Delivery Of Health Care

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) have a syndemic relationship with shared risk factors and complex interplay between genetic, environmental, socioeconomic, and pathophysiological mechanisms. CVD is among the most common comorbidities in patients with COPD and vice versa. Patients with COPD, irrespective of their disease severity, are at increased risk of CVD morbidity and mortality, driven in part by COPD exacerbations. Despite these known interrelationships, CVD is underestimated and undertreated in patients with COPD. Similarly, COPD is an independent risk-enhancing factor for adverse cardiovascular (CV) events, yet it is not incorporated into current CV risk assessment tools, leading to under-recognition and undertreatment. There is a pressing need for systems change in COPD management to move beyond symptom control towards a comprehensive cardiopulmonary disease paradigm with proactive prevention of exacerbations and adverse cardiopulmonary outcomes and mortality. However, there is a dearth of evidence defining optimal cardiopulmonary care pathways. Fortunately, there is a precedent to support systems-level change in the field of diabetes, which evolved from glycemic control to comprehensive multi-organ risk assessment and management. Key elements included integrated multidisciplinary care, intensive risk factor management, coordination between primary and specialist care, care pathways and protocols, education and self management, and disease-modifying therapies. This commentary article draws parallels between the cardiometabolic and cardiopulmonary paradigms and makes a case for systems change towards multidisciplinary, integrated cardiopulmonary care, using the evolution in diabetes care as a potential framework.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As the healthcare market continues to evolve, technology plays a growing role in an integrated delivery system\'s ability to provide high-quality, cost-effective care. Healthcare leaders must be proactive and forward-thinking about their technology investments because the financial investment for technology innovation can be significant. Healthcare leaders must deliberately design the role of technology and develop a consistent method for evaluating, identifying, and prioritizing technology investments. The article describes technology\'s role in a healthcare organization as a window to the organization, a driver of business strategy, and a high-performance enabler. The article also develops a process for building a business case to ensure that an organization\'s technology investments are well-reasoned and will provide value. In addition, the article discusses the importance of combining people and process reengineering with new technology to exponentially increase the value of an organization. Healthcare leaders must understand the multiple roles of technology and consistently develop a business case when making technology investment decisions.






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    文章类型: Lecture
    The rapid and unprecedented climate changes driven by human-induced greenhouse gas emissions present a critical challenge for society today. However, the link between climate change and health remains inadequately explored in both literature and policy discussions. Thousands of individuals die each year in the United States due to climate-related factors, including extreme temperatures, severe weather, air pollution, and vector-borne diseases, and these health impacts disproportionately affect already vulnerable populations. Climate change is not just an environmental concern but also an imminent threat to individual and population health, as well as a major challenge to health equity. Moreover, the health sector significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Recognizing their roles as health care providers and contributors to the climate crisis, clinicians and health professionals have a moral obligation to emphasize the profound significance of climate impacts on human health and equity. This lecture provides an overview of efforts by the U.S. National Academy of Medicine and others to address the intersection of climate change and health, with an aim to raise awareness about the immediate threats to patient health and to build a proactive path forward for the health sector. The health sector must unite to collectively tackle these challenges, safeguard patient well-being, and promote the common good in the face of climate-induced health crises.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Addressing socioeconomic inequalities in health and healthcare, and reducing avoidable hospital admissions requires integrated strategy and complex intervention across health systems. However, the understanding of how to create effective systems to reduce socio-economic inequalities in health and healthcare is limited. The aim was to explore and develop a system\'s level understanding of how local areas address health inequalities with a focus on avoidable emergency admissions.
    METHODS: In-depth case study using qualitative investigation (documentary analysis and key informant interviews) in an urban UK local authority. Interviewees were identified using snowball sampling. Documents were retrieved via key informants and web searches of relevant organisations. Interviews and documents were analysed independently based on a thematic analysis approach.
    RESULTS: Interviews (n = 14) with wide representation from local authority (n = 8), NHS (n = 5) and voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector (n = 1) with 75 documents (including from NHS, local authority, VCSE) were included. Cross-referenced themes were understanding the local context, facilitators of how to tackle health inequalities: the assets, and emerging risks and concerns. Addressing health inequalities in avoidable admissions per se was not often explicitly linked by either the interviews or documents and is not yet embedded into practice. However, a strong coherent strategic integrated population health management plan with a system\'s approach to reducing health inequalities was evident as was collective action and involving people, with links to a \"strong third sector\". Challenges reported include structural barriers and threats, the analysis and accessibility of data as well as ongoing pressures on the health and care system.
    CONCLUSIONS: We provide an in-depth exploration of how a local area is working to address health and care inequalities. Key elements of this system\'s working include fostering strategic coherence, cross-agency working, and community-asset based approaches. Areas requiring action included data sharing challenges across organisations and analytical capacity to assist endeavours to reduce health and care inequalities. Other areas were around the resilience of the system including the recruitment and retention of the workforce. More action is required to embed reducing health inequalities in avoidable admissions explicitly in local areas with inaction risking widening the health gap.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study aims to describe the Libyan oral health care system in terms of its structure, function, workforce, funding, reimbursement and target groups.
    METHODS: A single descriptive case study approach and multiple sources of data collection were used to provide an in-depth understanding of the Libyan oral health care system. A purposeful sample of the key informants (Managers of oral health centers, dentists of various specialties with experience in the field, dentists, nurses, dental technicians, and officials in the affairs of medical insurance) was recruited. The case and its boundaries were guided by the study\'s aim. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses were conducted. Descriptive statistics were used for quantitative data. Framework analysis, informed by the study objectives, was used to analyze interviews and documents.
