Direct access

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Neck pain (NP) is the second most common musculoskeletal disorder. Spinal cysts (SCs) are cystic dilatations of the synovial sheaths in joints and tendons. SCs are extremely rare in the cervical spine. Typically, patients are unaware of having an SC due to its asymptomatic nature; however, when cervical SC extends, its volume could compress the surrounding structures, such as the hypoglossal nerve. Isolated hypoglossal nerve palsy (HNP) is very rare and typically presents with unilateral atrophy of the musculature of the tongue and contralateral tongue deviation. Often, patients with HNP also report occipital/neck pain. A 75-year-old man with occipital/neck pain as a primary complaint. Although difficult to observe because of the filtering facepiece two mask, difficulties in articulation and sialorrhea during the interview were noticed. These latter were cues to consider CN examination that revealed CN XII palsy. This prompted a referral for further examination that revealed an SC compressing the right hypoglossal canal. The patient was not considered a surgical candidate and was managed conservatively. This case report outlines the relevant findings relating to the triage of a rare isolated hypoglossal nerve palsy from the physiotherapist\'s perspective within a complex setting because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although referred with a diagnosis of cervical radiculopathy, our case highlights that skilled physiotherapists may play a fundamental role in both the recognition and, when applicable, subsequent novel management of a non-musculoskeletal presentation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Background: Haglund\'s syndrome (HS) is a painful condition that is caused by an exostosis of the posterior superior part of the calcaneus coupled with Achilles tendinopathy and retrocalcaneal bursitis. Both for the proper musculoskeletal assessment and for the differential diagnosis process of possible concurrent diseases deriving from other anatomical areas, the diagnosis of HS is still a challenge. Case Presentation: A 41-year-old male amateur runner was diagnosed and treated for low back pain and referred leg pain by his general practitioner. Due to ineffective results, he self-presented to a physical therapist (PT) with intense right heel pain, radiating up to the leg and to the lumbopelvic region. Results: The PT\'s examination and interview relating to the sports activities led to the correct diagnosis and a proper orthopedic referral. At the one-year follow-up, the patient reported regular pain-free marathon running. Discussion: This case report highlights the central role of PTs working in direct access environments as primary care healthcare professionals for the management of musculoskeletal diseases, and their abilities in identifying patients with suspected pathologic conditions that may need referral for imaging, medical assessment or surgical intervention.







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    文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Elbow pain is common in young gymnasts and is frequently encountered by physical therapists working in direct access outpatient clinics. Most elbow pain is benign; however, non-specific symptoms can mask serious medical pathologies, as is the case with osteochondritis dissecans (OCD). OCD is a joint condition in which bone underneath the cartilage of a joint dies due to lack of blood flow. Risk factor analysis, palpable joint tenderness and swelling, joint locking, and a history of high intensity repetitive activities may inform the clinical reasoning; however, the diagnosis of OCD is best made using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The purpose of this case report is to describe the main components of the history and physical examination that led to OCD differential diagnosis.
    METHODS: A 12-year-old female gymnast presented to an outpatient physical therapy clinic with right elbow pain following a compressive trauma. The decision was made to refer the patient for diagnostic imaging evaluation due to localized joint swelling and point tenderness over the radial head, elbow pain with compressive loading, the presence of demographic risk factors, and a recent worsening in her symptoms after a second trauma. MRI subsequently revealed OCD associated with external humeral condyle bone marrow edema. The patient underwent surgical repair.
    RESULTS: The follow-up MRI at five months post-surgically reported a \"excellent graft integration\". A post-operative progressive load management program was initiated, with full return to sport achieved at 10 months after surgery.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case report highlights the central role of primary care clinicians, such as physical therapists, in identifying patients with suspected pathologic conditions that may need referral for imaging, medical assessment, or surgical intervention. Physical therapists working in direct access environments should be aware of subtle signs/symptoms and specific risk factors that may be indicative of serious pathologies.
