DNA, Chloroplast

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Kiwifruit (Actinidiaceae family) is an economically important fruit tree in China and New Zealand. It is a typical dioecious plant that has undergone frequent natural hybridization, along with chromosomal ploidy diversity within the genus Actinidia, resulting in higher genetic differences and horticultural diversity between interspecific and intraspecific traits. This diversity provides a rich genetic base for breeding. China is not only the original center of speciation for the Actinidia genus but also its distribution center, housing the most domesticated species: A. chinensis var. chinensis, A. chinensis var. deliciosa, A. arguta, and A. polygama. However, there have been relatively few studies on the application of DNA markers and the genetic basis of kiwifruit plants. By combining information from chloroplast-specific SNPs and nuclear SCoT (nSCoT) markers, we can uncover complementary aspects of genetic variation, population structure, and evolutionary relationships. In this study, one chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) marker pair was selected out of nine cpDNA candidate pairs. Twenty nSCoT markers were selected and used to assess the population structure and chloroplast-specific DNA haplotype diversity in 55 kiwifruit plants (Actinidia), including 20 samples of A. chinensis var. chinensis, 22 samples of A. chinensis var. deliciosa, 11 samples of A. arguta, and two samples of A. polygama, based on morphological observations collected from China.
    RESULTS: The average genetic distance among the 55 samples was 0.26 with chloroplast-specific SNP markers and 0.57 with nSCoT markers. The Mantel test revealed a very small correlation (r = 0.21). The 55 samples were categorized into different sub-populations using Bayesian analysis, the Unweighted Pair Group Method with the Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA), and the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method, respectively. Based on the analysis of 205 variable sites, a total of 15 chloroplast-specific DNA haplotypes were observed, contributing to a higher level of polymorphism with an Hd of 0.78. Most of the chloroplast-specific DNA haplotype diversity was distributed among populations, but significant diversity was also observed within populations. H1 was shared by 24 samples, including 12 of A. chinensis var. chinensis and 12 of A. chinensis var. deliciosa, indicating that H1 is an ancient and dominant haplotype among the 55 chloroplast-specific sequences. H2 may not have evolved further.The remaining haplotypes were rare and unique, with some appearing to be exclusive to a particular variety and often detected in single individuals. For example, the H15 haplotype was found exclusively in A. polygama.
    CONCLUSIONS: The population genetic variation explained by chloroplast-specific SNP markers has greater power than that explained by nSCoTs, with chloroplast-specific DNA haplotypes being the most efficient. Gene flow appears to be more evident between A. chinensis var. chinensis and A. chinensis var. deliciosa, as they share chloroplast-specific DNA haplotypes, In contrast, A.arguta and A. polygama possess their own characteristic haplotypes, derived from the haplotype of A. chinensis var. chinensis. Compared with A. chinensis, the A.arguta and A. polygama showed better grouping. It also seems crucial to screen out, for each type of molecular marker, especially haplotypes, the core markers of the Actinidia genus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Quaternary climatic oscillations had tremendous effects on the current distribution of species. Here, we aim to elucidate the glacial history of Rhodiola crenulata, a perennial herb almost exclusively restricted to rock crevices on mountain peaks, and to test whether the nunatak or massif de refuge hypotheses could explain its distribution pattern.
    Six haplotypes and six ribotypes were detected in the cpDNA data set and the ITS data set, respectively. The divergence of R. crenulata and its closest relatives was dated have occurred ca. 0.65 Mya, during the Naynayxungla glaciation on the QTP. Mismatch distribution analysis suggested that the species experienced a range expansion around 0.31 Mya. Populations with high genetic and haplotype diversity were found on the QTP platform as well in the Hengduan Mountains. The ecological niche modeling results showed that there were suitable habitats on both the QTP platform and in the Hengduan Mountains during the LGM.
    Our results support a scenario that both nunataks and the massif de refuge hypotheses could explain the distribution of R. crenulata. We also confirmed that Quaternary climatic oscillations could promote plant speciation in some circumstances. This study adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting that the QTP plant lineages exhibited diverse reactions to the Quaternary climatic oscillations.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bignoniaceae is an important component of neotropical forests and a model for evolutionary and biogeographical studies. A previous combination of molecular markers and morphological traits improved the phylogeny of the group. Here we demonstrate the value of next-generation sequencing (NGS) to assemble the chloroplast genome of eight Anemopaegma species and solve taxonomic problems.
    Three NGS platforms were used to sequence total DNA of Anemopaegma species. After genome assembly and annotation, we compared chloroplast genomes within Anemopaegma, with other Lamiales species, and the evolutionary rates of protein-coding genes using Tanaecium tetragonolobum as the outgroup. Phylogenetic analyses of Anemopaegma with different data sets were performed.
    Chloroplast genomes of Anemopaegma species ranged from 167,413 bp in A. foetidum to 168,987 bp in A. acutifolium (\"typical\" form). They exhibited a characteristic quadripartite structure with a large single-copy region (75,070-75,761 bp), a small single-copy region (12,766-12,817 bp) and a pair of inverted repeat regions (IRs) (39,480-40,481) encoding an identical set of 112 genes. An inversion of a fragment with ca. 8 kb, located in the IRs and containing the genes trnI-AAU, ycf2, and trnL-CAA, was observed in these chloroplast genomes when compared with those of other Lamiales.