    RESULTS: The analysis showed that oral health services are integrated into medical services. The provision of dental care is mainly treatment-based, in the private sector. The oral health services in the public sector are mainly emergency care and exodontia. The dental workforce included in the study were mostly dentists (89% General Dental Practitioners (GDPs), 11% specialists), with a marked deficiency in dental technicians and nurses. Around 40% of dentists work in both the private and public sectors. The government provides the funding for the public sector, but the private sector is self-funded. No specific target group(s) nor clear policies were reported. However, the system is built around primary health care as an overarching policy. Dental caries is the most common oral problem among Libyan preschool children affecting around 70% and is the most common cause of tooth loss among adults.
    CONCLUSIONS: The oral health care system in Libya is mainly privatized. The public health services are poorly organized and malfunctioning. There is an urgent need to develop policies and plans to improve the oral health care system in Libya.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Patient and family partners are being increasingly engaged worldwide in processes aimed at the quality improvement (QI) of healthcare services. There is also growing interest in documenting these engagement processes within organizations to share and improve them. To support the provincial implementation of this approach, the Quebec\'s ministry of health and social services published, in 2018, the \"Framework for the partnership approach between patients, their families and health and social service stakeholders\". However, while this framework provides guidelines by describing each partner\'s role and the ways in which patient and family partners should be engaged in QI processes, it remains unclear how these recommendations were actually used and implemented by different healthcare organizations. The aim of this paper is to present the protocol of a multiple case study that is being conducted to document how this approach was implemented in different large healthcare organizations in Quebec. This study is being conducted in partnership with a patient partner/co-researcher.
    METHODS: This qualitative multiple case study will be conducted in four large healthcare organizations in Quebec. Twelve to 15 key respondents will be recruited for each case. Data will be collected from multiple sources: 1) semi-structured individual interviews with the key respondents, 2) non-participant observations of the meetings of the QI committee engaging PFPs and 3) analysis of documents describing the implementation context, vision, structures and/or processes. The framework method will be used to conduct intracase and intercase qualitative data analysis.
    CONCLUSIONS: The multiple cases included will allow for comparisons between different ways of engaging PFPs in QI processes within an organization, the factors influencing these practices, their advantages and disadvantages, and their implementation outcomes. The conclusions drawn from this study will allow us to make recommendations regarding PFP engagement in the QI of care and services and to propose implementation examples for other organizations wishing to design and implement PFP engagement initiatives in their context in Quebec or elsewhere.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Decentralised and evidence-informed health systems rely on managers and practitioners at all levels having sufficient \'decision space\' to make timely locally informed and relevant decisions. Our objectives were to understand decision spaces in terms of constraints and enablers and outline opportunities through which to expand them in an understudied rural context in South Africa.
    METHODS: This study examined decision spaces within Mpumalanga Province, using data and insights generated through a participatory action research process with local communities and health system stakeholders since 2015, which was combined with published documents and research team participant observation to produce findings on three core domains at three levels of the health system.
    RESULTS: Although capacity for decision making exists in the system, accessing it is frequently made difficult due to a number of intervening factors. While lines of authority are generally well-defined, personal networks take on an important dimension in how stakeholders can act. This is expressed through a range of informal coping strategies built on local relationships. There are constraints in terms of limited formal external accountability to communities, and internal accountability which is weak in places for individuals and focused more on meeting performance targets set at higher levels and less on enabling effective local leadership. More generally, political and personal factors are clearly identified at higher levels of the system, whereas at sub-district and facility levels, the dominant theme was constrained capacity.
    CONCLUSIONS: By examining the balance of authority, accountability and capacity across multiple levels of the provincial health system, we are able to identify emergent decision space and areas for enlargement. Creating spaces to support more constructive relationships and dialogue across system levels emerges as important, as well as reinforcing horizontal networks to problem solve, and developing the capacity of link-agents such as community health workers to increase community accountability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In Belgium, oral HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is primarily provided in specialized clinical settings. Optimal implementation of PrEP services can help to substantially reduce HIV transmission. However, insights into implementation processes, and their complex interactions with local context, are limited. This study examined factors that influence providers\' adaptive responses in the implementation of PrEP services in Belgian HIV clinics.
    METHODS: We conducted a qualitative multiple case study on PrEP care implementation in eight HIV clinics. Thirty-six semi-structured interviews were conducted between January 2021 and May 2022 with a purposive sample of PrEP care providers (e.g. physicians, nurses, psychologists), supplemented by 50 hours of observations of healthcare settings and clinical interactions. Field notes from observations and verbatim interview transcripts were thematically analysed guided by a refined iteration of extended Normalisation Process Theory.
    RESULTS: Implementing PrEP care in a centralized service delivery system required considerable adaptive capacity of providers to balance the increasing workload with an adequate response to PrEP users\' individual care needs. As a result, clinic structures were re-organized to allow for more efficient PrEP care processes, compatible with other clinic-level priorities. Providers adapted clinical and policy norms on PrEP care (e.g. related to PrEP prescribing practices and which providers can deliver PrEP services), to flexibly tailor care to individual clients\' situations. Interprofessional relationships were reconfigured in line with organizational and clinical adaptations; these included task-shifting from physicians to nurses, leading them to become increasingly trained and specialized in PrEP care. As nurse involvement grew, they adopted a crucial role in responding to PrEP users\' non-medical needs (e.g. providing psychosocial support). Moreover, clinicians\' growing collaboration with sexologists and psychologists, and interactions with PrEP users\' family physician, became crucial in addressing complex psychosocial needs of PrEP clients, while also alleviating the burden of care on busy HIV clinics.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study in Belgian HIV clinics reveals that the implementation of PrEP care presents a complex-multifaceted-undertaking that requires substantial adaptive work to ensure seamless integration within existing health services. To optimize integration in different settings, policies and guidelines governing PrEP care implementation should allow for sufficient flexibility and tailoring according to respective local health systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article





