Datasets as Topic

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and pre-diabetes mellitus (pre-DM) has been increasing among youth in recent decades in the United States, prompting an urgent need for understanding and identifying their associated risk factors. Such efforts, however, have been hindered by the lack of easily accessible youth pre-DM/DM data.
    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to first build a high-quality, comprehensive epidemiological data set focused on youth pre-DM/DM. Subsequently, we aimed to make these data accessible by creating a user-friendly web portal to share them and the corresponding codes. Through this, we hope to address this significant gap and facilitate youth pre-DM/DM research.
    METHODS: Building on data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from 1999 to 2018, we cleaned and harmonized hundreds of variables relevant to pre-DM/DM (fasting plasma glucose level ≥100 mg/dL or glycated hemoglobin  ≥5.7%) for youth aged 12-19 years (N=15,149). We identified individual factors associated with pre-DM/DM risk using bivariate statistical analyses and predicted pre-DM/DM status using our Ensemble Integration (EI) framework for multidomain machine learning. We then developed a user-friendly web portal named Prediabetes/diabetes in youth Online Dashboard (POND) to share the data and codes.
    RESULTS: We extracted 95 variables potentially relevant to pre-DM/DM risk organized into 4 domains (sociodemographic, health status, diet, and other lifestyle behaviors). The bivariate analyses identified 27 significant correlates of pre-DM/DM (P<.001, Bonferroni adjusted), including race or ethnicity, health insurance, BMI, added sugar intake, and screen time. Among these factors, 16 factors were also identified based on the EI methodology (Fisher P of overlap=7.06×106). In addition to those, the EI approach identified 11 additional predictive variables, including some known (eg, meat and fruit intake and family income) and less recognized factors (eg, number of rooms in homes). The factors identified in both analyses spanned across all 4 of the domains mentioned. These data and results, as well as other exploratory tools, can be accessed on POND.
    CONCLUSIONS: Using NHANES data, we built one of the largest public epidemiological data sets for studying youth pre-DM/DM and identified potential risk factors using complementary analytical approaches. Our results align with the multifactorial nature of pre-DM/DM with correlates across several domains. Also, our data-sharing platform, POND, facilitates a wide range of applications to inform future youth pre-DM/DM studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Systematic reviews and meta-analyses typically require significant time and effort. Machine learning models have the potential to enhance screening efficiency in these processes. To effectively evaluate such models, fully labeled datasets-detailing all records screened by humans and their labeling decisions-are imperative. This paper presents the creation of a comprehensive dataset for a systematic review of treatments for Borderline Personality Disorder, as reported by Oud et al. (2018) for running a simulation study. The authors adhered to the PRISMA guidelines and published both the search query and the list of included records, but the complete dataset with all labels was not disclosed. We replicated their search and, facing the absence of initial screening data, introduced a Noisy Label Filter (NLF) procedure using active learning to validate noisy labels. Following the NLF application, no further relevant records were found. A simulation study employing the reconstructed dataset demonstrated that active learning could reduce screening time by 82.30% compared to random reading. The paper discusses potential causes for discrepancies, provides recommendations, and introduces a decision tree to assist in reconstructing datasets for the purpose of running simulation studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant phenotyping experiments are conducted under a variety of experimental parameters and settings for diverse purposes. The data they produce is heterogeneous, complicated, often poorly documented and, as a result, difficult to reuse. Meeting societal needs (nutrition, crop adaptation and stability) requires more efficient methods toward data integration and reuse. In this work, we examine what \"making data FAIR\" entails, and investigate the benefits and the struggles not only of reusing FAIR data, but also making data FAIR using genotype by environment and QTL by environment interactions for developmental traits in potato as a case study. We assume the role of a scientist discovering a phenotypic dataset on a FAIR data point, verifying the existence of related datasets with environmental data, acquiring both and integrating them. We report and discuss the challenges and the potential for reusability and reproducibility of FAIRifying existing datasets, using metadata standards such as MIAPPE, that were encountered in this process.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    This paper presents a study on the dynamics of sentiment polarisation in the active online discussion communities formed around a controversial topic-immigration. Using a collection of tweets in the Swedish language from 2012 to 2019, we track the development of the communities and their sentiment polarisation trajectories over time and in the context of an exogenous shock represented by the European refugee crisis in 2015. To achieve the goal of the study, we apply methods of network and sentiment analysis to map users\' interactions in the network communities and quantify users\' sentiment polarities. The results of the analysis give little evidence for users\' polarisation in the network and its communities, as well as suggest that the crisis had a limited effect on the polarisation dynamics on this social media platform. Yet, we notice a shift towards more negative tonality of users\' sentiments after the crisis and discuss possible explanations for the above-mentioned observations.






