• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective: Despite alarming evidence on sexual violence against women, little is known about men\'s emotional responses to rape and how these may be involved in sexual violence dynamics. Accordingly, our aim was to capture how rape scenarios are emotionally appraised. Methods: The current study evaluated men\'s (N = 30) self-reported and psychophysiological emotional responses (facial EMG, electrodermal activity) to a rape scene, and contrasted it with their responses to stimuli depicting nonsexual violence and nonviolent male-female interactions. The associations between men\'s emotional responses and their endorsement of rape myths, personality, and sexual traits were also examined. Results: Findings revealed that the rape scene resulted in higher negative affect, both subjectively and indexed by increased facial EMG (corrugator activity), than the other two stimuli. Additionally, personality traits of neuroticism, lower agreeableness, lower consciousness, psychopathic tendencies, as well as lower sexual inhibition proneness, were all associated with higher subjective sexual arousal toward rape. Conclusions: Findings add to the literature on the putative emotional processes underpinning the appraisal of sexual violence against women.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The conventional argument that extraction efficiency depends on the \"basicity of the phosphoryl oxygen\" is thoroughly examined in this study. The analysis involves studying the electronic structures of various ligands, such as phosphate, phosphonate, phosphinate, and phosphine oxide, as well as variations in their alkyl chain length, and their corresponding uranium complexes. The studies revealed a significant amount of destabilizing strain and steric repulsion for ligands having longer alkyl chains upon complexation. A considerable amount of stabilizing orbital and dispersion interactions compensate for these repulsions, forming stable complexes. Dispersion interactions become more significant upon chain elongation and are mainly responsible for the preference for U(VI) metal ions by ligands with lengthy alkyl chain units. The preference of phosphine oxide ligands for U(VI) is analyzed within the context of enhanced orbital interactions resulting from the energetically close donor (ligand) and acceptor (metal nitrate) orbitals. Additionally, dispersion-based interactions also become significant, especially with larger chain lengths. The electronegative environment around the phosphorus atom, along with the existence of low-dipole moment structures, is also examined in relation to their possible role in solvent extraction and their influence on the selectivity of ligands for uranyl species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Electronic paper (E-paper) screens use electrophoretic ink to provide paper-like low-power displays with advanced networking capabilities that may potentially serve as an alternative to traditional whiteboards and television display screens in hospital settings. E-paper may be leveraged in the emergency department (ED) to facilitate communication. Providing ED patient status updates on E-paper screens could improve patient satisfaction and overall experience and provide more equitable access to their health information.
    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to pilot a patient-facing digital whiteboard using E-paper to display relevant orienting and clinical information in real time to ED patients. We also sought to assess patients\' satisfaction after our intervention and understand our patients\' overall perception of the impact of the digital whiteboards on their stay.
    METHODS: We deployed a 41-inch E-paper digital whiteboard in 4 rooms in an urban, tertiary care, and academic ED and enrolled 110 patients to understand and evaluate their experience. Participants completed a modified Hospital Consumer Assessment of Health Care Provider and Systems satisfaction questionnaire about their ED stay. We compared responses to a matched control group of patients triaged to ED rooms without digital whiteboards. We designed the digital whiteboard based on iterative feedback from various departmental stakeholders. After establishing IT infrastructure to support the project, we enrolled patients on a convenience basis into a control and an intervention (digital whiteboard) group. Enrollees were given a baseline survey to evaluate their comfort with technology and an exit survey to evaluate their opinions of the digital whiteboard and overall ED satisfaction. Statistical analysis was performed to compare baseline characteristics as well as satisfaction.
    RESULTS: After the successful prototyping and implementation of 4 digital whiteboards, we screened 471 patients for inclusion. We enrolled 110 patients, and 50 patients in each group (control and intervention) completed the study protocol. Age, gender, and racial and ethnic composition were similar between groups. We saw significant increases in satisfaction on postvisit surveys when patients were asked about communication regarding delays (P=.03) and what to do after discharge (P=.02). We found that patients in the intervention group were more likely to recommend the facility to family and friends (P=.04). Additionally, 96% (48/50) stated that they preferred a room with a digital whiteboard, and 70% (35/50) found the intervention \"quite a bit\" or \"extremely\" helpful in understanding their ED stay.