    Anemopaegma species have the largest genomes within the Lamiales possibly due to the large amount of repetitive sequences and IR expansion. Variation was higher in coding regions than in noncoding regions, and some genes were identified as markers for differentiation between species. The use of the entire chloroplast genome gave better phylogenetic resolution of the taxonomic groups. We found that two forms of A. acutifolium result from different maternal lineages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Chloroplasts have their own genomes, independent from nuclear genomes, that play vital roles in growth, which is a major targeted trait for genetic improvement in Populus. Angiosperm chloroplast genomes are maternally inherited, but the chloroplast\' variation pattern of poplar at the single-base level during the transmission from mother to offspring remains unknown.
    RESULTS: Here, we constructed high-quality and almost complete chloroplast genomes for three poplar clones, \'NL895\' and its parents, \'I69\' and \'I45\', from the short-read datasets using multi-pass sequencing (15-16 times per clone) and ultra-high coverage (at least 8500× per clone), with the four-step strategy of Simulation-Assembly-Merging-Correction. Each of the three resulting chloroplast assemblies contained contigs covering > 99% of Populus trichocarpa chloroplast DNA as a reference. A total of 401 variant loci were identified by a hybrid strategy of genome comparison-based and mapping-based single nucleotide polymorphism calling. The genotypes of 94 variant loci were different among the three poplar clones. However, only 1 of the 94 loci was a missense mutation, which was located in the exon region of rpoC1 encoding the β\' subunit of plastid-encoded RNA polymerase. The genotype of the loci in NL895 and its female parent (I69) was different from that of its male parent (I45).
    CONCLUSIONS: This research provides resources for further chloroplast genomic studies of a F1 full-sibling family derived from a cross between I69 and I45, and will improve the application of chloroplast genomic information in modern Populus breeding programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Fritillaria comprises approximately 130 perennial herbaceous species. In the Pharmacopoeia of the People\'s Republic of China, the bulbs of 11 Fritillaria species are used in Chinese herbal medicines. However, the traditional methods of morphological classification cannot accurately identify closely related species of Fritillaria. Previous studies have attempted to identify these species with universal molecular markers, but insufficient phylogenetic signal was available. In this study, the complete chloroplast genomes of eight Fritillaria species were compared. The length of the eight Fritillaria chloroplast genomes ranges from 151,009 bp to 152,224 bp. A total of 136 SSR loci were identified, including 124 polymorphic SSR loci. For large repeat sequences, 108 repeat loci and four types of repeats were observed. Ten highly variable regions were identified as potential molecular markers. These SSRs, large repeat sequences and highly variable regions provide important information for the development of genetic markers and DNA fingerprints. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the topological structures of all data sets (except the IR regions) were in complete agreement and well resolved. Overall, this study provides comprehensive chloroplast genomic resources, which will be valuable for future studies of evolution and species identification in Fritillaria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mitogenome is rarely used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of plants, contrary to nuclear and plastid markers. Here, we evaluate the usefulness of mitochondrial DNA for molecular evolutionary studies in Oleaceae, in which cases of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and of potentially contrasted organelle inheritance are known. We compare the diversity and the evolution of mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes by focusing on the olive complex and related genera. Using high-throughput techniques, we reconstructed complete mitogenomes (ca. 0.7 Mb) and plastomes (ca. 156 kb) for six olive accessions and one Chionanthus. A highly variable organization of mitogenomes was observed at the species level. In olive, two specific chimeric genes were identified in the mitogenome of lineage E3 and may be involved in CMS. Plastid-derived regions (mtpt) were observed in all reconstructed mitogenomes. Through phylogenetic reconstruction, we demonstrate that multiple integrations of mtpt regions have occurred in Oleaceae, but mtpt regions shared by all members of the olive complex derive from a common ancestor. We then assembled 52 conserved mitochondrial gene regions and complete plastomes of ten additional accessions belonging to tribes Oleeae, Fontanesieae and Forsythieae. Phylogenetic congruence between topologies based on mitochondrial regions and plastomes suggests a strong disequilibrium linkage between both organellar genomes. Finally, while phylogenetic reconstruction based on plastomes fails to resolve the evolutionary history of maternal olive lineages in the Mediterranean area, their phylogenetic relationships were successfully resolved with complete mitogenomes. Overall, our study demonstrates the great potential of using mitochondrial DNA in plant phylogeographic and metagenomic studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sand rice (Agriophyllum squarrosum (L.) Moq.) is an annual shrub-like plant adapted to the mobile sand dunes in desert and semi-desert regions of Asia. It has a balanced nutrient composition with relatively high concentration of lipids and proteins, which results in its nutrition being similar to legumes. Sand rice\'s proteins contain the full range of essential amino acids. However, calories content is more similar to wheat. These features together with desert stress resistance make sand rice a potential food crop resilient to ongoing climate change. It is also an important fodder crop (on young stages of growth) for cattle in arid regions of Kazakhstan. In our work, sand rice samples were collected from two distant regions of Kazakhstan as a part of the nation-wide project to determine genetic variation of the native flora.