  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    Increasing domestic rapeseed production is an important national goal in China. Researchers often use tools such as crop models to determine optimum management practices for new varieties to increased production. The CROPGRO-Canola model has not been used to simulate rapeseed in China. The overall goal of this work was to identify key inputs to the CROPGRO-Canola model for calibration with limited datasets in the Yangtze River basin. First, we conducted a global sensitivity analysis to identify key genetic and soil inputs that have a large effect on simulated days to flowering, days to maturity, yield, above-ground biomass, and maximum leaf area index. The extended Fourier amplitude test method (EFAST) sensitivity analysis was performed for a single year at 8 locations in the Yangtze River basin (spatial analysis) and for seven years at a location in Wuhan, China (temporal analysis). The EFAST software was run for 4520 combinations of input parameters for each site and year, resulting in a sensitivity index for each input parameter. Parameters were ranked using the top-down concordance method to determine relative sensitivity. Results indicated that the model outputs of days to flowering, days to maturity, yield, above-ground biomass, and maximum leaf area index were most sensitive to parameters that affect the duration of critical growth periods, such as emergence to flowering, and temperature response to these stages, as well as parameters that affect total biomass at harvest. The five model outputs were also sensitive to several soil parameters, including drained upper and lower limit (SDUL and SLLL) and drainage rate (SLDR). The sensitivity of parameters was generally spatially and temporally stable. The results of the sensitivity analysis were used to calibrate and evaluate the model for a single rapeseed experiment in Wuhan, China. The model was calibrated using two seasons and evaluated using three seasons of data. Excellent nRMSE values were obtained for days to flowering (≤1.71%), days to maturity (≤ 1.48%), yield (≤ 9.96%), and above-ground biomass (≤ 9.63%). The results of this work can be used to guide researchers on model calibration and evaluation across the Yangtze River basin in China.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Automated language analysis of radiology reports using natural language processing (NLP) can provide valuable information on patients\' health and disease. With its rapid development, NLP studies should have transparent methodology to allow comparison of approaches and reproducibility. This systematic review aims to summarise the characteristics and reporting quality of studies applying NLP to radiology reports.
    We searched Google Scholar for studies published in English that applied NLP to radiology reports of any imaging modality between January 2015 and October 2019. At least two reviewers independently performed screening and completed data extraction. We specified 15 criteria relating to data source, datasets, ground truth, outcomes, and reproducibility for quality assessment. The primary NLP performance measures were precision, recall and F1 score.
    Of the 4,836 records retrieved, we included 164 studies that used NLP on radiology reports. The commonest clinical applications of NLP were disease information or classification (28%) and diagnostic surveillance (27.4%). Most studies used English radiology reports (86%). Reports from mixed imaging modalities were used in 28% of the studies. Oncology (24%) was the most frequent disease area. Most studies had dataset size > 200 (85.4%) but the proportion of studies that described their annotated, training, validation, and test set were 67.1%, 63.4%, 45.7%, and 67.7% respectively. About half of the studies reported precision (48.8%) and recall (53.7%). Few studies reported external validation performed (10.8%), data availability (8.5%) and code availability (9.1%). There was no pattern of performance associated with the overall reporting quality.
    There is a range of potential clinical applications for NLP of radiology reports in health services and research. However, we found suboptimal reporting quality that precludes comparison, reproducibility, and replication. Our results support the need for development of reporting standards specific to clinical NLP studies.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Machine learning (ML) algorithms are now increasingly used in infectious disease epidemiology. Epidemiologists should understand how ML algorithms behave within the context of outbreak data where missingness of data is almost ubiquitous.
    Using simulated data, we use a ML algorithmic framework to evaluate data imputation performance and the resulting case fatality ratio (CFR) estimates, focusing on the scale and type of data missingness (i.e., missing completely at random-MCAR, missing at random-MAR, or missing not at random-MNAR).
    Across ML methods, dataset sizes and proportions of training data used, the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve decreased by 7% (median, range: 1%-16%) when missingness was increased from 10% to 40%. Overall reduction in CFR bias for MAR across methods, proportion of missingness, outbreak size and proportion of training data was 0.5% (median, range: 0%-11%).