    CONCLUSIONS: Digital whiteboards are a feasible and acceptable method of displaying patient-facing data in the ED. Our pilot suggested that E-paper screens coupled with relevant, real-time clinical data and packaged together as a digital whiteboard may positively impact patient satisfaction and the perception of the facility during ED visits. Further study is needed to fully understand the impact on patient satisfaction and experience.
    BACKGROUND: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04497922; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04497922.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gold leaching is an important process to extract gold from ore. Conventional alkaline cyanide process and alternative nontoxic lixiviants including thiosulfate, thiourea, thiocyanate, and halogen have been widely investigated. However, density functional theory (DFT) study on the gold complexes Au(CN)2-, Au(S2O3)23-, Au[SC(NH2)2]2+, Au(SCN)2-, and AuCl2- required for discovering and designing new highly efficient and environmentally friendly gold leaching reagents is lacking, which is expected to support constructive information for the discovery and designation of new high-efficiency and environmentally friendly gold leaching reagents. In this study, the structure information, electron-transferring properties, orbital interaction, and chemical bond composition for complexes Au(CN)2-, Au(S2O3)23-, Au[SC(NH2)2]2+, Au(SCN)2-, and AuCl2- depending on charge decomposition analysis (CDA), natural bond orbital (NBO), natural resonance theory (NRT), electron localization function (ELF), and energy decomposition analysis (EDA) were performed based on DFT calculation. The results indicate that there is not only σ-donation from ligand to Au+, but also electron backdonation from Au+ to ligands, which strengthens the coordinate bond between them. Compared with Cl-, ligands CN-, S2O32-, SC(NH2)2, and SCN- have very large covalent contribution to the coordinate bond with Au+, which explains the special stability of Au-CN and Au-S bonds. The degree of covalency and bond energy in Au-ligand bonding decreases from Au(CN)2-, Au(S2O3)23-, Au[SC(NH2)2]2+, Au(SCN)2-, to AuCl2-, which interprets the stability of the five complexes: Au(CN)2- > Au(S2O3)23- > Au[SC(NH2)2]2+ > Au(SCN)2- > AuCl2-.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Measuring psychophysiological signals of adolescents using unobtrusive wearable sensors may contribute to understanding the development of emotional disorders. This study investigated the feasibility of measuring high quality physiological data and examined the validity of signal processing in a school setting. Among 86 adolescents, a total of more than 410 h of electrodermal activity (EDA) data were recorded using a wrist-worn sensor with gelled electrodes and over 370 h of heart rate data were recorded using a chest-strap sensor. The results support the feasibility of monitoring physiological signals at school. We describe specific challenges and provide recommendations for signal analysis, including dealing with invalid signals due to loose sensors, and quantization noise that can be caused by limitations in analog-to-digital conversion in wearable devices and be mistaken as physiological responses. Importantly, our results show that using toolboxes for automatic signal preprocessing, decomposition, and artifact detection with default parameters while neglecting differences between devices and measurement contexts yield misleading results. Time courses of students\' physiological signals throughout the course of a class were found to be clearer after applying our proposed preprocessing steps.







