheal mass without enlarged lymph nodes. Then, the patient underwent bronchoscopy, which found that the tracheal mass originated from the left wall of the upper trachea, was less than 1.5 cm in size, immovable, smooth and 4 cm away from the vocal cord, resulting in partial upper respiratory tract obstruction. Treatment was performed using an endoscopic resection for en bloc removal of the tracheal mass. The diagnosis was primary tracheal schwannoma. A follow-up was performed after endoscopic surgery, and bronchoscopy and thoracic CT were used to monitor whether there was a recurrence. At present, there is no evidence of recurrence, and the patient had a good quality of life. Endoscopic resection may be effective and safe in the treatment of primary tracheal schwannoma.
    CONCLUSIONS: Primary tracheal schwannoma is a very rare benign tumor. In this case, we cured it by complete endoscopic resection.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Rectal bleeding is a known complication of transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy. It is usually mild and resolves spontaneously. However, massive life-threatening hemorrhage can also rarely occur in this setting, potentially presenting a therapeutic conundrum. We hereby delineate the case of a patient who experienced severe intermittent lower gastrointestinal bleeding following a transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy. Traditional tamponade methods failed to control the hemorrhage. Subsequently, an urgent flexible sigmoidoscopy revealed an anterior rectal wall prominence with biopsy punctures as the possible source of bleeding. Endoclip was successfully applied at the bleeding site, achieving permanent hemostasis. The patient had an uneventful recovery and was discharged from the hospital. While the use of endoclipping has been widely reported in gastrointestinal endoscopy, its application remains exceedingly rare in this group of patients. To our knowledge, this case represents only the third report of endoclipping alone to treat massive rectal bleeding follwing a prostate biopsy procedure. In addition, we systematically review published medical literature to evaluate endoscopic techniques aimed at managing this important complication. This article illustrates that endoscopic therapy may present an efficient, noninvasive method to deal with severe post-biopsy rectal hemorrhage. Therefore, prompt consultation with the gastroenterology service should be advocated.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are mesenchymal tissue tumors originating from Cajal cells, presenting diverse clinical manifestations due to the different sizes, locations, and growth patterns of the lesions. Duodenum is an uncommon site of GISTs, more with gastrointestinal obstruction and bleeding as the first symptoms. Ectopic duodenal varix, as a rare varix occurring outside the gastroesophageal region, is the main type of heterotopic varices and an unusual cause of gas-trointestinal hemorrhage. The etiology is mainly seen in liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension, vasculitis, portal vein embolism and obstruction caused by various factors. Reports of duodenal stromal tumor combined with ectopic variceal hemorrhage are rarely seen; however, when it occurs, the situation can sometimes be urgent and life-threatening, especially when traditional endoscopy and imaging fail to detect the lesion timely.
    METHODS: We report a 52-year-old female patient who had no obvious inducement to develop black stool. Gastroscopy in a local hospital revealed that the duodenal horizontal ectopic varices were ruptured and bleeding. After metal clamping hemostasis, she still had gastrointestinal bleeding and was transferred to our hospital. Gastroscopy showed that active bleeding was still seen in the horizontal part of duodenum, and suspicious submucosal eminence was seen in the bleeding part. Abdominal computed tomography showed a huge stromal tumor of duodenum, specimens were pathologically confirmed after surgery. After a 3-mo follow-up, no gastrointestinal hemorrhage and complications occurred.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ectopic variceal hemorrhage is rare but sometimes fatal. It may be combined with stromal tumor, which can be diagnosed by multiple methods. Endoscopic and surgical treatment are effective.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Esophageal perforation is a rare but critical emergency that requires early detection and prompt management. In the pediatric population, iatrogenic injury is the most common etiology of esophageal perforation, and the majority of cases come from stricture dilation. Treatment options include medical management, endoscopic therapy, and surgery. Usually, conservative treatment is appropriate in most carefully selected patients, especially in the setting of early diagnosis and with the absence of severe sepsis. A surgical approach is reserved for a large tear with mediastinum contamination, or clinical deterioration after unsuccessful conservative management. With the advancement of the endoscopy technique, endoscopy therapy using esophageal stents is an available choice for adult populations who have a complicated protracted healing course or comorbidities precluding surgical attempts. However, this procedure is seldom implemented in children, especially in young infants, owing to unavailable equipment and experts. We report our successful use of a fully-covered self-expandable metal biliary stent in managing esophageal perforation in a seven-month-old infant. In light of this encouraging achievement, this model can be applied to more children who have the same problem.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Verrucous carcinomas (VC) of the oesophagus are a rarity. Due to their histological resemblance to squamous cell carcinoma, the diagnostic and treatment standards applicable to the latter have so far also been applied to VC as a disease entity. Quite limited data are available including two case series of 5 or 11 patients. The present study reports on a single case treated by local endoscopic therapy and a series of 15 patients, 9 of whom received local endoscopic therapy.
    METHODS: The data for patients diagnosed with VC of the oesophagus who had been treated from January 1999 to May 2011 were analysed retrospectively.