    ML methods could reduce bias and increase the precision in CFR estimates at low levels of missingness. However, no method is robust to high percentages of missingness. Thus, a datacentric approach is recommended in outbreak settings-patient survival outcome data should be prioritised for collection and random-sample follow-ups should be implemented to ascertain missing outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To determine the risk of hospital admission with covid-19 and severe covid-19 among teachers and their household members, overall and compared with healthcare workers and adults of working age in the general population.
    Population based nested case-control study.
    Scotland, March 2020 to July 2021, during defined periods of school closures and full openings in response to covid-19.
    All cases of covid-19 in adults aged 21 to 65 (n=132 420) and a random sample of controls matched on age, sex, and general practice (n=1 306 566). Adults were identified as actively teaching in a Scottish school by the General Teaching Council for Scotland, and their household members were identified through the unique property reference number. The comparator groups were adults identified as healthcare workers in Scotland, their household members, and the remaining general population of working age.
    The primary outcome was hospital admission with covid-19, defined as having a positive test result for SARS-CoV-2 during hospital admission, being admitted to hospital within 28 days of a positive test result, or receiving a diagnosis of covid-19 on discharge from hospital. Severe covid-19 was defined as being admitted to intensive care or dying within 28 days of a positive test result or assigned covid-19 as a cause of death.
    Most teachers were young (mean age 42), were women (80%), and had no comorbidities (84%). The risk (cumulative incidence) of hospital admission with covid-19 was <1% for all adults of working age in the general population. Over the study period, in conditional logistic regression models adjusted for age, sex, general practice, race/ethnicity, deprivation, number of comorbidities, and number of adults in the household, teachers showed a lower risk of hospital admission with covid-19 (rate ratio 0.77, 95% confidence interval 0.64 to 0.92) and of severe covid-19 (0.56, 0.33 to 0.97) than the general population. In the first period when schools in Scotland reopened, in autumn 2020, the rate ratio for hospital admission in teachers was 1.20 (0.89 to 1.61) and for severe covid-19 was 0.45 (0.13 to 1.55). The corresponding findings for household members of teachers were 0.91 (0.67 to 1.23) and 0.73 (0.37 to 1.44), and for patient facing healthcare workers were 2.08 (1.73 to 2.50) and 2.26 (1.43 to 3.59). Similar risks were seen for teachers in the second period, when schools reopened in summer 2021. These values were higher than those seen in spring/summer 2020, when schools were mostly closed.
    Compared with adults of working age who are otherwise similar, teachers and their household members were not found to be at increased risk of hospital admission with covid-19 and were found to be at lower risk of severe covid-19. These findings should reassure those who are engaged in face-to-face teaching.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The field of transcriptional regulation generally assumes that changes in transcripts levels reflect changes in transcriptional status of the corresponding gene. While this assumption might hold true for a large population of transcripts, a considerable and still unrecognized fraction of the variation might involve other steps of the RNA lifecycle, that is the processing of the premature RNA, and degradation of the mature RNA. Discrimination between these layers requires complementary experimental techniques, such as RNA metabolic labeling or block of transcription experiments. Nonetheless, the analysis of the premature and mature RNA, derived from intronic and exonic read counts in RNA-seq data, allows distinguishing between transcriptionally and post-transcriptionally regulated genes, although not recognizing the specific step involved in the post-transcriptional response, that is processing, degradation, or a combination of the two. We illustrate how the INSPEcT R/Bioconductor package could be used to infer post-transcriptional regulation in TCGA RNA-seq samples for Hepatocellular Carcinoma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scientific knowledge cannot be seen as a set of isolated fields, but as a highly connected network. Understanding how research areas are connected is of paramount importance for adequately allocating funding and human resources (e.g., assembling teams to tackle multidisciplinary problems). The relationship between disciplines can be drawn from data on the trajectory of individual scientists, as researchers often make contributions in a small set of interrelated areas. Two recent works propose methods for creating research maps from scientists\' publication records: by using a frequentist approach to create a transition probability matrix; and by learning embeddings (vector representations). Surprisingly, these models were evaluated on different datasets and have never been compared in the literature. In this work, we compare both models in a systematic way, using a large dataset of publication records from Brazilian researchers. We evaluate these models\' ability to predict whether a given entity (scientist, institution or region) will enter a new field w.r.t. the area under the ROC curve. Moreover, we analyze how sensitive each method is to the number of publications and the number of fields associated to one entity. Last, we conduct a case study to showcase how these models can be used to characterize science dynamics in the context of Brazil.