    RESULTS: Samples were collected in western and southeastern parts of Kazakhstan separated by distances of up to 1300 km. Sequences of the nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region and the chloroplast matK gene confirmed the identity of species defined by morphological traits. Comparison with GenBank sequences revealed polymorphic sequence positions among Kazakh populations and GenBank references, and suggested a distinction among local populations of sand rice. The phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide sequences showed a clear partition of A. squarrosum (L.) Moq. from Agriophyllum minus Fisch. & C.A. Mey, which grows in the same sand dunes environment.
    CONCLUSIONS: DNA barcoding analyses of ITS and matK sequences showed a segregation of A. squarrosum from A. minus into separate clades in Maximum-Likelhood dendrograms. ITS analysis can be successfully used to characterize A. squarrosum populations growing quite distant from each other. The data obtained in this work provide the basis for further investigations on A. squarrosum population structure and may play a role in the screening of sand rice plants growing in desert and semi-desert environments of Central Asia and China.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This project examines the relationships within the genus Zea using complete plastid genomes (plastomes). While Zea mays has been well studied, congeneric species have yet to be as thoroughly examined. For this study four complete plastomes and a fifth nearly complete plastome were sequenced in the five species (Zea diploperennis, Zea perennis, Zea luxurians, Zea nicaraguensis, and Zea mays subsp. huehuetenangensis) by Sanger or next-generation methods. An analysis of the microstructural changes, such as inversions, insertion or deletion mutations (indels) and determination of their frequencies were performed for the complete plastomes. It was determined that 193 indels and 15 inversions occurred across the examined plastomes of Zea. Tandem repeat indels were the most common type of microstructural change observed. Divergence times were estimated using a noncorrelated relaxed clock method. Divergence dates for specific nodes relative to Zea were calculated to fall between 38,000 years before present (YBP) for the subspecies included in this study and 23,000 YBP for section Luxuriantes included in this study. The stem lineage of all Zea species was calculated to have diverged at 176,000 YBP. The calculated mutation rates for the genus fell within the range of 1.7E-8 to 3.5E-8 microstructural changes per site per year. These rates of change are not uniform, despite the close relationships of taxa in this study. Phylogenomic analyses using full plastome alignments were also conducted to compare tree topologies from different types of mutations. In most cases, the previous work examining Zea mitochondrial and nuclear data was confirmed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Local adaptation to different environments has the potential to maintain divergence between populations despite recurrent gene flow and is an important driver for generating biological diversity. In this study, we investigate the role of adaptation in the maintenance of two parapatric varieties of a forest tree. We used sequence variation of chloroplastic DNA and restriction site-associated DNA to investigate the genetic structure of two varieties of Castanopsis carlesii in subtropical China and relate it to climatic variation. We used niche reconstruction methods to investigate niche differentiation between the two varieties and to estimate the past distribution of this species. A deep divergence was observed between the two varieties, but evidence of introgression and genetic admixture was detected in two phenotypically and geographically intermediate populations. Niche reconstruction suggests that the distribution of the two varieties was disjunct during periods of global cooling and that the two varieties occupy significantly different niches. The genetic structure was mainly driven by environmental factors, and 13 outlier loci under divergent selection were correlated with climatic variation. These results suggest that the two varieties evolved in allopatry and came back into secondary contact after the last glacial maximum and that they are an evolutionary example of divergence maintained by climatic selection despite recurrent gene flow.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Macaronesian laurel forest is among the worldwide hotspots of threatened biodiversity. With increasing evidence that woodland composition on the Canary Islands changed dramatically during the last few thousand years, the aim of this study was to find evidence for substantial recent population dynamics of two representative species from laurel forest.
    Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was used to evaluate fine-scaled genetic variation of the paradigmatic tree Laurus novocanariensis (Lauraceae) and a long-lived herbaceous gentian from core laurel forest, Ixanthus viscosus (Gentianaceae), on Tenerife. Bioclimatic variables were analysed to study the respective climate niches. A chloroplast DNA screening was performed to evaluate additional genetic variation.
    Genetic diversity of the laurel tree showed severe geographic partitioning. On Tenerife, fine-scaled Bayesian clustering of genetic variation revealed a western and an eastern gene pool, separated by a zone of high admixture and with a third major gene pool. Compared with genetic clusters found on the other Canary Islands, the East-West differentiation on Tenerife seems to be more recent than differentiation between islands. This is substantiated by the finding of extremly low levels of chloroplast DNA-based polymorphisms. Ixanthus showed no geographic structuring of genetic variation.
    Genetic data from Tenerife indicate contemporary gene flow and dispersal on a micro/local scale rather than reflecting an old and relic woodland history. In particular for Laurus, it is shown that this species occupies a broad bioclimatic niche. This is not correlated with its respective distribution of genetic variation, therefore indicating its large potential for contemporary rapid and effective colonization. Ixanthus is more specialized to humid conditions and is mostly found in the natural Monteverde húmedo vegetation types, but even for this species indications for long-term persistence in the respective bioclimatically differentiated regions was not find.