    RESULTS: 15 patients with the diagnosis of oesophageal VC were included. The male-female ratio was 3:1. 9 of 11 pT1-VC patients presented with the cardinal symptom dysphagia or odynophagia. For the majority of the patients, the growth pattern is one of extensive superficial expansion showing a median length of 9 cm (range: 2-22 cm). Surprisingly, none of the VC patients showed lymph node or distant metastasis. 9 of 15 VC patients received local endoscopic therapy; 4 were treated with curative intent and 5 were treated palliatively. 3 patients underwent oesophageal resection, and definitive chemoradiotherapy was administered in a further 3 patients. One severe complication, consisting of a postoperative anastomotic insufficiency with a fatal outcome, occurred in this group of patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the largest published study describing patients diagnosed with VC of the oesophagus so far. The option of local endoscopic therapy and its results in 9 patients are reported for the first time. The superficial growth pattern of the tumour and the frequent absence of lymph node or distant metastasis suggest that endoscopic resection can be carried out as a diagnostic and/or therapeutic approach. Due to the rarity of this entity, the case numbers are unfortunately so limited that evidence-based recommendations are unlikely to become available even in the future.
    Verruköse Ösophaguskarzinome sind eine Rarität. Aufgrund der feingeweblichen Verwandtschaft zum Plattenepithelkarzinom wurden bisher die hierfür gültigen Diagnostik- und Therapiestandards auf die Entität der verrukösen Karzinome übertragen. Die Datenlage ist sehr begrenzt und beinhaltet zwei Fallserien mit 5 bzw. 11 Patienten.
    Es wurden alle Patienten eingeschlossen, die im Zeitraum von Januar 1999 bis Mai 2011 aufgrund der Diagnose eines verrukösen Ösophaguskarzinoms behandelt wurden.
    15 Patienten mit der Diagnose eines verrukösen Ösophaguskarzinoms wurden erfasst. Der überwiegende Anteil der Tumoren zeigte ein oberflächlich nach lateral infiltrierendes Wachstum mit einer medianen Länge von 9 cm (Bereich: 2-22 cm). Überraschenderweise zeigte das Staging bei keinem der Patienten eine Lymphknoten- oder Fernmetastasierung. 9 der 15 Patienten erhielten eine endoskopische Therapie. 3 Patienten unterzogen sich einer Ösophagusresektion, und weitere 3 Patienten erhielten eine kombinierte Radio-/Chemotherapie. In dieser Gruppe trat als schwere Komplikation eine Anastomoseninsuffizienz auf.
    Die vorgelegte Arbeit ist die größte bisher publizierte Serie von Patienten mit der Diagnose eines verrukösen Ösophaguskarzinoms. Erstmalig werden die Möglichkeit sowie die Ergebnisse einer lokalen endoskopischen Therapie bei 9 Patienten berichtet. Das oberflächliche Wachstumsmuster der Tumoren und die Abwesenheit von Lymphknoten- und Fernmetastasen lassen den Tumor für eine endoskopische Therapie geeignet erscheinen. Aufgrund der Seltenheit der Diagnose ist die Fallzahl jedoch so begrenzt, dass auch in Zukunft nicht auf evidenzbasierte Empfehlungen zurückgegriffen werden kann.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 65-year-old male with no personal or familial history of bleeding disorders underwent percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) for neurogenic dysphagia due to subarachnoid hemorrhage. On postoperative day 6, continuous oozing of venous blood was observed at the stoma. Prothrombin time was within normal range, but activated partial thromboplastin time was prolonged. Cross-mixing test results indicated the existence of an inhibitor, and laboratory findings revealed decreased factor VIII activity and high levels of factor VIII inhibitor. The patient was diagnosed as having acquired hemophilia A, for which steroid monotherapy was effective. Acquired hemophilia A is a rare but potentially fatal disease. Clinicians should be aware of this condition in patients presenting with sudden hemorrhage after PEG or other endoscopic treatments, even in those with no apparent history of bleeding.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Staple-line leak is the most serious complication of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) occurring in .5-7% of cases. Patients with this complication are often managed with an esophageal covered, self-expandable metal stent positioned at endoscopy. Unfortunately, migration of these stents has been reported in 30-50% of cases. A novel fully-covered, self-expanding metal stent (Megastent), specifically designed for post-LSG leaks is now available. The objective of this study was to describe the first case series of patients with a staple-line leak after LSG who were endoscopically managed with such a novel stent.
    METHODS: Four patients who developed a staple-line leak after LSG were treated by positioning a Megastent at endoscopy. The stents were removed after 8 weeks.
    RESULTS: A complete leak repair was achieved in all patients. No stent migration occurred. Prokinetic therapy was needed to treat vomiting episodes during stent presence. At endoscopic evaluation after stent removal, a decubitus lesion at the distal part of the duodenal bulb was observed.
    CONCLUSIONS: These preliminary results would suggest the use of the Megastent as an option for stenting of a staple-line leak after LSG. Further studies are still necessary.





