Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)

扩散张量成像 (DTI)
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is considered feasible for the nerve plexuses\' imaging and quantitative evaluation but its value in the clinical practice is still virtually unexplored. We present the DTI profile of a case of acute varicella-zoster virus (VZV)-related brachial plexopathy. A 72-year-old woman presented with left upper-limb segmental paresis involving the spinal metamers C6-C7, preceded by a painful dermatomal vesicular eruption in C5-T1 dermatomes. Clinical and electrophysiological findings and magnetic resonance imaging indicated a plexus involvement. DTI analysis showed decreased fractional anisotropy (FA) and an increase of all the other diffusivity indexes, i.e., mean, axial, and radial diffusivity. The mechanisms underlying DTI parameter differences between healthy and pathologic brachial plexus sides could be related to microstructural fiber damage. Water diffusion is affected within the nerve roots by increasing the diffusion distance, leading to increased diffusion perpendicular to the largest eigenvalue and therefore to decreased FA values The role of DTI in clinical practice has not been defined yet. Additional quantitative and qualitative DTI information could improve the assessment and follow-up of brachial plexopathy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hemispatial neglect, the inability to attend to the contralesional side of space, is the most common disturbance of visuospatial attention. Both hemispatial neglect and visuospatial attention are typically associated with extended cortical networks. Nevertheless, recent accounts challenge this so-called corticocentric view and postulate the participation of structures well beyond the telencephalic cortex, in particular advocating the role of the brainstem. However, to the best of our knowledge, hemispatial neglect after a brainstem lesion has not yet been described. We describe, for the first time in a human, the occurrence and remission of contralesional visual hemispatial neglect after a focal lesion in the right pons. Hemispatial neglect was assessed by means of video-oculography during free visual exploration, a very sensitive and established method, and its remission was followed up until 3 wk after stroke. Moreover, by means of a lesion-deficit approach complemented by imaging, we identify a pathophysiological mechanism involving the disconnection of cortico-ponto-cerebellar and/or tecto-cerebellar-tectal pathways passing through the pons. Our findings offer, for the first time in a human, causal, lesion-based support for recent seminal accounts postulating the role of infratentorial structures participating in the activity of cerebral cortical attentional networks mediating attentional processes.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Visuospatial attention and its most common disturbance, hemispatial neglect, are typically associated with extended cortical networks. However, recent accounts challenge this corticocentric view and advocate the role of infratentorial structures. We describe, for the first time in a human, the occurrence of contralesional visual hemispatial neglect after a focal lesion in the right pons. We provide causal, lesion-based evidence for a pathophysiological mechanism involving the disconnection of cortico-ponto-cerebellar and/or tecto-cerebellar-tectal pathways passing through the pons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Device titration is a major challenge when using deep brain stimulation (DBS) to treat behavioral disorders. Unlike in movement disorders, there is no reliable real-time clinical feedback for changes in complex behaviors resulting from DBS. Here, a female patient receiving DBS of the nucleus accumbens for the treatment of morbid obesity underwent cognitive testing via the flanker task alongside traditional methods of device titration. One set of stimulation parameters administered during titration resulted in acute cognitive improvement (p = 0.033) and increased frontal engagement as measured by electroencephalography (left anterior: p = 0.007, right anterior: p = 0.005) relative to DBS-OFF. The same parameters resulted in the most weight-loss during long-term continuous stimulation (47.8 lbs lost in 129 days) compared to the results of other stimulation settings. Diffusion tensor imaging analyses showed increased connectivity to dorsal attention networks and decreased connectivity to the default mode network for optimal parameters (p < 0.01). Our results provide evidence that targeted cognitive testing is a potentially useful tool for capturing acute effects of DBS stimulation during titration and predicting long-term treatment outcomes.
    BACKGROUND: www.ClinicalTrials.gov, identifier: NCT01512134.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    In this manuscript we report the case of a 69-year-old female patient, who suffers from Parkinson\'s disease (PD) with a dilated Virchow-Robin space (dVRS) on the left anterior perforated substance. During a magnetic resonance imaging examination, the presence of a dVRS was discovered on the left anterior perforated substance. Subsequently, the patient has been subjected to further investigation of magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). The DTI data of our PD patient showed increased peak frequency of left fractional anisotropy and decreases in the distribution of Mean Diffusivity(MD) with changes in the fiber density compared to the normal contralateral tract. We hypothesize that the DTI changes are due to dVRS. In the text a review of the recent literature on the presence of dVRSs, located in mono and bilateral seat, in patients with PD is reported, explaining its possible implications on disease progression, cognitive decline, and worsening of symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alien hand syndrome (AHS) is a neurological illness characterized by limb movements which are carried out without being aware of it. Many patients describe these movements as aggressive and some perceive a strong feeling of estrangement and go so far as to deny ownership. The sense of body ownership is the perception that parts of one\'s body pertain to oneself, despite it is moving or not and if movement is intentional or unintentional. These anomalous self-experiences may arise in patients with focal brain lesions and provide unique opportunities to disclose the neural components underlying self-body perception. The feeling of foreignness described in AHS is often observed in post-central cortical lesions in the non-dominant hemisphere and is typical of the \"posterior alien hand variant\". We used Diffusion-Tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) in an unusual case of posterior AHS of the dominant hand in a professional pianist with corticobasal syndrome (CBS). The patient showed uncontrolled levitation with the right arm while playing the piano and perceived as if her hand had a \"mind of its own\" which prevented her from playing. MRI-scans show asymmetric brain atrophy, mainly involving left post-central regions and SPECT-Tc99m-ECD patterns of hypometabolism over the left parietal-occipital cortices. DT-MRI revealed extensive damage which comprised left fronto-temporal cortex and extends into the ipsilateral parietal cortex causing a disruption of corpus callosum (CC) projections from the rostrum to the splenium. Our case illustrates that posterior AHS may occur in the dominant hemisphere due to widespread damage, which exceed parietal cortex. The parietal lobe has been recognized as a multimodal association region that gets input from several networks and organizes motor output. We suggest that the disturbance to this pathway could result in disruption of motor output and associate an abnormal motor control and anomalous self-body perception.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We examined a rapid-cycling bipolar disorder patient who demonstrated manic episode regularly at around day 7 of the menstrual cycle. We hypothesize that gonadal hormones may induce a state-dependent change in cerebral microstructure and function. Following this hypothesis, the serum levels of estradiol and progesterone were analyzed and diffusion tensor imaging data were examined between the manic and euthymic states of the patient. Estradiol levels increased in the late follicular phase at manic state when compared to the luteal or early follicular phase at euthymic state. DTI results showed that the patient had increased fractional anisotropy values at manic state in the bilateral nucleus accumbens (NAc) and its connected areas, which is a major projection field of the mesolimbic dopamine (DA) system, perhaps reflecting microstructural changes due to neuronal activation related to manic episodes. According to these results, we consider that the mesolimbic DA system of this patient has hypersensitivity to estradiol, and elevation of the estradiol level increases the activity of the dopaminergic system, which in turn may contribute to recurrent manic episodes. Our findings provide a clue for understanding how fluctuations in gonadal hormone may amplify or ameliorate the symptomatology of psychiatric disorders related to the menstrual cycle.