  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Several unobtrusive sensors have been tested in studies to capture physiological reactions to stress in workplace settings. Lab studies tend to focus on assessing sensors during a specific computer task, while in situ studies tend to offer a generalized view of sensors\' efficacy for workplace stress monitoring, without discriminating different tasks. Given the variation in workplace computer activities, this study investigates the efficacy of unobtrusive sensors for stress measurement across a variety of tasks. We present a comparison of five physiological measurements obtained in a lab experiment, where participants completed six different computer tasks, while we measured their stress levels using a chest-band (ECG, respiration), a wristband (PPG and EDA), and an emerging thermal imaging method (perinasal perspiration). We found that thermal imaging can detect increased stress for most participants across all tasks, while wrist and chest sensors were less generalizable across tasks and participants. We summarize the costs and benefits of each sensor stream, and show how some computer use scenarios present usability and reliability challenges for stress monitoring with certain physiological sensors. We provide recommendations for researchers and system builders for measuring stress with physiological sensors during workplace computer use.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The selectivity of phosphoryl P(O)R3, sulfoxide S(O)R2, and carbonyl C(O)R2 (R = NH2, CH3, OH, and F) derivatives with lanthanide cations (La3+, Eu3+, Lu3+) was studied by density functional theory calculations. Theoretical approaches were also used to investigate energy and the nature of metal-ligand interaction in the model complexes. Atoms in molecules and natural bond orbital (NBO) analyses were accomplished to understand the electronic structure of ligands, L, and the related complexes, L-Ln3+. NBO analysis demonstrated that the negative charge on phosphoryl, carbonyl, and sulfoxide oxygen (OP, OC, and OS) has maximum and minimum values when the connected -R groups are -NH2 and -F. The metal-ligand distance declines as, -F > -OH > -CH3 > -NH2. Charge density at the bond critical point and on the lanthanide cation in the L-Ln3+ complexes varies in the order -F < -OH < -CH3 < -NH2, due to greater ligand to metal charge transfer, which is well explained by energy decomposition analysis. It was also illustrated that E(2) values of Lp(N) → σ*(Y-N) vary in the order P=O ˃ S=O ˃ C=O and the related values of Lp(N) → σ*(Y=O) change as C=O ˃ S=O ˃ P=O in (NH2)nYO ligands (Y = P, C, and S). Trends in the L-Ln3+ CP-corrected bond energies are in good accordance with the optimized OY⋯Ln distances. It seems that, comparing the three types of ligands studied, NH2-substituted are the better coordination ligands. Graphical Abstract Density functional theory (B3LYP) calculations were used to compare structural, electronic and energy aspects of lanthanide (La, Eu, Lu) complexes of phosphine derivatives with those of carbonyls and sulfoxides in which the R- groups connected to the P=O, C=O and S=O are -NH2, -CH3, -OH and -F.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Myocardial infarction (MI) can lead to irreversible adverse left ventricular remodeling resulting in subsequent severe dysfunction. The objective of this study was to investigate the potential for biodegradable, elastomeric patch implantation to positively alter the remodeling process after MI in a porcine model.
    METHODS: Yorkshire pigs underwent a 60-minute catheter balloon occlusion of the left circumflex artery. Two weeks after MI animals underwent epicardial placement of a biodegradable, porous polyurethane (poly(ester urethane)urea; PEUU) patch (MI+PEUU, n = 7) or sham surgery (MI+sham, n = 8). Echocardiography before surgery and at 4 and 8 weeks after surgery measured the end-diastolic area (EDA) and fractional area change (%FAC). All animals were humanely killed 8 weeks after surgery and hearts were histologically assessed.
    RESULTS: At 8 weeks, echocardiography revealed greater EDA values in the MI+sham group (23.6 ± 6.6 cm(2), mean ± standard deviaation) than in the MI+PEUU group (15.9 ± 2.5 cm(2)) (P < .05) and a lower %FAC in the MI+sham group (24.8 ± 7.6) than in the MI+PEUU group (35.9 ± 7.8) (P < .05). The infarcted ventricular wall was thicker in the MI+PEUU group (1.56 ± 0.5 cm) than in the MI+sham group (0.91 ± 0.24 cm) (P < .01).
    CONCLUSIONS: Biodegradable elastomeric PEUU patch implantation onto the porcine heart 2 weeks post-MI attenuated left ventricular adverse remodeling and functional deterioration and was accompanied by increased neovascularization. These findings, although limited to a 2-month follow-up, may suggest an attractive clinical option to moderate post-MI cardiac failure.