    METHODS: Level 4.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Background: Nonspecific low back pain (LBP) is frequently managed by physiotherapists. However, physiotherapists in a direct access setting may encounter patients with serious medical conditions, such as Bone Marrow Edema Syndrome (BMES) of the hip with symptoms mimicking LBP. To our knowledge, this is the first case to describe hip BMES presenting as LBP. Diagnosis was based on the patient\'s symptoms in conjunction with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In order to avoid misdiagnosing the patient, primary care clinicians should be aware that BMES can mimic nonspecific LBP. Objective: To present a rare clinical presentation of BMES of the hip mimicking nonspecific LBP. To the best of the author\'s knowledge, this is the first case to describe hip BMES presenting as mechanical nonspecific LBP. Case presentation: This case report describes the history, examination findings, and clinical reasoning used for a patient with LBP as a chief complaint. Furthermore, the clinical presentation (i.e. pain location and its changes related to load) and the symptoms behavior (i.e. immediate symptoms decrease after few hip treatment sessions and quick worsening of the hip pain related to loading activities) after two treatment sessions increased the suspicion of an underlying medical condition of the hip joint and lead to the decision for additional evaluation. A MRI showed a serious hip BMES. Conclusions: This case report highlights the importance of including a comprehensive and continuous differential diagnostic process throughout the treatment period, looking for those risk factors (i.e. red flags) that warrant further investigation and referral to the appropriate physician. Physiotherapy diagnosis should include clinical reasoning, clinical presentation, and symptom behavior in addition to appropriate referral for medical assessment and diagnostic imaging when appropriate. Physiotherapists working within a direct access environment have the competence and responsibility to participate with other health professionals in the differential diagnose process especially for patients presenting with serious pathology mimicking musculoskeletal disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Legislative gains in the US allow physical therapists to function in expanded scopes of practice including direct access and referral to specialists. The combination of direct access with privileges to order imaging studies directly offers a desirable practice status for many physical therapists, especially in musculoskeletal focused settings. Although direct access is legal in all US jurisdictions, institutional-based physical therapy settings have not embraced these practices. Barriers cited to implementing direct access with advanced practice are concerns over medical and administrative opposition, institutional policies, provider qualifications and reimbursement. This administrative case report describes the process taken to allow therapists to see patients without a referral and to order diagnostic imaging studies at an academic medical center. Nine-month implementation results show 66 patients seen via direct access with 15% referred for imaging studies. Claims submitted to 20 different insurance providers were reimbursed at 100%.
    CONCLUSIONS: While institutional regulations and reimbursement are reported as barriers to direct access, this report highlights the process one academic medical center used to implement direct access and advanced practice radiology referral by updating policies and procedures, identifying advanced competencies and communicating with necessary stakeholder groups. Favorable reimbursement for services is documented.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The ankle is the most commonly injured joint during athletic activity. While ankle sprains are certainly the most common injury, ankle fractures can occur frequently. One type of ankle fracture with a reportedly low incidence is the isolated posterior malleolar fracture. Because of the low incidence, isolated posterior malleolar fractures can present a diagnostic challenge. The purpose of this case report is to describe the diagnostic process used for this rare injury that occurred in a physically active college-aged female who injured her ankle when landing from a fall during performance on a military obstacle course.
    METHODS: A 19 year old female United States Military Academy cadet presented to a direct access physical therapy clinic. She was limping, not using any assistive device, and was wearing an ace bandage around her right ankle/foot. Two days earlier she fell from a \"10 foot high\" structure while performing the military obstacle course. She did not recall details of impact, but she was told by several bystanders that it appeared that she landed on her right foot followed immediately by a transition to her buttocks and then to her back.
    RESULTS: Ottawa Ankle Rules and ligamentous testing were negative; however, she was tender to palpation just anterior to the achilles tendon and lateral to the posterior edge of the medial malleolus. Based on mechanism of injury and tenderness of the posterior ankle, a potential posterior ankle fracture was suspected and subsequently confirmed by radiographic studies of the ankle including standard radiographs and computerized tomography.
    CONCLUSIONS: While the Ottawa Ankle Rules are generally effective in detecting many types of ankle fractures, clinicians should not rely solely on such prediction rules. This case highlights the importance of completing a thorough history and performing a thorough physical examination. This case report focuses on differential diagnosis. It is important to consider all aspects of the patient evaluation process collectively instead of examination pieces individually.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The main problem for health professionals and patients in accessing information is that this information is very often distributed over many medical records and locations. This problem is particularly acute in cancerology because patients may be treated for many years and undergo a variety of examinations. Recent advances in technology make it feasible to gain access to medical records anywhere and anytime, allowing the physician or the patient to gather information from an \"ephemeral electronic patient record\". However, this easy access to data is accompanied by the requirement for improved security (confidentiality, traceability, integrity, ...) and this issue needs to be addressed. In this paper we propose and discuss a decentralised approach based on recent advances in information sharing and protection: Grid technologies and watermarking methodologies. The potential impact of these technologies for oncology is illustrated by the examples of two experimental cases: a cancer surveillance network and a radiotherapy treatment plan. It is expected that the proposed approach will constitute the basis of a future secure \"google-like\" access to medical records.






